Cause I'm Bored by Sal Jiang TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —00 -1 We’re going out! It may be hasty, but we wanna let people know! -2 sfx- Tappa Tappa ###repeat No way! Girl, what’s this? So surprised! You two look great together. So lemme say congrats! Let’s celebrate with everyone from class! I’ll be in touch! -3 ###This just repeats panel two with no breaks between texts -4 I’m the one… Who spotted her first. sfx- Tsk —01 -1 Wha? Seriously?! That’s how you two got together? ###bold and italicize “thats” Shogo’s movin’ fast! I’m not… Shojo confessed, right? Anyway, congrats! Thank you! -2 But hey, Shogo, didn’t you say that gyarus were your type? He totally did! Yeah, I heard him! Did your type change? Wha? No, that’s not it! -3 But yeah, a nice girl like Nami is… sfx- Blush Really cute and all… ###bottom right Hey! Hey! Don’t embarrass me now. -4 Dude! Brag much? Don’t act so big! Just cool it! Can you two just not? I haven’t had a girlfriend in 22 years! -5 Hm… —02 -1 sfx- Ka-cha Ah… -2 Thanks for coming. Hideka, you’re pretty drunk. Totally. The guys are wasted too. They’re trying to get all touchy feely. It’s fun, but I’m soo tired of it. -3 Well, Hideka is really cute, so… Everyone normally has their eyes on you. -5 You say that, but you sure hooked up with Shogo fast. Oh, stop it! Girl, you got it goin’ on. Everyone’s teasing us! -6 It’s only been a week since he said he likes me. -7 And after I went to the trouble of shooting down all those guys. All my plans have gone to waste. —03 -1 Huh…? What do you mean? -4 Ok, everyone taking the Chuo line, let’s head out. It was fun tonight! Thanks for everything! Was the presentation for next week on Tuesday? Yeah, that’s right. Everyone who takes JR, let’s go together! -5 Nami… Um, I’ll see you home. Such a gentleman! Shaddup! Ah, um… Tonight, it’s ok. -6 Huh? What, really? Yeah, sorry. Tonight… Hideka’s spending the night at my place… The End. ###Hideka is likely a play on words for the phrase “Hidee” which means “you suck, you’re awful”. Apt for a NTR story.