Corporate Slave Lady and Runaway Girl by Tatsunokosso TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. ### OL and JK story, but much more well written than most. Sweet story over all. ### The first two chapters have already been scanlated into English, but that group stopped three years ago and I’m not crazy about the translation, so I’m redoing them. ###There isn’t a table of contents, but the chapters are typically delineated by a half page splash like on page 17 —04 -1 Spaced ouuut. -2 I get it that she often comes home late, but… sfx- glance -3 She so late all the time! Isn’t she supposed to get off at six? ###handwritten -4 sfx- Slump So tired… —05 -1 I could just go to bed… sfx- roll -2 But if I did that, on weekdays I’d only see her in the mornings. -3 Night ###blue box I’m home Morning ###orange box See you later! Going already? ###grey text That’s just a little weird… -3 Maybe I’ll just mop or something. -4 Shhhhhf —06 -1 When I first came here… -2 It was unbelievable how messy things were. -3 Since I have so much free time, it’s gotten pretty clean tho… sfx- Sparkling -4 The layout of the kitchen still bugs me, but… I shouldn’t just go messing with it without permission. sfx- Klunk —07 -3 Ah, right. -4 I’m a runaway. I’m just a freeloader here. sfx- Roll -5 I better not forget it. -6 Ok, all done! -8 Ba-ding —08 -1 At the station Oh! -2 Maybe I’ll take a shower first. sfx- Shff -4 Forget it. I’ll stay like this. -5 sfx- Ka-cha I’m home… Welcome home. —09 -1 Wanna go home! sfx- Ka-dunk Ka-dunk ###or any other train sound sfx- Shiver Shiver -2 The work you guys do is soo boring. Sigh sfx- Jolt -3 Knocking back a strong drink ###repeated sfx- Gulp ### repeated sfx- Pssht ###top center -4 Wanna go home! sfx- Wheeze Wheeze —10 -1 It’s hard to get along in this world Where was that phrase from? Haha… -2 Five hours of overtime… Going home on a packed train… But once I’m home… I’m home… -3 sfx- Ka-cha Welcome home. -4 My wife is here! OMG Don’t just go making me your wife! -5 Eh? You’re not my wife? Then what are you? -6 You came to greet me at the door wearing an apron! That’s just ‘cuz I was too lazy to change! And… -7 And I’m just a freeloader here. Right? -8 So, you’re my angel! sfx- Point Will you listen! —11 -1 I’m sorry I’m coming home so late recently. It’s fine, ok? Are you lonely? It’s fine, ok? -2 You can avail yourself of my bosom for comfort. Ufufu Is all the overtime rotting your brain? -3 Geez. Good job today. Heh -4 Uwwwwaaah Yuki-chaaaaan Waah! sfx- Uuhhgyaaa You’re supposed to be the adult here! -5 Did anything happen today? Nothing much. Did my homework. Watched a movie. What about you, Naru-san? Me too. Nothing much. It’s just… sfx- Crick Crack -6 Phhst -7 There are things I wanna forget… Sigh… So something did happen… —12 -1 I don’t think it’s good to drink like that. GulpGulpGulpGulp GulpGulpGulpGulp I know, but I can’t stop myself. -2 Here. At least use a glass. Eh? -3 You’re gonna pour for me? Guess I gotta… sfx- Whooooa -4 Ah! You’re pouring too fast! GlubbaGlubbaGlubba -5 Well it’s gone flat, but since you poured for me, It feels like the alcohol content went up by 10%, Yuki-chan. You’re creeping me out. Ahahaha -6 Sorry. No, it really does taste better! -7 Yeah, it does taste better in a glass. Thanks, Yuki-chan! Hehehe -8 Ok, next time I want to try pouring again. She’s into it?! —13 -1 If I’m drinking like this, then I shoulda bought snacks. We have some wieners. Score! -2 Hehe I’m gonna make them into little octopuses. The legs crisp up and are yummy ###handwritten Two packs?! -3 Weren’t you the one telling me you were worried about your belly roll? Ah, yeah, ‘bout that… -4 I’m raising it with love. Just sounds like you’ve given up! -5 No, it’s not like that. You hear about it all the time. That soft things are soothing to touch. Like, a cushion? Yeah, something squishy like that. -6 It’s kind of like that. I massage it before going to sleep. sfx- Squish Squish You do that when I’m lying next to you?! -7 Recently I’ve been calling it my Belly Buddy, and I’ve come to love it. So dumb! -8 But… But I gotta say I’m curious sfx- Stare Maybe I should cut them into crabs and shrimp too —14 -1 How are things? It’s been two weeks since you came here. Mm… How are things? sfx- Sizzle -2 I think I’d like to re-arrange the kitchen a bit. Ah, Sure. Go right ahead. -3 If we need anything be sure to let me know right away. Sure, sure. -4 The pepper. Eh? The best-by date was two years ago. Hyaaaa I’m sorry! ###handwritten -5 But, y’know… Don’t worry about it. I mean, I’m the one imposing after running away from home. -6 sxf- sizzle -7 Ah, c’mon! Don’t you worry about that! I want you to feel free to ask me! sfx- Squeeze -8 Enough with the physical contact, already! There, there. I said it’s enough! —15 -1 Haaah -2 I sure ate and drank a lot. My Belly Buddy is so satisfied. -3 I’m sure Yuki-chan is satisfied too… Right, Belly Buddy? ###handwritten Yeah, I had a lot. -4 …she’s totally groping her belly. -5 Ok, goodnight. Goodnight. -6 Hh -7 Hh Uhgh Gh Hh -8 Hh —16 -1 It’s hard to get along in this world. Hh Sniff haah -2 At night… Uuu I wonder why it gets so hard. -3 I dunno. -4 Yeah, dunno, right? -5 But I’m here, Yuki-chan. -6 You too. Stay here, ok? -7 Yeah… -8 I’m here. But this is the world we live in. —17 -2 I (Yukimura Tsumugi), am currently staying at corporate slave Naru Kurumi’s place. sfx- Yaaawn Ah, Yuki-chan! -3 Good morning! -4 What do you want to drink? Coffee? Tea? Or would you like m… -5 Going back to bed! sfx- Slam Wait! —18 -1 Normally Naru-san’s a total zombie when going to work sfx- Hehe Ngya You can have the chicken wings -2 But this morning… sfx- Gleam Gleam Here’s your breakfast -3 Not a dream? Then what’s going on? sfx- Huh? -4 And, uh What’s this? I haven’t resigned, ok? ### When you hand in a resignation letter, you give the letter in a white envelop to your boss with both hands like that. Yuki’s complaining there’s nothing on her toast. -5 So what’s going on? Fufufu Well, actually… -6 I got a paid day off! Time off! On a weekday! Freedom! This is an adult’s holiday! sfx- Hurray! -7 So your company has policies… systems like that. Well, yeah. Even if it’s a BS company, it’s a company. -8 But that’s just a guess. It’s the first time I’ve tried this. Other than being sick ###handwritten Congrats on your first paid day off. —19 -1 And? You were so excited that you got up early? sfx- Chew chew Nope. -2 I pulled an all-nighter! You ok?! -3 I’m fine, I’m fine. I guess it’s the feeling like a kid at Christmas? I see… -4 She said it lightly… But maybe she believes it? I slipped out to buy ingredients for breakfast first thing in the morning. -5 Ittekimasu. ###Said when leaving the house. Ah, It’s unusual for me to see you off, huh? -6 Itterasshai. ###Said to someone leaving the house. -7 I-I’m going now. -8 Mmm We don’t do that! —20 -1 I’m already tired and it’s just morning. -2 But It’s nice to have it the other way