My Goddess Spurs Me On Vol 2 my Kawauchi ###Japanese title: Watashi no megami ga kyou mo oseru TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. ### It looks like there are two editions of this. The first one is in a single volume (which I previously translated), and it includes the stories up through chapter 4. In the second edition, the stories are broken into two volumes, and volume two includes several additional postscript stories. This translation only includes the additional content. —01 -1 My Goddess Spurs Me On Vol 2 Presented by Kawauchi Now and Forever ###lower left —03 -1 My Goddess Spurs Me On Now and Forever Presented by Kawauchi —85 -1 Oh, you're back to your original look at school? Yes. I don't want to shock people. -2 Did you like it when I was dressed like that? Mm… well… yeah. -3 Well, if the class president says so… -5 I'll start dressing like this from now. hw- Saionji-san?! Girl, stop. You’ll cause a panic. —87 -1 Hoshi Issei and Iwanami Wataru —88 -2 So when he said “actually, that’s what I was hoping for”, What did you say back to him? -3 Hm? I just let him him know, That you told me not to go back home, Issei. -4 And what’s up with that wish? hw- Omori-kun, at that moment ###box hw- Hoshi-san said “don’t go home” My two favs, together like that… sfx- Ahhh Hw- How sweet… I get my heart desire, even as I was shot down. sfx- Too sweet! -6 Fluff —89 -1 sfx- Caress sfx- Quiver -2 Should I have told him that you and I have started going out? -3 Turn -4 Are we going out? —90 -1 I… Didn't end up going home after all. -2 So what are we doing here? -3 Issei, do you love me? -5 Gulp —91 -1 Yeah… I love you, Wataru. -2 Does it bother you if I tell you this? -3 Do you wanna go home? If so… I’ll see you to the station? —92 -1 I'm not going home…
 -2 I'm not going home, but… -3 That doesn't mean I've agreed anything yet! Wha?! ###yeah, I feel you girl —93 -1 Well, I am saying yes, but… I don't have the courage to do things like that, yet. ###bold and italicize “that” I've never even imagined doing that kind of stuff with you, Issei. sfx- Hngh -2 That kind of stuff? -4 You mean, like having sex with you, Wataru? Not gonna! You sure went there fast! sfx- Whap Bop Oh, don't give me that! You're the one who was playing with my ear just a moment ago! That was so sexy! -5 …Nng. -6 I knew I should've just gone home! I'm the only one getting all embarrassed here! sfx- Gawd, I hate this! —94 -1 I don't know about touching and stuff yet… -2 But… -3 But doing things like buying the sweets I know you like, and then waiting for you here in this room… Going to the festival together… Listening to the festival music while walking around… —95 -1 You know, I don't want you to do things like that with anyone else. -2 So don't go home. Go out with me. Please. —96 -1 You don’t have to pull that shit. You’re already cute, Wataru. -3 Got it… -5 Thank goodness… -6 sfx- Th-thump ###repeat sfx- Whew —97 -1 Ah! -2 Sorry! That was a little too close, right? No, not really… -3 Th-thump ###repeat into panel 4 -5 H-how how about we finish cleaning up, and get ready for bed? Y-yeah! It's already past 11, after all… —98 -2 sfx- Shaaaa sfx- Clink Tink Hmm Mm Hmmm What song was that? The monster… Um… The choral thing! We sang it in junior high. Oh, right! The monster ballad. I end up crying every time I sing it. -4 Are you comfortable wearing my PJs? Sure! Please let me borrow some. —99 -1 Hmm Mm Hmmm -2 It's just like we're living together! -3 Oh… Guess we are a couple now. Kind of a weird feeling. -5 We're going out, right? hw- Just checking! —100 -1 Was just thinking that you're so cute. —101 -1 We are a couple now. ###bold and italicize “are” -4 P-Pat my head! Your head? -5 L-like this? Yeah! Just like that! -6 And keep going. Do my ears and face too. -7 Caress Shudder -8 Stroke Stroke Ah… —102 -1 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Is this also something you saw on the net that you're trying out? -2 N-no… This is… -3 I just wanted you to… touch me, Issei. —103 -4 Gulp —104 -1 Was that OK? -2 Kiss -3 Mm… dunno yet. —106 -1 Kiss -2 I think it'll take about 100 more times before I know. -3 Hey, can't you look a little more happy about being able to kiss me? —107 -1 You bet. -2 Kiss Mm ###sfx in black on the right, in