Drifting Gently In A Dream by urisugata TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —58 -1 Drifting Gently In A Dream ###left If we’re dreaming, then this should be ok, right? ###right -2 All done! sfx- Gleam Glitter -3 Kyaa! So cute! Hina-chan, thank you! No prob! sfx- Whee -4 Ok, let’s take a bath and get to bed. Shiori, you can go first. -5 Eh? sfx- Th-thump —60 -1 Ah, it’s ok. My mom’s not at home today. But I’ve made sure to get the extra futon ready. Since dad’s job was transferred, she went to visit him. ###handwritten Here’s your towel. -2 I don’t need it Shiori ###in circle Huh? I don’t need the futon. Not today. -3 I’m going to sleep with you, Hina-chan! sfx- Flop -4 Is that ok? Eh? sfx-stare -5 Ah Huh? Cute… Yeah sfx- Head over heels ###right sfx- Head spinning ###left Yay! —61 -1 Hyaa! This is a big turn of events! sfx- Shhhaaa -2 Shiori and I have been going out for three months now. sfx- Splish I do her nails once a month… And since she’s here, we’re having a sleepover. -3 Well, my underwear is perfect, but… And I don’t think I’ve overlooked anything, but… Kya! sfx- Whoosha Whoosha OMG… We’re going to be sleeping in the same bed… -4 Nngh, maybe I’m over-thinking things. sfx- Airheaded Shiori surely didn’t mean it like that… ###bold or italicize “that” -5 Fuuu Calm down. Just calm down. sfx- Nice and warm ###for all sfx surrounding Hina sfx- Ka-cha Is she already asleep? —62 -1 Hina-chan! sfx- Heh She decorated! ###handwritten Come here! sfx- Pffft -2 I’m gonna lay down the futon after all. Whoooa ###right sfx- Slide slide Eh? -3 You… don’t want to…? Even though we both love each other? Sh-Shiori… -4 All we’ve done is kiss up ‘till now. Maybe you don’t trust me… Fufu… Whaaaah (sweatdrop) -5 O-ok! We’ll sleep together! Really? Sniff ###handwritten We'll sleep together, ok? Just a bit embarrassed, tho ###handwritten —63 -1 Ufufu… You’re so warm. Th-thump Th-thump -2 Hey… Shiori… sfx- Stroke Stroke Why are you hugging me from up there? -3 Huh? That’s because you’re the cute one, Hina-chan. Duh. —64 -1 No way. I’m huge. And my eyes droop. -2 Shiori, you’re the one who’s… -3 You’re the cutest in the whole universe, Hina-chan! No matter what anyone says! sfx- Squeeze T-too… tight… -4 I won’t do anything, ok? So just relax, Hina-chan. -5 Today is the 100 day anniversary of us going out. —65 -1 Shiori… I’ve always wanted to sleep holding you like this. Just this is enough… -2 You’re so soft… So cute… You’re cute, Hina-chan. -3 I’ve always had a complex about it. That I’m not girly enough. Nails I never show to anyone. -4 Your pedicure… Is so cute! Social dance during PE -6 Bluuush —66 -1 Shiori found me. Want me to do yours? Hell yeah! -2 Blissed out -3 Kiss -4 Kya! Good night! sfx- Swoosh —67 -1 I love her so much it hurts! sfx- Th-thump Th-thump My breath is all shallow It hurts, but feels good too. What is this feeling? -2 Uuuuw… Hina-chan, you’re a brat! sfx- Th-thump Th-thump I wanna hold her even tighter! So tight So tight Even though she’s so precious to me, tight enough to break her into pieces! sfx- Th-thump Th-thump —68 -1 What is this feeling? I can’t sleep! sfx- Haaa Haaa -> The sound of Hina sleeping -2 Turn… sfx- Haaa Haaa -3 Mmph Shiori… -4 sfx- Clench Her sleeping face is transcendently cute! She’s an angel! -5 Nnn… sfx- Toss Whoa… Her button. -6 It’s about to come undone. -7 I better button it back up… sfx- Shff Nmm -8 Pop… —69 -1 Uwah! Sorry! Sorry! sfx- Agitated ###right It wasn’t on purpose! ###right sfx- Zzz -3 So white… So pretty… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -4 sfx- Roll sfx- Shfff Unnn… -5 Mmnya Augh! She woke up! -6 So hot… sfx- Nng sfx- Scritcha Scratch Pretending to sleep ###box Sorry! That was probably my fault! -7 Nnngh… sfx- Rustle Rustle Zzz Did she go back to sleep? —70 -1 Zzz -2 H-Hina-chan…?! Wha Wha Wha?! -3 She’s too defenseless! Zzz Comfy -5 This is your fault, Hina-chan. sfx- Creak —71 -1 Haaa Haaa -2 Haaa Haaa Blink -3 Eh? What’s…?! -4 Zzz ###top Waaagh Why am I not wearing my PJ top?! -6 A-am I… This is a dream…? Oh. Ok. sfx- Ah, I see! -7 Haaaa Haaaa —72 -1 It’s not fair… sfx- Th-thump sfx- Shff That it’s only me. sfx- Th-thump -2 sfx- Th-thump ###repeat If it’s a dream… Then this is ok, right? I’m going to take off Shiori’s top! -3 Whoaa… Shiori’s got big ones… sfx- Flap They look so soft… -4 Nn… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -5 She’s filling up my vision… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump —73 -1 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump Boin -2 Ahh sfx- Rustle -3 sfx- Rustle Ah Ticklish ###arrow Boin Boin Nnn… -4 sfx- Twitch Ooh… Ah… sfx- Rustle -5 Sooooo cute! What’s happening here?! Ahh… Nnn… -6 Dreamy -7 Shiori… It’s all your fault, ok? sfx- Creak —74 -1 Kiss -2 Nnn… Hina-chan? -3 Are we dreaming? sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -4 Shhff Yeah, dreaming… -5 Ah… Hina-chan… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump If we’re dreaming, can I do more? -6 My mind has gone blank Yeah… sfx- Th-thump —75 -1 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump So warm…. Feels so good… Hina-chan… I loooove you… -2 Me too… I love you, Shiori… —76 -1 If this is a dream, I never want to wake up… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Ah… -2 Haaah… sfx- Blissed out So happy… —77 -1 Fufu Snzzz… -2 Even if we’re in a dream… You’ll catch a cold if you sleep like that! Here! Put this on! Hina-chan, just squeeze me tiiiight… -3 Cozy —78 -1 Beep beep -2 Beep beep Mmrf Yeah… -3 Shhmph Nnn -4 Good morning. sfx- Click sfx- Sleepy… Hina-chan. Good morning. Huh?! -5 sfx- Bluuuush Whaaah! I had the most erotic dream last night! —79 -1 Shiori ###circle What are you blushing for? sfx- Blush W-what about you, Shiori! sfx- Blush It’s not like I… -2 sfx- Thumpa Thumpa Thumpa I had a dream last night where I was soo happy! Wha? Me too! Like what? -3 Drifting back… -4 It’s a secret! Whaaa? C’mon, tell me! Geez! -5 Huh? Did I get a mosquito bite? Hina-chan, Can you zip me up?