Someday, We'll Get There by Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/24 (00361.jpeg)] (flt) ふああ… yawn おはよー… Morning... (sfx) ぺたぺた step step そうだ… Right... お父さんとお母さんはもうアメリカに… Mom and Dad are already in America... おはよう! Morning! …四条さん⁉ Shijou-san? [2/24 (00362.jpeg)] いつかみのれば Someday, We'll Get There 握るのは拳ではなく、このレバー We clench not our fists, but the joystick! [3/24 (00363.jpeg)] 私があなたを I'll make you 世界で2番目にしてあげる Second-best in the world. わ… I... 私…… I...... みのる! Minoru! [4/24 (00364.jpeg)] お前友だちいたのかぁー⁉ You mean to say you have a /friend/? みのる絶対勉強ついていけないし友だちもできなくてクラスで浮いてるだろうから連れて行こうってお父さんと決めたのにー And here your father and I decided we should take you to America because you can't study if your life depended on it and we were sure you couldn't make friends and your class had given you the cold shoulder! せっかくできた友だちと引き離すわけにはいかないな… Now that she's finally managed to make a friend, there's no way we could tear them apart... そうね… There isn't, is there..? えええー⁉ Huuuuunh‽ (sfx) ブーン。。。 fwooosh おいてかれた… They left me behind... (sfx) ポンッ。。。 pat [5/24 (00365.jpeg)] …それでなんで四条さんが普通に家にいるんだろう… ...Wait a minute, what's Shijou-san doing in my house? She doesn't live here... (flt) あれ… 記憶が… Wait... My memory... これ…わざわざ家までから運んできたの…? Did you... Carry this all the way from your house...? ただの生活必需品よ Just a few daily essentials. …ゲームはともかく ...For gaming, anyway. テレビだったら家にもあるのに If you needed a TV, there's already one here. そんな4フレも5フレも遅延入るようなテレビじゃゲームにならない! You can't play on a TV like that! It looks like it has four or even five frames of lag! あ…そう… Oh... Okay... (flt) …まだ買って2・3年なんだけど… ...But we just bought it only two or three years ago... [6/24 (00366.jpeg)] そうそうこれ! Okay, now, this! 私のプレゼント! Is a present from me! え……いいの…? Uh... Can I really...? (flt) 高そう It looks expensive いいのいいの You can, really! 家にあまってたやつだし I just had that one lying around the house. (flt) ボタンとレバは換装済よー It's not the original buttons or stick あ…ありがとう Th... Thanks. あまるものなの…? It was just lying around...? (flt) へー… Whoa... ゲームセンターのと同じコントローラが売ってるんだ… So they sell the same controllers they use at the arcade... あれ… Wait... 家でできるならわざわざゲームセンターでやらなくていいんじゃ…… So if we can do it at home, then we don't have to go all the way down to the— それは違う Wrong. (sfx) キッパリ shut down [7/24 (00367.jpeg)] 今家庭用で発売されてるのは『アイアンキャットデストロイヤーズ6』だけどゲームセンターで稼働している業務用は『アイアンキャットデストロイヤーズ6GODDESS REVELATION』 だから! They're only selling "Iron Cat DestroyerS 6" for home console, but the version they're running in the arcades is "Iron Cat DestroyerS 6: Goddess Revelation!" 6GRからの新キャラは業務用でしか使えないし既存キャラにも新技が追加されてて調整が違うから大会にそなえてやりこんでおかないと 6GR has new characters you can only use in the arcade version and the existing characters have new moves and the balance is different, so in order to get ready for tournaments, you have to go all in! あ…うん そう… Uh... Yeah. Okay... とりあえす基本的なことは家庭用で教えるね For now, I'll teach you the fundamentals on console. [8/24 (00368.jpeg)] キャラを選ぶんだね So now I pick my character. (flt)知ってる I know this part やっぱりこの子を… I think I'll stick with... ちょっと待って Hold on a sec. まずそのkらや選択ないから First off, that's no kind of character pick. なんで… Why...? そのキャラじゃ勝てない You can't win with that character. えー…じゃあ… Uh... Then... この子 This guy. それこの間の調整で弱体化した He was nerfed in the recent rebalance. この子は How about her? 