Spring Yuri Vol01 by Nanatsu Fuji TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### This TL indexes on file number in case the page numbers don’t match. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —01 Spring Yuri Nanatsu Fuji —03 -1 Spring Yuri —04 -1 Contents Chapter 1 Spring Begins Chapter 2 A Place That Brings a Smile To Your Face Chapter 3 Their world Chapter 4 First Sleepover Extras —05 -1 Miyasaki Private High School Miyasaki Private Girl’s Academy Entrance Ceremony -2 Girl’s school, huh…? I’m sure they’re gonna be a ton of things that are a pain… hw- Like school cliques ’n shit -3 Hey… hey! You up ahead! -4 Whoa… Now she’s a cutie! But girls like that normally are a pain… -5 Um… Yes? Have I done something to bother you? —06 -1 Chapter 1 Spring Begins —08 -1 Something that must be nurtured! ### these flower petal asides seem to be used like sub chapter headings hw- Whoa, they were so handsome! Um, this is a girl’s school… -2 ThumpaThumpaThumpa -3 sfx- Thump Thump ###repeat Girl’s schools Are scary! Wh-what the hell?! I-I’ve never even been kissed before! -4 But is that girl gonna be ok? I sent her flying without thinking! sfx- Thwack sfx- Arrrgh But right now, I gotta run for it! -5 Seriously? That shit really happens? I only thought that happened in fantasy! sfx- Whump Kyaa~ —09 -1 Hey! You don't have to be running like that! Ah… -1 -2 I’m sorry! Are you ok? sfx- Huff sfx- Glitter Glitter Glitter -3 Za-ping -4 Are you hurt? N-no… sfx- Th-thump Th-thump Ichijou Ranko. Her nickname in Junior High was “The Natural Born Killer” Holy shit. So girls like that really exist. Well, duh. Of course. —10 -1 That’s where we have to start -2 Geez, you suck for punching me… hw- Bye bye! sfx- Twitch That voice! -3 Well, I do have to admit… I think I might share some of the blame too. -4 I'm sorry about back there, OK? Don't read too much into it. -5 I've always been a little unsure about how close to get to people. I just wanna make friends, but sometimes end up on the other side of the line. Oh… The hell? She sounds like some old perv trying to make apologies. —11 -1 I’m Sakurano Komachi. And you? Um… My name’s Ichijou Ranko. -2 Ok, Ranko-chan… Then let's start over. How about we be friends? Wha…? I guess that's fine… But why me? -3 Ulterior motives! hm- Both boyish, and having big boobs? You're perfectly my type! Yeah, I'm definitely better off not reading too much into it. —12 -1 The fairytale has just begun. -2 So what? Are you a l-lez or something? And I've really gotta have this conversation first thing in the morning? Non Non. ###it’s french here sfx- Tsk tsk tsk -3 I'm just… Yuri I don't get the difference at all. hw- And where are you even looking? -4 Miyasaki Girl’s Academy High School New Students -5 Ah… there! Yay! I’m in your class, Ranko! For real?! sfx- Clamor —13 -1 Now we can always be together… hw- Bump hw- Hey! Can you not say that in a way that's gonna cause misunderstanding? -2 Oh, you don't have to be embarrassed. This is just every day stuff in a girl’s school! sfx- Kya Kya You're nuts! You're just living in a fantasy! And don't just go hanging all over me! Get off! -3 They're already going out… Yeah, this is a girls school alright. sfx- Nfufu hw- I said… GET OFF! And despite her good intentions, Ranka lands right in the thick of it. —14 -1 Romanticist. -2 Grump -3 What's wrong, Komachi? hw- we're changing classes It's just all messed up, Ranko-chan! sfx- Hmph! Grr! -4 Is this really a girls school? What's with you? Just look around you, can't you tell? -5 So maybe I'm not seeing things correctly or something. I mean, take changing for PE… —15 -1 Her ideal. sfx- Quiver Quiver sfx- Puff Nn… They've gotten bigger again, huh? How… would I know? -2 Reality. PE sucks. Hey! Your pits! I can tell you're slacking off… Nah, I've still got a couple days. -3 It’s killing me! It was one of the big things I was