Morita-san is Taciturn Silence 100 ---[ 1 / 5 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_046.png ]--- どうしたの? What's wrong? s ボソ Whisper s ボソ Whisper またふられたそーな Guess she got rejected again. s びく Twitch …ねぇ Say... もし真由が男だったら私と付き合ってくれる? If you were a boy, Mayu, would you date me? 失恋の痛手のあまり友人がもしもの話をはじめました A friend suffering from rejection led to a talk about what-ifs. s さすさす Rub Rub ---[ 2 / 5 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_047.png ]--- 美樹〜 Miki... s うああああああ Uwaaah s がし Grab 「もしも」の話しよ〜 I mean 'what-if!' じゃ もし真由が男だったらどんなタイプだったと思う? So then, if Mayu were a boy, what type would she be? s ぱち Blink 寡黙な男性ってミステリアスでいいよね― The mysterious and silent type is nice, right? f 図書室の君って呼ばれててさ― Calling me "Hey you from the library." s やや Shake f どー反応して良いのやら… How do I reply to that? ++++++++++++ 無口過ぎるとちょっと怖いかな If he's too silent, it might be scary. でもさー But, like... s ガン Shock s うーん Hmm. s す Slide f あっ ありがと Th— thanks. f えっ 悪いよ― あ…ありがろ… Ah, sorry. Th— thanks. f さっ Fwish それは惚れるわー I'd fall in love, too. f でしょーー I know, right? ---[ 3 / 5 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_048.png ]--- じゃ 美樹が男だったら? Then what if Miki were a boy? すごく喋るのは変わらなさそう I bet she'd still be as talkative. f ひどーーー How mean. f だよねーー She would! f ねーねー 昨日のアレさ きみかわいーねー Hey, about the thing tomorrow You're cute today f だからー 俺 So, I s べらべら Rant Rant f 今度遊びに来週公開の映画とかさーいー 次のテスト一緒勉強しよーよー Next time we hang out let's go to the new movie Let's study for the test together f なんだとーー How could you...! 確実に That's it, all right. 遊び人だね Kind of a playboy. f ジョブチェンジできるかなー… Will he be okay later in life? +++++++++ 花ちゃんなら? And Hana-chan? なんかさー 年下のイメージ She'd definitely be the younger type. 護って上げたくなるタイプ Someone you'd want to protect. 絶対年上の彼女のオモチャだよね― The plaything of an older girlfriend. f いーですよ 先輩のコト待ってますから It's okay, I was waiting for you, Senpai. でも彼氏にはいいけど結婚相手にはねー… I'd like her as a boyfriend, but I wouldn't marry her. f 家族に色々問題が有りますからね… It'd open too many family issues. 未来が見えないよねー… There's no future in it. ---[ 4 / 5 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_049.png ]--- やっぱり男になってもらいたいのは山本さんでしょ The perfect candidate to change to a boy is Yamamoto-san, right? f ん ♡ Hm-hmm ♡ f ここ教えて♡ Help me with this part ♡ 頭いーし She's smart. 運動できるし And athletic. いいたいことはズバッと言います I don't mince words. f 当然 Naturally, f 自分と同じスペックを求めます you'd have to be up to par like myself. お世辞?何ですかそれ Flattery? That will get you nowhere. 女性から敵視されるタイプかも… Although he might get regarded as an enemy by women. f 同姓からはモテるだろ―なー… Boy or girl, she's only popular with her own gender. +++++++++++++= んじゃ真由が彼氏でいい? So, you'd take Mayu as your boyfriend? 千尋は? And Chihiro? は? Wha—? フォローうまいし 話題も豊富だし You're a smart talker and knowledgeable, 何より私の妄想に付き合ってくれる懐の広さ you'd match my ideal boyfriend in many ways. 絶対千尋ってモテると思う Chihiro would definitely be popular with girls. f あはは Ahaha. f バカだなーでもそーゆー所かわいーよなー That's silly, but, that part is what I like about you. だから千尋と真由で私を取り合ってもらいたいわぁ I want Chihiro and Mayu to fight over me. f きゃーーー Kyaa お断りです I refuse. 「もしも」の話でした A talk of 'what-ifs.' f ちょっといいかも… That might be nice. ---[ 5 / 5 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_050.png ]--- もしもの話 What if f 何の罰ゲーム What did I do to deserve this? f 似合ってますよ ♡ It looks good on you ♡ s カシャ Flash 男性陣が女性になったら the boys changed to girls as well. 森田くんっていいいね― Morita-kun is so great! f 涼し気でーやさしくてー Cool and kind. 三浦くんも村越くんもいーよー Miura-kun (Chihiro) and Murakoshi-kun (Miki) are good, too, right? f 松坂くんは先輩達のお気に入りだから― Matsuzaka-kun (Hana) is unavailable, the Senpai all got him. でも山本くんはないわ― But definitely not Yamamoto-kun! f ねーー Indeed! あんまり変わらないかも? Things may not be so different.