Sugar Room - by Kanarashi TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. —01 -1 Sugar Room —03 -1 Sugar Room —04 -1 Sugar Room —05 -1 Kujyou-san -3 Kujyou Hitomi. 27 years old. Company employee of 6 years. No lover. -4 And something is happening that I never even dreamed of. Fwaaah…? —07 -1 One hour before things come to a head. Come on in! -2 Sorry to impose all the sudden. I’m not interrupting anything, I hope. -3 Not at all! I also wanted to have a couple more drinks with you. -4 Sorry it’s a bit messy, but make yourself at home. This is the bathroom, ok? ### handwritten Ah, ok. Thanks for having me. -5 Umm… I know it’s here somewhere… Ah! Found it! I did have some snacks ### handwritten. Bold “did” —08 -1 Wow, so cute! Kujyou-san, you’re so young here! Yeah, that was 1st year in high school. More than 10 years ago. ### handwritten Ahahaha -2 Kinda embarrassing… -3 But are you sure it’s ok that I stay over tonight? Why? -4 Since… sfx- glance -5 I could still make the last train and go home? ### handwritten Your boyfriend could suddenly drop over or something. Boy… sfx- Erk —09 -1 sfx- Slump Eh Ah Did I just put my foot in my mouth? -2 Sigh…. Lover, huh? -3 It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten what’s it like. Haha -5 Geez! You totally had this happy expression just now! Wha!? No! That wasn’t… sfx- Crap —10 -1 I was just a bit surprised… Really? ###handwritten I’m serious. There’s nothing there. -2 But you’re so beautiful, Kujyou-san… Oh, come on! ### handwritten You’re just wasting your breath, ok? -3 I’m not lying. —11 -1 Whoa -3 Kujyou-san -4 I love you. —12 -1 And Back to the present. -2 Ah… -3 BOOZE! sfx- Empty Empty Ah! -4 Ah, yeah… Sakura, you must be drunk, huh? sfx- Grin Gotta tell ya, that surprised me, though. —13 -2 Wha…? -3 sfx- Chugalug Chugalug Whoa now! -4 Sakura… You ok? People say that when things don’t go your way, “Drown it in alcohol”. But I’m chickening out, right? I can’t even lie to myself about what i just did. —14 -1 Waaait a second So, you mean that… Eh…!? -2 Clasp -3 It’s true that I never could have imagined this. Kujyou-san, would you… Please go out with me? -4 But what surprised me more is… -5 …yes. The words that came out of my mouth. —15 -2 Oh, god! I’m so happy! sfx- Squeeze Whoa -3 Whoawhoa! sfx- Whump -4 Mwah -5 Waaaaaaaaaah -6 Just Wait a… ### 2 lines on right This is just a little too… Isn’t this happening a bit too fast!? ### bottom left -8 I’m not ready for…! —16 -1 Hah -2 It was a dream! sfx- Chirp Chirp Cheep Morning… -3 I remember getting drunk, but… What did I do…? ### handwritten But, uh… Just where did the dream start? -4 Uwaugh… My head hurts ### handwritten sfx- Ugh Are you feeling ok? You were pretty drunk last night, after all… -5 Th-thump —17 -1 I used the bath without asking. Sorry. Mm-nn. -2 So, uh… Well… -3 You should, uh… Put something on down there. It’s fine by me, tho ### handwritten sfx- Panties Waugh!? When did I take those off? -4 Ahaha Sorry! I didn't mean to show you that! It’s ok, I didn’t look! OhMyGod. -5 So, about last night… —18 -1 Chu -3 Can I trust you’re really serious…? -4 Um, I’m heading home! -5 I’ll text you! —19 -1 Slam -2 Flop -3 sfx- Slap …I knew it. -4 It wasn’t A dream after all. -5 A lover, after all this time. And what’s more, a woman! What am I gonna do? -6 First off! Take a bath! sfx- Whoosh I slept in my make-up and my face has gotta be a wreck ###handwritten —20 -1 I’m Sakura Fumio. Nice to meet you. From the time I met her… -2 Fumio …san? ### Fumio is typically a man’s name. I know it sounds like a guy’s name. -3 I thought she was a pretty girl. Please call me Sakura. -4 But I never would have thought I’d end up dating her. -5 About the materials for the next meeting, Kujyou-san -6 I compiled the previous year’s data. I’ll add to any insufficient areas, so please check it over. Oh ho ### handwritten -7 Ah ###handwritten Thanks You compiled it nicely. It’s a big help. —21 -1 Sakura’s on the ball. It really helps. -2 Even though she’s our junior, she’s got it together. We’ve gotta step up our game! Right, Kujyou? ### handwritten I thought so too. -3 But Really -4 Listen, the section chief! He was… No way! -5 That