round sometimes. -3 Wha? So that means… That today I’ll be able to hear her say “okaeri”? ### Said to welcome someone coming back home -4 Tadaima ###Repeated. Said when you come back home. ###The set up here is that this would symbolize that Yuki-chan is hoping to be more like family with Naru-san. -5 Tadai MAaa Okari! -6 How did you know? I heard your footsteps. You can tell? I can tell. sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -7 Is she a dog or what? Look! Look! sfx- Sliide -8 Gawd! She’s a dumb dog! sfx- Messy —21 -1 What with all this? Fufufu This is the reason I took the day off. -2 Ta-dah! sfx- Whish Today the newest version of Monster Adventure went on sale! -4 She went so far as to unveil it with a sheet. Cute. Well, The ta-dah part is important, right? -5 So it really is Christmas morning, huh? You bought it. I bought it. sfx- Ehe -6 If I put it off, we’ll lose the chance to play together. So that’s what you meant back then.. -7 Before I knew it, my hand went bam! Bam? -8 One click shopping! sfx- Yus! Ah, got it. She’s so excited her brain’s melting. —22 -1 I’ve arranged everything for max play comfort! The controllers go here. Drinks go here. -2 And! Yuki-chan goes here! sfx- Come on! -3 Nah Nah -4 I can’t seeee Then sit normally. -5 I finished my character! Ok, then hit start. -6 Sorry if I just die all the time. No worries. That’s how games go. -7 Hm? What does it mean “can’t connect to server”? Can we play anyway? -8 Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaah Critical files are unable to be found. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Please check tomorrow for updates. —23 -1 sfx- Droop This sucks. -2 You can take another day off… No… -3 Roughly speaking, this is exactly how my job is. sfx- Haah Haah I took the day off, trying to pretend otherwise. -4 Reality Just hit me in the face. -6 Lean -7 Yuki-chan? —24 -1 It’s your precious day off. Let’s have more fun. -2 There are other things we can do besides games, right? -3 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Yuki-chan, surely you don’t mean… -4 A walk, or something?! Eh? Uh, Yeah! Walk? ###handwritten -5 I haven’t had strawberry in a while. Mm I’ll get pineapple. -6 Munch Munch -7 So glad I took the day off today. sfx- Eheehee -8 It’s nice a Popsicle can make you happy. I guess so! —25 -2 The season of blindingly green fresh leaves has arrived. -3 It’s soon be a month already, since I started living with Naru-san. sfx- Snrk -4 I’m slowly getting used to living together. She’s really sleeping today. -5 And there’s some things I can’t get used to. sfx- Bluuush —26 -1 Uuuhnn Delicates get dried inside. ###bottom right -2 Yuki-chan… Sorry, did I wake you? -3 Flash Why are you taking pictures? -4 It’s totally “an angel has alit on my veranda”… Uh, I’m holding your panties, Naru-san! -5 Ah, right! I’m on laundry duty! No It’s ok. You came home late last night. But you can fold your own. ###handwritten You are an angel! ###bold or italicize “are” -6 Hokay! I got a nap! Feeling fine! How about going on on a date with Onee-san? Ah, I can’t today. -7 No way. -8 Not feeling fine… sfx- Sniff Sniff Sorry. —27 -1 You have a test? sfx- Munch Munch Munch Yeah -2 So today I thought I’d be good and study. Oh, I see now. -3 Ok, then maybe I’ll study today too. Eh? -4 Then you better’d not open that! Ah! Sfx- Phsst -5 Outta habit… Sorry little beer… ###handwritten That’s a bad habit… -6 But Naru-san, study what? A qualification test. -7 I didn’t do it back when I was a student. And there others for work. ###handwritten Whoa, Good for you. -8 Right?! Then put the beer away! —28 -1 Come to think of it, the reference book hasn’t come from Amazon. Yeah, no packages have arrived -2 It could fit in the mailbox. I’ll go look. Okays. -3 She’s late. Just how far is she going…? sfx- Ka-click Ka-cha Yuki-chaan -4 Junkmail-man has arrived! sfx- Flip Flap Uwaaaah! -5 You need to check your mailbox more often. There might be important letters in there. Haha Sorry. -6 I do check the box, but… sfx- Creak -7 Recycling rules Trash day Personal stuff needing to be dealt with A total pain! ###bottom -8 And then I slam it shut. sfx- slam —29 -1 And that’s how it goes, see? I found it ###handwritten Lazybones -2 But I will crack down and study. Yeaaaah! Ok, then hop to it. -4 Yuki-chan, when you’re done studying, I’ll give you a reward. You’re seem to be the one who needs a reward! -6 Hey, Naru-san… Are you wearing perfume or something? Hm? No, why? -7 Hmmmmm -8 Is it old person’s smell? No, not yet. —30 -1 Really? If I do, be sure to tell me, ok? I will. I promise. She worries about that? Old person’s smell? -2 It’s just when we used to sit side by side… -3 No, it’s nothing. Eh?! Now I’m worried! -4 Crack down and study! Na•Ru•Sen•Sei! sfx- Grind Grind Owie! Owie! -5 You haven’t called me Sensei in a long time! sfx- Throooob What are you all worked up about? -6 Naru-san and I Were tutor and pupil. -7 This brings me back… It wasn’t that long ago. -8 I was such a dedicated teacher back then. Ahaha Oh, really now? —31 -1 Back then, I wasn’t able to make a living like now. I ended up interfering with your studies… I’m such a shitty adult… -2 Really! I am so sorry… What are you suddenly getting all down about? -3 Siiigh sfx- Slump -4 Back then everything was total darkness. No one really saw me. Not my family. Nobody. It was unending gloom. -5 Just being by Sensei’s side made things different. Yuki-chan… I don’t have any power to change things right now, but… -6 I will totally make a place for you, ok? So warm ###under panel -7 I promise you, ok? She smelled so nice. ###under panel -8 And as always, she’s still right by my side. —32 -1 Naru-san, you’re not a shitty adult. Even if you were, you kept it… -2 Your promise. -3 Did I? Ehaha -4 sfx- Ding Dong sfx- Jolt It’s here! -5 Ta-dah! This is from the coupon you were looking at earlier! Ah! -6 Shitty adults go for the reward before the work! Plates Plates -7 I guess we gotta. -8 But you’d really would be a shitty adult if you opened a beer. Shit! Busted! —33 -2 Both my test and Naru-san’s certification are done. So we decided to go out today. -3 But, uh… We live together… So why are we meeting up? Yuki-chan! sfx- Click Clack -4 Sorry I’m late! Ah, No, I just got here. -5 Dis is sho nice! Aaah So this is what she wanted to do. ###bold or italicize “this” —34 -1 If we meet each other like this, it’s more like a date, huh? Wow, the station’s empty! A… -2 A Date?! How about going on on a date with Onee-san? ###quote Right. She did say something like that earlier. -3 Um… Date… A date is… sfx- Tappa Tap Tap Hm? Date - Wikipedia ### the other entries are too blurry for me to read -4 You’re gonna be on your phone while on our date? Just jokin’ Hyaa! -5 I just meant date in the sense of the both of us going out someplace. Too much? I get it! I get it! -2 Let’s do lots of date-ish stuff today, Yuki-chan. Date-ish stuff? -3 Movies… Shopping… Super-yum