Cover 最終巻 Final volume? いいえ これは最新巻 No, call it the /latest/ volume. 天地の教えに終の文字はありません The word "final" doesn't exist in Tenchi's teachings!! 有るのは始まりと前進のみ!!! We only have "Start" and "Forward!"!! 何にせよ 私のスカート裏公開は回避できました In any case, I'm just glad the underside of my skirt never had to go public... 結果的にはよかったです Really, truly glad... *11巻のココ参照 *Reference to Volume 11 inner cover comic [beneath] 18 Eighteen Back Hayate and Ayana have crossed blades with the Maki/Yukari pair! Ayana and Yukari face off, their shared past looming over both of them. Hayate and Maki just believe in their shinyuus and plunge straight ahead. With the "Kurogumi" launching its Tenchi Academy takeover operation, can they settle the score in this destined duel before someone interrupts? At long last, the final, deciding volume! But the maidens' moronic mayhem will continue forever! 2 102. Don't Treat Me Like an Idiot 103. Stupid Magnolias 104. Because This World is Like a Cowardly Idiot 105. The Idiocy Must Go On 106. Idiots with Dignity 107. Idiot Flow [temporary; not sure what this is a reference to] 108. Status: Idiot 109. The Neverending Stupidity Extra Innings: And So, We All Became Idiots Afterword 7 ゆかりちゃん はやくー C'mon, Yukari-chan! 8 ...け Sw... けん Sword. 9 剣 Sword. 10 「剣」 "Sword." それが That was... 綾那あなたから the very first word 初めて聞いた言葉 I ever heard from you, Ayana. ガガガァァ scraaape 11 憶えてもいないでしょ But you wouldn't remember that, あなたは!!! would you!!! 12 ねえ Hey. それ Are you... 本気でやってる? being serious with that? 13 やられた You got me. これで5本 That makes five. 綾那がアイスおごりね! Popsicles on you! みーーよ みーーよ bzzzz bzzzz しょわ しょわ しょわー crkk crkk crkkkk やっぱり I really am... ゆかりはへーきだな just fine with you, Yukari. なんで道場のみんなとはダメなんだろ Why am I so bad with everybody else at the dojo? ...おじいさんのこと思い出すから... ...Maybe because you remember your grandfather? なのかなぁ-- Is that it? わかんない I'm not really sure... 14 面金のむこうの目がやだな I just hate the way people's eyes look through the facemask. こわくなってなんだかよくわからなくなっちゃう I start getting scared and don't really know what I'm doing anymore. ゆかりはへーきだけど I'm totally okay with you, これじゃけいこになんないよ but going on like this I'll never get anywhere in practice. うーん Mnn... 私とだけ打ち合ってもしかたないもんねー If you have to stick to just sparring with me, guess that can't be helped. ゆかりが何度も誘ってくれたから It's a shame... I'm finally allowed to go to the dojo, 道場行くの許してもらえたのにー thanks to you inviting me so many times. へーきになりたい I wanna be "fine" there. 考えよ! We'll think of something! 何かあるよ へーきになるやりかた! There has to be one... a way you can become "fine"! えっ Huh? ある? There is? かな You really think so? あるよ! I know so! 15 手足を折った人だって You know, like when you break a bone or something, リハビリしてちょっとずつもとどおりになるんだから they give you rehab exercises to do, and bit by bit you get back to normal, right? 綾那にもそういうのがあるよ! There must be something like that for this, too! 「尋常に」 You say "fair and square," 口ばっかり but you don't mean it. 本気を出さないならこのまますぐに終わらせる If you're /still/ going to hold back on me, I'll end this right here and now. 星を奪るなんて容易いもの Stealing a star is a simple thing to do. 16 眼鏡がなければ相手をまともに見る事もできない You still can't look your opponent straight in the eyes あなたから without those glasses. 