Chapter3 [49/147 (49.png)] 男の人が苦手だった I wasn't very good with men 子どものころ痴漢にあったせい 人にはそう説明していて I had a run-in with a molester when I was a kid That's the explanation I gave people それも嘘じゃないけれど And while that's technically not a lie... 第三話 Chapter three [50/147 (50.png)] きっと それがなくても男なんて好きじゃなかった I'm sure that even if I hadn't, I wouldn't have liked men あなたは… 安東さんの恋人? Are you... and Andou Reo-san... lovers? なにそれ What the hell? なんであんたにそんなこと言わなきゃいけないの? Why do I have to tell you that? ……まあ… ...Well... 恋人でも親友でもいいですけど… Lovers or best friends. It doesn't really matter... [51/147 (51.png)] 近しい間柄ならちょっとは安東さんのこと考えてあげたらどうです? If your relationship is close, perhaps you could have some consideration for her? 安東さんは院試を控えてるんですよ Andou-san is in preparation for her quals. 今 成績落とすわけにはいかないんです She can't allow her grades to fall right now. 別に安東さんじゃなくてもそうやってチヤホヤしてくれる男の人いっぱいいるんじゃない And even if it's not Andou-san per se, don't you still have plenty of boys who will fawn all over you? 院試ってなに? What's "quals?" え… Ah... 安東さん大学院に進学したいって Andou-san wants to proceed to graduate school. 知らないんですか? Didn't you know? [52/147 (52.png)] 知らなかったけど… I didn't know, but... そもそも私たちの間に「礼央さんがどうしたいか」なんてことは関係ないの as for Reo-san and me, it doesn't matter what she wants to do in the first place. 彼女は私の奴隷で She's my slave 私の言うことを聞くだけの存在だから And exists only to do what I say. は? What? [53/147 (53.png)] 奴隷って…それどういう… "Slave"...? What do you... あんたに説明する必要ない I don't have to explain anything to you. じゃあね Later. …なにそれ ...What the hell 奴隷ってどういうこと? What does she mean, "slave?" なんで安東さんはあんな子の言いなりになってるの…⁉ Why is Andou-san going along with what that girl says...!? [54/147 (54.png)] 大学のとある授業で知り合った安東さんは The Andou-san I met in that university class 誰にでもやさしくてさばさばしてて Was friendly and candid with everyone 他の子みたいに誰かの悪口言ったり男子に媚びたりしなくて Unlike the other kids, she never badmouthed anyone or flirted with boys だから憧れた So I idolized her 完璧な人だと思ってた I thought she was perfect 勉強会? A study session? うん Yeah. 斎藤さんちで At Saitou-san's place 先輩から過去問もらったからさ 'Cause a senpai gave us some questions from previous classes. 皆でやったほうが気合入るし! And when you study as a group, you give it more fighting spirit! おお! Let's do it! もう試験も近いしねー The test is already pretty close, isn't it? (sfx) ビルルルルッ Bip blip blip blip blip なのに Even so (phone) 茗子 Meiko (phone) 拒否 Reject (phone) 応答 Answer [55/147 (55.png)] ちょっとゴメン Sorry, give me a second. 彼女の普通じゃない部分 I get the feeling that something isn't right... 深淵みたいなものに触れてしまったきがしている A part of her that's not normal A thing like a deep abyss ごめん私やっぱ不参加 I'm sorry, I can't study with you guys, after all. 急用できちゃって… Something just came up... えー そうなの? Aww, it did? 残念ー That sucks. じゃ See you. ホントにごめんね! I'm really sorry! [56/147 (56.png)] 安東さんってさー That Andou-san. いい人だけどなにげにつき合い悪いよね She's a good person, but she doesn't know how to pick her friends. あれは束縛したがる男とつき合ってると見た It kinda seems like she's dating a boy who wants to keep her on a tight leash. うわ 気にるー Wow, now I'm curious! …ごめん ...Sorry ちょっと私も抜ける! I have to duck out for a second, also! 安東さん! Andou-san! あれ? 高瀬さん Oh? Takase-san? 