desserts! Yeah, that’s date-ish all right. sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -4 Then putting on novelty glasses and going “that totally doesn’t suit you”! The hell? sfx- Clench —35 -1 I… Haven’t seen that outfit before. sfx- Ka-dunk Ka-dunk Ah, you noticed! -2 I realized I didn’t have any clothes to go out in. So I had a lunchtime buying frenzy. Excuse me! -3 Do… I look weird? sfx: Blush -4 I think you’re wearing more age appropriate clothes. sfx- Glances away I think that’s a complement? ###bold or italicize “think” -5 Rezession 2 ### I suspect this is a pop culture reference, but don’t get it. 11:29 showing. Seats G 14 and 15. Yup, that’s correct. Transaction Complete ###screen -6 Let’s go in 15 minutes before so I can hit the restroom. We can wander around and be back by 11. And after the movie, lunch! ###handwritten I’ll leave it to you. Normally she’s more like that, but today, she’s on it! ###bold or italicize “that” -7 It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Quite a few of the shops are different. Hmmm I used to come here a lot… -8 When I was a new hire, I could go home on time… sfx- Sigh O-oh… —36 -1 Ok! Today I’m opening up the purse-strings! Woo-hoo! Looks like she’s already loosened them. -2 Look! I think you’d like this dress, Yuki-chan! Mm, Yeah, true. It’s cute ###handwritten -3 But the price is not so cute, huh? Whoa… ###handwritten Yuki-chan… -4 By the time you can afford it, you might not look good in it anymore. Wear the damn thing. Well, you could pull it off, but you might not be happy about it ###handwritten O-ok… -5 Thank you very much! sfx- Bow No prob! -6 Anything else? An apron of your own? What about you? Isn’t there anything you need? -7 Come to think of it, didn’t you need foundation? Huh? sfx- Gone! -8 This is what I need ###bold or italicize “This” Brrrr Brrrr Naru-san?! —37 -1 Oooohaa This is nice… Maybe I’ll buy it? Ngyaaa Another one? -2 You have a ton in the bedroom. It’s like some weird sculpture. That’s that and this is this! -3 The function and target part of the body are different! If I can find one that’s better, I want it! ‘Cause I want anything that will make me feel a little better! Ah. -4 But there’s nothing better that goldfish shaped piggy bank! The tail is just perfect… ###handwritten That was for massage?! -5 Do you… want me to massage your shoulders? Mmm -6 My shoulders are so stiff, you’d get tired, Yuki-chan. Well, then should I use my heels? -7 Your heels? -8 Please! Oh, please step of my back, Yuki-sama! sfx- Haa ###repeated I take it back! I’m not doing that! ###handwritten —38 -1 Ok! Let’s head over to the theater. Ok. That time already? -2 Lemme put my phone on airplane mode. Wow, that’s early. Nnoo… -3 I get the feeling that it’s coming any moment… Hm? What is? -4 Vrrr Vrrr Vrrr That? -5 Yes… Good Job… Yes, it’s Naru… Oh, her work, huh? -6 Yes sfx- Clamor ###repeat I’m sorry, let me go someplace quiet. -7 Yes Yes Yes sfx- Trod Trod -8 Yes sfx- Slump All the way into a corner! —39 -1 This is… -2 A Naru-san I don’t get to see… Yes Ok -3 Yes. Ok, then. sfx- Sigh sfx- Beep -4 Yuki-chaaaan sfx- Wobble Ah, she’s back! sfx- Whew! -5 Overtime On A Day Off That. -6 Wha? Work? On your day off? It’s the weekend, right? My day off has faded into the past. I have to go to work now. -7 Wha? What?! What about the movie? I’m soooo sorry. Please forgive me, but you’ll have to go alone. -8 I pity you… Yes. —40 -1 I finished up fairly fast. But I really let Yuki-chan down. -2 Yuki-chan… She’s at my place… She really is… -3 Wa-pish! -4 I’m home! What happened to your cheek?! sfx- Ka-cha -5 I’m sorry about today. How was the movie? Mmm, it was good. What about you? I finished somehow. -6 The first movie is available on streaming. Do you want to watch it? And do you want me to walk on your back? For a massage ###handwritten -7 Are we returning to date-ish stuff? sfx- Moved Hm? I guess? -8 Yuki-chaaan! I bought desserts and weird glasses! Thank youuu! ###handwritten So what’s with the weird glasses thing? —41 -2 YukiYukiYuki Yuuukiki! ###Miyu plays with the pronunciation of Yuki’s name. She adds a glottal stop to make hard pause: Yukki (pronounced YOUK•KEY). But since I don’t want people reading that as “yucky”, I have changed it to a longer vowel sound. -3 Let’s hit the convenience store. Ah, sorry. I brought a bento today. -4 Oh? Yuuuki, you made it? Yeah… Well… -5 Oh, I see. How much? Uh, not for sale? —42 -1 Miyu is one of my few close friends. Since we’re here, let’s eat outside. ‘Kay. I haven’t told her anything. -2 Not about Naru-san. Not that I’m living with her. Not about my reason for doing so. -3 I don’t want to make Miyu worry. But, uh… Why the sudden shift to eating bento? -4 Eh?! I, uh, thought I should take more care of my health… You middle aged? -5 No, it’s not about middle age… Naru-san, what do you typically do for lunch? -6 Ah, usually I skip it and just take a nap. Whaa? To make up for it, I eat a proper breakfast. -7 Noodles from a station shop! sfx- Soba! Sluurp! That’s proper?! ###bold or italicize “That’s” -8 And this is dinner. Cup noodles and beer. ###handwritten ### I can’t tell what ポシャケ is, so guessing on that part. It’s like the World Fair of bad examples… —43 -1 So on that note… here. -2 If you can find time to eat, it’s onigiri. Wow! sfx- Ba-da-bing -3 Is this one yours? I made it while making yours. sfx- Super simple -4 Isn’t it a little sad? I don’t want to hear that! Especially from you! -5 Would Naru-san be more happy if it was more cute? Itadakimasu ###handwritten -6 As I get used to it, maybe I’ll try. sfx- Pop -7 Lovely! -8 Whoa, goin’ all out, huh? That rocks ###handwritten Haha When did this happen? —44 -1 Hey, Yuuuki… You seem a little different, huh? sfx- Twitch -2 Different? How do I put it? Softer… more relaxed? -3 Softer… Belly Buddy… I think I just gained weight. That right? -4 Like, your bento there… -5 You used to be all like you couldn’t care what you ate. Huh?! -6 Was I like that? Uh, wut? ###by Yuki Yeah. You don’t remember? ###handwritten upper left sfx- Stab -7 You often slept through lunch. Now that you mention it… sfx- Slurp sfx- Blush I can’t say anything to Naru-san anymore! —45 -1 I guess I have gained weight. sfx- Squish Fufufufu -2 Even if you have… You’re better this way. sfx- Poke -3 Maybe thanks to Naru-san? sfx- Floaty Thanks -4 Hmmmm -5 Miyu, aren’t you a little more easy breezy now too? Ha! ha! ha! -6 But that’s all thanks to you, Yuuuki-chan. sfx- Fufu Like how? -7 You were at the shopping mall yesterday, right? With someone I don’t know. ###handwritten She saw us?! -8 It totally got my jealousy goin’ all Vrrrm! Vrrrm! You’re getting off on this. sfx- Ha! Ha! Ha! —46 -1 Who was the lady you were with? sfx- Dun Dun Duuuuun! No, that’s not… Wh-wh-what am I gonna do? -2 It’s someone my parents know. They’re tutoring me sometimes. It’s not a lie… sfx- Th-thump ###repeat Ohhhhh? -3 That lady was sooo pretty, huh? What do you really think? -4 She looked like an idiot. -5 Hahaha Just joking. She seemed nice. -6 But we haven’t even hung out like that. And you’re hanging out with her? Naru-san isn’t like that… -7 
