A Horoscope That Goes Around Comes Around by Tsutsui TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —423 -2 Kadoma-san, you made the same mistake before, right? -3 I-I’m sorry… I… uh… didn’t notice… I don’t need you to apologize. -4 Please be sure to make notes of any work related instructions I give you. sfx- sigh A Horoscope That Goes Around Comes Around Tsutsui -5 If your your review is negated by laziness, then it’s meaningless. This is something that effects everyone, ok?! -6 Geeez ###above head sfx- Whisper Chief Miyasaki’s pissed again? -7 Poor Kadoma-san. sfx- Whisper It wasn’t even that big of a deal… ###ignore side and bottom banners —424 -1 sfx- Glare Crap, she’s looking this way! -2 sfx- Nnn Yes… -3 T-tears?! sfx- Sniff -4 Kadoma-san, be sure bring me a written explanation later. -5 Scaaary! The solitary queen! Chief Miyazaki of the PR department! -6 Even though Kadoma-san is trying her best… sfx- Whisper -7 Oh, she’s pissed yet again. Seriously… But Kadoma-san can expect to get chewed out, right? -8 Since the boss has to take responsibility for subordinates’ mistakes… 36th Public Relations Sub-committee regular meeting ###board sfx- Whisper —424 -1 sfx- Whisper ### repeated She was in operations before, right? Why’d she come here? Seems like that dept wanted to get rid of her. She’s harsh, huh? Forget lovers, she won’t eve be able to have friends with a personality like that. -3 The stress just piles up! Just get offa my back already! sfx- Clang -4 Grr… That makes me so mad! sfx- Pissed ###repeated I’m just surrounded by people who can’t get their work done! -5 Aren’t you making too much of a deal out of this? ###handwritten Nothing but malicious gossipers in this new department! -6 Grr Grr It’s not like I wanted this transfer or anything! ### When you work in a big Japanese company, you often get transferred to different divisions every few years to gain diverse experience. —424 -1 Ok! Perfect! sfx- Clap -2 Happy birthday to me! Aaaah -3 Mei-chan’s special Acqua Pazza! sfx- Ta-dah I tried adding a little bay leaf I had left over, and it’s really made the whole flavor pop. There’s nothing like having fresh herbs. Maybe I should grow some on the veranda. sfx- Mutter mutter -5 sfx- Clink That’s was delicious. -6 Sigh… sfx- Clatter I’m sighing more recently. -7 Scrub Scrub —427 -1 I don’t have lover, but when I had one, I didn’t like the hit on my free time. -2 Similarly, I don’t like the restrictions or dependence that comes with having friends. sfx- Workin’ on the chores sfx- Ba Dah Dah ### I think this is a radio… -3 I’ve given up on finding someone worthy of spending time on. -4 Don’t give other people trouble. Just live your own life. -5 That’s how I was raised by my parents. sfx- Whumpf -6 Yeah… No one’s remembered my birthday. Not like anyone would… No New Messages ###screen —428 -1 I recently realized… That when you don’t need anyone… -2 You become someone that’s not needed by anyone. Ah… -3 An update notification… -4 Noriko’s still uploading photos? Wow, she keep it up… sfx- swipe swipe -5 Yeah, she’s sure cute… And acts young… Even though we’re the same age… ###handwritten 50 Likes —429 -1 Noriko’s a friend I met in Middle School. -2 She was unique. And hung out with me, who was all silent and aloof. -3 We were often together, but complete opposites. Simple and innocent, she had this knack of getting everyone to love her. -4 Sfx- Grin sfx- Wave Big eyes. Cheery personality. Always smiling, always making everything a little brighter. That was Noriko. —430 -1 We had sex only once. -2 Back during our Middle School trip, we shared a hotel room. The reason was a “just cause, maybe sorta, kinda why not” type of thing. -3 I can still remember it now. A sensation like my heart was being shut away somehow, and… -5 The maelstrom of heat deep in my body. sfx- Shff —431 -1 The weather in Tokyo for tomorrow will be… It will be lovely autumn weather all day… -2 Whumpf -3 Right now, I’m living the self-reliant life. -4 So there’s no way I should feel lonely. -5 But… Somehow… There’s this massive… Emptiness. —432 -2 After these commercial messages, we’ll have your horoscope… Hm… For Gemini… -3 Ah, I left the TV on… It’s already six in the morning? sfx- Whssh For Leo… -4 And for all the Libras out there! …yeah? -5 You have maximum luck in the love department! You might be looking at the start of a new love! Love…? -6 Your lucky item is any of the UsaUsa-chan items! If you keep one on your person, you might find happiness! -433 -1 I hope you have a wonderful new encounter! -2 sfx- Beep sfx- Bwooo -3 sfx- Sigh Nrrg… I hate these “love conquers all” types. So stupid… I’d better start getting ready. -4 I mean, it’s fine to not be in love. -5 I’m living my own life… sfx- Shffff -6 The lucky item was an UsaUsa item, huh? -7 Mom bought this keychain for me a ways back. sfx- Jingle Nara ###on bunny’s t-shirt and tag —434 -1 All I have to do is put my house key on it. UsaUsa! ###handwritten -2 sfx- Shove ###right sfx- Yeah yeah yeah If it get’s in the way, I can just remove it from the keychain. It’s not because I believe in horoscopes or anything. -3 Vrrrrr -4 Huh? What? -5 Vrrrrr Vrrrrr -6 Vrrrrr Vrrrrr Clatter Clatter -7 Huh? Nn…! —435 -1 It’s from Noriko… -2 Mei! All good? Your birthday was