Italian place I just went to was really good! -6 Sob Sob -7 What a crybaby I cry over animal movies -8 She had a ton of cute points - in an age appropriate way. —22 -1 Good night! See you tomorrow at the office! -2 I was happy with the way things were at work, but… -4 At the same time, something was brewing. -6 Haaah —23 -1 Sorry! I promised to meet a friend tonight… -2 Sorry to turn down the invite! -3 No, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it. -4 Have fun. Take care. “Friend”. She said friend. -5 Who is this friend? Male? Female? -6 I’m being stupid… It’s not like I’m a kid. —24 -1 What am I going to do about dinner? -2 Mmm Not in the mood to make anything. I guess I’ll just grab some things from the convenience store. Sorry! Did I keep you waiting!? -3 That voice… sfx- Hah -4 Sa… —25 -4 Cold Chill —26 -1 Bzzzzz Bzzzzz -2 Bzzzzz Sakura Fumio -4 Bzzzzz -6 Bzzzzz —27 -1 …san Kujyou-san! -2 Sorry to call so late last night. -3 How about dinner tonight? -4 …sorry. I had to go to sleep early last night. and today I have an appointment… -5 I… See… And so, -6 As much as possible Um Kujyou-sa… Have to look away. Have to stop talking to her. -7 n… …because if I don’t… —28 -1 Just who is that man!? All these word will come pouring out and… -2 I can only image What a wreck I’d become. -3 It hurts… It’s like Like I’m drowning in my heaviness… sfx- Ding Dong —29 -1 Ding Dong -2 Who the hell? At this hour? sfx- Ka-click Yes? -3 So to bother you so late, but… -4 My name is Morimoto. Is this Kujyou-san’s residence? -6 …Sakura!? Urp… —30 -1 Hey! What’s happened, Sakura!? sfx- Thud You ok!? -2 Ok. The rest is up to you. I’ll be off… Eh!? Wait up…! -4 Sei-chan, don’t go… Fumio, Listen, I’ve… -5 “Sei-chan” ### Calling him -chan is a sign that they are close. “Fumio” ### Calling her Fumio without honorifics is a sign that they are close. -6 Morimoto-san, right? You can stay. I have things I need to say too. Wha…!? —31 -1 Morimoto-san Just was is your relationsh… I can’t… gonna throw up. -2 It’s coming up… -3 Hey! Sakura! Are you ok!? Um, no! I mean, wait! I can’t. I gotta… ### black Sorry to intrude! Where’s the bathroom!? ### Jagged bubble I’ll carry her! ### handwritten I feels zo zsick… ### black sfx- Uwaaaaaaaah ### top sfx- Waugh ### lower left —32 -1 Plip -2 Sakura. Here. Water. I’m sorry… -3 I’m fine, but it’s not like you to drink so much Sakura. … That’s ‘cause…! -4 That’s cause… You… -6 You weren’t responding to phone or texts all the sudden. You weren’t looking me in the eyes. Just ignoring me. —33 -1 Anyone would want to drink after that. Sei-chan… -2 Fumio, you… sfx- Grit -3 Shut the hell up. What the hell…? What the hell are you? -4 Fumio. You call her Fumio. —34 -1 Just what are you to Sakura!? -2 Do… Do you know what you did to make me feel that way!? -3 Kujyou-san… -4 I… But the one —35 -1 But the one who didn’t ask anything Was me… -2 So… -3 You saw Fumio and me meeting up. And thought that we were going out? Right? -4 Sei-chan and I are just friends. There’s no way that would happen… How can you say that? —36 -1 That’s because Sei-chan is… Gimme a break… -2 Haah -3 Is this a Fucking Joke? sfx- Grrrr Yikes!? ### small Jagged bubble sfx- Jolt -4 As you see, he’s a queen. So, there’s no way. ### handwritten Whaaaaaat!? —37 -1 Th… That’s just too crazy… But I believe it… -2 How dare you lezzies drag a poor little beauty like me into your domestic quarrel! “poor beauty”? Uwaaah! Sorry! -3 Sorry, Sei-chan’s a bit of a drama queen. Oh, my sfx- Raaage Just who the fuck is a drama queen!? -4 So if you just had introduced us… But, on the one in a million change that Sei-chan fell for you, I’d be in trouble. Sakura… I’m not hearing this! Not hearing it! ### lower right Aaaagh I can take this shit any more! I’ve got places to be! -5 Ka-slam! Fuck you both! Kya —38 -1 Silence -2 Sigh -3 …haha Ahaha hahahahah -4 I’m so stupid. Are you disappointed in me? I totally blew it. Getting wound up in a screaming crying fit. -5 No! I’m not! —39 -1 Something like this won’t make me… Mm But, little by little Mmhm -2 Whoa… Wasn’t prepared for that ### handwritten sfx- Blush I was totally jealous of Morishita-san. I think I always wanted