Maiden In Love by Fujisawa Makoto TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —78 -1 sfx- Squeeze —79 -1 Cute? Pretty? Yeah, yeah, I know. sfx- Slide Maiden in Love Fujisawa Makoto -2 I mean, I’m pretty and cute after all. sfx- Thump -3 sfx- Mm A little more… ###handwritten But, you know… -4 It’s all meaningless if the person you want to hear it from doesn’t say it. Right! Ok! sfx- Soft and fluffy style! —80 -1 Alright, just you get a glimpse of this today! sfx- Lick -2 I mean, I’m in love after all! sfx- Thumpa Thumpa Maiden In Love Fujisawa Makoto —81 -1 Ah! -2 Natsu… me! Morning! -3 sfx- Glomp -4 Good morning, Toujyou. Get offa me. Wha? sfx- Squeeze Squeeze -5 Don’t gimme that! sfx- Shove Aawww —82 -1 But anyway! What do you think today? Huh? -2 Annoying as always. -3 Whaaa? I put effort into this! sfx- Clamp -4 Good morning, the both of you. -5 Morning, Takeda! Morning. You two are lively this morning. —83 -1 Toujyou’s just being annoying. Natsume, that’s mean! It’s fine. The two of you just love to bark at each! -2 Ah! “love to bark”? -3 Did you cut your hair? Ah… Yeah. Is it weird? -4 Nope. It’s cute. Thanks! Wha? Hey… -5 I just had an inch cut off my bangs! ###bold or italice “I” sfx- Hey! Look at me! -6 Natsume, I’m gonna cry… Hah? Ah… —84 -1 If you need to cry, cry already. That’s meaaaan! Oh, dude… -2 Look, I have to go to the staff room. See you. Toujyou, don’t come with me ###handwritten Huh? Wait a… Natsume! Yeah. -3 Na… tsu… me… Aaand away she goes. Ok, let’s get moving. -4 Hey… sfx- Sliiiide 2nd Year Class 4 -5 I’m pretty cute today, right? I worked hard on this look, ok? ###handwritten Yeah, Kaede, you look cute today as well. sfx- Sniff —85 -1 So why is Natsume like that just with me? I mean, I love Natsume after all! sfx- Just what’s wrong with me? Mnn Dunno about that. -2 Just why are you so into Natsume after all? Wha? sfx- Mmm… -3 I mean, we’re complete opposites, right? Plain. Flashy. sfx- point -4 Oh, I guess I’ve never talked about it… -5 It’s was back in April… -6 Toujyou! What’s with those nails! Remove that polish right away! ### nail polish is forbidden in Japanese schools. —86 -1 Whaaa? I worked so hard on these! Look! It’s totally cherry blossoms! ### upper left Toujyou Kaede back in April. ###lower right Put your effort into something else, ok!? -2 Whaa? sfx- Hmph sfx- You can’t! I’m gonna check tomorrow morning, ok? -3 Ok, next! After I worked so hard… Look, Natsume-san! -4 Why put so much effort in? On uniform check day of all things. -5 But I thought of this yesterday. The cherry blossoms are so pretty! Hmm —87 -1 sfx- Grasp Huh? -2 Natsume-sa… sfx- Stare Hmm… They really are… -3 sfx- th-thump Pretty, huh? -4 It’s a bit of a shame to remove them, hm? Eh? -5 Want me to do your nails? That just made my heart pound… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump No thanks. No need. sfx- Blunt Ok, next! —88 -1 Since then, I’ve wanted to be praised by her more! I wanna see that expression more! I want to feel that cold sweat again! sfx- Blush Hmm… -2 Sorry, don’t quite get it. It’s all good. As long as I get it. -3 Yeah! I love Natsume! So there! Hmm? Well, ok then ###handwritten -4 And she ignored me getting my bangs cut, but noticed your haircut… I’m so jelly! ###top handwritten sfx- quiver ###left Maybe I should get a bob, or get it cut short, huh? ###white letters Oh, you cut it? —89 -1 I’m a little down about it, so I’m gonna get some fresh air on the balcony… sfx- Sliiide Ah… Ok. -2 Oh! Hm? -3 Your haircut is cute. It looks good. I forgot to mention… ###handwritten -4 Thanks Yeah. —90 -1 Ok! Maybe I’ll ask Natsume-san about it. -5 Sigh -6 I guess I should get back. I’ll try again tomorrow. -7 Hey, Natsume-san. What? -8 Hm? -9 Natsume’s saying something? sfx- Hiding —91 -1 Why are you so cold towards Kaede? Cold? Wha? Is she asking about… -2 I mean she’s got this vibe where she’s totally wanting you to complement her, and you ignore her. Yet you hang out with her… -3 What’s Natsume going to say? sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump -4 Everyone else tells her that, so need for me to. Whaaa? -5 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump Hmm? So if no one else said it, you would? Yeah, I would. —92 -1 But that’s not going to happen, right? Wha? -2 sfx- Grin I mean… -3 Toujyou’s annoying, so there’s no way people won’t call her cute, right? —93 -1 sfx- Drip Wha… What should I do? I’m gonna cry! -2 sfx- Why? So why not just tell her all that? Wha? Yeah! Really! -3 So why? Um… -4 I mean, I’m embarrassed… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump You can just say it to me! sfx- Pant Pant —94 -1 And if I said it… -2 She’d lose interest in me, right? -3 Me? Losing interest in her if she said it? Mmn? -4 What are you talking about!? sfx- Grab -5 There’s no way I’d lose interest! sfx- Wah! sfx- Jolt sfx- Wham ###big sfx at bottom —95 -1 Oh, my ###handwritten Kaede… sfx- Stiffen -2 Did you, uh… hear that? I just happened to be near by… So, um… -3 Natsume…? sfx- Blush -4 Ah! Natsume! Ah sfx- Yoink Yoink sfx- Twirl —96 -1 Um, good luck! sfx- Whoosh I’m on it! Take care of my bag, please! -2 Natsume! Wait up! sfx- Thumpa Thumpa sfx- Ka-click -3 Natsume! Huff -4 I wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose! sfx- Click -5 Natsume! sfx- Slam —97 -1 Hey! ###handwritten sfx- Bam Bam Hey, Natsume! Open up! -2 No way! sfx- Bam Bam -3 Ok, then… sfx- tap -4 It’s fine if you don’t. Just please listen… What? -5 Was that true? —98 -1 That there’s no way you wouldn’t be interested in me… -2 Please, Natsume… I’m begging you, open the door. -3 I wanna see you, Natsume… -4 Sfx- Click -5 Creaaak —99 -1 Natsume… sfx- Creak -2 Ka-thmp -3 Fidget -4 Whish —100 -1 Glomp -2 H-hey… Toujyou! Wait a… ###handwritten sfx- Squeeeeze -3 I’ve been working so hard to get you to say “you’re cute” or “you’re pretty”. I’ve wanted to hear that… -4 sfx- Clench But looking at you now I feel really different… —101 -1 I’ve really fallen for you even more! -2 I’m still going to want you to look at me… But at the same time you’re just so cute I can’t stand it, Natsume! -3 Natsume… If you felt the same way, I would be even happier, I think… —102 -1 The same way…? Eh? sfx- Blush -2 Yeah! sfx- Bam! -3 Sfx- Blush I mean, like real love! Just having you say it isn’t enough. -4 Ok, then… So you better work to make it happen, right!? sfx- Bluuuush Eh? Of course I’m gonna work for it! -5 This time, I’m going to make you look at me!