white on the left Kiss -3 Kiss Ahh Kiss Mmm —108 -1 Haaah.. Kiss Mm… Kiss So long… -2 Her fingers… Her eyelashes… -3 Her tongue… Everything… —109 -1 She said that she loves me. She said that she doesn't want me to go home. -3 I should've gone home… —110 -2 If I stay the night with her tonight… If we’re together like this all night long… —111 -1 My heart won't be able to take it… -2 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump sfx- Zzz Well, she did say we were going to go to sleep. And so I guess we're gonna sleep. —113 -1 The Upper Class and the Commoner —114 -2 So…? You fell for Karen-chan because she’s cool? ###bold and italicize “cool” sfx- Nod -3 What a sucker! Shaddup! sfx- OhmyGawd! -4 Well, that’s just like you, Kizuna. You’re 90% about looks. Karin-chan’s strategy worked. Oh, come on, Natsuki. You tell me the person you’re going out with is cute. -5 But my “cute” is not just about looks! Like how adorable they are when they are sleeping! Or how they’re a bit spacey. Or like how we woke up the other morning, and their PJs were all… sfx- Blahda Blahda -6 I got it! I got it already! —115 -1 What are you talking about? Nishioji-san…! -2 Class President, about the get together with me and my friend… I’m looking forward to it. -3 Oh, the girl who’s more of a ojyou-sama than you? Sure, sure. -4 So we were talking about how for Kizuna, looks trump everything. hw- You’ve got guts coming to a 3rd year’s classroom. Hey! -5 Ah… -6 You think so too? I do believe you regard it as important… —116 -1 But look… It is actually important, okay? How you live, how you act, it all comes out in looks, right? -2 I mean, like the ojyou-sama we’re going to meet… They’re not going to some family restaurant wearing sweats, right? Not going to happen! sfx- The commoner’s friends -3 Yes, you’re right… I don’t think that would happen. After, she’d have a maid or butler attending her. -4 sfx- See? But… there are some who are not concerned about appearance. —117 -1 I don’t think you can say looks are everything. sfx- Yup Yup -2 Dun Dun Duuhn -4 At a family restaurant… you can get both hamburgers and tempura. And they have an all you can drink soda bar! —118 -1 It’s the best! We’ve been multiple times, so I understand that… But is it ok to wear this each and every time? It’s sort of… unclassy. -2 Wha? It’s all good! Too much of a pain to change! -3 It’s totally the right thing for this place. Are you sure? —119 -1 That whole thing about looks… I just can’t accept it. sfx- Grump Grump Grump -2 That it’s not all about looks? -3 It makes me sound like an idiot for buying new clothes to meet this ojyou-sama. -4 ‘Cause, look… That would mean that… those two who just walked in wearing sweats, could possibly be super rich, right? sfx- Sweats. At a family restaurant. —120 -1 Not gonna happen! -2 So… I know it’s rude, but… -3 I’ll observe those two. If it seems like they actually might be rich, I’ll admit defeat. But if not, I totally win this one! -4 How about hitting the the drink bar? Ok. What are you going to have, Minozuki? Café Mocha. —121 -1 Café Mocha? Did they even have that here? -2 sfx- Kya sfx- Beaaam sfx- Kya The one where you mix coffee and cocoa, right? -3 Yus, point for me. They’re mixing things at the drink bar. Yup, yup. Total commoner action. —122 -1 It’s gotten quiet. Are they eating? -2 sfx- Fufufu Perhaps eating with ultra refined manners? sfx- SliceSliceSlice -3 I’ll sneak a glance on the way to the bathroom. sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump -4 Thump —123 -1 sfx- BipBipBipBip -2 Oh, I leveled up! -3 Should we pay the bill? Ah, right. You’ve got piano from six. hw- They don’t really look alike. hw- Maybe they’re close cousins or something? Just how do they know each other, I wonder? —124 -1 Wait… Aren’t you forgetting something important? -3 Oh! -4 I can’t believe I missed this. -5 Let me get my rewards program up… Usable points 1,091 pt —125 -1 sfx- Yeah, yeah! sfx- That’s the way! I can’t see it, but I bet they’re smiling in satisfaction! -2 It’s amazing you can buy things with points! There are some things where you can get double points! -3 The decision is in! —126 -1 100% commoner! Using those two as an example, My theory is 100% correct! hw- Ah, I feel vindicated! -2 Let’s go back