to call you -3 Fumio —40 -1 Ah Wow Hitomi sfx- Blush …san -2 I want to change. I want to be better. …yes. After all The two of us have just begun. —41 -1 Sugar Room —42 -1 Sugar Room —43 -1 Recently I’ve been obsessing over something. -2 Morning! Mornings! -3 Rattle -4 Ah… And that’s… —44 -1 Today too. -3 Her… -5 Her eyebrows… They’re so long… —45 -1 …what? -2 Her Eye Brows? Not her eyelashes? ### handwritten Yeah. Whaddya think? -3 It’s LOVE sfx- Blunt -4 But… Yeah, you’re right… For a girl to pay that much attention to… Nope ### handwritten That’s not what I’m saying here. You don’t even fuss over your own appearance. So what’s up? Mmmm? Yeah, that’s true, but… —46 -1 Huh Could it be…? -2 sfx- Clatter It’s LOVE!? -4 Whaddya think? To be honest? Couldn’t care less. Can I go now? ### handwritten Blunt! Again! -5 But, uh… Were her eyebrows really that long? -6 I’m being serious here! Yeah, yeah. -7 Matsuyuki? Ah, the one who transferred in, right? Are you two close? Uh-un. Never even spoken to each other. -8 But… —47 -1 I wonder just when did it start? But ### in circle I don’t remember -2 But I’m interested in her… -4 When you put it like that, I’m interested in her too now. Eyebrows… Whaa!? -5 It couldn’t be…!? Hey —48 -1 If you’re that interested in her Shouldn’t you be going and talking with her directly? Errk Yeah, you’re right -2 But I’m nervous…! You are shy in weird ways. What up with that? ### handwritten Come with me when I talk to her Just how old are you? -4 Eh? Wai…! Oooooh… …t! -5 I thought I was ready!? —49 -1 …huh? -2 My Eye Brows? Augh! Deja vu! It’s super deja vu! ### handwritten Yeaaaah, That’s the reaction, all right. Been there, done that. ### handwritten -3 Actually… Waugh! No! Stop!! Too embarrassed!! -4 …and that’s the story. Aawawah ### at top I wanna crawl in a hole and die ### this is split around her -5 Wha? What’s with that? That’s awful. -6 Um, Sorry, I don’t mean that in a weird way… That’s… ###top I… I really… ###bottom left —50 -1 You should have just said something. You meanie. -2 Yeah, I… Seem to jump into things faster than most. Ah ### box —51 -1 Ah. I get it. I thought Matsuyuki was kinda of a reserved girl. But she’s really social, huh? -3 In any case your problem Has been solved… -5 I think… I really must be in love. -6 Probably right from the start. —52 -1 Yeah I really am -3 In love with her. —55 -1 When you say “childhood friend” For me, it’s this kid here. Let’s plaaaay! -2 Kamiya, this way! Since the start Why is she using my last name? ### unusual in elementary schools between friends. Things change to last names in junior high on up. -4 Just fix your bedhead already. She’s been a bit off. -5 Kamiya! sfx- Chatter Chatter —56 -1 Morning! -2 Morning. Someone’s in a good mood. But… -3 What’s up with that hair? Kinda rare for you. You noticed! Good job! sfx- Beam -4 For this very purpose, I work up early and did it myself… ### she’s an oddball so making her speak a bit stilted. I knew it! No wonder it looks like crap. Whaaa sfx- Shock -5 C’mere. I’ll fix it. Look away. —57 -1 Ta-dah! -2 Ok, this’ll do. It’s a little better than before. Your hair is just unmanageable. ###handwritten Whoa! You’re a genius, Kamiya! So good! ###handwritten -3 Having you do my hair for ten years hasn’t been for nothing! Fufufu No probs ###handwritten Wha…? sfx- Clench What the hell was that? ### handwritten No! Sorry! Thank you very much! -4 If I’m not around -5 Ah Can you do the thing to make my eyelashes curly? The peeler? ### handwritten She can’t do jack shit. The curler, ok? ###handwritten -6 You really can’t do anything, huh? Ahaha Or so I thought. —58 -1 Zip -2 Whoaaa My eyelash are so boingy ###small Just what’s gotten into you? You never used to do this stuff. -3 Ehehe sfx- Blush -4 Today, Matsuyuki and I Are going shopping after school! -5 However —59 -1 Hmmmm… -2 Ah -3 Matsuyuki! Good morning! sfx- Pyoing -4 Right now She’s totally captivated by this transfer student. -5 Ah Huh? ###handwritten -6 Wow, What up, An-chan? Your hair is really cute. ### this bleeds into panel 4 Really? Ehehehe You’re makin’ me blush —60 -2 Kyou-chan, you did her hair, right? You’re so good. -3 It’s fine. Really. Matsuyuki’s