「平気だ」って I told you, さっき言った I'm /fine/. そう? Is that right? 私にはとてもそうは見えないけどー It doesn't look that way to me at all, but... どうかしら guess we'll see. 17 く Guh... 18 う Egh... 奪られ... She got me...! ゆかり... Yukari... 惜しい Almost. 19 鞘に助けられたわね Your scabbard saved you that time. 判ったでしょ? You get it, right? 接近して視線が合う瞬間ー The instant you get close, and our eyes meet... あなた無意識に硬直して目を離してる you unconciously stiffen up, and look away. 次は Next time, 外さないわ I won't look away. 20 浅かった? Not over yet? 一瞬 ゆかりが奪ったかと... For an instant, I thought Yukari had it won... センっ Sen- っパイ pai... さんっ!!! SAN!!! 21 Noよそ見 NO to looking away! Yesしんけんだよ!! YES to undivided attention!! おっ Ogh... -とっ Yoof... ごめんなさい 黒鉄 Forgive me, Kurogane-san. つい あっちに気が... My mind started going over there on its own... きになる? On your mind? ぬふん Meh hemph! まだまだですのう センパイさんも Seems you've got plenty left to learn yourself, Senpai-san. 22 天のひとのおしごとはーー!!! The Heaven Sword's job is...!!! うしろ見ないでブワーンと飛んで Never looking back! Always flying forward! 星を奪ること--!!! And nabbing that star!!! どえーーッ Grwe---hh!! お Onh? 23 ヒョっ... Hwah..? ひょわ--!!! HYWAAH!!! ビュ VWUOM カタナ カタナ Sword, sword! パシ flip おお~ Ohhwh... あぶねききいっぱつ Holy cow, that was a close one... 調子のりましたすんません ホント My apologies... I'm very sorry for getting full of myself... 逆出つわあー My hair's standin' on end... はー はー はァ Hoo... Hoo... Hah... 天の仕事 The Heaven Sword's job... 24 そうね You're right. 私達のすべき事は星を奪る事のみ The only thing we need to focus on is stealing our opponent's star. 刃友を信じるなら後ろを気にする必要は無いわ If we trust in our shinyuus, there's no reason to worry what's happening behind us. 今日は黒鉄さんに教えられてばかりね I seem to be learning all kinds of things from you today, Kurogane-san. そーだよ! Yep! ほんで地の剣はうしろから風送って飛ばしてくれるんよ! And then, the Earth Sword's job is to send out a gale beneath the Heaven Sword's wings! ぜんぶじゅんじゅんが言った!! I heard all about it from Jun-Jun!! ヤー Yahh! あ Ah, 受け売りなのね second-hand knowledge? とくいげね She's quite proud でも But, 本当 you're exactly right. 気にしたと言うより Though, I wouldn't say I was worried... 少し驚いた so much as a bit surprised. ゆかりは勝負を急いでいる様に見えたから Yukari seemed to be rushing through her fight. 重ね重ねありがとう黒鉄さん I really have to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kurogane-san. 25 心配を無用 Worrying doesn't do any good. 集中するわ I'll concentrate now. 長い時間を共有した者同士にしかー There are some things you can only know about a person... 判らないことがある by spending your entire life with her. くそー God damn it... とーさんですら星奪りに参加してるっつーのに Now even Dad gets to do the Hoshitori, わたしはいつまで木陰でゴロゴロしてるんだ while I'm left out here dinking around in the trees. のどかにも程がる A person can only take so much tranquillity. ふんふんふん sniff sniff 森のなかま Friendly Forest Creatures ピッチー chee chee つーか And I mean, そもそもとーさんが悪い this is all her fault to begin with. わたしがあの卒業生と組むならまだしも I could've just paired with the graduate myself. 26 まったく 本末てん... Talk about getting your priorities backwar... だだだだだ da-da-da-da とぅおおりゃあ---!!! Hiiyahhhhh!!! うおっ Whoa! またかよ Not again... ああッ!! Yahhh!! ドッ whoosh よーーっしゃ! Awwww right! いただきィ!! I'll be taking that!! バンッ wham ヤス!! Yasu!! ビビーーーー bzzzzzzzzzzz ん? Mn? あいつこの間の... That's the girl from before... 