女キャラとか大会で優勝できないようにできてる The female characters are made so you you can't win tournaments with them. (flt) 強いゲームもあるけど Well, they're strong in some games この… This.. 体がでかいキャラは不利 Giant characters are a handicap. イロモノは弱い The weird ones are weak. たぶん次回作にいないからやりこむだけムダ He probably won't be in the next game, so it's pointless to go in on him. ※四条の個人的な見解です *These are Shijou's personal opinions. [9/24 (00369.jpeg)] じゃあどのキャラだったらいいの⁉ So what character /should/ I pick‽ 強いキャラ A strong character. 使用キャラが決まったら Once you've picked which character you'll use... いよいよゲーム? We finally play? Wikiに書いてある内容全部暗記して Learn everything that's on the wiki by heart. (phone) 10連コンボ 10-hit combos (phone) Ⅰ発目23~24F 1st hit frame 23-24 (phone)コマンド Command (phone) 判定 Guard (phone) 中 Any (phone) 下 Low (phone) ダメージ Damage (phone) ガード Block (phone) ヒット Hit (phone) カウンター Counter [10/24 (00370.jpeg)] ちょっと覚えること多いけどこれは大事な第一歩よ… It's sort of a lot to remember, but it's an important first step... (sfx) ブツブツ seethe 四条とミノ On the road 世界制覇の道への! To Shijou and Mino world dominance! …あの ...Um ミノって一体… What exactly is "Mino"...? (flt) ミノ? ミノ? Mino? Mino? 私が考えたあなたのプレーやネーム It's the gamertag I thought up for you. そんな勝手に… You decided for me...? もっと痛い名前がよかった? Did you want something that hits harder? いいじゃんミノ! It'll be fine, Mino! [11/24 (00371.jpeg)] (sfx) ピンポーン ding dong あれ?誰かきた Huh? Someone's here. 私出るね I'll get it. その間ななめ入力練習しといてー Practice special inputs while I'm up. あなたは神を信じますか…… Do you believe in God...? (magazine) めざめてっ! Awake! は? What? 私も界隈ではコマテクの神って呼ばれてますけど I mean, they call me a tech skill god in the neighborhood. もしかして私のこと知らないんですか? Don't tell me you've never heard of me? それちょっと信仰心足りてないんじゃないですか Perhaps you're not quite as pious as you ought to be? (sfx) そろおっ… Let's get it all together... [12/24 (00372.jpeg)] (flt) ねー Hey お客さん泣きながら買えちゃったんだけどー So, she was crying when she left— 思わずきげてきちゃった… I ran off without even thinking about it... (flt) 自分の家なのに… Even though it's my house... ミノー! Minoooo! ミノー! Minooooo! もう追いかけてきたの⁉ She's already on my tail? ミノー!どこー⁉ Minoooo! Where aaaaare you‽ [13/24 (00373.jpeg)] とりあえず隠れなきゃ I've gotta hide, at least for now. [14/24 (00374.jpeg)] あわててよく見ないで入ってきちゃったけど I was freaking out, so I came in without looking where I was going... この前の場所ともちょっと雰囲気ちがうなぁ… But this arcade feels a bit different from the one I was in before, with the fighting games... [15/24 (00375.jpeg)] 次やる? Do you have next? わ…私こっちの空いてる台でやるのでどうぞそのまま… I...I'll use this open machine, so you can keep going... …あー ...Oh— これ二台で一組だから一人プレイでも二台使うんだよ The two machines are connected, so even just a one-player game uses both. え⁉あ…なら私は… Huh‽ Uh... In that case, I'll— じゃあ一緒にやろうよ Then why don't we play together? [16/24 (00376.jpeg)] い…いえ私こういうのやったことないので… N...No, I've never played something like this before, so... 