My Heart In A Tough Place by Yatosaki Haru TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. —01 -1 There’s a certain all-girl’s high school here. My Heart In A Tough Place Yatosaki Haru -2 That means… Without exception, there’s only girls here. Morning Morning -3 Ah, Um… Saki-senpai! Good morning! -5 Good morning. -6 Ba-dump -7 Please excuse us! sfx- Kyaaa sfx- Thumpa thumpa thumpa And… —02 -1 That rocks! Those girls… The one on the left was cute… -2 Since I began noticing such things, I have only looked at girls. I got my good looks from my father… And being good at sports from my mother… And I have worked to be the center of attention of the girls. sfx- Kya Kya Last year’s Valentine’s day ###box -3 I mean, I worked to get in here. Ah… I wanna girlfriend. But even I… -4 No… No so much a girlfriend as… -5 Saki-senpai! —03 -1 Good morning! I want to fall in love. -2 I-I… I want Airi-chan! sfx- Throb -3 Siiigh, It’s cold today, huh? Ugh, Stop. Play it cool… Fufu, Indeed. Aaaah! Airi-chan is sooo cute! -4 Even though I hate the cold, I forgot my muffler and gloves. If Airi-chan could be my girlfriend… Wha? But, hey senpai, you don’t have a muffler either. -5 Whoa! Senpai, your hands are cold! sfx- Grasp —04 -1 Just a… Wha-wha-what? If you grasp my hand like that…! Aaaaaah, I’m getting hot! Ah Haha I hate the cold too… sxf- Blush -2 Ufufu Ok, so should I warm you up? -3 Yay! sfx- Glomp -4 Psych! Did you warm up a bit? sfx- Beam -5 T… Totally… Too hot! I thought my head would explode! Senpai… —05 -1 You’re the type to look nice and slim in clothes, huh? sfx- tap -3 Ding Dong Ah, I gotta rush! -4 Ok, Senpai, see you later! -5 …tap… -6 Tap…? -7 Tap -8 Ta… -9 Aaaah —06 -1 I love you, Airi-chan! You’re just my type! Saki! Keep it down! sfx- Bam Brother ###arrow -2 You’re such a little devil… I wonder what I can do to get her to go out with me? If she was a guy, she’d have to beat them off with a stick!! ###handwritten -3 Sigh… sfx- Flip -4 Airi-chan… I love how you have this “I’m cute, right?” aura… The blazing smile you have when boys are in the palm of your hand… Senpai ###circle Look at this guy! ###circle Your sleek, silky hair… This totally cracks me up! ###handwritten Boys go for long hair, right? —07 -1 And your looks! You can get away with anything with that face! Aah, Airi-chan won’t you have a yuri awakening? ### Yuri awakening. I’m surprised I haven’t heard of a manga called that before. -2 Ugh, Crap! It’s already this late! If I break out, I won’t be able to stand next to Airi-chan. Flawless ###handwritten -3 But even so… No matter how pretty I get, It’s not like it’s gonna get her to go out with me. -4 sfx- Click Sigh… -5 I want… Library ###sign -6 To know everything about Airi-chan… —08 -1 sfx- Whisper Whisper Saki-senpai… She’s gotten, like, transcendent, huh? sfx- Whisper Whisper It’s like she’s gotten even more beautiful, huh? So sleepy… -2 Saki-senpai -3 Lost in thought? Kobayashi-san… -4 Mm, well, maybe a little. She’s pretty cute too. -5 But yeah, Airi-chan… sfx- Hm Might you be thinking about Airi? -6 Whaa!? sfx - Jolt Yeah… I figured as much… -7 The rumors have been going around, after all… —09 -1 Ah Ahaha… Rumors? What rumors? Hey, Senpai? -2 Don’t you want to see… An old pic of Airi? -3 Wha? An… old picture of Airi? -4 I went to the same Middle School as Airi. I have a pic on my phone. Do you want to see what she was like back then? -5 No way… Is it really ok to look at something like that without her knowing? -6 I wanna see Airi-chan back in Middle School! And I wanna add it to my collection if possible! ###handwritten Wow, Lemme see! Lemme see! Ah, ok. —10 -2 Kurada Airi ###right Kobayashi -3 Who’s this pudgy girl? ### no clue whats up with this leading It’s Airi. See? ###handwritten There’s her mole and her nametag. Ah -4 This is the lovely Airi-chan? Whaaaa? What? -5 sfx- Clatter Uh —11 -1 Senpai… You saw… The picture… -2 A… Airi-chan… How long have you been… -3 sfx- Drip Drip Drip -4 Waaaaah Airi-chaaaan! -5 Wait! -6 Huff Huff —12 -1 Airi-chan, you’ve got more endurance than I would have expected. sfx- Wheeze ###repeated I’ve done a ton of running to lose weight, so… -2 You’re shocked, right? After seeing that photo… -3 I’m sorry I took a look… Ahaha It’s fine already… -4 But… It’s -5 You were the only one I didn’t want to see that… —13 -1 After you said I was cute… It’s like it was all lies… -2 What’s should I do? -3 Airi-chan’s crying. She was thinking me, nobody else… -4 Senpai… You must… Hate me after this, right? -5 Hate you? There’s no way. -6 Since I… ### this combines both lines in original —14 -1 It’s ok. sfx- squeeze I’m so happy there’s nothing else I can do… Airi-chan, no matter what you look like, you’re cute. -2 Senpai…! Can you… keep this a secret from everyone? -3 Knowing her secret, Yeah, Of course. So then… -4 You’ll go out with me? I might be able To make her mine. -15 -1 Airi, who ended up dating Senpai. Why? I mean, we’re girls? sfx- Grin Grin ###etc -2 Airi-chan, the chocolate you were looking for? I bought it for you. And I made a reservation at your favorite cafe. How about Sunday? sfx- Idea partner Limited Edition Chocolate ###box -3 They look great together Kya! So jelly! -4 This rocks! They got married. ###BONUS CHAPTER —01 -1 How about going to a cafe or something on Sunday? And so, she invited me out… ###box I’m going on a date with Senpai. Mwah Mwah ###handwritten Lipstick, ok. Makeup, ok. I’m lookin’ cute! ###small bubble -2 Airi-chan, sorry to keep you waiting. You’re early ###handwritten That girl’s hot ###handwritten right Whoa ###handwritten Wow Yeah, Senpai really stands out. -3 Shall we go? ###handwritten She’s so adult… She doesn’t look like a high schooler at all… ###handwritten -4 Door ###box After you ###handwritten sfx- Ka-cha And she’s so handsome! Nothing but a beauty! —02 -1 Airi-chan, your regular clothes are so cute, hm? -2 Try these pancakes too ###handwritten Th-thank you… ###handwritten But why me? Senpai could have the pick of girls with better personalities, who are more beautiful, more handsome… -3 sfx- Glance Cute… Here, have some. sfx- Munch Munch Cute ###bubble But, uh… ###bubble -4 Being together with Senpai, I stands out even more! sfx- Kya sfx- Quiver Quiver —03 -1 How about going to the new boba place? Wow, I wanna go! And… We’re on a date… -2 This is sooo good Is it good? Crepe ###handwritten on right -3 This is soooo fun! She’s so sweet, so pretty, so cool! Airi-chan, have some of this too. Huh? But this seems like… ###lower left -4 Senpai, are you trying to get me fat!? It’s been nothing but food so far! ###bottom right Cheese Tea ###arrow ### Cheese tea seems to be a thing. Who woulda thunk it? see Eh!? sfx- Jolt —04 …I’m sorry. You’re just too cute, Airi-chan, and you’re popular, right? If you put on just a little more weight like before, then I thought I’d have you all to myself… -3 Whaa… I knew things were a bit off… Can’t believe her… What’s with that? ###handwritten And since you like sweet things, I thought I’d tempt you… -4 Senpai… Is it ok for me to fat? She’s saying she ok with that? —5 -1 She’s thinking about me… -2 Snicker Wha? Are you getting fat? No way I’d do that ### bold or italicize “I’d” Ahahaha Right? She’d be cute if she lost some weight, though. -3 Senpai… -4 I don’t want to gain weight, so stop it! I worked hard to lose this weight! C’mon! Sorry. -4 Anyway… sfx- Slide —06 -1 You don’t have to worry about a thing. You already have me all to yourself, ok? sfx- Shine -2 I guess that… Cool ### small box -3 I’ve fallen in love with Senpai too. Wha!? You’re looking so smug ###handwritten And it feels great to stand out. Today’s Calories Pancakes Tapioca Milk Tea Ice Cream Crepes Cheese Tea Total The End ###by bunny