looking forward to! sfx- Nyaaagh Why did I even come to a girl’s school for? hw- You're having dirty old man delusions again To study, of course. —16 -1 And between my ideals and reality is… -2 Listen… Girls going all “nooooo” and “stoooop it”… is just one of the strategies they use in front of guys. -3 There's no reason to go all girly here. That means we're all gonna change into old farts! hw- like not shaving our bikini line for swimming sfx- Waaaah Nooooo! hw- I don’t wanna hear it! -4 I know you don't wanna believe it, but you have to face reality. You have to become the kind of adult that can deal with reality. Sniff… -5 No! That can’t be it! I’m not giving up! ###you should transfer to the virgin’s empire school… sfx- Whoosh —17 -1 Puff sfx- Quiver Hyaaan sfx- Caress -2 Just. What. The. Hell? I’m changing my viewpoint! sfx- Crik Crack ###etc If I can't have my dreams in reality, I'm gonna change reality! sfx- Th-thump ###repeat Whaaaat? Her voice is pretty cute. —18 -1 Unquestionably a dog person. -2 Thanks for the meal. Ugh! What’s wrong? -3 My mom put tomatoes in my lunch again. You don’t like tomatoes? -3 hw- Nnngh, too squishy I don’t mind tomatoes as such… but they soak up too many flavors in the bento box, and they get all weird. You shouldn’t be picky about food. You mom went out of her way to make that after all. -4 OK, then feed them to me. Why should I? -5 Because I'll eat anything if you feed it to me, Ranko-chan. He said I shouldn't be picky, right? Ahhh, fine. —19 -1 Bark Bark sfx- Chomp -2 Throob -3 Nfufu Sho good -4 Are there more tomatoes? Yeah! OK I’ll feed them to you by hand next! Ranko-chan has two dogs! sfx- Blush —20 -1 Let’s try to speak like a native! -2 OK, I'll have somebody translate this English sentence. Um… Ok, Sakurano-san. sfx- Clank Okay! -3 It might be a little difficult, but give it your best shot. OK. -4 Nfufu. Minami-sensei is beautiful as always. Um… -5 I don’t get it. Please study a little harder, OK? I'm sorry… —21 -1 That's OK. if there's anything you don't understand, come ask me. I'm happy to give you private lessons too. Minami-sensei… -2 Your pronunciation wasn't very good… I'll have to show you how it's done directly with my tongue. Please be gentle… -3 Yes! Please! hw- let's start with the hardest, vocab words! You're just translating Japanese now, right? —22 -1 Left brain. Right brain. Troubled brain. -2 sfx- Hnnngh hw- Arrgh I just can’t! Gah! Whats with you? -3 I can’t finish my math homework. Hm? So you’re not good at math? -4 Yeah. I do like it, though. If you like it, why aren't you good at it? —23 -1 For example, take this formula… where you have X and Y… Haaah… And if you substitute you and I in there… -2 A world locked away by numbers Two numbers become one… -3 And when you solve the equation and get the answer, That’s love! sfx- Whooooa! See, I've given birth to a new formula! Which has a net value of zero! —24 -1 A maiden in love -2 Ranko-chaaan! Let's eat lunch on the terrace. sfx- Clamor Clamor Sure. Fine with me. -3 Ah! Minami-sensei! Sakurano-san… -4 You too sure are close, huh? But of course! Stop it! —25 -1 Hurry up. Let's go. See you later, Sensei. You bet. -2 Those two… they really are close. Well, they’re girls after all. -3 Well, you do have to take into account that there's no boys around. With all those hormones pent-up, they're gonna have to find an outlet for their curiosity somewhere. Geez, now that I'm adult, somehow that's all I see now. -4 Yeah… I'm sure it's the same for her too. Bold and italicize “her” —26 -1 It's just a fleeting fancy, as she tries to figure out her road through adolescence. -2 Once she becomes an adult, It'll all fade away. -3 Sonokawa-san… What’s the matter? I just… wanted to talk to you for a bit. Come on. Again? I can't allow her to get her hopes up. —27 -1 After all, she’s just a child. Before she goes ahead and says something, as