Oh? So Naru-san’s her name. -8 That’s totally got me goin’ Vrrrm Vrrrm! sfx- In her happy place —47 -1 So her name is Naru-san… Hmm. Hmm. sfx- Blush -2 Like, Narumi-san? No, Naruse-san. Ah, her last name. ###Yuki shortens Naru’s last name, just like Naru shorten’s Yuki’s last name. -3 I’d like to meet Naru-san too. sfx- Hehe She seems fun. -4 Mmm She said she’s going to been working on Saturdays for a while. What, she some sort of entertainer? -5 Well, whatever. Whenever’s convenient. Mm. -6 Yuuuki, now it’s like we’re close enough to go out too. Wanna go someplace? sfx- Glomp -7 Yeah -8 Yuuuki, bring one of your super cute bentos, ok? Not at that level yet, ok? —48 -1 Uh, today Miyu asked about you, Naru-san. sfx- Massage Wha?! -2 A-are things ok? I-I think so. Maybe. -3 She said she wants to meet you. Whaa… Frightening! -4 And teach me how to make a cute bento. Huh? Just throw it together? Throw it together?! -5 Fufufu Did I make poor Yuuuki lie to me? sfx- Swipe -6 Well, I think Yuuuki seems happier too… With the way things are now… -7 Vrrrm! -8 Totally lookin’ forward to that bento! Ha! Ha! Ha! —49 -1 This isn’t happening… sfx- Shhhhaaa -2 Hahaha I worked so hard today… And now I come home to this? It cant be raining… Naru-san! -3 Naru-san! -4 And now I’m hallucinating… sfx- Hahahahaha In the flesh, ok? —50 -1 Yuki-chan?! Yeah. Welcome back. -2 Wh-wha? You’re here? “Why”? -3 Because I came to get you… I sent you a text, right? Whaaa? -4 Did you walk down brightly lit streets? Did you have your crime alert buzzer?! I’m so happy, But…. ###handwritten And here it comes… She really does worry about other people. -5 Rain Rain Fallin’ down And Yuki-chan’s… My schedules has totally been out of sync with Yuki-chan’s. -6 So I’m super happy about this. Coming to get me with a cheap umbrella makes me so happy I’d rather it stop raining. -7 But you have sooo many of these cheap umbrellas at your house, Naru-san. It makes the entryway cramped… ###handwritten I’m not used to carrying a folding umbrella. -8 I sometimes forget that I’m carrying one. You don’t say. —51 -1 Uwaaah! I’m so sorry! No, it’s fine. -2 But you’re getting goosebumps. Ah, you’re right. -3 So let’s stop by a store, ok? Get something warm to drink? Ok? Ok? -4 OK? That’s the refrigerated section. Beer ###on door -5 So warm… That should hold you until we get home. -6 Gaaaah! The morals of this country!! ###handwritten Gone! Both of them?! ###handwritten -7 Welp, I have this, so buy one more? Wha? That’s a waste. -6 So we’re now at the stage of aiai kasa? ### sharing an umbrella is seen as flirty Can you not put it that way?! —52 -1 And you went out of your way to get me… sfx- SHhhhaaa It’s not your fault they got stolen, Naru-san. -2 And we haven’t been able to see each other much recently, right? Urk Sorry! -3 So every once in a while going home like this is ok… I think… -4 Uwaaah Let it rain everyday! sfx- Ta ta dah Once in a while! -5 sfx- Ka-cha Is the bath ready? Yeah, I filled it. Ok, you go in first, Yuki-chan. Okay. sfx- Rustle Rustle -6 I bet you didn’t bring long sleeve PJs, huh? Ah, nope. sfx- SHaaa -7 Ok, you can borrow mine. Naru-san’s…?! -8 They’ll be warmer than short sleeves. You’re worrying about that?! —53 -1 They’re just ordinary sweats. I’m done. Okaaay. -2 Are the PJs ok? Yeah. -3 sfx- Stare But, they are full of pills… Hahaha -4 It’s either ones with pills or with blown out elastic. sfx- Floppy Next winter, it’s time to get new ones, ok?! -5 Smells like the chester drawers… and Naru-san. sfx- Cozy -6 Aaah That felt so good! sfx- Steamy Yuki-chan, do you want something to drink? -7 Cooooozy -8 Is she nodding off? sfx- Cozy —54 -1 Yuki-chan? Hyes! sfx- Jolt -2 Bedtime? Or do you want something to drink? Ah, thanks. Something warm, please. -3 I’d better buy my own long sleeve PJs. These make me space out… ###handwritten Here. Thanks for waiting. -4 Tea! That’s tea? sfx- Bam ### she’s serving the tea in a sake bottle -5 It’s a pain to clean, so I haven’t used this much. Even so, most people don’t serve tea in it. -6 Ah, Will you pour for me? I poured for you before ###handwritten Oh? -5 I’m totally good at this! I’m a master pourer assistant professor. Master…? -6 I mastered this so that my shitty bosses wouldn’t complain to me… ### at drinking parties subordinates often are expected to pour drinks for the superiors. Master! Pay attention! sfx- GlugGlugGlug —55 -1 It says that these are winter temperatures. Huh? -2 Well, that brings me down. sfx- Sip Sip Gotta be careful not to get a cold. -3 Well this apartment’s pretty old and drafty. And it’s on the first floor. -4 So, if I drink something, I’ll warm up! sfx- Beep sfx- Fwooo -5 Hyaaa The futon’s so cold! -6 Yeah, I want a futon heater. What’s that? -7 You haven’t heard? It blows hot air and warms up the futon. It’s like your own warm little heaven. Warm little heaven… -8 Naru-san, you’d never get out of bed. Ah That’s why I haven’t bought one… —56 -1 It sure is cold… Mm -2 Yuki-chan, can we cuddle? sfx- Hopeful Nooo waaay -3 Ok, here! Come on! -4 Oh god it’s cold! sfx- Whoosh Idiot… -5 I guess it was too early to put the heavy blanket away. -6 Kk-kold! sfx- Plap -7 Since it’s cold, just one leg. -8 Okay! Just one leg, huh? Just one leg. sfx- Plap Hyaaa! Not my belly! —57 -1 Next week, temperatures will rise to summer-like… Gonna die —59 -1 OwOwOw OwOwOw sfx- Tremble Tremble So tired… my back hurts… OwOwOw -2 Lemme explain it to you! The one-two punch of overwork and temperature swings! My body’s at it’s limit! Yeah. I know. -3 At times like this… It’s gotta be HealthyLand! -4 Healthy… Land…? Organic! ###jagged bubble sfx- Muscles! ###repeat sfx- Nod… —60 -1 Oh, so HealthyLand is just the public bath by the supermarket. Ahaha I guess young girls don’t call it that. sfx- Kacha -2 Fidget… -3 Yuki-san, you just gotta go for it! But… -4 See! Whoosh and you’re done! sfx- Whoosh You don’t have to show me! -5 We’re just girls here. It’s fine. Just me some slack. -6 I’ve never gotten in the bath with anyone before. -3 I see… First time… Did I force her to… Naru-san! -4 What’s an alkali bath? Like soda water? Seems like she’s having fun. —61 -1 Well, first let’s wash off. Ah, right. -2 Ah, What’s wrong? -3 No, it’s… I just thought our hair now matches. That’s all sfx- Throb -5 So tired Haaah That was fast. -6 Splish Haaah -7 So this is what they mean When they talk about a big bath… -3 I could get used to this. Look Naru-san, bubbles… -4 Amaaazing grace, how sweet the sound She’s being called to heaven?! —62 -1 It’s the first time I’ve been here, but it’s a nice, relaxed place. That’s nice. Trending towards older customers. ###bottom -2 We are starting our sauna program, so if you’d like to participate… Oh, so they do that too. -3 Ok, then! Today I’m