to my place. I’ll take you home on my bike. Huh? I can call someone to come pick me up. —127 -1 Like before? Coming to my place in a limousine? People in my neighborhood are still talking about it. Don’t mess with my relations with the neighbors! Ah, indeed… I see. -2 So let me take you home, ok? You’re my precious mistress, after all. -3 Then let me pay the bill. I’m your mistress after all! You think I’m gonna let some school kid pay for me?! —128 -1 Several days after -2 Wha? So everything inside the fence belongs to your friend’s family? hw- Huge! Fufu -3 Ah, back to the discussion about looks… -4 What? You gonna lecture me? Then come get it! That outfit… It’s this season’s Chanel, correct? -5 Wha? Yeah… You really know your stuff… —129 -1 Looks aren’t everything, but… But I really do appreciate you taking the time and effort to wear a special outfit to see my friend. -3 Of course, I did say I would “become the person you desire”… and that is the truth, Kizuna-san. Please don’t misunderstand that. -4 To become the person the one you like desires… Doesn’t it make sense to put in that level of effort? -5 It makes me sound like an idiot for buying new clothes to meet this ojyou-sama. —130 -2 Gaaawd! I love her! sfx- Kyaa Hm… hw- And she called me Kizuna-san… -3 I guess she’s really making an effort to understand me… -4 I’m correct! My win! And I’m all like that… -5 But! But! It’s not like I’m wrong! sfx- Nyaagh Oh! You came out to greet us! —131 -1 Hinoka-san! Karen Onee-sama! -3 Is something the matter? —132 -1 
Ahhhh… -2 Sorry, Apparently I’ve been wrong. -3 But how does a maid get away with acting like that towards her mistress? I get the feeling she’s totally been following me. —133 -1 My Goddess Spurs Me On —135 -1 Tokura Yuu and Miyajima Natsuki —136 -1 Early Morning -3 Blink Blink -4 Zzz —137 -1 Yuu-nee… Wake up! Mm? -2 It's evening? It looks like we both fell asleep after playingf together. -3 I had a really nice dream. Maybe it was because I was together with you Natsuki. -5 Rub Rub —138 -1 I'm sorry, Yume… But thanks for driving. It's OK if you just go to sleep. -2 That teacher is crazy! It's gonna take us another three all nighters. sfx- After working all night on a group project -3 Yuu, you're also working a lot, right? Your body holding up? Mm… I think I'm pretty much at my limit. -4 Is there anything you need right now? —139 -1 Yeah, there is… -2 Since that day… -3 Natsuki went on to graduate. -4 And a month after that… -5 The two of us… -6 Spent the night together. —140 -1 And since then, We go to a hotel together once a week. -2 But thanks to this assignment and my job, we haven't seen each other in two weeks. She must be sleeping right now. -3 sfx- Riiiing Natsuki-chan -4 She's calling! -5 H-hello? sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Yuu-nee? Will you be arriving soon? -6 Do you have to go to work today? Yeah, in the evening. So I've got to sleep today, and I'm not gonna be able to see you. Hmmm… -7 Maybe I'll come and sleep with you. Yeah? —141 -2 Welcome back! Good morning! sfx- Thanks for having me over! -2 Toss Whish -3 Good night! hw- Move over Hold up a second! -4 You don't want me to? We… we can’t! —142 -1 I mean, my family is around… We promised we wouldn't do this around our families… Oh? So you’re in the mood to get it on? Of course you dummy! When I think about you… -2 hw- No trust, huh? I won't do anything, so just let me stay here. -3 Back when I was little, do you remember saying you had good dreams with me? -4 Maybe it's still the same. I'd really be happy if it was true. -5 It's still true. It's always been true. —143 -1 That makes me happy. sfx- Hug sfx- Th-thump -2 It’s cramped because it’s a twin bed, huh? I'll just snuggle up. It'll be fine. -3 You smell like shampoo. Did you take a shower before coming over? Yeah. You smell nice too, Yuu-nee. —144 -1 Back then, you’d never get into bed without taking a bath and being in your PJs. -2 Sleeping Beauty has to lie down! Why won’t you do it? hw- Natsuki (4) hw- Yuu (6) I haven’t taken a bath yet… and I’m not in my PJs! -3 But you’re not dirty… -4 Hnngh —145 -1 Ah! My mom just bought an apple scented bath bomb. -2 How about play Snow White with you after we take an apple bath? Apple? -3 Whoa, That might be super