Even ShipGirls Need Love! by Kodama Naoko ### ShipGirls refers to anthropomorphized ships in girl form. This doujin refers to the Suzuya Kumano pairing from the Kantai Collection series. See: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shipgirl and https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E9%88%B4%E7%86%8A for more info. TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —01 -1 Even ShipGirls Need Love! —04 -1 Nice to meet you! Hello! My name is Kodama from Monaco Meister. This is my third book featuring SuzuKuma (Suzuya X Kumano). Well, even though I say third book, the first two were just loose leaf folded publications. This is finally my first properly bound SuzuKuma volume. I wanted to take this SuzuKuma story in a different direction, and pump up their girl power. It was so fun to draw. This one has more of a love comedy vibe, but next I want to try a serious story or heavy duty love story. This time I’ve also published a OoKita book as well. If you’re interested, please pick that up too! Ok, ok! Until next time! Even ShipGirls Need Love! —05 -1 Since being assigned to this naval base, We’ve been leveling up through constant deployments. -2 So! As a reward, we’ve been given one day of shore leave! -3 We haven’t had any time off at all… Ruthless employer… sxf- Weary… -4 So what are we gonna do on our day off? I’m so pumped for this! sfx- Boo Yah —06 —1 There’s all sorts of things I wanna do, Since we were born as girls! -2 Window shopping! Going to get delicious goodies! -3 And! Going on a date with a boyfriend! -4 But you don’t have a boyfriend… I know that, but…! -5 But I have been gathering data! I heard there’s some ShipGirls that have boyfriends! —07 -1 Info Source ###box Yeah, that’s right. There’s not many options beyond the admirals, I suspect, but… There’s guys in the maintenance pool, and it seems that you might get hit on if you go into town… -2 Getting hit on? That would be a terrible way to meet a guy. Hold your jets! -3 Let’s put the getting hit on/dating thing on hold for a moment. Are you up for going out? Complete Tokyo Guide ###book And so… —08 -1 Aviation Heavy Cruisers Suzuya and Kumano have decided to spend their first day off going into town! It’s not weird, right? ###handwritten You look great! Just trust in my fashion skills! —09 -1 Doing online shopping ahead of time. Which one would look good on Kumano? sfx- Click Click —10 -1 So come to think of it… -2 What’s your type, Kumano? -3 I’ve… I’ve never given that any thought, whatsoever! ###Kumano speaks in a rather formal way, as opposed to the slang using Suzuya Don’t give me that! I bet you have! Like someone with good looks, or tall or something. -4 I don’t care about looks or height… sfx- Fidget Fidget -5 I want someone honest… a gentleman… Someone who would protect me and that I could count one. -6 For some reason that makes pissed off —11 -1 Well, anyway, For me… -2 I want someone who’s fun to be with. Having the right vibe, is important, right? And I hate slobs, so being stylish is important. -3 Sigh, Isn’t there anyone like that around here? She’s pissed off too. ###handwritten -4 So you want someone stupid and airheaded, hm? C’mon, Kumano, you’re the one setting your sights too high! You think there’s some knight in shining armor out there? -5 That kinda pisses me off. sfx- Grrr Neither of them has figured out the true source of their irritation. —12 -1 But I don’t really understand it… Like, what does love really feel like? I started off as a ship, after all… -2 To learn more, they decided to go see a romance movie. Tell Me You Love Me ###sign -3 Whoa, That was a tear jerker! -4 I get it now. Love is something that makes your chest pound and heart throb, huh? Right? Kumano… -5 Huh —13 -1 Th… This isn’t… What it seems, ok? I’m not moved by the movie or anything… sfx- Bluuuush -2 Ba-dump -3 Wh-what? Is my heart pounding? Why? sfx- Th-thump Th-thump ###repeated -4 That’s a reaction from the movie! I see! So if you have this feeling while being embraced by a guy, then that must be love! Right! Lemme make a note of this! ###handwritten sfx- Sniff Sniff Suzuya’s misunderstanding of her feelings: S Rank —14 -2 Kumano, grab some seats… I’ll go order. -3 Hey! Hey! You alone? -4 You’re cute, girl. You wanna hang out with us? We’ll treat you. Is… Is this… being hit on? No thank you! You have no class! -5 Can I sit here? Hey… I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m with some… -6 Bam —15 -2 Hey! Don’t you go hitting on my Kumano! -3 Th-thump -4 Shoo Shoo ‘the heck? -5 Kumano, you ok? Did they do anything to you? —16 -1 Kumano, what’s wrong? sfx- Hah N-nothing! It’s nothing, ok? -2 Really? Well, that ok, then… sfx- Th-thump ###repeated What happening with me? -3 My heart is suddenly pounding so hard… sfx- Th-thump ###repeated This is delicious… ###handwritten I can’t calm down! -4 Maybe there’s a problem with my cardio-pulmanary function… Ah, am I behind on maintenance? She’s also jumping to conclusions. —17 -1 Suzuya ###right In Shibuya ###bottom Kumano ###Left They took Purikura Photos ###handwritten —18 -3 It’s almost our curfew… -4 Ugh, I know. Ah, the time has flown by. —19 -1 Today was so fun, huh? -2 Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Whoa She’s being straightforward for once ###handwritten -3 It made me think “is it really ok to have this much fun?” -5 It is ok! ###bold or italicize “is” —20 -1 Since we finally were able to become girls… We’ve gotta have all the fun we can! -2 Especially, Kumano… Huh? -3 You were fighting by yourself until the end. A reward this big is just not enough. —21 -1 So when we get our next shore leave, how about we spend it together? I have so many other places I wanna go as well. Like an amusement park Or an aquarium ###last two handwritten -2 Are you sure I’ll do? Didn’t you want to go on a date with a boyfriend? -4 Eh? Ah! Yeah! That’s true, but… Those are two different things! Hm? Different? ###handwritten —22 -1 Um… hey, look… -2 Kumano, can I kiss you? Fwah? -3 Wh- Wha-wha-wha? What are you saying? N-no! Not like that! I mean, as practice! Practice, ok! -4 Practice? Yeah! Often at the end of a date, you pause at a park and kiss, right? -5 If you get a boyfriend, and don’t know to kiss, it would suck, right? That’s why - practice! sfx- Ok? —23 -1 I-I guess I have no choice… When you put it like that… -3 Ah… But this is totally for practice, right? Yeah… —24 -1 Kumano… Close your eyes… Mn… —26 -1 Next day ###box Did you have fun on your day off? Did you meet anyone hot? -2 Not at all! It’s kinda harder than I thought. It’s not like you’re going to meet your ideal guy just like that. -3 Ah… I want to fall in love. I didn’t know it until now. ###bottom Don’t talk rubbish. We have a sortie to do.