totally gonna restore my health! sfx- Splish -4 Sauna, then beer. Sauna, then beer. sfx- Smirk Looks like she’s thinking about something unhealthy. -5 Keeping the fluids up by eating ice. Crunch Kinda big… Crunch -6 Aroma mist sfx- Pssssht Crunch Crunch sfx- Fwooosh ###bottom right -7 Fanned by hot air Haah Crunch Crunch sfx- Whooosha Whooosha -8 I feel like I’m totally delicious right now… sfx- Snicker She’s delirious! —63 -1 Sooo hot sfx- drip -2 Time to get out? Some people who came before us are still here. -3 If we get out first, it means we lose, right? Don’t make a competition out of this! -4 Ok, then you can go first, Yuki-chan. I’m not gonna lose to you Naru-san. Aww, that’s cute. Don’t tell me that! -5 I’m dying here… sfx- Huff Huff You quitting now? -6 Haah I’m going to cool off sfx- Wobble -7 Is she ok? Mmmnn sfx- Flop sfx- Crash -8 Ba Bam —64 -1 Naru-san! Open your eyes! You can see everything! sfx- Whap Whap Owie! -2 Head out and take a break? Yeah, let’s… -3 Beer! Beer! Look! They have healthy alternatives. Recommend for after the bath! ###round Vitamin C Juice ###small Green Smoothie -4 Can they make a cocktail with with green smoothie? Don’t talk stupid. -5 Ok, I’m going to get something. Drink this in the meantime. Fruit flavored milk. -2 So this is what you hear people drinking after… sip -3 Ka Boom -4 Fufufu Now do you get how I feel? A little sfx- Empty —65 -1 Soooo goood! sfx- Sniff Sniff She’s crying! -2 Yuki-chan, you went with shaved ice? Yeah. Snow? Flowers? Ice? It was called something like that. -3 Yuki for Yuki-chan! Bwahaha ###Yuki means snow in both cases Ahahaha You got instantly drunk! -4 Oh? This is read as “Shehoapin”? Sheeeh…! Sheh…! Hoa…! Welp, she’s hopeless now. -5 Haaah I don’t think I’ll be getting back in the baths today. So just call it, then. -6 Let’s come back again. Yeah. -7 I’m glad you’re feeling better. Yeah! I can give it my all at work again… -8 Yeaaah, not happening. She sobered up instantly! sfx- Blink —66 -1 Waiting for Naru-san to pay Huh? Yuuuki? -2 Miyu?! Whatcha doin’ here? -3 What are you doing here, Miyu? ###bold or italicize “you” I had club. Yuki-chan, thanks for waiting… -4 Freeze -5 Um, Naru-san, this is Miyu. The one I’m always talking about. Hi! I’m Yuuuki’s friend, Miyu. Aaah, Hello there. sfx- Bow -6 Ok, see you later! sfx- Being obvious about it Going to the baths together? -3 Going to the baths together? sfx- VrrrVRRrmm -4 sfx- Shiver I suddenly got the chills… Me too. —67 -1 N-Naru-san this is weird! Hya! sfx- Flinch Electric Bath ###sign She really seems to be enjoying herself. —69 -1 YukiYuki Yuuukiiii! Tomorrow’s Saturday, right? -2 I’ll get to play in tomorrow’s game. Cool, right? So I want you to come cheer me on. Eh? -3 If you want me there. Yus! 
Awesome, but uh… -4 So you’ve fallen in love with me? Fufufu You are really enjoying this, huh? —70 -1 I’m so amazingly cool when I play basketball. I’m totally popular! Oh, really? -2 But what should I do to cheer you on? Eh? -3 Join the cheer team? Go! Fight! Don’t talk crazy! -4 Eh… um… then… Just watch me? She’s settling! -5 Ok, then make me a cute bento. You promised! ###handwritten Ah, I can do that. Yus! -2 Don’t get your hopes up too high. You’re just talkin’ cray cray now! Ah! -3 If you want, invite Naru-san too. -4 …she said. —71 -1 Mmmm, Miyu-san, huh? I’d like to meet her someday, but… Yeah, Miyu’s intuition is pretty sharp. -2 Naru-san, you seem like you’re going to fall apart. I’m anxious about it too ###handwritten I know. -3 Nn, I’m gonna refuse this time. Sorry! Mm. Gotcha. -4 I’ll let her know you’re dying from working on your days off. It does seems that could just come true… -5 But if there’s something I can do to help, let me know. Like the bento. Really? -6 Wow, What should I do? It’s unusual to see Yuki-chan like this. -7 They seem to have known each other for a while. I guess they’re looking forward to it… Drunk ###handwritten I wanna, I want to help somehow. -8 Use this to buy ingredients! Just how much do yo want me to make?! —72 -1 Saturday. Whoa… sfx- Clamor Clamor -2 Lot of people… sfx- Clamor Clamor UwWhoa! -3 You really came! sfx- Whoosh What’s with that pose? -4 It’s just that I’m super excited! sfx- Whish whoosh whssh whoosh I get it! So calm down already! -5 The cheering section is that way. Did you want me to join? Haha No, just jokin’. -6 Ok, sit here. It’s a VIP seat. sfx- Whump -7 sfx- squeeze So, just cheer me on however you want. -8 I’ll just win however I want. Hahaha —73 -1 Hey! It’s time to warm up! Kay. Time for me to get going. Miyu! -2 Good luck! -3 Ahahahahahaha Why’d she bursting out laughing? -4 Ok, time to go totally go kick ass. Shuffle Shuffle -5 Whoosh -6 Whapssh Yaaaay Miyu… -7 It’s true! She is cool! Nice shot! ###handwritten Yaay! Yaay! And what’s more… -8 It’s also true she’s totally popular! The VIP seat feels weird… ###lower right Kyaa Kyaa Kyaa Nice shot! Miyu-san! —74 -1 Ok! Today’s main event! Super exciting bento time! Hurry up! MmmmBaby! Yeah, yeah. -2 Just a sec, ok? sfx- Rummage Rummage Yay! Yay! -3 sfx- Rummage Rummage Rummage Rummage Yay! Wohoo! -4 I forgot the bento! -5 Wh-what should I do? -6 What’s wrong? Sorry, Miyu, I… Vmmm Vmmm Vmmm -7 Naru Sensei At school Back gate Got bento -8 I gotta go to the bathroom! Be right back! Hwah? Go do it to it. sfx- Whoosh —75 -1 sfx- Thumpa thumpa Naru-san! Wheeze Wheeze -2 Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze He… re… Thanks! Are you ok? -3 Uh… Sorry… When I realized… I came without thinking… And… sfx- Wheeze huff haaah Wheeze -4 The “cuteness” might be all gone… sfx- Whisha whoosha -5 That’s not the direction of the bathroom. Glance -6 Ok, see you later! -7 Yeah. I’ll text when I’m heading home. Thanks! -8 Ohhhh? Hoooo? —76 -1 Thanks for the rescue today. -2 Thanks to you, Miyu really enjoyed it. I see. That’s great! -3 She was like, mega happy it seemed. Am I making too big a deal of it? ###handwritten Dewish! Dewish! ###handwritten by Miyu Ok, so what do you want for dinner? -4 Curry! -5 Wow. We meet again. Total coincidence. -6 Naru-san, you must be coming home from work. Y-yes, that’s right. And you, Yuuuki, seem like you’re headed to Naru-san’s place. Y-y-y-y-y… -7 Hmmmm This is… -8 Can I come along too? sfx- Beaam This has gotten really bad! —77 -1 …yeah, at Yuuuki’s friend’s house. Naru-san. Eh? No, an adult. -2 She’s having me over for curry. Wha?! -3 You said you wanted sushi for dinner, so you… Beep -4 She said it’s ok! It’s not ok at all! —78 -1 You better apologize to your mom later, ok? Of course, of course. And I’ll eat the sushi too. ###handwritten -2 Ok, so let’s head to my place. Okaaay. Well, then. -3 I witnessed Naru-san deliver my bento to Yuuuki. So that means… -4 They’re living together, right?! VRRRrrmm -5 Well… I kinda thought that’s what was happening. -6 I bet Yuuki doesn’t want me to worry. They must be whispering about what to do now. -7 Yuuuki, you sure seem like you know the way. sfx- Twitch -8 Ehh? Does it seem that way? sfx- Circuits Frying So cute! —79 -1 This is it. sfx- Click sfx- Jingle -2 My place is a mess, so give me a minute? No problem. Trying to hide things? -3 Whisper It’s might take a while… Do I have have that much stuff out? -4 No, since you were out, I whooped it up. The living room is a wreck… ###handwritten You should have cleaned that stuff up! -5 10 minutes later ###upper right Th… Thanks for waiting sfx- Huff Huff Just how messy was it? -6 Thanks for having me. Ah, And me too. Welcome. -7 For living alone, you have a big place, huh? sfx- Twitch I wanted to have guests over. I got a lot of stuff too. -8 And one room can’t be used… Dead eyes… She just shoved it all in there! —80 -1 Ok, I’ll making yummy curry for you two! Oh, You sound confident. -2 When you live alone, you learn! Before I was a wage slave, I used to mix my own spices. sfx- Grind Grind Ah, That sounds like serious business! -3 So are we all singing a hell curry song? Wha? -4 Curry curry curry Curry made from that guy Now it’s curry! ###I suspect this is a play on an TV commercial for Ajinomoto curry Too gory! -5 I’ve totally lost the thread. Yuuuki, you make up something. I’m not good at coming up with stuff like that. Wha? -6 Uhya hya hya! Heh! What’s that? Both the smell of curry and a strange voice are wafting in! She’s been drinking! Booze -7 Okay! The curry’s cooked, and Naru-san’s baked! sfx- Ta-dah So stupid! -8 It’s curry! It’s curry! It’s a festival! It’s a party! Sfx- Heh Heh Yeah Yeah Uh, Miyu, you’re sober, right? —81 -1 Itadakimasu! Go ahead! sfx- Loaded! -2 I didn’t cook it for the full amount of time, so I added splash of beer to deepen the flavor. -3 It’s delish! That’s great! No, really. It’s super good! -4 It’s not mom’s cooking, it’s a the cooking of a woman in her 30’s. In my 30’s? Naru-san’s not that old! -5 Thanks for the meal! Wow, yeah you have the appetite of a High School athlete. No leftovers! -6 Mmm Full stomach. I’m really satisfied… Maybe I won’t stir shit up. sfx- burp Ah, Yuki-chan sfx- Clink -7 You’ve got curry on… sfx- Wipe Eh? Got it. ###lower left -8 Hey! What are you doing? On your collar too! Back off! sfx- Whack sfx- Ow! —82 -1 I’m gonna say it after all Hm? -2 She looks like she’s up to no good! -3 Just what are you… You two are living together, right? sfx- Ka-blam! -5 No… That’s not… I saw you today. You handed over the bento. You saw that?! Yep. -6 I already thought things were fishy earlier. sfx- Ha ha ha Oh, goodness -7 Hm-mm! What’s the matter? -8 I just dropped a big bombshell. So satisfied! Like I’m a sage or something ###handwritten Miyu’s really interesting, isn’t she? I like her. …yeah. —83 -1 Well, I won’t go digging into the reasons, but… Yuuuki… -2 You ok with things right now? sfx- Leans in -3 Yeah… I like things right now. I do. -4 Hokay! I gotcha! sfx- Wobble sfx- Slump -5 I just didn’t want to cause you any trouble, Miyu… Hah? -6 You went and cheered for me today, right? You cheered me on. -7 So I’ll cheer you on too. sfx- Pat In my own way… -8 Ah, Naru-san, give it your best too! Th-thank you! —84 -1 Mphh -2 I’m drained… sfx- Whump Ahaha Yeah, I get you. -3 Today I had to run, had to clean. All sorts of stuff happened. sfx- Meaningful glance I’m not giving you a massage. Tsk -4 Look, you’re tired because you drank too much. Mm, I don’t see anyway that could be true -5 Is it really ok like this? -6 Mmm Sooner or later, I get the feeling Miyu-chan would have figured it out. I’ll drop by again True, that. -7 I don’t know if it’s for the best, but… Let’s take it as a good sign. Ok? -8 Fufu Naru-san, you’re sounding like a teacher, all the sudden. Oh, stop it. Are you laying on the praise? —85 -1 Bubble bubble Back to bubbles Back to curry Now it’s curry Drippy drippy That’s a great version of hell! What the hell? —87 -2 Shooka Shooka Next on the news… -3 A baby penguin at the zoo was… Wow… -4 I wanna pet it… -5 Look! This part is really fluffy! sfx- Whish She’s got a weird rivalry going on… —88 -1 I would love to live with something fluffy someday. Yeah. It would totally be heartwarming. -2 But I can’t even take care of myself right now… I get home late everyday, it wouldn’t even remember me… She speaks truth! -3 Well, fine! I don’t need something fluffy, I have Yuki-chan! But can’t you thinking about getting home earlier? -4 Oh, by the way, I’m staying over at Miyu’s today. sfx- Whish Waaah! I’m going to work! -5 Kaw Kaw -6 Siiigh Let me take a breath… -7 Having to take care of customers really chews up my breaks… I can finally take a load off… -8 Vmmm Vmmm Or not… —89 -1 I guess I’ve got to travel an hour back to work and do overtime… …and that’s all. Right, I understand. OK, Naru-san… -2 It’s ok to go straight home now. -3 Go straight home! Go straight home! -4 Go straight home! -5 I unlocked the go straight home achievement? No fucking way… -6 And it’s still in the afternoon… -7 When’s the last time I was able to go home this early? Yuki-chan! I’m coming home now! Yuki-chan! -8 And… she’s not there. Today of all days. sfx- Wah Wah —90 -1 What now? What will I do? sfx- Ka-tunk Ka-dunk I just made curry a while ago… -2 I had that medical exam, so get some exercise? sfx- Wheeze Wheeze I need the strength to start exercising… -3 Play the game I ordered? Stamina ###over game character. The kanji and romaji are the same. Too tired to clear the next area. -4 Hm? Did I even have any hobbies? Lost. -5 This won’t do! Right! Even if I can’t exercise… I’ll make today a no-booze day! -6 Ohitashi! ###boiled spinach appetizer Miso soup! Maybe grill up some fish. That’s a nice menu to refresh the body… sfx- Flappa flap -7 Gyoza Beer Ramen sfx- Flapa flapa flapa -8 I can’t resist a flag! One for non-smoking!! —91 -1 Wow It’s been a while since I’ve drank by myself at a family restaurant. What should I have? sfx- Flip Flip -2 Can’t pass up the gyoza, can I? A small plate will go great with a drink. -3 Ok, so fried saba with pickles. And that will take me to my 2nd beer. I like spring rolls, but that might be too much. sfx- Hmmmm -4 My heart is ready. Let’s do this! sfx- Ding -5 Oh, huh? -7 Yuuuki… Isn’t that Naru-san over there? Eh? Twitch -8 At this time? No way. You gotta be seeing things. Eh? No… Just how much overtime does she do? —92 -1 Not seeing things! sfx- See? It’s true! Oh hey, you two. -2 So you live in this area Miyu-chan? Yeah, we came to have dinner here. Seems like you’re having fun. ###handwritten -3 After dinner we’re shifting over to hardcore pajama party mode. Whattya mean, “hardcore”? Oh? Sounds nice. -4 We wear PJs, but never have a party. So true. Hahahaha Are they flirting? -5 Ok, I’m taking off. sfx- Wobble Wobble -6 Be careful, ok? Yuuus. sfx- Flip flap -7 She gonna be ok? You wanna go back with her? No, Naru-san’s an adult. She should be fine. -8 And we’re having a pajama party, right? Yaaay! Cute. —93 -1 Hm? -2 Cute! If I had that, I could cuddle it up anytime! -3 Back when I was a