Morita-san is Taciturn Silence 101 ---[ 1 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_051.png ]--- 森田真由女子高生 Morita Mayu, high school girl. s ふわ Fwosh f ん? Hm? s ふふ Fu fu f ここ近道なんだよねー That's a shortcut, right? どうしたの?真由 What's up, Mayu? 人よりちょっぴり無口ですが She's a little quieter than your average high schooler. s すい Point あ Ah. 季節の移ろいには敏感です But she's very in tune with the seasons. 梅の香りがするね The smell of plum. よく気が付いたねぇ Good job noticing that. f 言われなきゃわかんなかったよ I wouldn't have smelled it if you hadn't pointed it out. f かすかに何かニオうなー… A subtle smell. s ふんふん Sniff ---[ 2 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_052.png ]--- 好きで無口な訳ではありません She isn't taciturn by choice. あっちに梅林公園あるんだよね There's a plum grove park there, right? あー だからニオうのか Ah, so that's where that smell is coming from. ニオうじゃなくてカオるって言った方がよくない? The Japanese term is fragrance, you can't use smell. えー どっちでもいいじゃん Eeh? Either is fine, right? 花だからやっぱ香りって言った方が… They're flowers, so I guess fragrance... s もんもん Ponder s もんもんもん Ponder Ponder 匂い?臭い?臭いって字だと臭そう… Definitely not with the kanji for odor or stench... 匂いだと酸っぱそうだなー Odor sounds acidic. s ふふふ Fu fu fu f 行ってみよ―ってさ― They've gone on ahead... 考えている内に周りが行動してしまうからです But, while she's still thinking, the world around her moves on. s わーい Waai! s だー Run ++++++++++++++++ 梅素敵だね― Plums are wonderful. 梅ヶ枝餅 食べたーい I wanna eat plum rice cakes! f ↓太宰府名物 A Dazaifu (Fukuoka) specialty ↓ その内桜も咲くよ And the sakura will bloom, too, soon. 桜餅 食べたーい I wanna eat sakura rice cakes! 桃もそろそろ Peaches as well. SIGN)うめまつり Plum festival ももまん 食べたーい I wanna eat peach manjuu! 食べ物から離れなさいよ Stop making everything about food! f だってーー No...! 美樹は絵に描いたような花より団子派だわ Miki is the textbook example of a flower festival goer who is more interested in the food than the flowers. ---[ 3 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_053.png ]--- あー 今梅祭りの期間中なんだ Ah, looks like we're in the middle of the plum festival. SIGN)うめまつり Plum Festival SIGN.SMALL)実行委員 Planning Committee 来週から桜まつりも始まるって― Next week begins the Sakura Festival. SIGN)うめまつり Plum Festival SIGN)予告 日より桜まつり同時開催 Notice Sakura Festival opens concurrently SIGN)予定表 Schedule SIGN)3月 4月 5月 March April May その次は菜の花祭り つつじ祭り 藤祭り… After that is the Rapeseed Festival, the Azalea Festival, the Wisteria Festival... 途切れる事無い祭り地獄… The Hell of Endless Festivals. f うーん Hmm... もうずっと花祭でいいんじゃない? Better to just have one really long flower festival, right? ++++++++++++++++ 明日は撮影会があるんだってー I heard tomorrow is a photo shoot. f へー Really? ねっねっ Hey, hey! 撮ってもいーのよ♡ Take a picture if you want ♡ なーにやってんのよ What are you doing? f フォトメイツみたいでしょ ♡ It's like a Photo Mates magazine, right? ♡ もっと誘うように Oh, yeah, more seductively! 