黒組? The "Kurogumi" or whatever. 27 ごめんなぁ 清香ちゃん 'Msorry, Kiyoka-chan... 奪られてしもた I got m' star stolen... ビー bzzzzzzz ええよ しゃあないわ 'sall right, no helpin' it... うちが奪ったらええだけの事やろ Just means I gotta take this star here and we're square. ねえ Hey, 私かなりナメられていないかい could you maybe be looking down on me big time? もしかして By any chance? なーんだ What, わーー Yahhh 大したことねーじゃん 黒組とかゆーの is that all this "Kurogumi"'s got? 地の星だつってもCランカーに奪られてちゃ... It's just the Earth Sword, but she let a C-ranker take her star... おーー Ohhhh! よかったさ 清香ちゃんー Thaaat's great to see, Kiyoka-chaaan! よーやく 安楽ちゃんと組めたんなぁ Finally paired up with Yasura-chan, did yaaa! うんうん これでいーんさ Mm, mm! That's how it should beee! ね なーさん!? Right, Naa-san!? 知らなねーよ How the hell should I know? さっそく冷たいさ なーさん!!! So cold right off the bat, Naa-saaan!!! 素敵な気分が台なしさ Ya spoiled my sunny mood... うっさい 突然横に来て前置きなしで話し出すなよ Shaddup! What d'you expect, just popping up next to people out of nowhere!! 28 つーかさ And anyway, なに心配してやってんの what are you worrying over /her/ for? 楔束断ってボコられそーになってたじゃん あいつに That girl almost beat you up 'cause you shot her down. バカなの? Are you an idiot? えっ Eh? だって清佳ちゃんはトモダチさ? Cause, Kiyoka-chan's my friend. トモダチなら刃友になりゃよかったろって話だよ I'm saying, if she's your friend, why not just be her shinyuu? 約束を蹴ってでも心配はしてますって You break your promises with people, yet still find time to worry about them... 都合良すぎる Just a bit too convenient for my tastes. うーん Mmm... トモダチと刃友はすこしちがうさ Well, a shinyuu and a friend are diff'rent things. 清佳ちゃんと安楽ちゃんは幼なじみなんさ Kiyoka-chan and Yasura-chan have been friends since they were little. あーー Ahhh... あとはまかせろ キジっちゃん! Leave the rest to me, Kijicchan! うりゃーー Hiii-yah! えっ 私が奪らなきゃ終わらないでしょ What? No! It only counts if I do it! 安楽ちゃんは黒組に選ばれなかったのに天地に来て Yasura-chan wasn't picked for the Kurogumi, but she came to Tenchi anywaaay... 清佳ちゃんはそれ気にしてとって I knew that was botherin Kiyoka-chan, but... くちにはださんけど Even if she'd never say so herself... でもセンセの決めたことは変えられんし... she couldn't go against what Sensei had already decided... 29 だからよかったさ So I'm real glad. 長く一緒にいた者どーしの方がうまく行くはずさ It should go better with two people who've known each other a real long time, right? お互い判るトコたくさんあるからすぐ強くなれるさ! They know all each other's strengths and weaknesses, so they should get good real fast! そー思わんなーさん? Doncha think so, Naa-saaan? ...なるほどね I see. 譲ったワケか So she was handing the spot over. ハイハイ Fine, I guess... わたしも他人はムリな方だけどー I wouldn't be any good paired with a stranger either, but... わたしにはそーは思えないな I can't say I agree with you. 30 そーいや Since.... 生まれた時からずっと一緒でも there are people you can spend your entire life with, 全然わかんない奴もいるし and still not understand the first thing about. 実際 And then... 会ったばっかの奴の方がよく見えることもある there are certain people you know all about as soon as you meet them. こいつはたぶんあいつと似てる... Those two might resemble each other... ん? Hmm? 何でもね Nah, nothing. ピチッ cheep それはいいけど That's all well & good, but... 多すぎだよ 動物 there's too many damn animals here. とり Bird りす Squirrel こじか Deer こねこ Kitten ニャー Meowww うさぎ Rabbit うま Horse ひと Human ひつじ Sheep おぉ Whoa! いつのまにけものまつり!! Where'd this critter festival come from!? 31 There was a gecko there as well And a snake there as well