student, I had mad skillz on crane games. sfx- Weeeen Drunk with no motor skills. -4 Ok! This is how a working adult does it! sfx- Vrrrrr Drunk with no self restraint. -5 Plop -6 Hehehe Welcome to your new home! -7 What shall we do about your name? sfx- Flip Huh? So you’re not a penguin? You’re a kiwi? Ki-wi… Keeweee, maybe? -8 I can’t think of anything besides Kyu-chan the kiwi. sfx- Bluuush It was christened Kyu-chan! —94 -1 I wanna introduce her to Yuki-chan. Ah, right! -2 Oh, it’s from Naru-san. MmphaMrmphMph sfx- Crunch Crunch What the hell are you saying? -3 A new addition to our family -4 Uh… Congratulations? sfx- Clap Clap What the hell? sfx- Shake Shake -5 Ok, that should do it. Hehehe sfx- Pompf -6 Good-night, Yuki-cha… -98 Uwaaaaah Yuki-chaaaan sfx- Smush Yeah, Naru-san was lonely. —95 -1 Kyu-chan. From the Flightless Bird series #2. Prize available from amusement centers. They used the same pattern for the penguin in the same series. It’s charm comes from it’s spherical shape. Because it’s made from very cheap material, it has the texture of old rags. Has a lingering petroleum smell. —97 -1 sfx- BRzz BRzz BRzz BRzz Alarm 1 -2 Da-ding Da-ding Da-ding Da-ding Alarm 2 -3 Be-boop Be-boop Be-boop Be-boop Alarm 3 Jiriri Jiriri Jiriri Jiriri Alarm 4 Beee Beee Beee Beee Alarm 5 ###cut off -4 Shut off the damn alarms on your days off! sfx- Whap —98 -1 And the one who set the alarms… Glance -2 Gnzzz Is dead asleep. -3 Imma take a picture. -4 Blink Hya! -5 Did you just take a picture? sfx- Wobble I was going to, but… You’re scary! -6 I can’t believe you noticed when you were sleeping. Nah, I was awake. -7 I just didn’t turn off my alarms. I see… -8 Turn off your damn alarms, you hear me? sfx- Stomp Stomp Aaaagh Such sweet reward! —99 -1 Hey, hey, Yuki-chan… Hm? Can I take a picture too? Eh? -2 No way. Sfx- Bam -3 That “no way” just destroyed the little world of my heart… sfx- Dejected That bad?! -4 It was a “megaton no”… sfx- No way ###by rock sfx- Boom A “megaton no”? -5 Come on… I wanna take your picture! I wanna, I wanna! sfx- Tap Tap You’re just blubbering now. and stop with the foot ###handwritten -6 You know I hate having my picture taken, right? Yeah, I do, but… -7 I don’t have a single picture of you, Yuki-chan. You made me erase the one of you holding my panties. Panties ###arrow Wha?! -8 You were trying to make that your lock screen pic! Hehehe It would have worked with the right cropping. That’s not what we’re talking about! ###handwritten —100 -1 You want a pic that badly? I do! I wants it! So I can gaze at it during breaks at work! -2 You talk like you’re carrying it to war… War? Everyone calls my department “the Army”, you know. So it’s really apt?! -4 When I joined the company I thought it was the only safe place… Haaaaa Ah…. But Naru-san seems like she’d attract that kind of thing… -5 I guess I should get used to it. Miyu often says she wants to take a pic too. -6 Well, yeah. Smartphones aside… There are lots of times people want to take your picture. That’s gotta be tough on you. Yeah. -7 So if you’re going to get used to it, if we take tons of pics I think you’ll be ok. sfx- Clud I-I see… You wanna practice? -8 Ok! Let’s head outside and take pictures! Whaa? Whaa? She’s, like, totally into it! —101 -1 Why do you hate getting your picture taken so badly? Eh? -2 Because it will steal my soul? What era are you from? -3 But now that you ask, I’m really not sure… I was just like that when I noticed… Hm Hm -4 Maybe I don’t like it when a memory of me gets left behind… sfx- Blush sfx- Throb Ah… I want a memory of her! -5 Oh, flowers! Can I take a pic? Go ahead. Yay! So pretty! -6 Right?! sfx- Whish sfx- Snap Snap Snap Whoosh -7 I guess you can’t change that fast, huh? -8 Whish Snap Snap Snap sfx- Whoosh The plan to take candid pics: FAILED —102 -1 You only have pictures of ramen, huh? That’s the only thing I have to take pics of. The only thing I encounter ###handwritten What’s that video of? Eh? What could it be? -2 Hm? You don’t know? I don’t! sfx- Gleam -3 My Belly Buddy! Time for Belly Dance! Uwaaaaah! I guess I took that while drunk! Sorry! -4 The way your belly moves is amazing. Like a wave! ###handwritten R-really? Is she trying to praise me? -5 How about we take a pic with that? It’s all the rage now, right? You just want one for yourself. -6 I forgot to take a pic! sfx- Sluurp Yeah, that happens. -7 Ah?! A cat! There’s a cat! Kittie-chan! Kittie-san? -8 It was a bush-chan. Wanna see? Oh, a bush-chan. —103 -1 We took a lot of photos, huh? -2 But you’re all blurry, Yuki-chan! That shot of you with the panties was a miracle! Ha ha ha -3 What about a selfie? Here. You’re upping the pressure. I see. -4 Then how about a photo studio? Just what are you trying to do here? -5 Okay… -6 If take one together, then can we leave a memory? -7 I really want to have a memory with Naru-san But to leave one of myself? But But But But Here I go -8 YukKyu-chan bursts on the scene! ### not a typo - combines Yuki and Kyu-chan —104 -1 Beep Beep Beep Beep Naru-san… Today’s a work day! sfx- Shake shake -2 If I take a pic, will she wake up? Snap -3 Yuki-chan… Ah, you’re awake. -4 If you’re gonna do it, bring me a jug of beer… Uuhh Wha? Whattya mean, a jug? -5 Just what kind of dream is she having? -3 Snap -4 Yuki-chan?! What’s this? I look like an slug! I took it when you were asleep. Wha?! I want a retake! No way Megaton no way?! sfx- Boom —105 -1 Siiigh So tired… sfx- Whumpf -2 I worked hard today… as a reward, I’m gonna chug down this great looking beer. Oh yus… ###handwritten -3 Naru-san Pssht -4 What’s this? sfx- Menacing Health Checkup Results —106 -1 It was under all the mail. Like it was being hidden? I forgot to throw it away… -2 You said it was all clear when I asked before, right? Hehe -3 It’s just my uric acid numbers that are bad. I thought that’s pretty much the same as nothing, right? sfx- Pissed -4 This was a retest! Just what’s “nothing” about that?! Aaah I’m sorry! I’m sorry! -5 Naru-san getting grilled. sfx- Scold Scold -6 She was told to work on her diet and exercise. They said to lose weight TeeDurp Gimme a break! -7 Well it would be weird if she didn’t have a problem given her lifestyle. -8 Hmmm I’d better down this fast. Gulp —107 -1 Her ideal weight should be… Yuki-chan? -2 What? When I was young, I could eat anything I wanted. -3 No matter what I ate, I never gained weight. I want to have curves someday! That’s what I thought. Baggy ###t-shirt -4 So that’s why this is my ideal body… ANYway, time to lose 3 kilos. -5 And so… -6 Time for a diet, Naru-san! Uuuh I can’t say no since I was hiding things… -7 And so… -8 I’ve thought up your new program! sfx- Snap Gyaa! —108 -1 Um, Yuki-chan? A diet, you know, is… Is something that people with time and energy do. -2 Like limiting calories or going to the gym or exercising after work. I don’t have that time and energy… -3 Shake ###repeat -4 Just doing image training is giving me lactic acid