桜庭一樹×杉基イクラ 砂糖菓子の弾丸は撃ちぬけない Sakuraba Kazuki & Sugimoto Iqura A Lollipop or a Bullet: Chapter 11 ---129--- 蜷山 Halfway up the slope 中腹 of Mt. Nina. ズル Slip 急にきつくなった山の傾斜 The mountainside became suddenly very steep. 滑りやすいから気をつけて It's easy to slip up here. Be careful. もうすぐあの場所に着く... Soon, we'll have reached the place we're headed to. どうしよう What will I do? 捜しているものが If the thing we're looking for 本当にあの場所にあったら... is really in that place... ---130--- ...きのう ...Yesterday, 藻屑は言ったんだ Mokuzu said to me... そこにあったら If it's really there, どうしよう what in the world will I do? こんな人生はぜんぶ 嘘だって "This life is all a lie." 嘘だから "It's a lie, 平気だって so everything's all right." ---131--- ---132--- ゴロゴロ ゴロ... rumble rrrrumble... ...あ ...Ah. 花名島 Kanajima... あんたまだ停学中じゃ... Aren't you still suspended?... あ... Ah... ああ Yeah, I am. ---133--- 忘れ物取りに来た Just came to get something I left here. ...その ...I, uh... もう誰もいないと思って... Figured everyone'd be gone... その傷... Those bruises... ごめん I'm sorry. ---134--- ...ごめん ...I'm really sorry. 静まり返った教室に That quiet, frighteningly mature voice 花名島のやけに大人びた低い声がこぼれた spilled out from Kananajima in the dead-silent classroom. つい先日まで悪いのは藻屑だと言い張っていた子供っぽさとは There was no trace left of the childish stubbornness with which he had insisted Mokuzu was to blame, まるで別の匂いをはらんで... Just a few days earlier. He was a different person entirely... [Flashback from Volume 2, pg 56] ---135--- 花名島と藻屑の間にだけ So that there seemed to be some あたしの知らない特別な空気が漂っているみたいな... Special air between Kanajima and Mokuzu, something I knew nothing about... ...許さない... Unforgivable... グ... clench... ズリ stagger ぜったい許さない! Absolutely unforgivable! ガッ grab ---136--- おとうさんにしか殴られたことないんだから...! No one's allowed to hit me except my father!... 海野... Umino... その足 Is it true 障害があるってほんとかよ? that you have a disability in your legs? ...そうだよ ...That's right. 父親にやられたってほんとかよ? And... is it true your father did that to you? ズル... stagger ...だったら? ...And what if he did? ---137--- 足 And that you can't 開けないって... spread your legs out all the way... 開けないよ That's right. I can't open my legs. だって鍵がかかってるもん After all, they're protected with a key. 鍵... "Protected... かかってんだ... with a key..." ドン shove ...て... Rghh.... ---138--- 藻屑...? Mokuzu...? ガッ grab ビリッ rip 海...野...!? Umi... no...!? ---139--- バシッ bash バシッ smack バシッ wham 海野... Umino... ---140/141--- ほんとだ It really is true... おまえ痣だらけなんだなぁ... You're totally covered in bruises... おまえ What a... 汚ねぇなぁ Mess you are... ---142--- ガタン clack も... M... 藻屑!? Mokuzu!? 花名島正太も... Kanajima Shouta, you... バッ whsh ---143--- 汚くなればいい...!! Can just get messed up too...!! ガッ crack ーーッ --!! ---144--- ガッ crack ウァッ Ugh! ウッ Rgh! ガッ crack ウウッ Urghh! 汚く...っ Messed up...!! ガッ crack ーーアッ --Ah! ---145--- ...ッア Ah... ガッ crack 憎しみと怒りで歪んだ藻屑の顔は生々しくて Mokuzu's face, distorted with hatred and rage, was raw and vivid, その藻屑に汚染されていく好きな男子 As she stained the boy I loved with "pollution". 花名島正太は苦しそうで Kananajima Shouta was in terrible agony, だけどなぜか恍惚とした顔をしていた Yet, for some reason, wore an oddly ecstatic expression. ---146--- 得体の知れない情景に I felt an acute sense of discomfort and disgust 嫌悪と違和感を感じた watching this bizarre spectacle unfold. それはあたしがまだ知らない The two of them had gone ahead of me, 二人だけが先に知ってしまったなにか... Had learned something I still knew nothing about... う Uh うう... Ughh... 海...野... Umi... no... ...は... ...Hah... ポタポタ drip drip ズル... Slide... ---147--- ひ...ひっく... H... hic... ...うう... Oogh... ふぇ...っ Wahh... ううう... Oooogh... うえぇぇ Wahhhh.... モップは藻屑が初めて撃った実弾だった This mop was the first "live bullet" Mokuzu has ever fired. 藻屑は男の子にこんな実弾をあんな激しさで撃つ女の子だったんだ To think, Mokuzu could fire "live ammunition" like this at a boy with such terrible ferocity. ---148--- うああぁ Wahhhhh あぁあぁ Ahhhhhh ポツポツ drip drop あぁあ Ahhhhh うあああ...っ Wahhhhh.... ---149--- バッ fwish バタバタバタ step step step ...