My Cute Little Kitten Chapter 8 by Morigana Milk translated by Schuyguy Page 26 Top Text 前号までのおらすじ The Story So Far Right Box 想像でき ないよ I can't imagine it. Bubble 引越て、 余裕できたら 考える感じで いいから。 There'll be plenty of time to think about once we move. Left Boxes 私達の家に Letting other people 誰かを 入れるなんて enter our home...? Text ネイリストの堤玲奈 (つつみ・れな) とライターの松本由奈 (まつもと・ゆな)は専門学校時代から同級生。学生時代から寮のルームメイト だったということもあり、もともと 仲の良い二人は社会人後もメイト継続中。そんなある日のこと由奈が二匹の子猫を保護し、運よく命をとりとめた方の子猫をチビと名付ける。 Manicurist Tsutsumi Rena and writer Matsumoto Yuna met as roommates in college. They became close friends and continued living together after graduating and getting jobs. One day, Yuna found two kittens, one dead, and one barely alive. She decided to keep the cat, naming it Chibi. チビの里親問題の流れから、由奈の 引っ越し提案に逆上した玲奈は、密かに隠していた由奈への恋心を勢いで告白してしまうが意外にも由奈に受け入れられるという展開に。 物件 探し難航する中、不器用ながらも 距離をだんだんと縮めてゆく二人。 After adopting Chibi, Yuna suggested moving to a new apartment. This alarmed Rena, who impulsived confessed to Yuna that she had been secretly in love with her. To her surprise, Yuna accepted her feelings. Amidst the difficulties of searching for a new apartment, the two of them awkwardly but steadily grow closer. エッチ未遂事件の誤解も解け、初めての夜を迎える二人...しかしラブラブモードもつかの間、玲奈のもとに突如良物件の案内が。 話は順調に落ち着きをみせるが、 ふと玲奈の未来 への提案に少しだけ戸惑いをおぼえる由奈だった。 After sorting out some misunderstandings about an attempt to have sex, they had their first night together. No sooner had they entered this new stage in their relationship than Rena suddenly received a tip on a good deal for an apartment. Things calmed down and seemed to be going well when Rena's casual proposal of her plans for the future left Yuna in shock. ある日、由奈が拾ってきた子猫。 2人のドキドキシェアライフをよそにすくすく、すくすく...(無限大に)成長中。 いたずら、爪とぎは当たり前の活発猫ちゃん。 A kitten Yuna found one day. Quickly growing up while completely ignorant of the dramatic romance developing around him. As kittens tend to be, he is mischievous and energetic, and often scratches the furniture. 基本的には明るい性格だがその反面1人で悩んで抱え込む壁がある。 小さくか弱そうに見えて徹夜明けに餃子やカツ丼を平らげたりの丈夫な子。 持ち前の天然パワーで玲奈をは振り回している風だが全く悪気はない。恋愛初心者さん At core a bright and cheerful person, she nontheless has a lot of private worries, which she bottles up inside. Though small and apparently weak, she's a lively girl who often stays up all night working and can pack away whole plates of gyoza or katsudon. She casually (and unintentionally) strings Rena along, without an ounce of ill will, as only a natural airhead can. A newcomer to love. クールキャラぶってはいるが小さな生き物に弱く助けずにいられないため、結果小動物が苦手。 そんな中、由奈が助けた子猫との暮らしが突然に始まり+由奈への感情の両方にとまどいながらもすこしずつ距離を縮めていこうと試行錯誤中 Though she puts on a cool front, she has a weakness for small animals and can't help but want to take care of them. Because of that, the sudden shock of Yuna adopting a kitten together with finding out her feelings for Yuna were reciprocated has her frazzled and confused, but she's gradually closing the distance between them, often through trial and error. Page 28 Top Right Panel Upper Bubbles はいはい Okay, okay. ご飯よー Here's your food. Lower Right Bubble ニャーーー!! Meooow! Lower Left Bubble ニャ ニャー! Mew mew! Top Left Panel Upper Writing *ネコ語を翻訳して お届けしております... * translated from cat language Right Bubbles わーい! Yay! このお魚の カリカリ 大好き! I love these crunchy fish! Center Writing かわいー So cute Left Bubbles またこれ かあー This again? 