大丈夫大丈夫 Don't worry about it. 私教えるし I'll teach you. (sfx) チャリン チャリン chunk chunk …すごいね ...That's amazing. 本当に音ゲーはじめて? Is this really your first rhythm game? はい… It is... 手がひりひりします… My hands are smarting... ああそれなら Oh, in that case... [17/24 (00377.jpeg)] はい Here. これあげる You can have these. 手袋…? Gloves...? 素手で難しい譜面やると指の皮むけたりするから Doing hard tracks with your bare hands will take your skin off スライドとかは手袋ないと厳しいしねー And slides are pretty difficult without gloves. …やっぱりこういうのないと勝てないんだよね…? ...I guess you really can't win without stuff like this, can you...? ゲームって… With video games... …勝てなきゃだめなのかなって ...There's no point if you can't win, huh? …んー ...Hmmm. たとえばさ Consider this. [18/24 (00378.jpeg)] この太鼓のゲーム知ってる? You know this taiko game? これなら私でも知ってる Even I know this one. どうやればいいと思う? How do you think you should play? …ええと ...Well... まずはバチを持って… First, you take the sticks... ブー Bzzzzzzz! その時点で負け確 You just assured yourself a loss. (sfx) ガーン shock (sfx) すっ Shf 正解は… This... こう Is the correct answer. マイバチ⁉ Custom sticks‽ (sfx) ずーん… gloom はじまる前から負けてた… I'd lost before I'd started... [19/24 (00379.jpeg)] なんてね Nah, just messin'. 確かにマイバチのほうが特殊連打入りやすかったりはするんだけど Having custom sticks does make it easier to max out drumrolls and stuff メンテ悪い店だったら逆に反応悪いこともあるし But if they don't maintain the machines, you can actually get a worse response. ハウス…備えつけのバチも充分だよ The house... The pre-prepared sticks are plenty. 手袋にしろマイバチにしろガチでやりこむためにってストレス減らすためにあるようなもんだし You get gloves or personal sticks if you're really going in. They just help reduce the stress. ママー Mama! あれやってみたい I wanna try that! まぁゴチャゴチャいうやつもいるけどさ Well, there are some people who won't shut up about it. [20/24 (00380.jpeg)] ゲームは楽しむのが一番 But the number-one thing in video games is having fun. って私は思うな That's what I think. …そろそろ行かなきゃ ...I have to get going. …あ あの… ...Um Well... [21/24 (00381.jpeg)] またね Later. (sfx) ダダダダッ step step step step 見つけた! Found you! …四条さん ...Shijou-san. あのね… So... そのキャラじゃ勝てない You can't win with that character. Wiki全部暗記して Learn everything on the wiki by heart. (sfx) ぐっ gulp [22/24 (00382.jpeg)] ごめんなさい I'm sorry. …私あなたの気持ち考えられてなくて ...I wasn't thinking about how you felt. 自分の考え押しつけて… I was just pushing my own thinking onto you... 本当にごめんなさい… I'm really sorry... わかってくれたんだ… She understands... ミノって呼ばれるの嫌だったんでしょ…? You don't want to be called "Mino," do you...? そこ⁉ That‽ 私…あなたとゲームできるのが嬉しすぎて暴走しちゃったみたいで I... I was so happy that I could play video games with you that I was sort of going nuts. [23/24 (00383.jpeg)] 優しくするようにがんばるから I'll try my best to make it easy ゲームのことまで嫌いにならないで… So please don't hold it against the game itself... 名前は好きに決めていいから… You can decide on whatever name you want... また私とゲームやってくれないかな… Maybe you won't play video games with me again... …いいよ ...It's fine. ……え? ...Huh? [24/24 (00384.jpeg)] ミノでいいよ "Mino" is fine. 四条さん Shijou-san. でも使うキャラは私が選んだ子にさせてもらうから! Because you're gonna let me use a character that I pick! えっ それは… Uh— That's...