Boyish by Natsumoto Michiru ###Japanese title: ボーイッシュ TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### This TL indexes on file number in case the page numbers don’t match. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —Cover -1 Odai Comic Published generally the first week of the month! June’s theme is change Sagara Seijin Natsumoto Michiru Uta Yokoyama Hitoshi —00 -2 You have such pretty hair. Are you sure you want to cut it? -3 Yes, please cut it short. But this looks really good on you. -4 I want a boyish look. -5 Kaisei High School Kaiei Girl’s High School Combined Culture Festival —01 -1 Momoda! The folk dance will now begin. -2 They look so good together… -3 Please find your assigned partner… -4 I’m going to cut my hair and confess to her! I’ll go with a boyish look. -5 And then I’ll look good with her on my arm. -6 Midorikawa-senpai, you look great. -7 And you’re cute, Momoda. —02 -1 You’ve really taken care of your hair. -2 It may be kind of old fashioned, but… -3 I’m very proud of my hair. -4 It really makes me happy when people take good care of their hair. -5 Ok then, let’s get started… Already?! -7 No, please forget that. —03 -1 Shaaaa -2 Am I second guessing myself? -3 Whisha whish -4 Let’s get started… Ok…? -5 Uh, are you mad or something? I always look like this. -6 Whish -7 Whoosh —04 -3 What do I do now? I really don’t want to cut it! -4 I’m gonna cut it so I can go places with her, right? -5 Could it be… that you’re conflicted? sfx- Whisha whish -6 Ok, here I go. —05 -2 I… sfx- Sh…kk…kk -3 Am I trying to become a substitute for a boy? -4 Sfx- Clench Um! —06 -3 How about I just trim your ends? Please. -5 He curled it for me! sfx- Kya —07 -1 Will the day come when Momoda is all like that too? -2 Just cutting my hair, and becoming boyish… -3 Doesn’t mean I’ll get what I want. -6 Whaa?! —08 -1 What happened to your hair, Momoda? -2 I went and cut it short. -3 Since I couldn’t grow it out like you, Midorikawa-senpai. hw- Too many cowlicks Wha? I didn’t know that what you were… -4 I know it must be weird, huh? sfx- Whisha whish -5 It’s so cute! You’re so cute, Momoda! ###bold and italicize “You’re” -6 I decided… After I cut it… I’d confess to you, Senpai. -3 Whoaho! Good for her! -4 On our next day off! -5 We’ll…