Morita-san is Taciturn Silence 97 ---[ 1 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_030.png ]--- 真由ちゃんと美樹ちゃん Mayu-chan and Miki-chan 今日パン買わなきゃ I have to buy bread today. f 軍資金は500円か… Hmm, 500 yen budget. 真由ついてきて― Mayu, join me. 二人は幼なじみです are childhood friends. 千尋ちゃんは入学してすぐ二人と友達になったみたいで When Chihiro-chan joined our class, she immediately became friends with them. 私も行く― I'm coming, too! f ジュース欲しい― I want a soft drink. f あ Ah. だから私は少しだけ That's why... みんなに対しての遠慮があります I'm a little reserved towards everyone. 花ちゃんも行こーよ Hana-chan, come, too! f 売り切れるぞ― They'll run out soon! ---[ 2 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_031.png ]--- ね 帰りに駅ビルに行かない? Hey, you wanna drop by the station mall after school? 買いたいものがあるの There's something I wanna buy. f もーすぐお母さんの誕生日だから― My mom's birthday is coming up. いーよ Sure. 真由ちゃんと美樹ちゃんは? And Mayu-chan and Miki-chan? 今から誘ってくる I'll go ask them now. 一番に誘ってくれたのがちょっと嬉しい… She asked me first. That makes me happy. f 言えないけど… Not that I can tell her. ++++++++++++ 美樹も真由も都合悪いって… Miki and Mayu have other stuff. f ごめんねー Sorry. f みきは補習まゆは委員会… Miki has extra class and Mayu a council meeting. じゃ じゃあ 明日にする? Th— then maybe tomorrow? ん?二人で行こうよ Hm? No, the two of us should go! ねね Right? あ うん Ah, yes. ---[ 3 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_032.png ]--- f これならいーかも This might be nice. f あーかわいいね Ah, how cute. 千尋ちゃんて今まで私の周りにいなかったタイプだから… Our types are different and she hasn't been too close to me. f 髪の毛きれーだなあ Her hair is so pretty. s ちら Glance ドキドキしちゃう… It's a little exciting. f ん? Hm? s さ Fwip 花ちゃんふわふわでかわいーなぁ Hana-chan is cute being coy. f なんか見られて… She's kind of watching me. ++++++++++++++++ あれ? 千尋じゃん Wow, if it isn't Chihiro. 久しぶり― Long time no see. わー 元気だった? Waah, how have you been? あ 中学の時の友達だよ Ah, these are my friends from middle school. きれいな人たちだなぁ What a pretty group. s ささ Move s ぺこ Bow f 花ちゃん? Hana-chan? f 恥ずかしがりやなんだね― She's a shy one, isn't she? ---[ 4 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_033.png ]--- f じゃーね See you. f またねー Bye. あ あの 千尋ちゃん Ah, um, Chihiro-chan? s ん? Hm? f 私なんかよりそっちの友達と行ったほうがよかったんじゃない? She would probably like to hang out with her old friends instead of with me. …これは言えないか… But, I can't say that. f どこ中だったの? What middle school did you go to? f 北中だよー North Middle School. +++++++++++++++ 私なんか私なんか Ooh, I'm just so... f ありがとうございましたー Thank you. あのさ Say... ごめんね I'm sorry. 付き合わせちゃってごめんね For making you come with me. ---[ 5 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_034.png ]--- 花ちゃん優しいからあんまり断らないから You're kind, Hana-chan, so you can't say 'no.' イヤだったらハッキリ言ってね If you didn't want to come, say it loud and clear. f ホントは都合悪かった? Was today inconvenient for you? 私もハッキリ言うから I always speak loud and clear, too. s ぐ Clench s じわ Sniff あ ウソ やんわり言うから Ah, just kidding, I speak soft and calm. f 怖がらないで― Don't be scared. ++++++++++++ 違うの 何だか色々考えちゃって You're wrong, I was just thinking. 私なんかが友達でいいのかなって Like if I'm all right as a friend. f へ? Eh? 千尋ちゃんきれいだし 'Cause you're so pretty, Chihiro-chan. f 色々知ってるし― And knowledgeable. f そ…そう? R— really? 友達多いし You have lots of friends. f みんなから好かれてるしー And they all love you. f いや そんな No way... あれ? 大丈夫? Huh, are you okay? s オロオロオロ Panic f なんで真っ赤? Why are you blushing? もっと言っていいのよ… Please keep going. ---[ 6 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_035.png ]--- まぁ…それはおいといてさ Well, that aside... f 面と向かってほめられると超照れるわぁ… Compliments to my face make me bashful. 何かバカみたいだよね I guess it was a bit mean. あ ホントごめ… Ah, I'm really sorry. いや 一方的に友達だと思ってた私がバカみたいってことで… No, I mean I was mean to drag you along when you don't see me as a close friend. s ぼろぼろぼろ Sob Sob f マジ? Wha— あ ごめ 泣くほどイヤだった? Ah, sorry, I even made you cry? f そんなに友達イヤだった? You dislike me as a friend that much? +++++++++++++ 違うの 嬉しいの No, you're wrong. I'm happy. ふへ? Huh? バカなのは私だ I'm the mean one. 勝手に引け目を感じて勝手に悩んでた Pulling away and getting worried without involving her. ありがとね 千尋ちゃん I'm sorry, Chihiro-chan. s ぎゅう Grab 千尋ちゃんが友達で嬉しいよ I'm really happy you're my friend. s ば Jump f あーもー かわいいなあ 花ちゃんは― Aah, geez, you're so cute, Hana-chan! f ひゃー 何? 何? 人が見てるよ― Hya! What? What? There are people watching! ホントにおバカだったなぁ I was truly an idiot.