Chapter 5[85/147 (85.png)] あの時 病室で Back then In the hospital room 責任を感じて泣き崩れる礼央さんを見て欲が出た I saw Reo-san feeling responsible, broken down and crying, and I made my mind up. 第五話 Chapter Five これを理由に 彼女を縛りつけられるんじゃないかって I thought, "I can use this to put her in chains, can't I?" [86/147 (86.png)] (sfx) ザワ ザワ murmur murmur あの子 どうしたの? Hey, what happened to her? しばらく休んでたよね? She was out for a while, right? なんか事故にあったんだって They're saying she was in some sort of accident. え? 通り魔って聞いたけど… Huh? I heard that she got randomly attacked... (sfx) ヒソ ヒソ psst psst ずっと危機感を抱いてた I've always been able to sense danger. (sign) テニス部 Tennis Club いつか礼央さんを失うんじゃないかって "Won't I lose Reo-san some day?" 自分と違って友だちがたくさにて Unlike me, she had lots of friends, 彼氏もできるかもしれなくて And she might get a boyfriend one day. その上ひとつ年上の礼央さんは先に高校を卒業してしまう On top of that, she's a year older, and would graduate high school before me. [87/147 (87.png)] 新しい世界に飛び込んで Leaping into a new world 私のことなんてどうでもよくなってしまうんじゃないか Will I stop mattering to her? 礼央 植田に告られたって? So Reo, Ueda confessed to you? えっ Huh? な なんで知ってるの⁉ H— How'd you know?! (sfx) ニヤニヤ smirk 植田本人に聞いた Asked Ueda himself. で?つき合うの? So? You gonna go out with him? わからない… I dunno... それもいいかな と思ったけど I've thought it would be nice, but ちょっと色々あって… There's more to it than that... [88/147 (88.png)] 茗子ちゃん ラケットの振りかた変えたほうがいいかも Meiko-chan, it might be best if you changed your swing. もう少し手の角度を… If you adjust the angle of your hand... (sfx) バッ jerk え? Huh? [89/147 (89.png)] その… Uh... 大丈夫? Are you okay? そんなに辛いなら無理しないで If it's that hard on you, don't push it. もうしばらく部活休んだほうが… Maybe a bit more time off from club... 誰のせいでこんなことになったと思ってるの… Whose fault do you think it is that things turned out this way... [90/147 (90.png)] 礼央さんが送ってくれなかったからじゃん! Isn't it because /you/ didn't take me home?! 私 足 ケガしてたのに…‼ Even though my leg was hurt...!! ーー…っ ... ちがう No 本当はわかってる The truth is, I understand 礼央さんのせいじゃない It's not Reo-san's fault でも止められない But I can't stop どうしたらいい…? What can I do...? [91/147 (91.png)] 私にできることならなんでもするよ! If I can do it, I'll do anything! だから… So please... ふーん なんでもするんだ? Oh? You'll do anything? じゃあ これからずっと私の言うこと聞いてくれる? Then, will you always do what I say from now on? 植田先輩からの告白断って Refuse Ueda-senpai's confession. なんで知って…! How did you...! [92/147 (92.png)] 責任感じてるならそれぐらいできるよね? If you feel responsible, you can at least do this much, right? 断って Refuse それでずっと私と一緒にいてよ And be together with me forever. そうして And that 礼央さんは私の奴隷になった Is how Reo-san became my slave 礼央さんはやさしかった Reo-san was kind 壊れ物を扱うように私に接して それは私をひどくイライラさせた She treated me as if she were handling a fragile object. However, that only irritated me... 大好きだったはずなのに Even though I was supposed to love it. [93/147 (93.png)] その人を独り占めできてるのに Even though I'd gotten her all to myself 今日はレポートがあるから I've got a report to do today 今日はダメだけど So I can't do it today 提出期限は明後日だから明後日の午後なら時間空けれるよ But the submission deadline is the day after tomorrow, so I could make some time that afternoon. な… Wha... ごめん Sorry でも But 茗子につき合って自分のするべきことをサボるのは もうやめる I'm going to stop skipping the things I need to be doing to go out with you. [94/147 (94.png)] (sfx) ドクン ドクン buh-dmp buh-dmp 茗子? Meiko? …っ ... (sfx) タッ tak もういい! Enough already! (sfx) バタン slam 安東さん… Andou-san... [95/147 (95.png)] (sfx) フー… phew すっごい勇気いった…! That took a hell of a lot of nerve...! え Huh 大丈夫ですか? Are you all right? 大丈夫…かな どうだろう Am I all right? I wonder... あの子ホントになにするかわからないから Because I really don't know what she's going to do. でも… But... いつまでもこのままじゃいけないと思ったんだ It's just that I knew things couldn't stay this way. [96/147 (96.png)] 高瀬さんのおかげだよ It's thanks to you, Takase-san. 