(part 4) 3000 Days and 3 Seconds by Hakone Odawara Translation by Multiball [1/16 (0016.png)] 3000日と3秒と 3000 Days and 3 Seconds 幾千日の間ひとりだった For thousands of days, I was alone. 寂しくはなかった I wasn't lonely. 持たないものに対して寂しいなんて思いようがなかった I didn't think to miss something I didn't have. [2/16 (0017.png)] 3秒で In three seconds 全てが変わってしまった Everything changed. 隣で寝ていいっすか? Hey, dude, can I lie down next to you? …駄目っすか ...No dice? (sfx) しゅーん whine そんな顔するな…! Don't give me that look...! だ 駄目ではないんだが I— It's not like you can't, but ちょっと汗をかいてしまったので I've been sweating a bit 近いともしかしたら So if you get close [3/16 (0018.png)] 匂い、がー The smell might— へへ heh heh 先輩の睫毛綺麗っす Man, Senpai, your eyelashes are pretty. …モモ ...Momo 最近特にくっつきたがるな Lately, you've been hanging on me more than usual. [4/16 (0019.png)] 嫌っすか? Do you hate it? だからそんな顔をするな! I'm telling you, don't give me that look! 別にいやではないとー I don't really hate it, no— 先輩がいる間は While you're here, Senpai できるだけ近くにいたいんすよ I wanna be right there with you, as much as I can. …なるべく ...If I can help it 考えないようにはしてるんすけどね I try not to think about it, but [5/16 (0020.png)] 先輩は進学するんすよね? You'll be moving up a school, y'know? ーああ ...Yeah. きっと I'm thinking いろんなものが先輩のこと待ってるっす There's a lot of stuff waiting for you, dude. 新しい生活 新しい学校 A new rhythm, a new school 新しく出会う人達 Folks to meet for the first time でも But その時私が見てる景色に In the scene I'll see 先輩はいないすね My Senpai will be gone. [6/16 (0021.png)] 屋上からの景色とか Like, the view from the roof 一緒に歩いてる帰り道とか And the route we take home together …変わらないのに Aren't gonna change... …先輩、が But Senpai, dude.... (sfx) ぽた drip (sfx) たっ pap モモー Momo! …か ...I 考えないよう、にしてるんすけど I try not to, like, think about it, but [7/16 (0022.png)] …寂しいっす… It's lonely, dude... 出会う前に戻るだけのはずなのに Although it ought to be just going back to before meeting her 失うことがこんなに怖い I'm so scared of what I'm losing. たった3秒で In just three seconds [8/16 (0023.png)] 何もかもが変わってしまった Anything and everything changed. (sfx) ぐぃ! grip 行くぞ モモ We're going, Momo. ーえ? ...Huh? 先輩どうしたんすか? Senpai, what's the matter? [9/16 (0024.png)] どこ行くんすか? Where we going, dude? (sfx) ガラッ ka-shak いるか!? Anyone here‽ おう Oh ユミちんどうーしたー Yumi-chin. What's up? …睦月 Mutsuki. 次期部長のおまえに A personal request 私からの個人的なお願いだ To you, the club president-elect. [10/16 (0025.png)] 私が卒業したら Once I've graduated モモの事を探して欲しい I want you to look for Momo. 見つけ出して I want you to find her 皆と一緒にいられるようにして欲しい And let everyone be able to be together. モモが寂しい想いをしないように Don't let Momo's thoughts be lonesome. ー頼む I'm counting on you. [11/16 (0026.png)] …当たり前じゃないですか ...That should be a given. 桃子は Momoko is 大事な部員なんですから An important member of the club. 先輩が卒業してもちゃんと部室来て下さいね⁉ And Senpai, even if you're graduated, please stop by the clubroom, okay?! そっちの方心配です! I'm more worried about you! よかったなユミちん! How nice! Eh, Yumi-chin? 匂いで見つけるのがオススメだぞ~ I recommend finding her by smell! ワハハ Wah hah hah …いや、それは無理かと… ...No, that might not work... [12/16 (0027.png)] 不安は My concerns それでも消えることはないけれど Didn't vanish afterwards, but... …モモ… ...Momo... [13/16 (0028.png)] (sfx) べったり snug くっつき度が増やしてる気がするのだが I must say, I have the feeling you've begun hanging on me more frequently. あんな風に皆の前で言ってくれるなんて Saying what you said, in front of everyone like that... 惚れ直したっすよ…‼ Dude, I fell for you all over again...!! 結局くっつきたいだけのような気がするな In the end, I suppose hanging on me is simply what she wants. なぁモモ Say, Momo はいっす Whassup? 言ったよな 私が卒業したら…って You mentioned it— that after I graduate... [14/16 (0029.png)] 新しい学校 新しい生活 I'll have a new school, a new rhythm 新しく出会う人達 People to meet for the first time でも However その中で私は Amongst all of this きっとお前の姿を探すよ I know I'll be keeping an eye out for you. [15/16 (0030.png)] 失う不安も怖さも My concerns and fears of loss みんな All of them あなたが温もりと一緒にくれたものだから Are things you gave me together with your warmth 大事に胸に抱えて So I'll clasp them lovingly to my chest 生きていこう And live on ご機体に答えて女子大生の先輩について回るっづ! Dude, I'll answer your wishes and follow you around when you're in college! 格好なんて知らないっす! School? What's that? …いや それは駄目だ ...No, you can't do that. 卒業しろ Get your diploma おわり End [16/16 (0015.png)] 3000日と3秒と 3000 Days and Three Seconds ・モモはあまりにかじゅ先輩が好きすぎろので、一体かじゅ先輩が卒業したら2年をどうやって過ごすつもりなんだろう…と心配になります…。 Momo loves Kaju-senpai way too much, so I worry about just how she plans to make it through the two years after she graduates. 2年学校が離れているのはとても気の毒です。 It's a real downer, being two years apart in school. あの状況でも内面が強くてぶれない所が魅力だと思うのですが、ちょっと不安になったり弱さを見せるモモも見たくなって描きました。 I think being strong and unshaken on the inside given those circumstances is attractive, but I wanted to see Momo be a bit concerned and show some weakness, so that's what I drew. アニメの20話でEDの部分でかじゅがモモを連れてむっきーとワハハに何かを言っているシーンが気になったので、そのあたりを妄想しました。 In a part of the ending of episode twenty of the anime, there's a scene where Kaju takes Momo and says something to Mukki and Wahaha. It caught my fancy, and I fantasized about it. まぁ多分タイミング的には個人戦の事だろうな、とは思うんですがそこは妄想で!妄想なので! Well, probably, given the timing, I think they were talking about the individuals, but I was fantasizing! It was a fantasy! アニメに忠実に描いたらカオリンだけハブったみたいになって残念でした。 Drawing it faithful to the anime, looks like Kaorin was the only one that got left out. That was unfortunate. 妄想ついでにカオリンも入れればよかった! Good thing I tossed Kaorin in there too while I was fantasizing! ・むっきー→ モモの呼び方が分からず、ブログを見て下さった方に教えてもらいました。 Mukki: I didn't understand what Momo meant by this, and some people looking at my blog explained it to me. あの時の2方有難うございます。 A gracious thank you to the two who did. 名前呼びなのはちょっと意外でした。 I can't say I was expecting her to say it.