Chapter 4[67/147 (67.png)] じゃーねー See you later! おつかれ! Good work today! (sfx) ぴ。。。 beep この電話は電波の届かないところにあるか電源がh入っていないためーー… The phone you have dialed is outside the service area, or is not powered on. If you would like... 茗子ーー…? Meiko...? 第四話 Chapter Four [68/147 (68.png)] (sfx) ピンポーン… ding dong 電気消えてるし The lights are off まだ帰ってない…? Is she not home yet...? (sfx) ドクン。。。 Buh-Dmp まさかまた なんてことないよね? Not again No, it couldn't have...? 私が茗子の誘いを断ったからーー…? Because I refused to meet her...? (sfx) ダッ dash [69/147 (69.png)] もし茗子にまたなにかあったらーー…! If something happens to Meiko again...! どうしたの?今日は What's with you today? ペース早いね You're going pretty fast. そろそろいつもの彼女が迎えに来るんじゃない? Isn't the usual girl coming to get you soon? 今日は来ないよ? No, she's not coming today. 彼女にはフラれちゃったの She blew me off. だから今日は帰らなくていいの So today, it doesn't matter if I go home. [70/147 (70.png)] ホントに? Really? 嬉しいな I'm glad. じゃあ… Then... 今日は朝まで君をひとりじめしていい? Today, can I keep you all to myself till morning? (sfx) ス.. shp (sfx) ビク… twitch あ… Ah... [71/147 (71.png)] 茗子…‼ Meiko...!! [72/147 (72.png)] もう心配かけないで… Don't make me worry anymore... 約束破ったの礼央さんでしょ Aren't you the one who broke your promise, Reo-san? 私のこと邪魔になったんでしょ Am I just getting in your way now? ちがうよ…! That's not it...! あのね So, hey... 今まで黙っててごめん I'm sorry for keeping quiet until now. 私 大学院に進学したいと思ってる I'm thinking that I'd like to advance to graduate school. [73/147 (73.png)] だから勉強会とかレポートとかはちゃんとやりたいんだ So I want to do study sessions and reports, like I ought to. それ以外ではできる限り茗子につき合うから… Outside of that, I'll go out with you as much as I possibly can, so... (sfx) ス。。。 shp 私と同じ目に遣ってみる? You wanna try looking through my eyes? …え? ...What? [74/147 (74.png)] レイプされてみる? You wanna see what it's like to be raped? それで If you do 同じ目に遭ってもまだそんな勝手なことが言えるか試してみるといいよ Then we can find out if you can look through those same eyes and still say those selfish things. …え… ...What... ちょっと…まさか… Wait... You don't mean... [75/147 (75.png)] そう 私がするの Yeah. I'll do it. 女同士なんてありえないと思う? You think it can't happen between two girls? (sfx) パタ。。。 flop [76/147 (76.png)] いいよ… Go ahead... 痛いの? 礼央さん Does it hurt, Reo-san? …っ ...Hh (sfx) ビク ビクッ twitch twitch そっか Oh, yeah. 私のせいで男の子とつき合うわけにいかなかったもんね Because of me, you couldn't have gone out with a boy, could you? [77/147 (77.png)] 指だけで痛がるなんて… You're hurting from just fingers... 笑っちゃう Don't make me laugh! (sfx) かあっ blush (sfx) ス… shp うそ But no 嬉しいよ I'm happy. 礼央さんの処女 私のものになったんだもん Now, Reo-san, your virginity is mine. 本当は The truth is [78/147 (78.png)] 指なんかじゃなくて It wasn't my fingers I had in mind 男の人の身体になって彼女に性器を挿入したい I wanted to take on a man's body and insert my genitals into her. あの男がしたようの乱暴なのじゃなくて Not violently though, like the man who raped me. ゆっくり礼央さんの身体を開いてやさしくしたい I wanted to open Reo-san's body slowly gently. ううん No... やっぱり乱暴にしたいかも… Maybe I do want to be violent... [79/147 (79.png)] …っ ...Hh (sfx) ビクッ twitch 礼央さんーー… Reo-san... え? Huh? 『安東先輩』ってなんかよそよそしいからさ It's just, "Andou-senpai" is sort of standoffish. 礼央でいいよ "Reo" is fine. [80/147 (80.png)] れお… Reo... 変な名前でしょ It's a weird name, isn't it? ちょっと男みたいだよね Kinda boyish, eh? へ… It... 変じゃないよ! It's not weird! レオってライオンのことだよね? Reo is Leo, the Lion, right? 高潔で…すごく似合ってると思う! It's noble, and I think it suits you really well! (sfx) ハッ gasp [81/147 (81.png)] (sfx) ペタ。。。 pap 茗子…? Meiko...? (sfx) ザーー. pssssssssh (sfx) ザアアア psssssssh [82/147 (82.png)] ここまでしても I've gone this far 私は茗子を救えない… And I still can't save Meiko... (sfx) ザアアア psssssssssh [83/147 (83.png)] (sfx) ス… shp 礼央さん! Reo-san! 今日 買い物つき合って Take me shopping today. ごめん Sorry 今日はレポートがあるから I've got a report to do today. [84/147 (84.png)] 今日はダメだけど So I can't do it today. 提出期限は明後日だから明後日の午後なら時間空けれるよ However, the submission deadline is the day after tomorrow, so I could make some time that afternoon.