高瀬さんが本当にあの子のためを思うなら言いなりになるべきじゃないって言ってくれたから… 'Cause you told me that if I was really thinking of her best interests, I shouldn't go along with what she said... そんな… Well, that's... それに Also 思い出したんだ I remembered something. 私が高2 あの子が高1のときに知り合って We got to know each other in high school when I was a second year and she was a first year. それですごくなついてくれたんだけど… And she held me amazingly dear, but... [97/147 (97.png)] あの子が好きになってくれた私は When she started to care deeply for me あんなに臆病で人の言いなりになるような私じゃない I wasn't this coward of a girl who goes along with what everybody says. (sfx) ズキ… stab …あの子の言いなりになってる安東さんを見るのが嫌だった ...I didn't like to see Andou-san going along with what that girl said [98/147 (98.png)] でも それをやめたからって But now that she's stopped 安東さんの目はやっぱりあの子に向いてて… Sure enough, she still has eyes for that girl... 私のほうを見てくれるわくじゃない There's no way would she'd even think of looking my way. [99/147 (99.png)] なにしてるのあの子… What is she doing...? まさか安東さんが態度変えたからショックで飛び込むつもりじゃ… Don't tell me she's so shocked that Andou-san changed her attitude that she means to jump... いや そこまではしないよね? No, she wouldn't go that far, would she? でも…本当に死ぬ気はなくても But... Even if she doesn't really want to die 安東さんの気を引くために自殺未遂ぐらいするかも…? She might attempt suicide just to get Andou-san's attention... (sfx) イラッ rage 絶対にそんなことさせない…! I will absolutely /not/ let that happen! [100/147 (100.png)] (sfx) フラ フラ wander wander なに考えてんの? What is she thinking? こんな繁華街ひとりでフラフラして… Wandering around in a bustling neighborhood like this alone... おねーさんひとり~? Hey, lady, you all by yourself? (sfx) ズイッ vwp ん? Hnm? なんだこの女 目がイってる What's with this chick? Her eyes are blank. (sfx) ぐい grip アタマ弱いんじゃね? I bet she's just stupid. こっち来て俺らと遊ぼうよー C'mon, come hang out with us. [101/147 (101.png)] ちょ… W... ちょっと待ちなさい…っ Wait a moment... (sfx) ドキ ドキ b-dmp b-dmp なんだァ? Whadda /you/ want? お前関係ねーだろ Why doncha mind your own business? (sfx) ぽかん blink (sfx) ガッ grab なにボーっとしてんの! What's with the space cadet act‽ [102/147 (102.png)] 逃げるよ! Get out of here! (sfx) ダッ dash (sfx) チッ shit (sfx) ハー ハー pant pant な… なにやってるの? Wha... What on Earth are you doing? あんあ自分を粗末にするようなこと… You're acting like you have no respect for yourself... 自分を粗末? No respect for myself? [103/147 (103.png)] (sfx) フ。。。 heh 粗末とか… No respect... 別に Whatever. 今さらどうなったって… At this point, who can say how things... (sfx) パン smack [104/147 (104.png)] ふ… Don't... ふざけないで… Don't give me that... ふざけないでよ…! Don't give me that crap! 私が欲しくてたまらないものを当たり前のように持ってて You have the very thing I want so much it tears me apart and you just take it for granted! そのくせ その幸せにも気づかず不幸ぶって All this time you don't realize how lucky you are, and you keep up this victim mentality! 私… I... あんたが世界で一番嫌い…! Hate you, of everyone in the world, the most! [105/147 (105.png)] いい? Okay? ちゃんと家に帰りなさいよ!? Get back to your house, you hear‽ バカなことしたら許さない…‼ If you do something stupid, I won't forgive you...!! [106/147 (106.png)] 悔しい I'm so angry... 腹が立つ…! So pissed off...! (phone) 安東礼央 Andou Reo 安東さんと話したい I want to talk with Andou-san でも なにを…? But what about...? [107/147 (107.png)] あの子を助けたって言ったら感謝されるだろう If I say that I helped that girl, she'd probably be grateful それを言わず今ちょっと落ち込んでて…とか言ったら If I don't say that, but say I'm feeling a bit down, or something 優しく話を聞いてくれるだろう She'd probably kindly hear me out でも But あの人が私のものになることはない That woman will never be mine. (sfx) パタン clap [108/147 (108.png)] だったら いい If she won't, fine そんな友だちに対する優しさなら欲しくない I don't want her to just be friendly to me...