the adult here, I need to find a way to shift topics. That way, should still be able to have her desire without me crushing it. Is there something you didn't understand about class? Or do you have something to ask about colleges? -2 I love you, Minami-sensei. -3 I guess it's true… All girls in love have to overcome hurdles. hw- I'm glad they finally hooked up Ranko-chan, you like shojo manga? That's kind of surprising. —28 -1 The emotional capacity of adults -3 Sigh… -4 Thank you. I'll accept your feelings, but that's all. Please go back to your classroom. sfx- Click Clack -5 If you can't accept me… All you have to do is just come out and say you don't like me. —29 -1 I guess… that's being an adult for you. -2 Teacher’s Room -3 And… The students come to me, asking for advice on their love lives. Really? It's sweet. They trust you like that. -4 You can show them what the emotional capacity of an adult really is I guess. But it is a little nerve-racking hearing about their love affairs. —30 -1 If you notice. -2 Ding Dong Dang Dong Miyasaki Private -4 Minami-sensei… Shall we walk home together? —31 -1 OK… calm down. Take a breath. It’ll be fine, I've already turned her down. sfx- Scuff I guess I have to be more clear about it. -2 But I don't wanna go and hurt her feelings… We're both the same sex, and we’re teacher and pupil. It's just too many taboos stacked up. I’m so happy… -3 Right now… You head is full of thoughts of me, right? -4 And abruptly I fell in love. —32 -1 A woman’s intuition sees through all. -2 sfx- Vrrsha Vrrsha sfx- Shaaa -3 Nngh… I’m so stupid… sfx- Shhhh I let myself get carried away and things got dicey… -4 But this time I was able to put and end to it. I know it’ll be tough, but it’s what’s best for Sonokawa-san. Before my feelings overflow and she notices how I feel… -6 Stop it. —33 -1 I have no intention of going out with a student! -3 Snicker -4 You know… before I’m a student, I’m a woman. -5 Minami-sensei… she’s just so cute. sfx- Achoo —34 -1 A scream of isolation -2 Ranko-chan, you’re so dumb! sfx- Grr -3 Whoa… Those two are really getting into it today. It’ll be fine, After all… -4 Ranko, I’m not talking to you anymore! Go find some other friend! —35 -1 Five minutes later -2 I’m sorry, Ranko-chan. It’s fine. I ran my mouth off a bit too much too. Really? You forgive me? -3 See? Girls not talking to each other lasts about that long. So they’re not really fighting? Nah, more like no one really likes them. -4 Hey, you two! Don’t do that shit in front of others. Can’t you be more chill at school? sfx- Wheet whooo! You heard them. So before they misunderstand even further, howsabout you get off? Not gonna! Your legs feel too good! -5 Gimme a break Nfufu —36 -1 Scritcha scratch ###repeat -2 Throob I’m lovin’ it… Scritcha scratch ###repeat -3 Just being able to witness this makes going to an all girl’s school worth it! I still can’t make friends, but who needs it? I can just enjoy the atmosphere from the sidelines. Scritcha scratch ###repeat -4 Scritcha scratch ###repeat Sakurano-san seems like someone who’d befriend even me. Mmm, but I think it’s better to just watch their growth. And what would people say if I got mixed up in that? But wait… if I were to get involved, maybe it would raise a flag and then it would be a straight shot to the finish line for them? —37 -1 Aaah What does everyone else think? Scritcha scratch ###repeat I wanna talk about this! To someone… anyone! -2 Self Censored sfx- Bam -3 I can’t… If someone were to see this, I’d be… sfx- Steeeam Shirahama An. Hobby: Yuri manga. —38 -1 So that’s how it spreads. -3 Hmph -4 Kyahaha -5 So dumb. Why the hell do girls hang all over each other? -6 sfx- Skrrch I gotta go to the restroom. Ah, I’ll go with you. Narumin, come with us. -7 Nah. Not gonna. I don’t have go. Wha? Harsh! —39 -1 What’s with all this shit? It’s like, they just can’t stand a