nice. -4 So to use this formula ###small bubble I go hang out with other friends too, so… and put it into the formula. And then -5 So that’s why I shouldn’t be bothered at all by this. sfx- Scritcha Scratch —61 -1 Ding Dong -2 Kyouko, what’s wrong? -3 Eh…? You’ve seemed like you’ve been in a bad mood all day. Your face is kinda scary. Did something happen? -4 My face is always like this. Ah, she’s doing her thing again. Did I step in it? ###handwritten And so… Here we are. After school. -5 Matusyuki! Let’s go! -6 Ah… sfx- Clatter -7 Kamiya! See you tomorrow, kay? Bye Bye! Wave Wave ###small —62 -1 Floomph -3 “She needs me” As if. Who was it that said it? -4 Conceit Is driven by your own need to satisfy yourself. -5 It’s not that. Really, it’s… —63 -1 Kamiya -2 The one who can’t do anything -3 Is me. —64 -1 Ugh… -2 sfx- Weary OhMyGod… I look like shit. ### handwritten -3 Here sfx- Whsssh -5 Wha? —65 -1 Um… Well What’s this? ###small -2 it’s your b-day present! Happy birthday! -5 Whose? -6 Eh…? Well, Yours, of course, Kamiya… My birthday’s not today. -7 Eh! -8 Whaaaaat!? Wha aa aa ### lower left. Supposed to be an echo —66 -1 No way! sfx- Whish I wrote it down… -2 Ah -3 9th Go Shopping with Matsuyuki 10th Kamiya’s Birthday ### “dad” is written in tiny letters below -4 Your dad’s birthday!! Whaa ###above head No way!? -5 Ooooooo… -6 I mean, really. Why do you even have my dad’s birthday in there? I’m… —67 -1 Sorry. I made an oopsie. sfx- Droop Got that right. Obviously. ### handwritten -2 Matsuyuki, I’m sorry too! After making you come with me and all… It’s fine ###small -3 Ah -4 I get it. I’m really sorry ###small -5 That’s why yesterday they… -6 But without Mr. Kamiya, Kyou-chan wouldn’t have been born. So through that connection, it’s her birthday. Genius! You’re so smart! ### hand-lettered What kind of nonsense is this? —68 -1 …so then -2 Even though I blew it, it’d make me happy if you accept it. sfx- Hehe Ok… -3 If you’re gonna give it to me, I’ll take it… Can I open it? No probs ### small Yep! Of course! -4 Rip -5 Keyholder Handkerchief sfx- Lovely Tacky! ###lower left -6 And we match! —69 -1 Snort Ahahahaha To think that this is what it was all about… Um, yeah. ### above heads Cackle… ### or other dry, sarcastic laugh -2 Geez, already. -3 I’m too pure, I guess. -4 By the way, Kamiya, Why are you wearing glasses today? -5 Stiffen -6 Ugh… —70 -2 Never you mind! —72 Sugar Room —73 -1 I love you. -2 Yukko… -3 Ding Dong -4 Yukko, you’re in, right? sfx- Ding Dong Ding Dong Yukko, open up! -5 sfx- Ding Dong Ding Dong -6 Hey, c’mon! -7 Yukko! —74 -1 Ka-cha -2 Ah Yukko! Good Mor… -3 …ning! Ung sfx- Crack -6 Ka-flop Ah ###circle —75 -1 It’s early! No ding dong ding dong! Shut. The. Fuck. Up! -2 Just what time do you think it is?! Seven… In the morning… So you get it! -3 Yukko, you’re being really loud too… Huh -4 sfx- Glance Glance What the…? ###small -5 Silence -6 Whew ###small Hey, Yukko, let me in? -7 Waah wah -8 Ah, fuck me! Getcher ass in already! sfx- Fling —76 -1 Gyaouff sfx- Wh-bam -3 sfx- Stare -4 Shit… Same Sound Different Meanings ### title -5 Be gentle with me… ### bold or italicize “gentle” Shaddup! sfx- Aww -6 Ah! -7 Yukko’s futon! Yay! ### small Stop that! —77 -1 So… -2 My precious Sunday off from college. And! So early in the morning! 2nd hit ###small Her very words have thorns. Barley tea’s ok, right? So just what brings you here…? -4 Act… -5 Actually I haven’t finished the assignment that’s due tomorrow! Help me Yukko! sfx- Uwaaah I knew it! Get offa me! I’m gonna spill!! -6 You do this shit every single time! You had plenty of time to get it done! sfx- Waaah I know! My bad! —78 -1 Let me ask - just for reference. How far did you get? About one fifth. I think. -2 So barely anything at all! Wha!? You’re absolutely right! Stop acting so superior! -3 Hey… I don’t get it. You heard this is a hard deadline, right!? And you only have 1/5th done? …no, I wanted to do it! Really! But, the deadline suddenly was here, see? Whattya mean “see”!!!? -4 Are you dumb? No, really. Are you stupid? ### both handwritten Just give it up. Go cry to your professor about the precious units you’re gonna lose. You’re killing me here! -5 