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File: rankakulemming01.jpg -(1107026 B, 1430x2015) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1107026 No.756  


This is a request for something that has already been scanlated by akayuuki.

A few reasons why I'm requesting this:

Example pictures from scanlated release and raw can be found in these two posts:

akayuuki release download:

>> No.1045  

I would like to edit this!
Just need someone to translate it, or at least review what has been done and translate what's missing.

>> No.2046  

anyone have Vol. 12 of this series?

it seems to be the only volume not widely available. I'd be interested in editing it

>> No.3112  

New link: http://www.mediafire.com/?vjlawwm8gdt2w6y

Signing up as editor, if CaptainVonCookie isn't around anymore.

>> No.3129  

Hey! Nowadays I can only come by once every blue moon. So by all means if you get someone to translate it or any other project I signed up for go ahead!! As long as Nanzaki Iku is being shared I'm happy! Plus, props for stepping up on all other projects, can't wait to read it all!

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