私はあれが 食べたい のよね... What I really want to eat is... SFX はー "sigh" Middle Right Panel Right Bubbles 四角くて... Those square things. 外はカリッ 中はトローリ の... Crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside... Left Bubble シーバ! 大好きー! Sheba! I love that! Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles あれも いいなー That would nice... フワッと ツルッとで So fluffy and chewy, ガブっと すると ジュワ bubbly when you gulp it down... Bubble 焼きささみ! Grilled chicken tender! Bottom Left Panel Right Bubble 2人とも 贅沢だにゃー You two are so spoiled. Left Bubble チビ先輩! Chibi-sempai! Page 29 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles あたちは アレでいい にゃん。 This is enough for me. パックのー 端っこの穴 からトロー... The goop that comes out of the end of package... Writing この香りは... 発見したニャ That smell... Found it! Left Bubbles ペロペロ ちゅっちゅ... Licking and sucking it... ガブガブ むしゃむしゃ.。。 Chomping and munching it... Writing パッケージごと Even the packaging? Top Left panel Writing わー にげろ Ah! Run! SFX わーわー "waah!" Bubbles ちびー! Chibiii! チュールの袋 ゴミ箱から漁 っちゃだめー! Stop digging the Churu bags out of the trash! Middle Panel SFX はっ "ah!" Writing あれっ Huh? Bottom Right Panel Bubbles しまった... Oops... 片付けしな がら寝落ち してた... I must've driffed off while unpacking... Writing よがれが I even drooled on the floor Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles アホな夢 見ちゃった... What a ridiculous dream. 猫のコラム 引き受け たから... It's because I took on the cat column... Left Bubble コーヒー... Coffee... SFX カチャ "click" Page 30 Top Right Panel SFX ニャーーー!! "Mrreow!" わあっ "Agh!" Top Left Panel Right Bubble あー ちび... Oh, Chibi... Left Bubbles ごめんまだ 部屋めちゃ くちゃで Sorry, the room is still a mess. 入れてあげられないんだ~ I can't let you in yet. Upper Writing びっくりした... You surprised me SFX ごはん ごはん "food! food!" ぐるぐる "scurry' Middle Panel Right Bubbles ...まあ... ... Well, こっちも めちゃくちゃ だけど... this place is a mess too. SFX ニャアアア "mrrrroow" Boxes 昨日、 Yesterday この新居への 引っ越しが 終わりました。 we finished moving to our new place. Left Bubble カーテン 買わなきゃ... We need to buy curtains... Box ネコ "cat" Bottom Right Panel Bubble 玲奈ちゃん は片付け終わ ったのかな... I wonder if Rena-chan finished with her room... SFX ニャアア "mreow" ざらら "rustle" Bottom Center Panel Right Bubble はい ちび。 Here you go. Left Bubble ニャー! Mew! SFX ガツ ガツ "gobble" Bottom Left Panel Right Boxes あれから... We still 一度もあの話を しないまま haven't spoken about it since then. Left Box 引越して来ちゃ ったけど... And we've already moved in... Box キッチン Kitchen Page 31 Top Panel Text ネイルサロン やりたいん だよね I want to open a nail salon. 私の部屋でも できるし I could do it in my bedroom. 出来たらいいな ってだけの 話だから I'm just saying it's something I'd like to do if I can. Right Boxes 私たち の家に We've never 誰かを入れ た事なんて brought someone Left Box 今までなか ったのに into our home before... Middle Right Panel Right Bubble ニャー! Meow! Writing おか わり "more please!" Left Bubble チビは別 として... Chibi's different... Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles 私も家で仕事 してる訳だし... Well, I do my work at home. 