妖艶なポースじゃないと Give me a voluptuous pose! f もっと梅の花に寄りそって Now snuggle with the plum flowers! s カシャ カシャ Snap Snap s しな Sway はい 千尋監督 Okay, director Chihiro. f 離れてよっか… Let's get out of here... ---[ 4 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_054.png ]--- ほらほら 真由も― C'mon, Mayu, you too! s ぐい Pull 花ちゃんも― Hana-chan as well! f カバン持ってて上げるから― I'll hold your bag. f ほら入って入って Come on, closer. s わ わ Wah Wah 題はーえっとー The theme is, um... 梅の下で戯れる乙女達 Maidens playing innocently under the plum tree. f 乙女? "Maidens?" f あははは ぶわはは Ahaha Bwahaha s ひーー Hyii f 実生のネーミングセンスすっごい昭和― Miki, what's with that ancient-sounding title! f せっかくの写真が台無しーー You've screwed up the photo shoot. 春だなぁ… It's spring, all right... ++++++++++++ あ 真由ちゃんだ Ah, it's Mayu-chan. f もっとくっついてよ― Cling a little closer to each other. f こう? Like this? s あは あはは Ahah Ahaha 久しぶりに話をしたいけど I wanna talk to her after so long. s ぶえくしょっ Ha-choo! この場合には入っていけないわ― In this state I can't intrude. s ぐす Sob f 花粉飛びまくりじゃ――ん The air is filled with pollen. 春は花粉症の季節でも有ります Spring is also the season of hay fever. ---[ 5 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_055.png ]--- 何してんの? What are you guys doing? 山本さん Yamamoto-san. 撮影会だよー We're having a photo shoot. f 山本さんは? And you, Yamamoto-san? f 裏の弓道場に練習に行くの Going in the back of the archery hall for practice. s ピシ Sparkle 山本さんは学級委員長で Yamamoto-san is our class representative. ん? Hmm? 何? What is it? s キラキラキラ Sparkle 匂い立ついい女ってこの人のことを言うんだろうなぁ The saying 'Beauty that is fragrant' definitely applies to her. 女子の憧れの的です She's the type to be admired by girls. f いや 見惚れちゃって Ah, no, just just a bit taken in. f いつ見てもかっこいーなーって She always looks cool, right? +++++++++++++++ 山本さんも一緒にとろうよ Yamamoto-san, join our photo shoot for a second. いーよ Sure. 何かポーズ撮った方がいいの? What pose do you want me to take? f ピースとか Like a peace sign? 悩殺ポーズでお願いします A pose that could knock me out! s きゃーー♡ Kyaa ♡ んっ Mm! s ぶん Fwoom 撲殺ポーズじゃありません Not a fighting stance! f あれ?違うの? Huh, not like this? f それじゃ悩殺じゃなくて脳殺だよ… Knock out my heart, not my brain... ---[ 6 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_056.png ]--- f モットーフェロモン出してさ― Let more pheromones out. f フェロ? Pheromones? f 山本さんはそのままでもいーと You're good like this, too, Yamamoto-san. の…悩殺ポーズか… A knock-out pose... Hmm... s もんもん Ponder s もんもんもん Ponder Ponder 私もやってみよっかな…な…なんて I'd kind of like to try that, too... でも私なんか…色気の「い」の字もないし But I'm pretty far from being sexy. s もんもん Ponder s はみ Nibble s もんもん Ponder 似合わないだろうし…でも…もしかしたら And being seductive wouldn't suit me, but... What if it would... 悩んでる姿って結構そそるんだよねぇ… She looks plenty seductive just worrying... f わかってんのかなー… I wonder if she realizes that... f うーんうーん Hmm, hmm... s かみかみ Nibble ++++++++++++ 見事な梅じゃ… A splendid plum tree... ここにウグイスの一羽でもおればもっと絵になるんじゃが… Were a single nightingale to alight on it, a beautiful scene would unfurl. f ん? Hm? s ピーピーピーピーピピー Squeak Squeak Squeak 雛鳥たちでもいいもんじゃな… I suppose little chicks have their charm, too. f あーもーこう? Ah, geez. Like this then? f OK OK Okay, okay! f もーそれでいー That's good! f わー Waah! f まだ悩んで… Still worrying...? f もんもん Ponder