minute being by themselves. I guess I shoulda gone. I guess I’m the only one that feels this way. -2 But maybe it’s me I actually have a problem with. To have to be all friendly just because we were shoved in the same classroom? -3 Scritcha scratch ###repeat -4 Holy shit… So cool! A gaze of envy. —40 -1 A bud opens -2 sfx- Th-thump H-hey… what are you drawing? -3 Oh, maybe I made a mistake. Maybe she’s one of those… ###bold and italicize “those” N-Narumi-san? -4 Well, whateves. This might be interesting in and of itself. Maybe I’ll push her around a bit. hw- Show me. Whatcha got? hw- No, um… this is… Crap! Why is this gyaru coming over here? -5 Gimme. Sfx- Snatch Ah…! —41 -1 sfx- Ooooh Shiiiit I’m done for! My high school life is over! -2 …Nn. sfx- Th-thump ###repeat -3 Any more? Wha? Don’t get me wrong! You’re so dumb! I’m not into this at all! Just taking a look! —42 -1 A secret passageway -2 I’m the only club member, so you can take your time. Manga Research Club Normies stay out! Oh… ‘kay… -3 Let me just get this out of the way… You gotta keep the fact I draw adult stuff a secret from the teachers, okay? Adult… stuff…? I hide this so they won’t find it. -4 sfx- Th-thump ###repeat Ah… —43 -1 Whaddya think? Fwha? sfx- Whish If you like this, come over to my house! I have a ton of pro stuff and doujinshi! -2 A-a-a-are you nuts?! I-I’m not that easy! sfx- Jab Whaa? hw- What do you mean? These things have to be done in the right order! -3 First off, I’ll study up, so lend me this! —44 -1 The truth prevails. -2 The next day. Ok, I’m returning this. Yeah. -3 So… How was it? Y’know. Nothing special. Well, something to kill the time. She says that, but the bags under her eyes are… -4 I’d be nice if we could become friends. I’ve always wanted a friend like this. Ok… Let’s take another step here… -5 Was there a scene you liked? Mmm… well, yeah. —45 -1 Like, for instance, this one. Maki can’t take how lonely she is, and gives it all up to that dude, right? Then she gets busted. Huff and the way Mina’s jealousy is depicted when she finally can speak honestly is so… Siiiiigh sfx- Grump ###repeat Yeah, it’s true that you can’t know until you ask, but… but isn’t the point about how guys are unnecessary in the pure world of yuri? -2 Sorry… But I don’t think I can be friends with you after all. Whaa?! After that, they hit it off over a different title. —46 -2 Oh, the cherry blossoms have finished falling. -3 When the cherry blossom season started, I was filled with nothing but worries. sfx- Pitter pat Ranko-chaaan! Komachi. Morning. But now all traces of that has vanished. —47 -1 Good morning! sfx- Glomp Hey! Don’t go doin’ that first thing in the morning! -2 But, for better or worse, she’s the reason behind it. But, it does come with it’s own set of worries. -3 What’s the matter? Nothing. Just thinking how nervous I was at first. -4 Well, I was the same… sfx- Squeeze Huh? —48 -1 I mean, I’m just so happy that I could meet you Ranko-chan! -3 Grin —49 -1 Get offa me. sfx- Whonk Owie! That’s right. -2 Because I’m sure the same. hw- Wait up, Ranko-chan! Yeah, yeah. —50 -1 Spring Yuri —51 -1 Chapter 2 A Place That Brings a Smile To Your Face Trying out all the various clubs? Doesn’t it sound fun? Let’s make the rounds together after school. ###if you are really desperate for me to translate the billboard (or what’s visible) let me know —52 -1 Getting fired up -2 Phweeet -3 sfx- Whap Hnnph -4 Whoa Kyaa Wham -5 Grr… don’t go losing to some first year who’s just trying things out! sfx- Whap —53 -1 Heads up! Incoming! sfx- Whoosh Okaaay! -2 Pat -3 sfx- Fling Ahhn -4 Why dontcha let me tell you some things…. I’m sorry! There were too many large, round things! I didn’t know which one was the ball! sfx- Crick Crick ### repeat Hllgh That’s something no one would do, even if they happened to think of it… —54 -1 Destined to be an ace -2 That newbie got passed the ball again! sfx- ThumpaThumpa Stop her this time! -3 Swish Whoosh -4 Rrgh… what handles! No one can lay a hand on her! hw- Is she really just a high schooler? Wait! That other girl’s still in play! —55 -1 Even though she’s small, once she’s locked on, it’s all over! sfx- Lick sfx- Whoosh -2 Hey! Komachi! sfx- Momfa Momfa Chomp sfx- Shudder Nn… sfx- Momfa Don’t do this now! -3 It’s lockdown defense! She has inexhaustible stamina and indomitable will! sfx- Whoaaaa Huff 