cool. Right? —146 -1 I'll go get my PJs from home. -2 After that, the two of them fell asleep in bed. Yuu-nee, wake up! Hmm? hw- We fell asleep! -3 I had a really nice dream. Maybe it was because I was together with you Natsuki. sfx- Grin -5 That takes me back… —147 -1 Maybe she's asleep already? -2 sfx- Fidget Squirm Huh? Not asleep yet? -3 If you don't go to sleep, you’re not gonna wake up on time. Nnn… -4 Gimme a break… —148 -1 I mean, you’re here with me, Natsuki. —149 -1 Nn?! sfx- Kiss -2 sfx- Puff Nn! -3 sfx- Lick Lick Slurp Nnn! -4 sfx- Kiss Kiss Ah Nn Ah…. sfx- Caress Fondle C’mon… That’s why I said we couldn’t! —150 -1 Natsuki-chan… my family is… Yeah. -2 So that’s why you have to keep your voice down. -3 Heh Heh sfx- Shhf —151 -1 Is the reason you've been working so much is to pay for all the hotels? sfx- Lick -2 We always split the cost, huh? If that's why you're not getting enough sleep, Then we can just do it here without being busted. -3 No, we… Ah! sfx- Quiver sfx- Rub Fondle sfx- Quiver Nnn Nnn —152 -1 sfx- Shudder Ahh Ah sfx- Kiss Kiss Kiss sfx- Fondle Fondle Hah… Nn… Nnn Nn Nn sfx- Quiver Quiver -2 sfx- Haah Ah Ah… Nn You’re so cute. I love you so much. sfx- Slide Yuu-nee… I love you… I… lo… too… -3 Hya sfx- Lick Slurp Nn Ah Ah Yaah Ah Ah sfx- Shudder Shudder Shudder sfx- Rub Rub Rub Rub —153 -1 Haaa… Haa… ah… -3 Haa… Ha… —154 -1 sfx- Haa… Haa… Yuu-nee? -2 sfx- Haa… Haa… Let’s stop. -3 If we do it here, it's almost like our younger selves are watching. It's kind of embarrassing. -4 Oh.Come.On! -5 Nnnnngh —155 -1 Well… hw- keep your tummy, warm, OK? I kinda get what you mean. -3 Um… It's not to pay for the hotel… —156 -1 I want to live on my own. -2 I have to do a lot of all nighters. So something close to the university. -3 And I want a big bed for the two of us. That's why I'm working so hard. So, don't worry, OK? -4 Whaaaa? -5 Well, aren't you just the cutest thing ever? I wanted to surprise you. —157 -1 When you move, can I leave a bottle of my shampoo at your place? Of course. So can I come over on Fridays? We'll make dinner together, I'll stay over on Saturday, and then can I go home on Monday morning? Of course. -2 That… —158 -1 Sounds absolutely amazing. -3 Right? -4 The sunlight coming in. A warm room. Our sanctified bed. The smell of the one I love. All wrapped up in the things I love. —159 -1 Having nice dreams with you. -2 Now. And Forever. -3 Evening. Yuu-nee! Wake up! Wake up! hw- You’ll be late for work! sfx- Sound asleep —162 -1 Extra “Iwanami-san doesn’t know the meaning of hesitation” -1 What do you want to eat? Ramen! hw- Immediate reply -2 What do you want to do today? That Pilates experience! hw- Immediate reply -3 I got reservations! What do you want to do, Issei? Can we stop by the bookstore on the way home? -4 hw- Pilates Pilates I love how she always knows what she wants to do. No hesitation! -5 Spin -6 Kiss —163 -1 Kiiiiss Hnn Hnn -2 What’s with you? Heh -3 We can’t do that outside, right? So thought we better do it now. -4 It may be a problem that she has no hesitation… hw- I can’t get my heart ready in time… sfx- Th-thump ###repeat —166 -1 Kaname says we should come help her clean. Again? -2 Mocchi’s exactly the same as when I saw her at the family restaurant. Gyahaha! -3 ‘Sup! Sorry to call you over! Thanks fer comin’! -4 hw- Maid…? This is the only thing I have to wear… So don’t sweat it, okay? -5 I’ve also gotten to know Hinoka. Come by our cafe anytime. -6 Welcome! …so are those sweats your favorite or something? -7 I was told sweats are appropriate dress for this place! -8 Can you not lie to children? It’s true that we’re free to wear what we want! —167 -1 Hey Natsuki, do you have a type you go for? Like someone that looks good in suit… or someone that takes the lead or something…? -2 A suit huh? That’d be nice… -3 Someone that takes the lead could be good too… Natsuki-chan… -4 But I’d rather take the lead myself… Love ###repeat in heart bubble I see. -5 That book you recommended was good. Mm. The sequel came out, you know. -6 Sumi, you and Karen-san seem to get along unexpectedly well. Ah, well… how do I put this… -7 I’m going to take the world by storm. -8 Seems like she’s always thinking that… We do have some things in common… Wha? With her? You’re total opposites!