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File: Screenshot_2023-12-31_at_1.56.48_PM.jpg -(249279 B, 1374x1956) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
249279 No.26644  

Ok, this is both a bit of a passion project as well as a history lesson. Octave was one of the first yuri series back in the day to really tell a complex, realistic, adult lesbian love story without unrequited love or someone dying off. It somewhat marked the move into the yuri scene we know now.

While I appreciate that it was an important scanalated project at the time, there's been things about the translation that bothered me. In celebration of the fact that Akiyama-sensei got another series, and spurred on by a comment by @Cryssoberyl , I decided to re-translate volume one. I'll likely do further volumes depending on time and interest, but I doubt any group will pick up such an old, completed project. In any case, I think my version reads better, and I hope you enjoy revisiting what I consider to be a classic yuri story.


>> No.26645  
File: Octave Vol 01.txt -(44866 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Tons of boobies and sex, but way less sexy than you may want; whiny lesbian who gets way better over time; a classic, well told story that might not sit well with everyone who has school uniforms in their eyes.

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