@ vim:bomb:spell:ff=dos http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/9062.html Morita-san wa Mukuchi Silence 104 ---[ 1 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_069.png ]--- 森田真由女子高生 Morita Mayu, high schooler. あ 猫だ Ah, a cat. s ちっち ちっち ち Tsk tsk, chi. 人よりちょっぴり無口です She's a little quieter than others. なので Therefore... s ぢょこうぢょぢゅぢゅぢゅっぢ Gochii Chk Chk Chiik たまに声を出すと失敗します when she does speak, she can mess it up. f まさか… Was that...? 今 何か変な音しなかった? Did you just make a weird sound? f こわ Scary f なんだろ… What was that? ---[ 2 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_070.png ]--- ごろごろ言ってる It just purred! s ゴロゴロ ナオナオ Purrr Nyao f かわいー♡ Cute ♡ 猫いいなぁ この鳴き声凄く癒されるなぁ Cats are great! Their cute sounds heal me. 何言ってるのかなー What's it trying to say? s ゴロ ミャー ナオナオ Purrr Miaaw Nyao あー Aah. 今 発情期だからねー It's mating season, so yeah... f はーー やれやれ Haah, my, my. 言わなくて良かった… That spoiled the mood... alt: It was better not to say that... +++++++++++ 千尋 猫飼ってるんだよね Chihiro, your family has a cat, right? f バイバーイ Bye bye うん Yep. 可愛いよー It's so cute! このまえもさ The other day... 服の中に入ってきてさー it crawled into my clothes and... s もぞもぞ Snuggle f きゃっ 何?! Kya What?! s ごそごそ Fwiish 羨ましい Ah, I'm so jealous! f でしょー Right? どっちが!? Of who?! s ば Turn ---[ 3 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_071.png ]--- 花ちゃん家は犬だっけ Hana-chan, your house has a dog, right? うん Yes. いつも家族の真ん中にいるんだよね He's always the center of attention. f みんな話かけるんだよ Everyone tries to speak to him. f ねー Come? f きいて きいて Here, here. f 犬って聞いてくれるよねー Dogs always listen to people, right? だからかなー Yes, I think that's why... f ん? Hm? f んん? Hmm? 最近ちょっとやつれてきてね… it's been so glum lately... s ぷる ぷる ぷる Shiver f 犬もストレス感じるんだねーー 何聞かせたの… Dogs can get stressed, too. Listening to everything... ++++++++++++ いや でも かわいいのよ Still, he's so cute! s ぐ Clench この前も私に寄って来てね The other day he came to me, and... s すん すん すん Sniff Sniff s あは Ahah! s もふもふ Bury s きゃーー Kyaha 私の髪から抜けなくなってた… He got stuck in my hair... s ふが ふが ふが  Fwum Fwum s きゃーー Kyaa f ホントバカで可愛いのよ… So foolish, but so cute... 花ちゃんの天パは強力です Hana-chan's curls are really strong. ---[ 4 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_072.png ]--- 千尋も花ちゃんもいいなぁ How nice for Chihiro and Hana-chan. うちのペット金魚だし… All we have is goldfish... s もんもんもん Ponder s もんもん Ponder 触れ合うとしたら Petting them would be... s ごくん Swallow 手品… A slight of hand... f はーい 人間ポンプでござーーい Come see the human pump! f いや 奇術か… Or rather an illusion... ++++++++++ みきは飼ってないの? Maki, you don't have pets? s ごそごそ Rummage うちマンションだしね No, we live in an apartment. f ん?食べる? Want some? s は Ah. f はい Here. 今の必要性を感じないかなぁ And I think I'm fine right now. alt: And I don't really have the need right now. f 気持ちいー This feels good. s もふもふ Twirly Twirly そうだろうねぇ Yes, I see. ---[ 5 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_073.png ]--- 猫いいよな Cats sure are great. あぁ Ah, sure. でも俺うさぎでもいーかな Though I like rabbits, too. へぇ Hmm, yeah. あーでも狐とか狼とかでもいいかも… Ah, but fox or wolf would be nice, too... え?おい何の話だ? Uh? Wait, what're you even talking about? え?本物の話? Eh, you thought I was serious? 溝 Divided 何のことだと思ったんだ? So what were you thinking of? +++++++++++ 耳の話か… Animal ears, huh? いーじゃん Yeah, is it so bad? まぁ 森田は猫耳だろうな Well in that case, Morita'd have cat ears, right? 絶対 黒な Definitely. Black ones. 村越は?(Miki) And Murakoshi? 犬 Dog ears. f 元気な She's energetic. 三浦は?(Chihiro) And Miura? うさぎ Rabbit ears. f 金かかりそう Expensive. 松坂は? And Matsuzaka? ネズミかな Mouse ears. f 動物なイメージ Like a little animal. 山本は? And Yamamoto? 女豹か A female panther. さっさとホントしっかりいいかげん役立たずなんだからだまってやらないと食うわよ Get back to work! If I catch you again I'll shred you to pieces and ear you up! だな Right. f ののしられたい I want her to abuse me. ---[ 6 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_074.png ]--- うちの金魚は少し前から Recently, our goldfish, f 大型買った Bought a bigger aquarium. 父が全て面倒を見ています have been completely in Dad's care. f 私が飼い始めたのに… Even though I raised them at the start. 可愛がってるからいいんだけど… He treats them kindly, so I guess it's okay. f ひとみふたばミーナ・ヨーコいつみ♡ Hitomi, Futaba, Minna, Youko, Itsumi ♡ f むつき・ナナ 夜叉姫ココア トーコ♡元気かー? Mutsuki, Nana, Yashahime, Cocoa, Touko ♡ Are you all well? 全部 女性の名前なのはどうかと… All girls' names, I'm not sure what to think of that... f っていうか全部メスだったの? Were all the goldfish female? f エサだぞー Here's dinner. ++++++++ この状況を母は面白くなさそうに見ています Mom was less amused by this development. f また… Again? f ほーれ ほれ Here you go... でも But... f あなた全く女性の名前ばかりでさぞ楽しいんでしょうね You sure seem to enjoy using all those girl names. s ぶっぶっ Puff Puff f あ Ah. 由美 Yumi. s ぱち Blink 母の名を呼ぶ声が一番 甘いと思うのは私の気のせいでしょうか He did say Mom's name the sweetest, or is that my imagination? f 由美ーー♡ Yumi ♡ f な なんですか Wh— what is it? f 由美 Yumi. f も もう からかわないでください G— geez, don't tease me.