さよなら ...Farewell, となりの席の野球部の男の子 Boy from the baseball team, who sat beside me. 花名島が先にものすごくへんな道を通って Kanajima had gone ahead of me on some odd and awful road. 大人だか変態だか とにかくあたしとは違う生き物になってしまったから... Whether he had turned into an adult, or just into pervert, I couldn't say, but in any case, it was a different species altogether from me. あたしのちょっとした初恋は This tiny little first love of mine 今日で終わり ended today. ---150--- カチ tick う... Rgh... うぅ Rghhh... うう... Wahh... 藻屑は Mokuzu is ...うう ...hic 憎しみと愛情表現の区別がつかない子だ A girl who can't distinguish between expressions of love and of hatred. いつもどこか間違っていて本人もそれに気付けないでいる But she's always making a mistake somewhere, and can't realize that for herself. 藻屑は大事な人にもあんな実弾を撃つのだろうか I wonder, will Mokuzu be able to fire her "live bullets" even against someone precious to her? ---151--- ぅええ... Ergh... ぐい squeeze ...こんな人生 ...This life... ほんとじゃないんだ isn't real. ...え? ...What? ---152--- きっと全部 It must all be 誰かの嘘なんだ a lie someone made up. だから平気 So everything's fine. きっと全部 Because it's surely all 悪い嘘だから... nothing but an evil lie... ---153--- ゴロゴロ rrrumble ザァァ fssshhh ---154--- ギュ... Squeeze... ねぇ Hey, 山田なぎさ Yamada Nagisa. 子供に必要なのは安心って Our homeroom teacher said something like, 担任が言ってたんだよね? "What kids really need is peace of mind," right? ...うん ...Yeah. ---155--- だけど But, 安心ってなんだろね what is peace of mind? どこにあるのかな Where can you find it? ...そだね ...That's a good question. あたしもわかんないや I don't know either. 安心できたら幸せなのかも If you find peace of mind, maybe you can be happy. わからない I don't know. ...ん ...Mm. だけどいつか... But, even so, someday... ---156--- いつか別の場所にいくよ Someday, I'll go to a totally different place. ここじゃないところ Somewhere that isn't here. ぐぅぐぅいつまでも Somewhere where I could just 惰眠を貪れるような場所がいいな... idle about lazily, all day long would be nice... そう... Yeah... 深い海の底 Like the depths of the sea. 波に揺られて微睡むだけで Just being rocked to sleep by the gentle motion of the water... 十年に一度卵を産むだけで後はなにもしなくて... Nothing to do at all, just coming up once every ten years to lay eggs... ---157--- ...人魚の世界? ...A mermaid's world? 汚染された海で To doze away peacefully いつまでも微睡んで... in the polluted sea... それだけで... Just to doze on and on... それだけでいい... Just that would be enough for me... ---158--- ゴオオ Howl ガタ clatter ガタ rattle ガタ clatter グ... Squeeze... ---159--- 逃げようか Shall we run away? ---160--- ここじゃない To another place, どこか... Somewhere that's not here... いいよ Sure. ---161--- 山田なぎさが逃げたいのなら If you want to run away, Yamada Nagisa, 一緒に行く I'll come with you. ザァァア Fsssshh ---162--- そうだ荷物 Ah--that's right, I'll need to 取りに行かなきゃ stop by my house to pack some things. なに持ってくの? What are you going to bring? 財布とかドライヤーとか Stuff like my wallet, a hairdryer, あとすごく気に入ってるシャーペンとか... And there's this one mechanical pencil I really like. たはは Ta ha ha! へんなチョイスだね That's a pretty odd choice. カタン ka-chik ---163--- ガタッ whmp ガタン clatter スッ slide ...あ Ah... なぎさ Nagisa, どっか行くのかい? Are you going somewhere? ...に... ...I... ---164--- 逃げる I'm running away. ふぅん Hmm, really? ぼくも I would どこかに like to 行きたいなぁ Go somewhere, myself... ---165--- ピシャン shut ---166--- ここで待っててね Wait here, OK? ---167--- ぼくはこの家から I am now going to disappear 消えます from this house. ゴク swallow ---168/169--- カチャ... kachik... パタン fw-tmp 初めて... I had the feeling... 初めて藻屑の本当の笑顔を I had the feeling that this was the first time 見たような気がした I had ever seen Mokuzu truly smile. ---170--- これからあたしたちは The two of us are どこか遠くへ行くんだ headed off to some distant place. それはとにかくここじゃなくて Somewhere that, at the very least, isn't here. あたしも藻屑も自由になれるところ A place where Mokuzu and I can be free. ---171--- そうだ That's right: そこにはあれがあるんだ Maybe we can find /that/ there. あたしも藻屑も知らないし That thing neither Mokuzu nor I have ever known. 必要かどうかもわからないもの Though I can't say whether it's what's "truly necessary" or not. 「安心」 "Peace of mind."