玲奈ちゃん だって It shouldn't be an issue 家で仕事して もいいはず だよね... if Rena-chan wants to work from home also... Upper Left Bubble うーん Hmmm 知らない人 を家に入れる のか... But letting strangers into our house... Lower Left Bubble いや、 No, 知ってる人を 入れるより 気が楽な気も... it'd be less stressful than having in people we know... ??? Bottom Center Panel Bubbles この リビング で...? Here in the living room? 玲奈ちゃんの お客さんが来 てる間は入り にくいな... It'll make it awkward to come in while she has clients here.... Bottom Left Panel Upper Boxes でも... But... 玲奈ちゃんの 部屋に誰かが 来るのは... if they did it in Rena-chan's room... Left Bubble だって 玲奈ちゃんの 部屋には... I mean, in that room... Page 32 Top Right Panel Text 玲奈ちゃん のベッドが... is Rena-chan's bed! Lower Bubbles そのベッド の横で... Some girl 誰か知ら ない子が... sitting on her bed 2人 きり together with her で、私は隣の 部屋で仕事 while I work in the room next door... Top Left Panel Right Bubble 無理ーー!! No way!! Left Bubbles そんなの 気になって How could I work 仕事になら ないー! in that situation!? SFX がば "dive" Middle Panel Right Text 独占欲 Possessiveness 依存心 dependency Bubbles ...玲奈ちゃん を... I should be supporting her 応援するべき  なのに... but instead... Left Text こんなものの 塊の自分 I'm a bundle of jealousy ??? Bottom Right Panel Text きっと 一生 I think I've always been like this. Right Bubble あ... Aah... Left Bubbles まずい... This is bad... 落ちそう I'm on the brink. Bottom Center Panel Upper Bubble ...ふあぁ~... ... ahh-hhahn SFX ガチャッ "open" Lower Bubble 何叫んでんの... What was that noise...? Bottom Left Panel Upper Bubbles おっ Oh! おはよ...! Good morning! Lower Bubble 玲奈ちゃん...! Rena-chan! Page 33 Top Right Panel Upper Right Bubble 片付けしてる うちに 寝ちゃって... I passed out in the middle of unpacking... Writing お風呂入り そこねちゃった I even skipped taking a bath Lower Right Bubble あは... 私も... Haha... me too. Boxes キッチン Kitchen しよっき Tableware Upper Left Bubbles 今日休みとっといて 良かった... I'm glad I took today off. 由奈は? 仕事は? What about you? Do you have work to do? Lower Left Bubble まだ大丈夫... のはず... I should be fine for a while. SFX ニャアアア "mrreow" Top Left Panel Upper Right Bubble 朝ごはん まだ? Had breakfast yet? Lower Right Bubble うん。 No. Left Bubble 昨日買っと いたパン 食べない? How about we have that bread we bought yesterday? Middle Panel Bubble うん... インスタント コーヒー でいい? Okay. You fine with instant coffee? Right Boxes ...早く... ... I have to talk to her 話さなきゃ... about it soon. Left Box だけど... But... Upper Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles ...ちび... Chibi... 昨日は段ボール 箱の影に隠れ てたけど... yesterday he was hiding behind the boxes, but now... SFX ドドドド ドドド "thud-thud-thud" バリ バリ "claw" Upper Left Bubble 夜中リビング 探検しまくってる 音が聞こえてたよ Last night I could hear him exploring the living room. Lower Left Bubble 子供は 順応性が 高いな... Kids sure are quick to adapt... Lower Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble ...夜までには ベッド周り片付 けとくから... ... I'll finish getting my bed in order by tonight, soo... Left Bubble えっ Huh? Bottom Left Panel Upper Bubbles だって、 Well, 私の部屋で 寝るでしょ...? we'll sleep in my room, right? Middle Bubbles え、 Huh? あっ Oh— Lower Bubble そ、そう かな...? W—we will...? Page 34 Top Right Panel Upper Right Bubble 寝室にしよう と思ってた 部屋に... I was planning on making that room our bedroom, but... Writing は~... 念願の ベッド ルーム... Aahh... the bedroom I've longed for... Upper Left Bubbles お客さん! Sorry! ここベッド 2つ入りません! Two beds won't fit in here! Writing えっ Huh!? Lower Bubble ベッドが2つ入ら なかったのが 痛かったよね... It sucks we couldn't get both beds in. Top Center Panel SFX はっ "gasp" Right Bubbles ...