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File: Hot_orange.jpg -(395145 B, 1691x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
395145 No.15630  

So, there was a lack of NodoSaki lately, I'm trying to compensate for that with some disgustingly cute J.O.C★e.go!!


>> No.15631  
File: JOCego.txt -(4374 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's my first attempt at a translation, luckily this wasn't that hard.

But still I would like to ask for a QC and a typesetter for this one.

>> No.15632  


>- It seems I'm the only one who came today-

(今のところまだ <- it might be others will come)
Yes, until now no one else has shown up.

>- Here you go,

(Your sentence is unfinished)
"I hope you like it."

>I will prepare it soon, please sit down while you wait.

I will prepare it right now, please sit down while you wait.

>warm angel (TL: how can you interpret warm any other way? Feels kinda inappropriate)

Maybe "warmhearted"? (just looking at a thesaurus)

>What's this, it's only you two gathered here? (TL: I wasn't sure about this one. I tried to interpret it as best as I could.)

Yes, but "gather" isn't needed.
"is it just you two?"

>Why is your face so bright red?
>(TL: could be wrong at this one too.)

It's like this, but it's fine either way. そないに is slang for そんなに.
What happened, with your face beet red?

>N-no, it's just because of the sunlight

N-no, it's just because of the sunlight that it appears flushed.

>H-Hot! (TL note: Maybe 'Ouch! Hot!' would be better?)

Yeah, that would sound better.

>> No.15633  
File: JOCego_1.1.txt -(4302 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ah, thank you. I mistakenly sent in the one that had a line untranslated, my apologies, I left that one untranslated.

So here's the updated one. Nevertheless, I'm kinda confused about the greeting at the beginning. It says 'Good morning', but as the story tells us, it's already sunset. I suspect 'ごきげんよう' would better. Good morning sounds kinda awkward to me in the situation though.

>> No.15636  


>I'm kinda confused about the greeting at the beginning. It says 'Good morning', but as the story tells us, it's already sunset.

That's interesting, good catch. I googled 夕方でおはよう and got this:
So it can be used as a greeting when you haven't met that person yet today, even in the evening. So you can use "Good afternoon".

>> No.15637  
File: JOCego_1.2.txt -(4330 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Welp. It was worth coming here, I learnt something new.

And here's the (hopefully) final version.

>> No.15919  

I'll edit this, its pretty short.

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