皆で勉強会行くんじゃないの? Weren't you going to the study session with everyone? さっきの電話… That phone call just now... [57/147 (57.png)] 急用ってあの娘ですか? Does the "something" that came up have to do with that girl? え? Huh? こないだの… From the other day... その… That is... 安東さんがキスしてた娘 The girl you were kissing. 勉強会抜けて行かなきゃいけないほどの大事の用事ですか? Is it something so important you have to skip out on the study session? このあいだもあの娘と買い物行くからって授業サボりましたよね Just the other day, you skipped class to go shopping with her, right? [58/147 (58.png)] 院試前の大事な時期なのに… Even though it's an important time before your quals... なんであの娘の言いなりになってるんです? Why are you going along with what that girl says? 言いなりになんて… Going along with what she says, that's... …あの娘 ...She 安東さんのこと『奴隷』って言いました Said you were a "slave." 茗子と話したの⁉ You talked to Meiko‽ う… Uh... はい… Yes... [59/147 (59.png)] 安東さんがあの娘につき合って授業とかレポートサボってるのが心配で… Andou-san, I'm worried about you. You're skipping classes and reports while going out with that girl. その… That is... ごめんなさい I'm really sorry. 余計なお世話なのはわかってるんですけど… I know this is really none of my business... そっか I see. ありがとう 心配かけちゃったんだね Thank you. I've made you worry about me, huh? …でも ...But [60/147 (60.png)] このことは放っておいて Please stay out of this. 詳しくは言えないけど I can't tell you the specifics, but... 私むかし あの子にひどいことしちゃったんだ I did something terrible to that girl, once. だから今あの子のわがままを聞くのは償いなの So, acting on her whims now is how I make it up to her. (sfx) ビルルルルッ Bip blip blip blip blip (phone) iko (phone) 拒否 Reject [61/147 (61.png)] あ Oh 茗子 Meiko (sfx) ビルルルルッ Bip blip blip blip blip そのとき どうしてそんなことをしたのか I still wonder, why did I do something like that back then? ぴ beep あ Oh もしもし Hello? (sfx) ばっ snatch 茗… Mei... もしもし Hello? 礼央さん? Reo-san? まだー? ずっと待ってるんだけど… What's taking you so long? I've been waiting and waiting over here... [62/147 (62.png)] あ…っ A... 安東さんは行きません…! Andou-san isn't going...! ゼミのメンバーで大事の勉強会があるんです There's an important study session with the students in her class! 安東さんの勉強の邪魔しないでください! Please don't get in the way of her studies! (sfx) ブッ boop (sfx) ハア ハア pant pant (sfx) ハッ gasp [63/147 (63.png)] ご…っ Fo... ごめんなさい…! Forgive me...! でも… Still... お二人の間になにがあったかはわからないけど… I don't know what happened between the two of you... こんなこと償いにならないと思うんです But I don't think this is making up for anything. 本当に彼女のこと想ってるなら If you're truly thinking of her, こんなやりかたじゃなくて… This isn't the way to... その… That is... うまく言えないけど… Ugh, I can't make it come out right... [64/147 (64.png)] こんなの言い訳ですね I guess I'm just making excuses. ごめんなさい Forgive me. 最悪なことしました… I've done something terrible... …こっちこそごめん ...No, it's me who's sorry. 私が情けないやつだから… 'Cause I'm a miserable person... いいよ All right 皆のところに戻ろう Let's go back where everyone is. え? Huh? [65/147 (65.png)] でも… But... 茗子にはメール入れとく I'll send Meiko a text. ちゃんと謝ればきっと許してくれるから If I sincerely apologize, I'm sure she'll let it slide. (phone) メール受信仲… Loading mail... (sfx) ピ bip [66/147 (66.png)] (phone) FROM:礼央 FROM: Reo (phone) Sub:ごめんね Sub: Sorry (phone) やっぱり勉強会行くね 終わったらでんわする I'm going to the study session after all I'll call you when it's over