My Cute Little Kitten Extra Chapter 13.5 by Morinaga Milk Translated by Schuyguy Page 105 Top Right Panel Box それは引越し準備をしてた時の事… This happened while they were preparing to move... SFX ゴソゴソ "rustle" ガブッ "chomp" ピュンッ "hop" Box ダンボール箱 cardboard box Right Bubble もー Chibi, 邪魔しないでちびー come on, don't get in the way. Left Bubble あっ Ah! 何持ってったのー What've you got there? Top Center Panel Bubble あ… これ… Ohhh, this. SFX ニャアアア "mrrreow!" Top Left Panel Right Bubble ただいまー I'm home. Left Bubble おかえりー 玲奈ちゃん! Oh, you're back, Rena-chan! 見て コレ! Look at this! Middle Panel Right Bubbles 覚えてる? Remember? 怜奈ちゃんが とってくれた 文鳥だよー! It's the Java Sparrow you grabbed for me! Left Bubble ……!! ...! Writing チビの エモノ That's Chibi's prey! Bottom Panel Title 私の可愛い子猫ちゃん My Cute Little Kitten 番外編 Extra Chapter 森永みるく Morinaga Milk Box 掲載を予定しておりました本編は諸般の事情により休載とさせていただきます The chapter that was orginally planned for this volume was delayed. Right Bubble お I― 覚えて るよ… I remember... Center Bubbles 水に入れた 卵からこんな I never expected ふわふわの ぬいぐるみが 出てくるなんて such a fluffy toy to come out 思わなかったよねえ~ after soaking that egg in water. Writing もこフワ... so soft and fluffy Left Bubble やばい… Shit... Page 106 Top Right Panel Box あれは… This was 私たちがまだ デキてなかった頃… from before we hooked up... Upper Writing のみに行った帰りにゲーセン At an arcade we stopped at on our way home from a bar. Right Writing かわい~ みてみて Look! How cute! Right Bubble ねーこの卵 小鳥が孵るんだってー! Hey, it shows a chick hatching out of this egg! Left Writing いいなー I want one... Left Bubble 仕方ないなー とったげるわ Alright, I guess I'll grab it for you. Top Center Panel Text 2千円ちょっと かかった… It costs me 2000 yen and change... Boxes それは水に 何日か入れておくと It was one of those egg-shaped toys 小鳥が孵化する という卵形の オモチャで… that would hatch into a little bird after soaking in water for a few days. Label カラをやぶってことりが生まれる水の中で大きくなるよ! Place in water, and a bird will grow and break through its shell! Top Left Panel Right Bubble 文鳥が出るといいなー I hope this is the Java Sparrow one... SFX わくわく "excited" Left Bubble かわいい… Cute...♥ Upper Middle Right Panel Box 3日後 Three days later: Bubbles カラ割れて 来てるよー The shell is cracking. 由奈ー? 締切前か… Yuna? ... She must be nearing a deadline... SFX しーん "silence" Writing 由奈の部屋 Yuna's room Lower Middle Right Panel SFX ゆら… "wobble" ブヨ… "soaked" Bottom Outer Right Panel Bubble 思ったのと 違うような… Looks a different than I expected... SFX ドロリ "drip" Bottom Inner Right Panel Boxes 好奇心に勝てず I guess I shouldn't have 殻を剥いてしまったのが いけなかったのか given into my curiosity and peeled open the shell. SFX ペリ "peel" Bottom Left Panel SFX ズルリ "slurp" ネバ "sticky" ドロ "wet" Bubble 孵った ソレは… And what came out was... Page 107 Upper Top Right Panel SFX ひっ… "eep!" Right Bubble グ… グロ…! G―Gross! Right Writing こ…これは… Th―This is... Center Bubble 禍々しすぎた… Way too evil-looking. Upper Left Writing ヤバイ… Uh-oh... Left Bubble こんなの 見たら… When Yuna sees this... Lower Left Writing ショック うけるな… It'll be quite a shock... Door 締切前 あけるな Don't open till I'm done! Middle Right Panel Boxes 悲しむ由奈を 見たくなくて I didn't want to see Yuna upset, 文鳥のぬいぐるみを購入… so I bought a Java Sparrow toy. Writing さすが… なんでもあるな アマゾン… Of course... Amazon has everything Middle Center Panel Bubble よし かわいい! Alright, very cute! SFX キュッ "squish" Writing 翌日配送 Next-day delivery 由奈が部屋から出てくる前に… And before Yuna came out of her room... Box すげ替えたんだけど… I switched them out. Top Left Panel Writing みてみて かわい~ Look, how cute! Bubbles 孵化してるよー! It hatched! わーい ふわふわ~ Wow, so fluffy! でも水は どこに…? But, where's the water...? まーいっか Well, whatever SFX キャッキャ "excited" ふー "phew" Lower Writing よかったわね… Isn't that nice Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble まさかまだ 信じて いたとは… And she somehow still believes me... Right Writing ピュアな子… Oh, sweet child... SFX ズキズキ "sting" Center Bubble この嘘は墓場 まで持っていくしか…! I've got no choice but to take this lie to the grave! Upper Left Bubble 他のも 欲しいなー I'd like another one. Upper Left Writing 文鳥の おともだちに This one should have a friend Middle Writing けんさくしてみよ I'll try looking it up Left Left Bubbles あっ これだー Oh, here. 「コトリ隊のたまご」 "Chick party eggs" Lower Left Writing どこで売ってるのかな I wonder where I can buy them... Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles 水につけると… When you add water... 観覧注意…? "Viewer warning"...? Upper Writing ん? え? Hm? What? Left Bubble あ… Ah! Left Writing みちゃダメ… Don't look! Center Writing ユーチューブにたくさん It's got a ton of views... Lower Right Bubbles なんと… Somehow... 出てくるのはコレ! this is what came out! Table 「観覧注意」ことりの "Viewer Warning" Bird [cut off] Page 108 Top Panel Box バレました。 She found out. Bubbles ごめんなさい… I'm sorry... もう2度と 嘘はすきません…!! I won't lie to you again! Writing なんか ヘンだなーとは I did think 思ってたんだよね… it was a little strange... Upper Middle Right Panel Bubbles 絶対に嘘つかないのが本当の 友達だとか… I wouldn't say that true friends そんなこと言わないけどさ…でも… never lie to eachother, but... Writing まあ 冷静に考えれば… Well, now that I take the time to think about it... 私もアホだったけど 言ってほしかった I was pretty stupid. But I wish you'd told me... Upper Middle Left Panel Bubbles ふうふは… I do think 嘘ついちゃだめ だと思うんだよね married couples should lie to eachother. Lower Middle Panel Bubbles …え、 私達って ... And, we are 夫婦… だよね? married, right? Text わたしたちってふうふだよね!? We are married, right!? ふうふだ!よ Married! Bottom Panel Right Bubbles …玲奈ちゃん 死なないで!? ... Rena-chan, don't die! 話終わってないよー! We're not done talking! Left Bubbles 嘘は2度と つかないと過去に 誓っていた玲奈… Rena had promised never to lie again... 嘘がバレてしまい やばい展開の本編 は以下次号…! The main story about how her lie gets found out will continue in the next issue! SFX ケリッケリッ "chew" Box ぶんちょうは ちびのエモノで トモダチですニャ The bird is Chibi's prey, and friend, mreow! END