burn… Pathetic! -5 No, you don’t have to do all of it all at once. Really? -6 Just do what you can do on any given day. Naru-san can do! -7 Like, exercise for instance… Eh? I walk to the station, more than that? -8 Really? You just have to use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. sfx- Glare Aaah No mercy! —109 -1 Ok, I understand. I’ll try. I’ll do what I can. When I can. With all I can. Can I buy this? -2 And about your diet… Don’t take alcohol and sugar from a corporate slave! -3 So you’re going to add to this geological strata? sfx- Clatter Strong booze Strong energy drinks Beer -4 Oh crap, that’s a bit much, huh? You finally realized? -5 See you soon ###hand written Be sure to use the stairs. Yeeeesh I’m heading out. ###handwritten -6 Yuki-chan’s really on this… sfx- Ka-tunk ka-dunk But I suck for making her worry. -7 And I really have been unhealthy. Let’s do this! -8 Ah, this week’s customer… I have to use the subway… So dead… —110 -1 And that’s why I want a reward! If there’s a reward, I’ll be able to try! A reward? -2 But even so, what would be good? Can’t give her food or anything ###handwritten Aah, In that case… -3 I climbed the stairs! sfx- Haah haah Good job I had salad for lunch! sfx- Munch You did great! -4 I’m totally fired up! This is what works? ###bold or italicize “this” So jelly of Naru-san Sluuurp -5 So are you also on the health food kick, Yuuuki? Well, making two dishes is a pain. And I can’t just make Naru-san do this alone. -6 Since you do basketball, Miyu, you don’t worry about this kind of thing, right? -7 I’m sorry, Yuuuki… Hm? -8 I said you’d softened earlier. I guess that bugged you… Not even! What’s with that look? —111 -1 Can I take a look? Health ###sign It’s all stuff destined to be unused. -2 Naw, I’m not thinking about buying them… -3 Trampoline Vibrating machine ###lower right Stepper Leg Slider ###lower left -4 I just love being attracted to them. Sigh Seems that way… -5 But I bought this today! An ab roller! Muscle Roller ###box She went and did it… -6 Mmn! I wanted to try this! That one’s pretty hard, you know. -7 Twitch Twitch -8 Ah, yeah, that hits the spot sfx- Roll Roll As a massager?! —112 -1 Kyu-chan, this one is chilled. Hehehe Cheers! Premium Sake. -2 This one is Kyu-hai ###this is a play on chuhai sfx- Aaahh With a squeeze of lemon. -3 This one is warm sfx- Mmm With a splash of water. -4 Well, alllll of it’s water anywaaaay sfx- Loopy grin Naru-san’s starting to crack! -5 And so… So you’ve hit your goal for now! Good job, Belly Buddy! -6 But, uh… -7 But I haven’t lost as much as I thought… Up ‘till now I thought if I worked that hard, all this would just fall off. sfx- Mush -8 I’m really feeling my age. Just be happy, ok? —113 -1 A business trip? -2 Yeah, all the sudden. Starting tomorrow for three days. That is really sudden. ###bold or italicize “is” -3 Ok. Got it. sfx- Skribble Skribble -4 Urg I know you’re used to it, but that’s kinda cold. Don’t cast me out! —114 -1 Miss me more! I miss youuuuu! She’s such a pain. -2 It’s fine, right? It’s just three days. It’s a whole three days! -3 I know we only see each other mornings and nights on the weekdays, but… sfx- Uuugh… Not meeting at all? There’s no way to stand it! -4 You’re gonna suffer, Yuki-chan! Eh?! Me?! sfx- Th-thump -5 I’m ok. I’m not a kid, alright? sfx- Whip -6 But… We used to live separately. We’re just returning to that. sfx- Tap tap -7 I’m going to bed. -8 Ka-click —115 -1 Chirp Chirp Thump Thump -2 Ka-cha Click… -3 Naru-san’s left already. Ah, right. Her business trip. I didn’t see her off. -4 Huh?! -5 First off, what’s this? Hm? To Yuki-chan ###note -6 To Yuki-chan If you get lonely, squeeze this tight instead of me. From Naru. -7 I told her I’d be fine. Well, I’m just going to be stubborn and leave it there. sfx- Ding Yuki-chan! I’m lonelyyyy! I hate my job! sfx- That was fast! She should have taken Kyu-chan with her. —116 -1 Hello? -2 Yuki-chan! How are things going there?! -3 Work? Mn… well… it’s going, I guess… Gwehehe I see Good job. -4 Ah! And lolling about naked in the sheets of a business hotel is the best! Aaaah You don’t need to tell me that! -5 Yuki-chan, that did you do for dinner? Hm? I grabbed something at the convenience store. What? Noodles? No, bread. -6 What about you, Naru-san? Ah, right! They told me about a delicious restaurant near the hotel! -7 The chicken was delicious! Kara-age and spit roasted chicken. And I had beer after beer for the first time in a long time… You’re totally trashing your recent diet! -8 Hey! Naru-san! Naru-san! She fell asleep! Zzzz —117 -1 Well, It always used to be like this. sfx- Shnk -3 Squeeze It smells like Naru-san… -4 Only three days… But it feels so long. -5 The day of Naru-san’s return. Ok! -6 I’m done with dinner prep. Everything’s spic and span. -7 All we have to do is wait for her to come home. Right, Kyu-chan? sfx- Grin -8 In these past few days, I’ve become like Naru-san… —118 -1 Shoofa Shoofa -2 It’s been bothering me her shoes are so beat up. She says she’ll do it, but never does. -3 Are there any others to do? -5 Letters? To Naru-san… and to me? sfx- Shuffle -7 sfx- Rattle Click sfx- Ka-chank Yuki-chan, I’m home! So tired. ###handwritten -8 sfx- Silence Yuki-chan…? —119 -1 sfx- Sliiide Yuki-chan? Are you asleep? -4 Yuki-chan… Naru-san. -5 When you check the mail box… be sure to toss all the junk mail. -6 And you suck at hiding things. You screwed up that last bit. -7 I’m sorry… -8 I’m sorry… sfx- Clench —120 -2 I’m sorry! -3 I’m sorry for pushing everything onto you! -5 After I cried for a while… We made and ate dinner together. -6 Hehe This is delicious -7 From next to me, Naru-san’s usual smell… and the smell of alcohol, more than usual. -8 Since I ran away from home, three months have slid by. Give me back my daughter —121 -1 Afterward. Hello! I’m Tatsunokosso. Thank you so much for picking up this book! It’s through the help of so many people that I everything has condensed into this volume. I would have never even thought such an opportunity would fall in my hands. Thank you, so, so much! Corporate Slave Lady and Runaway Girl… The both of them have a rough time of it, but… If you could watch over the daily lives of these two, it would make me really happy. I’ll also want to watch over them as I bumble around. Tatsunokossu SP Thanks My editor - Iwata Tsugekuchi-sama My designer - Satomi Eiki-sama Onigiri-sensei! -123 ### The author’s bio on far left is too blurry to read beyond the name. The blub on the right side is about the same. Tatsunokusso —124 ### this is read left page first, then right page. ###left page -1 Corporate Slave Lady and Runaway Girl Tatsunokossu -2 Yuki-chan, is there enough tissue over there? Tissue? Hm? Yeah, theres’ still some. -4 Why are you balancing that there? sfx- Tump -5 Your knees lead a lonely existence, Yuki-chan. sfx- Tump What does that have to do with anything? Don’t go putting another box on there! ###right page Ah! sfx- Kick Kick