You’re so mean… sfx- Waaaaaa After I like you so much, Yukko… Like I care ### small -6 I love you. —79 -1 By the way, how are you doing, Yukko…? I finished last night. That’s why I didn’t sleep well and I’m tired now. ### this bubble bleeds into panel 2 -2 So, you can help me out, right? sfx- Yawn Just let me copy yours… I promise I won’t copy everything. Will you just shut up already! -3 You always let me copy yours, so why…? Yeah. I do. I always do. And you even got an A rank out of it. Ah! That’s cause I just added a bit to what you did, Yukko! -4 EEyooow! Whyyy!? ###small B-rank. -5 Why does it always have to be me…? Oh, come on! You know that already! -6 Because I likes ya! sfx- Ba-da-bing Oho? Do I see a smile behind those glasses? You’re hallucinating. —80 -1 I wonder why I can’t get through to you. Nice boobs ###handwritten I wonder. -2 But I like that about you! -3 I love you. -4 Love? ### we need to superimpose the word love on top of “like” somehow. Maybe like on page 86? —81 -1 That’s why I want to graduate together… I know it’s my bad that I skipped classes, but… -3 You’re only one I can depend on… Hey -4 You -5 You don’t know, right? …Yukko? —82 -1 Squeeze -2 Me too. —83 I like you too Elena ### Again, we need to superimpose the word love on top of “like” somehow. -4 Eh…? Ah… What? sfx- Clink —84 -1 I love you a lot. -2 Wait a… -3 Waaaait! ###handwritten Theeeere it is! Yukko’s Dere Baka! That’s what I like! ### Dere is to be sappy over someone. Baka is stupid. Kyaaaaaa ###above heads But I’m the one Who likes you the most! ### handwritten both You little TsunDere! -5 You’re finally being honest with yourself… Oh? ###small sfx- Push -6 Shumph —85 -2 What the hell are you spacing out for? We got no time before the deadline. -3 …eh? So you’re gonna help me!? No choice, I guess. Really!? Tacka tacka ### small -4 This is why I like you Yu… sfx: Shove Shut it. Get your head and hands in gear. Yes ma’am. -5 Ok! Let’s do this thing! -6 Clicka Clicka -7 Click Clicka Click I knew it all along. —86 -1 After all This is war. That’s what this is. -2 If it wasn’t I wouldn’t be this miserable. ###boxes The sound is the same, but meaning is different. ### middle line of text ### And this refers to the word “suki” meaning both “love” and “like”. Same Sound Different Meanings ### grey text in background —87 -1 Sugar Room —88 -1 Sugar Room 
 —89 -1 Ephemeral -2 Let’s break it off. -3 Wha…? -4 Why…!? -6 Goodbye —90 -1 I… -2 My relationship’s over! sfx- Waaah Hold up. -3 Sniff What…? To be honest, that’s a surprise. -4 So. You say you had a lover? First I’ve heard of it ###small -5 …yeah For about six months… Hmmm -6 Really? That? Coming from her? Well… She’s says they’re already broken up, so… Sorry —91 -1 I wanted to tell you, Yuzu -3 But couldn’t find the right time… -4 Ah, it’s ok. Let’s put that aside. -5 After all, you're the one who dumped them. And pretty harshly too. Uuuah -7 —92 -1 N… No… -2 It’s not like that! -3 Ah, It’s the first time -4 I’ve seen this face. —93 -1 Here. -2 Thanks… Sorry. Calmed down a bit? I think… That’s good, then. -3 It wasn’t like this at first. -6 Squeeze -7 It was Super fun. —94 -1 What she told me -2 It’s a perfectly typical story, I guess. -3 I wonder… Is this what they call ennui? -4 No really sure I understand it, though. -5 I said “Am I the only one in love here?” And then it ended up Like this. -6 They said I was being stupid… -7 “Stupid”? But… Well… I guess it’s a case of “what do you want me to do here?” -8 If you stretch out your hand You want to feel what’s it like to be touched. “Will I connect?” You start having expectations. If you never do anything To start with… —95 -1 You can live with not knowing. Even though there’s a pain in that too. -2 Siiiiiigh Huh? Ahhh ###bottom -3 What’s going… Well, If you’re fine with the way things are, that’s ok. -4 sfx- Whssh -5 But what do you really want here? -6 You were so… -7 You love them enough to cry this much, right? —96 -1 But After all that, how can I… sfx- Vmmmm -2 A call? sfx- Glance Ah, not me. -3 Vmmmm -4 What are you doing? Gonna answer? ### small -6 sfx- Pissed -7 Ah, c’mon already! You’re such a pain! —97 -1 Snatch -2 Ah sfx- Beep -3 …hello! Yeah, I’m her friend! -5 What? What’s this? This is not what I expected at all… —98 -1 This isn’t what I thought at all. -2 Yeah -3 Got it. I’ll tell her. -5 Ah… Um… She’s waiting. Will be until you come. At the ice cream place in front of the station. —99 -2 Eh Whoa -3 Yu… -4 Yuzu! I…! —100 -1 Oh, shut up and get going! sfx- Wapish Gyaaa -2 Next time, Owie… -3 Be sure to tell her What you want to tell her. -4 Ok sfx- Scoot Scoot If you get it, then get a move on! -6 Thanks… —101 -1 Yuzu, I’m so glad To have you as a friend. —102 -1 Aaaahah. Just What am I doing? -2 I mean It was the first I heard she had a lover. Never would have thought she’d be the first. -4 Donk -5 Hello? -6 Her voice was high… —103 -2 “You love them enough to cry this much, right?” I arrogantly put myself above her. —104 -1 Ah, c’mon. I’m the one who’s stupid. sfx- Wipe Haha Hilarious. -2 But… Even though it stings. It’s true. -3 It’s absolutely true That I loved her! —105 -1 Sugar room —106 -1 Sugar Room —107 -1 Can’t Just Stay A Starry Eyed Girl ### above panel sfx- Clink Cheers! -2 Today is my 30th birthday. And, of course, -3 Pwaaah ### small Happy birthday! Your Misoji birthday! ### Big bubble ### A term for women in their thirties. Has the implication of the start of being over the hill. -4 It means I have turned 30. …thanks. —108 -1 So Aya has hit her 30’s. -2 So, an OBA-SAN ### means “Aunt”. In Japan you would call someone you don’t know in their 30’s (like a waitress, for instance) Oba-san. So the age when people stop calling you Onee-san (sister) and start calling you Oba-san is a big deal for women. …kinda feel? -3 Shut up already! Just because your birthday is a bit later than mine, Kazusa! sfx- Gyaa Gyaa sfx- Kyaa ###small I’m object to violence! -4 Grrrr Grab -5 Aya —109 -1 Leans in -2 Hey… -3 What are… -4 Ah -5 The two of us are lovers. I love you. —110 -1 We met back in college. Ahhhh -2 C’mon! Really!? -3 This teacher’s so damn boring. Can’t believe I’m paying for this. ###small You’re too loud… -4 Didn’t take long to get friendly, though. Oh? -5 You live around here? I commute from home. ###small Can I come hang out next time? -6 So when Kazusa Should we try going out together…? Said that -8 Yeah… I was truly happy. —111 -1 And now it’s 10 years later. Geez… -2 Stare -3 Wh… What… -4 I got to see an oba-san’s embarrassed face! sfx- Kyaa Imma gonna kill you! -5 Before I knew it, I’m now this age. Shiiiiit ###small —112 -1 Hey -2 Bump -3 What wrong? Booze kicking in? -4 Aya You ever think about marriage? -6 …what’s with this? Outta the blue… You looking to start a fight? No way! sfx- Pissed -8 But… Ummmm For instance… —113 -1 Getting married. Having and raising a kid… That wouldn’t be so bad, I think. Right? ###small Cleanin’ house. Getting supported ’n stuff. Kinda been a dream ### small -2 Hm? sfx- Pause Just a sec. Trying not to ignore you. -3 Kazusa, you can’t clean… Yeah! I know, I know! Ahahaha -4 What the hell are you… -5 Haha So Yeah -6 Ha ha ha… —114 Let’s break up. —115 -4 Whaaaa? “Let’s break up” sfx- TH-THUMP -5 Ah I… —116 -1 I… -2 Tearing up —117 -1 No way! I take it back! I don’t wanna break up! sfx- Uwwaaah -2 She’s drunk… -3 I’m begging you, don’t get rid of me! Ah, geez ### small I got it already. -4 For a second -5 I had heaved a sigh of relief. —118 -1 … you’ve drank too much. Take a shower and go to bed already. Whaaa? It’s not even 10 yet… Don’t give me that! I mean, that would mean ###box -2 Shhhhhh -3 That I would certainly …certainly? sfx- Shhhhh -4 Have an Omiai with someone my mom picked out? ### Omiai is formal introduction to a prospective marriage partner. -5 If that went well, we’d get married, I guess. It’s the son of an acquaintance. Just look at his photos, ok? -6 At any rate sfx- Squeek —119 -1 “Normal happiness” would make my clinginess disappear. sfx- Ka-chak -2 Haah -4 Kazusa? sfx- Creak -5 Did she really fall asleep? —120 -2 Slide -3 Mm-nn. I’m awake. I was waiting for you, Aya. -4 Hey, Aya? Can I squeeze you tight? Sure, sure. Go ahead. Squeeeeeeze -5 Ah, you smell so good. Stop sniffing me I love the way you smell. -8 I love you. —121 -1 Just what is this? I wonder How long I can take this? -2 