A Serious, Glasses Wearing Bitch is After my Ass! by Kodama Naoko TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### This TL indexes on file number in case the page numbers don’t match. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —00 -1 A Serious, Glasses Wearing Bitch is After my Ass! Kodama Naoko —03 -1 A Serious, Glasses Wearing Bitch is After my Ass! —05 -1 Tennis Club hw- We’re the Tennis Circle! Soccer Club hw- We’re having a new member’s party tonight! hw- Try out the Rakugo club? -2 Whoaaa… Talk about good looking guys! hw- Yeah, this is Tokyo all right! -3 So… Um… Do you have a boyfriend, Akira-chan? —06 -1 Nuh-uh. Not interested. -2 I-I see… Well, you seem too serious for that anyway… hw- Eheh -3 Well, she’s not flashy and pretty straight laced. I bet she’s got no experience with guys at all. hw- Well, neither do I I mean, that’s why I asked her to be friends… -4 hw- I’m too scared to talk to all the pretty girls What even is that? A herd of sluts? —07 -1 It makes me pretty happy that I’m not gonna spend college life totally isolated. I mean, she doesn’t seem like she’ll get a boyfriend anytime soon and leave me in the dust. -2 A boyfriend, huh? I’ve come to the point where I don’t have any interest in that at all. -3 Well, I indulged my sexual appetites back in high school and did it with all sorts of guys and girls… hw- You joining a club? And found out that guys are kinda lacking, but I like girls. —08 -1 Ah, that’s right… hw— Can… we swap contacts on Line? -2 hw- Heh…. Heh… She seems like a pretty damn timid girl. -3 Sfx- Type sfx- Twang sfx- Gettin’ horny… -4 Hm? —09 -1 I decided on this one! ‘Cause there was a senpai who looks like Yokohama Ryuusei handing out fliers. ### Yokohama Ryuusei is an actor There’s a new member’s party tonight! Tennis Club ###flier -2 You’re going too, right, Akira-chan? Huh? sfx- Grab -3 I’m not interested in any clubs. -4 Oh, c’mon! You’ve got to get yourself out there, girl! —10 -1 Okay? ###sfx down right side sfx- I can’t sfx- Shake sfx- Please come with me?! ###left sfx- I can’t do it on my own! sfx- Puh-leaaase! sfx- Shake -2 hw- I’ll be there, so don’t worry sfx- Desire sfx- Th-thump ###repeat —11 -1 Chat Chat -2 Whump -3 What do you two want to drink? -4 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Ryuusei-senpai! (Her pet name for him) -5 W-w-w-we’re underaged, so… Oolong tea, please… Okay! sfx- Smooth -6 What do you girls want to drink? Oh? —12 -1 Hmm, well… We’ll have Oolong tea. Oh, come on. At least drink a little, okay? You should know better, we’re underaged. sfx- Kyaa Kyaa -2 hw- C’mon, a shochu sour’s just like juice. He’s totally giving them different treatment, right? -3 Huh? -4 Hey… Don’t you think this club’s totally based on looks? Seems like they’d get girls drunk to take them home for sex. —13 -1 I’m giving up on this club. sfx- Gulp -2 Are you ok? -3 What? -4 That. It’s your neighbor’s Oolong Highball. hw- That’s mine… -5 Flush —14 -1 Whump hw- Hey! A freshman collapsed over here! hw- Are you ok? -4 Nnn… -5 Where am I? My head hurts… sfx- Mmmph… —15 -2 Right… I drank booze by mistake… Did someone take me home and…?! -3 Are you awake? sfx- Jolt sfx- Wiggle —16 -1 Good morning. -2 Fwaah? Ah… Huh?! Akira-chan?! —17 -1 sfx- OhMyGawd W-what’s going on? Why am I naked? -2 When you passed out, you got doused with booze. hw- Your clothes are in the washer. Huh? Ah… Sorry. Thank you very much… -3 But why are you naked Akira-chan? ###bold and italicize “you” hw- I was just starting to get a grip on things! -4 But I always sleep naked. —18 -1 But sheeeit… She’s hot! And uh… Her boobs are huge! -2 Hnyah. I thought someone took me home for… you know. -4 Bompf —19 -1 I did. What of it? —20 -2 Flop Roll Whish -3 S-s-s-sorry! Um… Shower! Can I borrow your shower? -4 Sure. hw- Through that door. —21 -1 Thumpa Thumpa Slam -2 Pshhhhhhh -4 WhatTheHell WhatTheHell…?! -5 I thought she was an unpopular, gloomy girl like me! What’s with the sudden shift to being a player?! sfx- Aaagh —22 -1 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump And what the hell am I getting all excited about…?! -2 Well, no need to rush. I’ll nab her nice and slow. Veteran of the pick-up scene