pg3 >panel 1, bubble 2 add ellipsis or comma or period >p3,b1 add period pg9 >p1,box2 remove comma pg10 >p1,b2 take-in -> intake >last panel,bottom text comma after "apparently" pg12 >p3,floating text add period >last panel,b1 comma after "Today" pg14 >last panel,b2 add period pg20 >p1,box Have to... -> I have to... pg30 >p2,b1 aside look!! -> Look!! >p2,b3 aside I see it -> I see it. pg39 >p3,1st text remove comma pg40 >last panel, b3 add period or comma pg42 >p3,1st floating text add question mark pg45 >p4,b1 but -> and credits page >if you used any of Kari's edited pages, add her name under "Editing" with yours