I live with my boss QC Page 31 >Even though it was the day to make smoothies, >Ayako-san still had a bad day. This line is a little off. Looking at the original, スムージーを作る日は 綾子さんに 嫌なことがあった日だ the meaning is more like: "When Ayako-san makes smoothies, it means she had a bad day." Page 32 >I can't make you leave your frustrations at work, Ayako-san, but... >I hope I can releive your stress at home. 出す doesn't mean "leave", it means "show". ところ means place, but it's also commonly used to describe a side of a person or an aspect of their personality, here it's Also, Fujimura isn't talking about herself at all here, Ayako is the subject of these sentences. "Ayano-san doesn't show her frustration at work,/so it's good she deals with her stress." Page 33 >Oh, Ayano-saaan, "Oh, Ayako-saaan" >Well, it looks like you're already drinking, aren't you? This is まだ飲むの? まだ is "still", not "already". This line should be: "You're going to keep drinking?" Page 37 >We let the whole day get away from us and we couldn't get anything done! 今日は流されちゃった私もいけないけど The 流されちゃった is applies to 私 here. When it's about a person like that, it usually means they were influenced by another person into doing something. And I think the いけない is being used in the sense of "bad"; in any case it's certainly not "we couldn't get anything done" since it's in the non-past form. This line is more like: "Today I let you drag me along, so it's my fault too, but >But she's really not sorry. 申し訳ないとは思いつつ... means "While I am sorry..." The つつ is contrasting with the line in the bubble. She feels sorry, but at the same time Ayako was so cute she couldn't help herself. To lead into the next line, it should be: "I do feel sorry..." >...But! Tomorrow we won't let that happen again! Since it's 流されない, Ayako is only talking about herself; she's saying she specifically won't let Fujimura seduce her again. So this should be: "...But! Tomorrow I won't let that happen again!" Page 38 >Well, I didn't mean to, it just happened. The ムラッと can describe a sudden or irresistble desire, but it can also be "horny". Based on what's going on, I think a better TL would be >I just got so horny... Page 40 >Or is this JUST how I am? わたしこんなにアレだっけ The っけ ending is used to ask questions when you're trying to recall something. "Was I always like this?" Page 42 >Would you like the full report, Ishiyama-san? 石山さんにご報告しておこうかなと She's not asking him a question here, the ようかなと is short for ようかなと思って, it's used when someone isn't sure about something. This line should be: "I thought we should probably tell you, Ishiyama-san." Page 43 >Why, Ayano-san, why!? "Why, Asano-san, why!?" >But I was so attentive! 俺チョー油断してたわ!! This is the opposite. He's saying he was inattentive. This should be: "I really let my guard down!" >Certainly, you wouldn't expect a woman with a married woman... I don't think this is wrong, just a little awkward. Maybe change it to "Certainly, you wouldn't expect her to be with a married woman..." >Ayano-san, not only do you get ahead in your career, you also get a woman!! 先を越される 女までとられる The verbs here are the passive form, and since he himself is the subject of these verbs, this is an example of what is sometimes called the "suffering passive". The meaning is more like: "Asano-san, not only did you get promoted over me, you even took my girl!" Page 44 >Aw man, I totally regret this... >I thought it was possible because you were a woman. >Even though Hana scolded me about it. >I guess if I really thought about it, I could have made a wild guess... いやーでも俺も反省だわ... 女だからあり得ないって ハナから決め付けてたってことだもんな よく考えたら 浅野さんの言動に めちゃくちゃ心当たり あるわ... A couple things here. あり得ない isn't "possible", it's "impossible". ハナから doesn't mean "from Hana", it's 端から and means the same thing as 最初から, and 決めつけてた here is its first meaning of "to jump to a conclusion", not "to scold". So these lines are: "Aw man, I feel bad.../Since you're a woman/, I just assumed you couldn't be dating her." In the written line, the conditional is followed by a non-past verb, it's not a hypothetical, it's describing the current state of things. "Now that I think about it, Asano-san's behavior makes a lot of sense." >If Asano-san wasn't around, could you have seen yourself with me? The tense here is wrong, it should just be "If Asano-san wasn't around, could you see yourself with me?" Page 45 >but I don't think that'd be the case. This is just a little awkward, maybe change to: "but I don't think so." >Furthermore, I don't think I could even imagine my life if I hadn't met Ayako-san. It's just 想像できません this "I don't think I could even imagine" has too many layers of thinking. "Furthermore, I couldn't even imagine my life if I hadn't met Ayako-san." Page 47 >What about you, Ayano-san? "What about you, Asano-san?" >Of course, that's still the main thing, I think. She's not saying it's the main thing, just that it's one thing she finds appealing, 魅力の一つ. So maybe change it to: "Of course, that's still part of the attraction." >But I can't consider that with this kind of question... The line here is: "But right now he's not asking about something like that." >Hey, don't blame me for this! おい 俺が空気悪くしたみたいになるだろ! "俺が空気悪くした" is "I made things awkward. The みたいになる just adds to that. "Don't blame me for this!" doesn't work, he's saying it looks like this is his fault. "Hey, now it's like I made things awkward!" >Furjimura-san, maybe you can teach me properly later? It's 藤村さんには, Fujimura is the object, the implied subject is "I". "Fujimura-san, I'll tell you later..." Page 48 >Ayano-san Asano-san Page 49 Throughout this afterword, the author talks about two separate works: the published series "I love you so much I hate you", which she often refers to as 単行本, which means "published volume", and this work, which is a self-published book she wrote as a continuation. She just calls it この本, "this book". I think that's the source of a lot of the mistakes here. Hello! This is Yuni! For those of you who read my first published volume, "I Love You So Much I Hate You", and those of you who haven't, thank you for reading this book! In the series, Fujimura and Asano are very serious from beginning to end, so this story might've surprised you a little haha. The truth is, I wanted to show their playful side in the main series too but it was hard because of the scale of their relationship. In this book I got to show them acting like cute idiots in their daily life to my heart's content! It was a lot of fun! Other than that, will there be a day when Asano calls Fujimura by her first name? Or, will Fujimura feel the pressures of doing her fair share of the housework and chores? There's all kinds of fodder for stories so I hope to draw their daily life again in the future. If the publisher requests it, then of course this could be made into a full volume. So if you enjoyed and want to continue reading, the most important thing you could do is to recommend "I Love You So Much I Hate You" to people around you! I'd really appreciate it! In fact, I'm begging you-please! Finally, there's a promotion for the volume below, and I'll include updates on the series on the next page, so please take a look! I'll continue to energetically draw women!!! END