あれ、 Oh, でも...寝室に ベッドはひとつ でいいんでじゃ!? but... isn't one bed in the bedroom enough!? Left Bubble 私のだけ入れ とけばよかった? Should we have just brought mine in? Top Left Panel Right Bubbles ...いや でも... Oh, but, そうすると 由奈の部屋 だけ狭くな っちゃうし... if we did that, then your room would be the crowded one... SFX ぶつ ぶつ "mutter" Writing 由奈のベッドは 仮眠用って事にして Keep your bed for napping ダブルベッド... 買っちゃう...? what if we got... a double bed? Upper Left Bubble ま、 まあ... W—well, それは おいおい考 えようよ! let's think about it before making any decisions! Lower Left Bubble そうね... とりあえず... Right... for now, 食べ終わったあら... if you're done eating, then... Middle Panel Bubble 一緒にお風呂 入ろっか? Wanna take a bath together? Bottom Panel Right Bubble お風呂 沸きました The bath is heated now. SFX ポン ピロロロ~ン "ding-dong" Left Bubbles いいねー! 広いお風呂! It's so nice how big the bath is! 余裕で2人で 入れるじゃん! There's plenty of room for both of us! Page 35 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles ...ほ、 W— ほんとに 一緒に 入るの...? We're really going in together...? Center Bubble ま、まだ 明るいん だけど... B—But it's still so early... Left Bubble えー明るい から良いん じゃん! Huh? That's what makes it so nice! Middle Right Panel Upper Right Bubble え... Huh...? Upper Left Bubbles いやっ ほら! No, I mean— 気持ちいい じゃん!? Doesn't it feel good? 朝風呂! A morning bath! Lower Bubbles バッ H— バス用品 ここだったかなー! Here's the shampoo and stuff! Bottom Right Panels Writing えーっと タオルは どこだっけ Umm, where'd we put the towels? SFX ぺた "step" Left Panel Bubbles ...由奈、 ... Yuna, はやく。 hurry up. Page 36 Top Right Panel SFX パサ "flutter" Top Center Panel Bubbles ...お O— お邪魔 します... Okay, I'm coming in... Top Left Panel SFX シャーッ "psssh" Upper Bubble キャ! Kya! Writing 冷たっ Cold! Lower Bubble あはは Ahaha Middle Panel Bubble もー! 玲奈ちゃ... Hey! Rena-ch— Bottom Panel Bubble ...ん... —mnn Page 37 Top Right Panel Bubbles ちゅ ちゅ mch chu Top Center Panel Bubbles ...ま、 R— まって 玲奈ちゃん... Rena-chan, wait... Top Left Panel Upper Bubbles あ、 あの、 Uh, umm... 明るいし... it's still morning... Lower Bubbles ち、 H— ちょっと... Hold on! Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubbles ...うん... ... Yup. 朝の由奈も... You're so cute Lower Bubble 可愛い... in the morning too. Page 38 Top Panels SFX ポチャーン "splish" Right Bubbles ...はー... Aahh... いいわねえ 朝風呂... morning baths are the best... SFX ツヤ ツヤ "glow" Center Bubble 一緒の休み の日恒例に したいなー We should make this a habit, whenever we have days off together. Left Bubbles あうう... Aaagh... 声... 響いてた... my voice... echoed. 廊下に聞こ えてたら どうしよ~ What if they could hear it in the hallway? Middle Panel Right Bubbles あ、 そうだ... Oh, right... 今後のことに ついて相談し たいんだ... I want to ask you about something we've talked about before. SFX ドキン "da-dum" Bottom Right Panel Bubbles ...私も... ... Me too, 話そうと 思ってた... I was planning to talk to you. Text ネイルサロン の事だよね... About her nail salon... Bottom Center Panel Upper Bubble あ、あのね、 私... Um, well, I— Text 言わなきゃ... 嫌だって... I have to tell her... that I don't like it. Bottom Left Panel Bubbles ...ちゃんと つけたほうが いいと思うんだ ... I think we should 名前。 