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File: Teiji ni Agaretara Volume 3.jpg -(153641 B, 832x1185) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
153641 No.25353  

I'd like to edit this. Looking for a Translator (and PR/QC too if we're so lucky).

There are 44 chapters total. 25 have been done by scanlation groups, while MangaPlanet has done up to 30. I think the most ideal point to pick it up would be chapter 26, but I'm content to follow the lead of the translator.

MangaPlanet did 3 of the 4 volumes in the span of a month, but have since left the final volume untouched for almost a year now. It seems as though they've decided to drop it. They've made no mention of it on twitter, and they've ignored multiple tweets asking about its status (shouts out to @zoo21067617 for banging the drum in their general direction for months on end), so I have no reservations about picking it up.

>> No.25441  

I've started translating this.

>> No.25446  
File: Teiji ni Agaretara Memo 14.txt -(16984 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay, here's the TL for Memo 14. It seems like so far most of the individual Memos have been two chapters combined, so I think this is 26-27, but I don't know how you're supposed to tell where the dividing line is.

Also, a link to the volume 3 raws:

>> No.25449  

Some staff members of Chads no Teikoku mentioned in the discord that if by February there are no updates by mangaplanet, that they'll continue scanlating it again.
Sorry for making you waste your time schuy, didn't think to inform beforehand

>> No.25456  
File: Teiji ni Agaretara Memo 15.txt -(18757 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And here's the TL for Memo 15.


I talked it over with Tsuki-chan, and they said they'll be picking this up again, but in the meantime they don't mind if we release these two chapters we've already worked on, and they'll continue from there.

We should've asked them what their plans were before picking this up, but thankfully we were able to work it out.

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