Huff Whatever! Someone, anyone! Come get a pass from me! —56 -1 Run, Ranko! -2 Ok, start! sfx- Clap -3 Hyaaa sfx- ThumpaThumpa hw- Everyone’s so fast! -4 Shrrk -5 Ka-thud Kyaa -6 Whoopsie. She bit it again big time. sfx- Dash Komachi! —57 -1 Are you ok? Oh, you skinned your knee. I’m ok. I’ll live. No! You’re a girl! We can’t have it scarring! We gotta get it treated right away! I’ll take to the nurse’s office! -2 Hang on tight! Yeah. Thank you, Ranko-chan. Sparkle -3 We gotta get her in the club! We gotta! sfx- Whoooa You’re right! That kind of power? While carrying someone? We gotta have it! The track and field club is grasping at straws since they don’t have a prince figure. —58 -1 Technique starts with imagination -2 Scribble ###repeat -3 Okay! Thanks so much for posing! No prob! -4 How was it? It must have been hard to not be able to move, right? hw- Good job hw- Wasn’t hard Mmm Actually, it was kinda fun! -5 I bet you’re gonna say it’s because of all the girls gazing at you. sfx- Staaare No way! It’s rude to drag high art down like that. —59 -1 I was drawing in my mind too. Being surrounded by so many hot gazes… All those dainty fingers creating… -2 The fruits of all their labors… Coloring my white canvas splendidly… -3 Ho ho! No! Their palate knives would dig in! sfx- Shake Shake hw- That’s a little more erotic, doncha think? ###bold and italicize “erotic” Don’t sully the arts! They seem to be on the same wavelength. —60 -1 The circumstance of the Student Council Student Council -2 The Student Council, huh? Maybe this would be good? Let’s check it out. -3 Hurry up and get that done! If you just mess around, we’ll never get out of here! -4 sfx- Hyaaa sfx- Whish Whoosh Y-yes! -5 Uh, a lot of bellowing and giving orders… Kyaaa Hyaaa sfx- Whumpa Whumpa sfx- Thumpa Thumpa Yeaaaah… pass. —61 -1 Mizuki! I had you check this over, right? -2 President Nijihara’s sure is in a bad mood… But since she’s so good at her job, no one can give her lip… hw- You’re always so slow with things! Forget about double checking this for a sec, you need to respond to what’s actually going on! sfx- Whap Whap -3 I’m sorry. Well, Vice President Amemiya does a great job of bearing the brunt of it. I feel sorry for her, though. -4 Um… President Nijihara? What? I did what you asked me to. -5 I see… ok, you can head home now. Good job. G-good job today! —62 -1 How much longer will it take you? Just a little longer. -2 Just hurry up and get it done. You understand what you need to do, right? -3 You’re wasting time. You really are so slow. I’m sorry… -4 I’ll be done soon. sfx- Tick Tick Tick -5 Just how long are you going to take? If we don’t start heading home… —63 -1 Gimme a break. Just a little longer. Please? Geez… You are such a spoiled brat, Seina. -2 Whatever! It’s fine! -3 Sorry about before, ok? Yelling at you and stuff. It’s okay. No worries. But you better be ready for tonight. …you dummy… —64 -1 Dyed in their colors -2 Manga Research Normies stay out! -2 sfx- Scritcha Scratch -3 But yeah, this is amazing… I can’t believe you can draw like this. No, I still have a long way to go. -4 So I guess you practice as lot? Yeah. I’m always drawing here after school. —65 -1 Even when I go home… I can’t stop myself from drawing. -2 I’m just never satisfied. I really want to get better. -3 But uh, You’re already plenty erotic! hw- Yeah, you’re amazing! sfx- Beaam Really? Thank you! —66 -1 