When I’m with her, it comes boiling up. This feeling. -3 Unease when I’m with her. Relief when I can be with her. I’m contradicting myself. -4 Kazusa Mm? Whaaat? -5 Eh? What? What! I just wanted to say your name. —122 -2 It’s convenient. -3 You don’t have to tell me. I already know. -4 But —123 -1 But I’m now 30. My friends are married. I’m not against having kids. But listening to my mom’s advice is a pain. -2 I thought that becoming an adult Meant being able to choose. To decide things for myself. -3 I’m stuck in a place where I can’t choose. -4 Whssh -5 Aaah But However Even so… —124 -1 But what can I do? I mean… I love you You love me -3 I love you, Kazusa We fell in love with each other. —126 -2 …nn -3 Shhf -4 Ah… When I wake up in the middle of the night -6 I’m sorry, ‘kay? Aya. I see her tear stained face. And I… —127 -1 I know That her heart -2 Is shaking. -3 Me. “Normal happiness”. She can’t choose. She can’t throw either away. I guess. -4 So sweet. So sly. -5 Such a stupid woman. —128 -1 I guess I’ll keep her. sfx- Pinch Geez ###handwritten -2 Un..nn… -3 But Even so -4 That’s fine. -5 Well, If she did kick me to the curb. I’d cry up a storm. I’d cry so much. Get me a bucket of booze and drown in it. Haha —129 -1 Hey, Aya That’d be… Fine with me. -2 Eternity? A lifetime? Don’t need that shit. I don’t have dreams that big. -3 Stroke -4 The time for having dreams -5 Is already past. -6 Who give a shit about a future we can’t see anyway? But It sure is here. —130 -1 This “now”. This feeling. I love you. -2 It’s the real thing. —131 -1 Sugar Room —132 -1 Sugar Room —133 -1 You really cut it, huh? Before And After The Dream -2 I’m 30 this year. And we’ve passed 10 years together this summer. -3 Eh? Ah. Well, yeah. You like it? ### handwritten You said you were going to cut it, But didn’t think it’d be this short. -4 It doesn’t look good? Or is it that it’s not to your taste? Nah, nothing like that… -5 You just took such care to grow it out. Just thought it was a bit of a shame… —134 -1 Well, with it being hot like this, it’s a pain. sfx- Chreeeee Chreeeeee ### cicadas -2 And… sfx- Pomf -3 Things have a lifespan. -4 “Lifespan”? Like your hair’s length. -5 What are you talking about? -6 For a woman getting older, long hair is a disgrace unless it’s cared for properly. But that’s a pain, right? Generally when you get to be an “oba-san”, you cut it short, right? and maybe get a perm ### handwritten I guess so… —135 -1 Smirk -2 So Kazusa, you’re saying I’ve hit that age, huh? And now it’s my turn to cut my hair…? Is that what you’re saying? ###small Don’t get me wrong here sfx- Threatening -3 Even if I don’t grow out my hair sfx- Whish -4 Shhumff -5 Fluff —136 -1 I… Have you, Aya -3 …hmmm -4 So you like me with long hair, Kazusa? If I cut it, you gonna dump me? Fufu Mmmm I’d have to think about it. -5 sfx- Glomp Or something. -6 Nah, I’d never say that. -7 I mean, I’ll always I wonder when It’ll be my “lifespan”. —137 -1 Love you however you are, Aya. -3 Getting older? To tell the truth, it’s scary. -4 You’re acting all smug all the sudden. It’s fine every once in a while, right? -5 Since I look forward to it. -6 But, from here on …yeah. —138 -1 If you’re here with me So until then, wait for me, ok? -3 That might not be too bad. That’s what I thought. -4 Ah But, hey, No buzz cuts, ok? That’d be a surprise! ### handwritten How about a man’s cut? Would that look good? Don’t do it… —141 -1 Matsumoto Aya It’s been a while since we met. Looking forward to it. Thank you! I’m looking forward to tomorrow and can’t get to sleep! I’m at the meeting spot. Matsumoto Aya ### between bubbles Be there soon. -2 sfx: Clamor Clamor Summer vacation, let’s go somewhere the three of us. Before planning for summer, we gotta get through our midterms, right? -3 Sailor uniforms… I can’t wait for summer! ### handwritten Where should we go? ### handwritten Junior high? Nah, High school, right? -4 I was like that once. Fufu ###handwritten -5 Clack -6 Hitomi! -7 Beam Ah —142 -1 Aya-senpai! It’s been a while, Hitomi. -2 Did I keep you waiting? No I just got here. -3 Don’t you think that’s awful? The moment I turn 30, I get hit with “oba-san”… I was born a bit