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File: Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 10.38.22 AM.jpg -(240646 B, 1424x1976) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
240646 No.26731  

Take a set of twins, season them with shitty parents, and see what kind of twisty psychological tensions you get. If you like internal struggles, this may be for you. 97 pages.


>> No.26732  
File: Our Love At The Core Of It.txt -(15003 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Incest; fountain pens as some sort of leaky metaphor; At least one friend isn't dumb as a brick.

>> No.26786  

Surprisingly didn’t take that long, since there’s no SFX. I also discovered that there is an official English translation, but TL and TS are both very bad (see for yourself: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112511074) so I’m glad I did this anyway.

I actually know someone IRL named Rie with shitty parents and a twin sister who was their closest friend for all of childhood. I don’t think they’re quite as close as these two though…


>> No.26804  

thru page 50 (51-end are missing)

pg10 pn4: Capitalize "Mum"? Its capitalized everywhere else in the story.
pg12 pn3: "WAS seeing them fighting all the time"
pg13 pn2: I think the tl text works better here, rather than just "still..." Carries more weight.
pg20 pn1: Missing "these" before feelings
pg22 pn1: Missing comma after "hug is that"
pg22 pn3: Either "I haven't" instead of "I've never" or drop "yet"
pg32 pn1: Missing "to" - "mean TO you"
pg38 pn3: Don't need "the college". Just college. I don't think they're meaning there's only one college in the town.
pg46 pn3: uncapitalize "were"

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