113 サー… Shwaa いい天気 お出かけびよりだ… The weather's nice. It's a good day to go out... 風香と出かける予定があって I'm going on a day out together with Fuuka. 114 ハァー… Haaa... だめだ It's no good. 考えても仕方ないのに There's no point in dwelling on it 考えてしまう But I can't help it. 料理… 料理でもしよう Cooking... I should make something. ガチャ Kachak からっぽ… Empty... ハァー… Haaa... 115 15話 また夜が来る Chapter 15 Night Comes Again 自分本位なこの気持ちを… These selfish feelings... 欠けた月とドーナッツ Crescent Moon and Doughnuts 116 風香 Fuuka 思ったよりちゃんとしてきた Better than I expected from you. はあ!? Huh?? 117 帰ろうかな I think I'll leave. うそうそ! ごめん! Just kidding! Sorry! かわいいよ You're adorable. くる Spin ならいい Fine. なになに? わざわざ買ってくれたの? What is it? Did you go shopping just for today? うん… Yeah... 118 ひな子さんが 選んでくれた Hinako-san Picked it out. こういうの似合いますよって She said this type of outfit suits me. デートするって言った? Did you mention the date? ひな子ちゃんに To Hinako-chan. えっ いや言ってない Eh? No, I didn't. 119 ちゃんと 自分で考えるから I'm trying To figure things out myself. マジメだなー You sure are serious. またからかってる? Are you teasing me again? ううん 好き No I love that about you. ぱっ Fwsh あさひ Asahi 120 はい Yes? いこ デート Let's go On our date. 122 なんか… It's like... チラ Glance 普段会う時と何も変わらない気が… Nothing is any different from... ばっ Whoosh あ 照れた~ Ah! You're blushing~ 照れてない I am not! 123 あさひって 不愛想とか感情ないって言われるけど そんなことないよね You know, Asahi People say stuff like you're cold or emotionless But it's not true at all. すねるしすぐムキになるし You're mopey, and you get grumpy easily. なってない Do not! ほらそれそれ See? That's what I mean. ぐっ Grr あと たまに笑うとかわいい Also Sometimes you're really cute when you smile. ガチャ… Clack なんで急にそんなことばかり言うの Why do you suddenly keep saying things like that. ずっと思ってたよ? It's what I've always thought. あたしだけの秘密だから 誰にも言わなかっただけ I just haven't told anyone Since it's been my secret. 124 …でも But... 今もう違うからなー… Things are different now... どういうこと? What do you mean? ん? Hm? 最近よく笑うようになったねって話 I mean how you've started smiling a lot more recently. そうなの? Have I? うん だからもう 言っちゃおうかなって Yep So I thought Maybe it's time to just tell you. 125 風香は Fuuka has ちゃんと私のことを見ていてくれたんだな Always been paying attention to me. 嬉しい That makes me と思う Feel glad. 「好き」 I "love" that about you. どうしたらいいんだろう I wonder what's the right thing to do. さく… Crrch... 126 ずっと一緒にいてくれた友達 She's my friend who's always been there for me. 傷つけたくない I don't want to hurt her. スッ Fwsh 127 明日は仕事か~ Work tomorrow, huh? あーあ Ahh んで? 返事は? So? What do you say? あたしとつき合ってくれる? Will you go out with me? 128 …つき合うって 何をすればいいの? When you say go out... What do I need to do? 今日みたく 映画観たりご飯食べたりだよ Just like today, Seeing movies, eating food. それなら… In that case... でも But also つらい時はあたしを一番に頼ってほしいし When you're suffering, I want you to rely on me the most. あさひが一番楽しいのも あたしといる時であってほしい And when you're the happiest I want it to be when you're with me. つらい時楽しい時 会いたいって When you're suffering, when you're happy That you want to be with me. ただそれだけが欲しい That's all I ask. 129 傷つけたくない I don't want to hurt her. …わ かった… I... Understand... 努力 する I'll do My best. …それは That's... 「好き」じゃないよ あさひ… Not "love" Asahi... 130 ちゃんと振ってよ Just turn me down. このままじゃ 自分のこと嫌いになりそうでさ At this rate I'm going to hate myself. …風香 Fuuka... 友達でいいやって 何もしてこなかった自分のせいだけど I know it's my fault For thinking it's enough to be friends and not doing anything なんであたしじゃなかったんだろうって あたしのほうが好きなのに あたしの何が悪いんだって But I just think, why can't it be me? I'm the one who loves you. What's wrong with me? 131 もう つらくなってきちゃった I just Couldn't take it anymore. だから言わなきゃって あんたを困らせるってわかってたけど That's why I had to tell you Even though I knew it would only trouble you. ごめん… I'm sorry... これは自分のためなの… It was all for my own sake... ぐす Sniffle 風香 Fuuka... 132 …ずっと 一緒にいてくれてありがとう Thank you For always being there for me. これからも風香は 私の… You'll still always Be my... 唯一無二の親友だよ One and only best friend. ずるいって… That's no fair... 133 でも… ありがとう But... Thank you. そのネイル Is that nail polish ひな子ちゃん? From Hinako-chan? 134 自分で選んだ I picked it myself. …そっか きれいだよ I see... It's lovely. 135 風香があんなに泣くの はじめて見た I've never seen Fuuka Cry like that. それは「好き」じゃないよ That's not "love." 好きとか恋とか 私には関係ない必要ないもの I had always thought That things like love and romance それよりも大事なものがあるって ずっとそう思ってきた Don't have anything to do with me, that they're unessential That there's something even more important. そうやって自分のことも周りのことも And so, whether it was myself or those around me 知ろうとも見ようともしてこなかったから I never tried to understand. I never tried to see. 結局肝心な時に何もできないんだ Then in the end, at the crucial moment, I couldn't do anything. 136 今までの人生何をしてきたのだろう What have I been doing my whole life? 風香を あんな風に傷つけて Fuuka I hurt her so much そのくせ まだ友達でいようなんて And yet The only thing I could say 自分本位のことしか言えない Was something as selfish as, "Let's be friends." 情けない 恥ずかしい I'm pathetic. I'm so ashamed. 自分が I just 嫌で嫌で… Hate myself so much... 137 ばっ Whoosh 最低だ I'm the worst. 138 会いたい… I want to see her... 139 つらい時 会いたいと思うひとが I figured out When I'm sufferring 分かってしまった Who I want to see. わっ Wah もうこんな時間 お弁当って正解だったな It's this late already. Good thing I bought something to eat. 料理は明日しよ I'll cook tomorrow. …あさひさん ...I wonder if 帰ってきたかな Asahi-san is back yet. 電話なんてできないし 偶然ばったり会えないかな It's not like I can call her. Maybe I could run into her by chance. ちょうどドーナッツ2個あるし I even have two doughnuts with me. 今 この角を曲がったら… Right now When I turn this corner... たっ Step 140 くるっ Spin あ Ah 月 The moon. 隠れちゃった It's hiding.