choose a proper name. Page 39 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles お店の? For the shop? Left Bubbles ん? Huh? お店って? Shop? Top Left Panel Right Bubbles ほら、最初は 里親探すつもり だったから、 Look, at first, I thought we were just keeping him for a while, ちびでいっか と思ってたん だけどさー so I thought "Chibi" was fine. ずっとこのまま っていうのは どうかと思う んだよね。 But I don't know about that for a permanent name. Left Bubble ちびの話!? We're talking about Chibi!? Middle Right Panel Right Bubbles これから大きく なって... He's only going to get bigger... チビじゃなく なるんだし? At some point he just won't be "chibi" anymore, you know? Writing うん やっぱこの ままじゃね Yeah, it just won't do Left Bubble ...そう だね ... I guess so. Bottom Right Panel Bubble 10年後は巨大化 して凄いデブ猫に なってるかも... Ten years from now, he might be a huge fatso... Writing わー おおきくなったね Wow, you grew so big! Bottom Left Panel Upper Right Bubbles ワクチンとか で病院に行った とするでしょ? Think about going to get vaccines. デブ猫 連れて。 Bringing a big fat cat along. Sign 動物病院 Animal Hospital Middle Bubble ワクチンに きましたー I came to get him vaccinated. Lower Bubbles 先生 Doctor! カビゴン です!! It's Snorlax! Page 40 Top Panel Right Bubbles で、 受付で And having the reception desk チビちゃん~ とか呼ばれた りしたら... call him "Chibi-chan". Writing ちび おきて Chibi, wake up Left Bubble チビ ちゃん Chibi-chan~ SFX ざわ "murmur" Middle Panel Right Bubbles そんな... Where... ...そんな 大きいキャリー ケース... where can you even buy Left Bubble どこで 買えば... such a big cat carrier? SFX ぐら ぐら "wobble" Bottom Right Panel Bubble だから何か 可愛い 名前を... So we should choose a cute name for— Bottom Center Panel Right Bubbles 由奈!? Yuna!? ちょっと 大丈夫!? Are you okay!? Left Bubble 由奈ーー! Yuuuuna! SFX ぶく ぶく ぶく "bubble" Page 41 Top Right Panel Right Bubble ...ごめん... ... I'm sorry. Left Bubbles あは... Haha... なんで玲奈 ちゃんが 謝るの... what are you apologizing for? Writing のぼせた she got dizzy Top Left Panel Right Bubbles いや、 だって Well... 私が長風呂 させちゃった から... I made you take such a long bath. あんな事とか... あんなとこ... And... other things. Upper Left Bubbles ...ス ストップ... S—Stop it. またのぼ せるから... I'll get dizzy again. Lower Left Bubble 思い出させないで... Don't make me remember. Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubble もう夕方 になちゃったね... It's already evening. Lower Bubbles 近所見て回って... Even though we said どこかでランチ 食べようって 言ってたのに... we'd look around the neighborhood for a place to have lunch. Bottom Left Panels Right Bubbles そんなの 急いでないし There's no hurry. いつでも 行けるよ。 We can go any time. Left Bubbles 時間なんて これから From now on, いくらでも あるんだからさ we have all the time in the world. Box チビが そのうち While chibi Page 42 Top Right Panels Upper Box 巨大化して デブ猫になって grows fat, Lower Boxes 私も玲奈ちゃんも will Rena-chan and I 小じわを気にする歳になって? grow to the age where we start to worry about wrinkles? Bubbles ...ネイル サロン... ... When will you open いつから やるの...? your nail salon? Top Left Panel Bubbles え... Huh? いいの...? Is that okay with you? Middle Panel Text そんな未来なら きっと For that future to come true, Bubble ...そのかわり ... In exchange, Bottom Panel Bubbles 一番最初 のお客さんは can I be 私だよ? your first customer? Text 私の嫌いな 私も the version of me I hate 溶けて surely has to melt 消えてるかもしれない and disappear. O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on't! ah, fie! 'Tis an unweeded garden That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature Possess it merely. That it should come to this! END