earlier, but we’re the same age! -4 Wha Yeah, that’d piss me off. Right!? -5 Hitomi-san, you’re 30 now. ### bubble Still in her early twenties. ### under bubble Sorry, dating an oba-san is a bit… Let’s just break it off. ### bubble I never want to have that said to me… sfx- Sting Sting Just imagining it breaks my heart… ### left —143 -1 Uuaagh… -3 But it’s great to see you looking so well, Hitomi. When I got your message in the middle of the night, I had no idea what was going on. Did I sent that to the wrong person? ### handwritten right And to Aya-senpai!? Wah I’m really sorry about that… -4 But thanks to that, we got to meet up again. Gotta be grateful for coincidence, huh? -5 Yes! -6 Come to think of it ###handwritten When was the last time we saw each other? Mmm After the tournament where I retired… Huh? No, can’t be… How many years has it been? Ahaha Ah Did you hear about our advisor, Y’know, Yoshida-sensei? Her son’s… —144 -2 So the person on the right is your Senpai-san? I think I’ve seen this photo before ###handwritten ### and she saw it in chapter 1 Yeah. She was my club senpai in high school. -3 What club were you in, Hitomi-san? Badminton. What about you Fumio? I was in wind ensemble. Whoa -5 She seems like she’s really nice. Ahaha Right? But really, she got mad all the time, and was kinda scary. —145 -1 Achoo! ### Folklore that if you sneeze, someone is talking about you. Here -2 She got mad at me A lot… sfx- Hmph -3 Fumio? What’s wrong? sfx- Th-thump -4 It’s… It’s just you looked too happy! Eh? Sorry! Sorry! -5 Hitomi-san, you’re laughing at me. Meanie! You’re the cutest thing ever, Fumio. —146 -1 Afterward ###above panel Hello. I’m Kanarashi. ### the first kanji in their name means “deer” When I first was contacted about being published… Wha…? What do you want from me? Are you crazy? -2 I turned it down once. Is it ok? I’m ok, right? ### bubble But I was given the chance to try again. You’ll be fine! Editor-san ###left of panel -3 Push! Push! How much can you do before the deadline? I don’t think I can make it! It felt like the most clearly life was telling me I couldn’t do it. -4 Yes Hello ###underbubble Sorry, about the title… Laaaate at night ### lower right Thank you very much. -5 ### left 4 koma I went to a shrine famous for strengthening relationships. About here ### next to arrow Shikoku ### lower right on map Kyushu ### bottom middle of map Offerings ### on box -6 I want to have a better relationship with manga! Me | Manga ### lower left. This is an “ai ai gasa” where you write the names of two people in love sharing an umbrella. -7 And I was all yuri girls with unrequited loves to be happy. I beseech you. ### handwritten That’s what I prayed for. -8 Maybe this manga coming out is a result of that? I’d like to think so. Thanks to the gods. ###left of panel —147 -1 I was influenced So cool. ###small I want to try to draw some too. ### bubble to draw yuri manga by friends. Starting Summer 2012 ### small -2 There have been many people I’ve tried to catch up to. -3 The things I have draw have taken shape. -4 You never know what life will bring, huh? -5 Once again, hello. I’m Kanarashi. I am completely dumbfounded to have a manga with my name on it released to the world. I made some friends who were into yuri manga, and that’s how I got started thinking I’d like to draw something like this. If I hadn’t run in to them, I likely would have never drawn yuri manga. Before this volume came out, I published two doujinshi that I totally redrew for this. While I was redrawing them, I was wondering if I had grown any. I should have grown some! Aya was the first character I created after deciding to draw working age women yuri. Many people have said they like her - thank you very much! If you have enjoyed this in any way, it would make me so happy. Thank you so much! Thank you very much Editor-san, designer-san, Arufua-san, W-san, Kawauchi-kun, Kanno-chan, Nega-san. —148 -1 Sugar Room Front Cover As of time of printing. —149 -1 Rear Cover As of time of printing. —150 -1 The things I drew through trial and error, I can’t believe that it’s come together like this. If you enjoy it in any fashion, it would make me so happy!