A Worthless Puppy On A Perfect Day for Cherry Blossoms TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - or example, panel one is -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left —609 -1 Tmp Tmp Tmp -2 Huh? Morning -3 Onee-chan, you’re leaving already? ‘cause it’s the new semester. Teachers have tons to do. Ok, I’m heading out. -4 Ah, right sfx- Click -4 Today There’s something to look forward to! —610 -2 Mmmm -3 I always wait for for her, but… Yeah, today might be a little… -4 Can I go on without you? Just A sec sfx- ba-ding -5 Five minutes later. Well, then… -6 Hey, wait up! —611 -1 Izumi! sfx- Whssh Ai… -2 You… You were about to leave -cough- without me, right!? I wasn’t, ‘kay? You liaaaaar! sfx- Hah wheeze wheeze -3 Before that, don’t you have something to say? I’m sorry I’m late! Very good. -4 I thought we were going to be late for the entrance ceremony. Ahaha Sorry, Sorry. —612 -1 Oh? Your sister has a new school starting today? Yeah. Don’t know where she got transferred. ### Public school teachers often get transferred to different schools within the school district every 2-3 years. -2 Maybe it’s our school? I wanna see your sister. ### handwritten Eh, not going to happen. -3 No, you never know, right? The world is smaller than you think… -4 Heh Eh? W-what? -5 sfx- Shhff —613 -1 Flower petal -3 It got you! -4 Th… anks… -5 sfx- Spin Hey —614 -1 I’d be awesome If we’re in the same class again. -2 …yeah sfx- Ding dong Bing Bong -3 Crap! The bell! Run for it! Geez This is all because you were running late! —615 -1 Debut in Yuri Hime! Excellent Heartwarming Student Yuri Story! ### in circle This moment, this feeling, is something special just for the two of them. A Worthless Puppy On A Perfect Day for Cherry Blossoms —616 -1 Well then Before the entrance ceremony I’ll briefly introduce myself. I’m going to be working as your homeroom teacher. My name is Toujyou Sayo. …jyou Sayo ### on blackboard Nice to meet you all. -2 Oh god, it is her…!!! ### bold or italicize “is” After this, we have the entrance ceremony, so we’ll head to the gym. -3 Onee-chan! —617 -1 Izumi-chan I didn’t know you were going to be a teacher at my school! And my homeroom teacher!? -2 Hehe I thought I’d surprise you. OH.MY.GOD. This this what you meant by “look forward to it”!? I wanted to tell you so bad! Keeping a secret was killing me! -3 And… You are…? Nishimura-san… is that right? Yes! -4 Izumi-cha… er… My Imouto’s friend? Yes? ### Younger sister sfx- Smile Please be nice to her from here on too. Y-yes!! -5 Ok, the gym! Don’t be late. —618 -2 Haaah Izumi’s onee-san. She’s so cool, huh? Yeah… Uh, what? -3 sfx- Scritch Scratch Ok, so this is… —619 -1 This’ll be on the test, so remember it, ok? Oookay -5 Sensei… —620 -1 Wah All that seems heavy! I’ll help you out! Really? Thank you. —621 -1 Hey… hey… Sensei… what’s she like at home? -3 sfx- Pause -4 Izumi? She’s… Not much different Than what you see, I think. —622 -3 sfx- Ah hah! Ah…! TouJyou Sensei is really grown up, huh? Soo cool, right? ### bold “soo cool” Uh She seems like she can really get the job done. I admire her, eh? ### bold “Admire her’ Uuuurgh -4 sfx- Jolt Heh —623 -1 Ahahaha Really… Izumi, you’re so… -2 Wha? Nah, never mind. -3 sfx: Nab Okie dokes! -4 Today, let’s go home holding hands like this! Eh? No way! Too embarrassing. Even though you say that, you’re not really embarrassed. Right? —624 -1 sfx- Out cold Mooom! -2 Onee-san’s dead on the couch! Let her sleep for a while. She seems tired. She laid down right after dinner. -3 Mmnng I still have to grade the quiz… -5 Hey! sfx- Poke —625 -1 sfx- Poke Poke sfx- Pokepokepokepoke sfx- Brrrrring Nnn… -2 sfx- Brrrrring Nn… Izumi-chan… Hand me my… sfx- Brrrrring YeahYeah You can just say “yeah” once… -3 sfx- Be-beep Yaaawn Hello? Mm Mm So… she’s got A boyfriend. Wha No, I’m not flaking out… -4 If Ai knew about it, -5 Just what would she think…? -6 Ka-cha —626 -1 Ah Here you are! -2 Geez! I searched all over for you, ok? -3 You won’t reply to texts Why the hell are you sleeping here? -4 Uh, yeah, I did spend lunch Thinking about things here, and then just… —627 -1 sfx- Shudder Is it after school!? Oh, dude. Homeroom is over, y’know? Toujyou-sensei what wondering what was going on. She was worried, ok? -2 sfx- Hmph It’s fine. I’m not a kid. She’s not worried. -4 But hey, Izumi, these last couple of days, you’ve been… -5 Pretty weird, you know! I-I haven’t been weird! Yes, you have! You won’t even meet my eyes. —628 -1 Did I do anything? If I did, I’ll apologize, ok? Ah, maybe you’re thinking something over? Talk to Toujyou-sensei, perhaps? Ai, you… -2 It’s ‘cause all you ever talk about is “Sensei” “Sensei”! -3 Ai… You’re always asking about her! Always watching her! -4 You must love her or something! That’s what I think… —629 -2 I had better -3 Before I hurt her Love… -4 I’d better tell Ai …me… Ok? Not her! Me! —630 -1 Please And then Love me! ### bold or italicize “me” -2 I’m begging you! —631 -3 You’re so dumb. -4 Yeah, I’ve been asking about Sensei, but It’s only because she’s your sister, Izumi. -5 Wha… -6 Izumi You and your sister You’re a lot alike, hm? Not just your face. But your presence and stuff. —632 -1 I was thinking “Izumi’s going to be cool like her in the future!” Beautiful. Cool. “This is what Izumi’s going to be like” That’s why I was always looking at her. -2 I know you’ve been jealous. But I didn’t know it’d been eating at you like that. -4 Sorry to make you worry. -4 …soo… The way I like her is not what you’re thinking. -5 In any case, I never would have though you’d say “Love me!” —633 -1 sfx- squeeze Eh Ah Wait a… -2 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -3 My heart has Always been beating this hard sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -4 You didn’t notice? How I felt? —634 -1 Wait! I’m gonna die of embarrassment here…! -2 C’mon What were you doing? Toujyou-san. -3 I’m sorry. —635 -1 Sleeping through afternoon classes? What’s done is done, but First thing tomorrow morning, I want a written reflection on your actions! Yes… -2 That’s what she said. Well, you were sleeping, so you were in the wrong. To be expected, right? ### handwritten sfx- Ka-chak -3 Ah, come to think of it. -4 Onee-san Has a boyfriend, it seems. Hmm? Well, she is a beauty. Since it’s her, lots of suitors for her hand, hm? -5 What’s with that face? Listen, it’s not like that for me with your sister, ok? sfx- Shiver Shiver -6 Geez I guess I gotta… sfx- Grab —636 -2 …you believe me with this? -3 I… Might not still believe you, maybe… Ok, ok. I guess I’ll have to do it One more time…