yesterday! Congrats! (Sorry I couldn’t tell you yesterday) -3 Today I have an errand downtown. How ‘bout it? ###icon -4 You interested in lunch? It’s a place that should be close to your work! -5 N-no way… Could this be… -6 A new love…? Nara ### on bun —436 -1 No, no… Don’t go getting your hopes up after all this time… Haha… sfx- Whssh -2 …Nn -3 That scorching heat… It was only one time, but I remember that night. -4 I said it was stupid, but… sfx- Creak Is it possible for me to relive that heat one more time? -5 It might be the thing to fill the hole in my heart. sfx- Gulp -6 Maybe I’ll believe in horoscopes just a bit today. sfx- Tap —437 -1 Mei! -2 Sfx- Clamor ###repeated It’s been so long! Doing well? -3 Ah ###handwritten Noriko. -4 It’s been, what? A year? You haven’t changed. Sorry to invite you out of the blue this morning. You ok with time? Yeah. It’s my lunchtime and the place is close, so it’ll be fine. —438 -2 Oh, baby -3 Wow, looks soo good! sfx- Bam Tomato Sauce ###tiny letters -4 Thanks! I’ve been wanting to try this pasta! This makes me happy! -5 sfx- Nervous It’s been a while since we’ve eaten together, so I’m happy too. -6 You wanna get in this shot? sfx- Snap -7 Nah, I’ll pass… Wha? Aww, too bad. —439 -1 But pasta’s something you can make a home, right? sfx- Sigh… C’mon! This place make a sauce with heaps of organic vegetables! And I don’t cook for myself like you do, Mei! -2 So, uh… Why the invite today? Hm? -3 I was just in Hawaii until last week, and I’ll be busy moving next week, so it seemed like today was a good day for it. -4 If you’re that busy, you don’t have to make time for me… You’re the one that’s all busy, Mei. Ms. successful career woman! You rock! -5 And, I have something I wanted to give you, Mei. sfx- Rummage —440 -1 Yesterday was your birthday! Happy Birthday! It’s just a small thing, but I wanted to celebrate! -2 For me…? -3 Sorry it’s a day late… Can I open it? Of course! Go right ahead! -4 It’s a ceramic tea bowl… What a beautiful color! -5 Thank you! I’m really happy! -6 I wanted to give that to you today, Mei… and also, I wanted to ask you something in person… —441 -1 Mei, you know I’ve always admired you…. -2 You’ve always been there to give me a push when I’ve been uncertain about things… -3 I could always rely on you, and you’re so cool. I’ve always been jealous of you. And even as we’ve grown up, we see each other like this, and you’re such an important friend. -4 What with this, all the sudden? It’s something I can only ask you, Mei… —442 -1 I’m getting married in June. So… I’d like you to ask you to give a speech at the reception.. As someone representing my friends. -2 Wha? -3 And I want to introduce my fiancee too. How about we get together, the three of us, next time? —443 -1 Ah, right! Let me give you my new address, ok? -2 Since we’re moving into a house, it’ll be a little far from downtown… -3 sfx- Wave Thanks for today! When we pin down the details, I’ll be in touch! -4 Yeah, I’ll get right back to you. —444 -1 sfx- Clamor Clamor sfx- Beep -2 Kitchenette ###sign Ahaha… Geez, I suck… Really… -3 You’d think I’d be surprised. -4 But when Noriko said she was getting married, there was no shock at all. No reaction. Just the acceptance of the reality of it. sfx- Clatter -5 sfx- Jingle And the fact that I wasn’t shocked? -6 That’s what’s disappoints emotionless old me the most. sfx- Snap Getting my hopes up and going to see her? What an idiot… —445 -1 When she told me she was getting married… When she asked me to give a speech representing all her friends… -2 The first thing that floated up for me in that moment… -3 When I thought about the wedding prep, and having to write the speech… Was “what a pain”. -4 My own heart is already dead. I’m the most awful human being… sfx- Clench —446 -1 A new love today? Seriously? What the fuck? -2 When you live for yourself, you only think of yourself. Just when did it start being like that for me? ###box, bleeds into panel 3 The way I live, I just keep edging closer to that feeling of emptiness. -3 Slump -4 I don’t have the right to love another. I don’t have the right to be loved by another. -5 sfx- Ka-cha Huh —447 -1 sfx- Ka-thump Who…?! -2 Chief Miyazaki…? -3 Ah, um… I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were in here! sfx: Oh no -4 Kadoma-san… I’m, uh… sfx- Crap -5 sfx- Fidget Fidget Are you busy with something? -6 I’m cleaning up tea cups from a customer visit, but… But if I’m in your way, I can… -7 sfx- Twist sfx- Slip -8 Whoa… sfx- Wobble —448 -1 sfx- Trip Aaaaa… Eh? -2 Splish -3 sfx- Drip drip Aaaaaah ###handwritten Aaah…! Chief! I, uh… again! I’m sorry! I’ll get something to wipe it up! -4 Siiiiigh ###handwritten I’m fine, ok? But Kadoma-san… -6 You’re really careless… —449 -1 Look… Can you not tell others that I was in here by myself? Yes, of course I wont’ tell anyone. -2 Haaah It’ll be a pain if weird rumors start going around… sfx- Clink -3 And see? I’m thinking of nothing but myself again. sfx- Tink Ah! -4 sfx- Snatch Crap! They fell out… That’s not… It’s uh… -5 sfx- Mutter Chief Miyazaki has an UsuUsa keychain… -6 Um… Me too! sfx- Whish —450 -1 I’m a Libra, but… This was my lucky item today. I have one too. -3 We match! sfx- Jingle -4 When is your birthday, chief? I’d really like to know.