Things I don’t think -2 Narumi-san, don’t you go and hang out with your friends? -3 Ah… I mean I’m happy you stop by here, but… You have a lot of friends. Is it ok to leave them hanging? -4 It’s fine. —67 -1 I’m fine just hanging out with them in the classroom. You get it, right? Girls can be like that. -2 Honestly? Girls can be such a pain. -4 sfx- Clack For me… -5 You’re my friend, right? —68 -1 Someone who doesn’t lie. Friends… -2 Everyone says that at first. But they’re just being polite, right? Even I get that. -4 Can I believe in this? Can i? —69 -1 Don’t give up! Gotta get my courage up one last time! sfx- Clench -2 Shirahama… I do think of you as -3 My friend Sorry. Can I have you be quiet for a sec? sfx- Scritcha Scratch ###repeat -4 It takes concentration to draw the arcs of a girl’s body. If you have something to say, I’ll listen later. It’s fine. Don’t bother yourself. That’s just like you. —70 -1 Unable to look away from reality -2 Really? A student asked you about their love life, Minami-sensei? Teacher’s Room Yeah… well, it happens a lot, Nishiyama-sensei. -3 Oh, speaking of romance, did you see last night’s drama? Soma-kun was soo cool that I was totally mooning over him! No… I didn’t catch it. -4 I was watching the suspense show on the other channel. Since they’re all single episodes, you don’t have to follow it as a series. R-really? -5 So what about lunch today? The weather’s nice. Want to eat in the courtyard? —71 -1 And… back to the topic of the student’s love life… I guess it’s not my place to tell them what to do. -2 Shut the door quietly. -3 Slam Jolt -4 Ah… Yeah, even if they come to you for advise, it’s kinda... Yeah. I need to have them really think it over and come to their own decision. -5 No, that’s not what I meant… Hm? Mmm… I’ve felt this way for a while, but… -6 Don’t you think you might need to power up your girl skills? —72 -1 The power of love -2 Thanks for the meal. -3 Snap Rip ###it’s considered good luck if you split your disposable chopsticks evenly -4 Mmm… this new lunch dish is kinda… It doesn’t really taste like convenience store food. Hm. I guess taking the time to make your own lunch pays off. -5 What’s with that? Sorry if I suck at cooking, ok? Once it’s in your stomach, food is all the same, right? Why are you getting all pissed? Oh, did you take what I said personally? sfx- Grr -6 I mean, I do my make up, ok? And it takes so long to tame my hair… hw- And you eat your pasta with chopsticks? ###you bet. best way to do it And it’s good manners to keep that internal monolog internal, ok? —73 -1 It’s fine. Whatever. I’m not a girl anymore, after all. I’m 28 now! -2 Saying that makes you sound all washed up. Washed up… sfx- Stab Maybe there’s something you can do… -3 Ah, What about falling in love? Just bring to mind the one you love can make a woman’s heart sing! -5 Next break period. Minami-sensei? Oh, she’s got this “don’t talk to me vibe”. Well, I’ll ask her about it later. sfx- Spotless —74 -1 I have a true love -2 Ah… -3 Yamamoto-san! How ya doing? Ah… Sfx- Twitch -4 Kihara-san! You’re looking cute today! Th-thank you… -5 Okano-senpai! sfx- Side step -6 Sono… What, Ame-chan? I’ve thought this for a while, but you are oddly well connected to everyone. —75 -1 Yup. They’re all my friends. Hmm… It’s not just classmates, but people throughout your grade. How do you get to know them? -2 All of them have told me that they love me. So that’s how we become friends. -3 You’re, uh… kinda cruel, huh? Like some sort of witch? Whaa? Why do you think that? —76 -1 A bewildering woman -2 So then… given what Sono just said, I guess she gets hit on a lot? -3 I thought the only ones who are really serious are me and Seina. Maybe that’s just because it’s a girl’s school? Huh? What are you going to do? -4 What’s up? Ah, Sonokawa… -5 We were supported to have a group blind date… But someone had something come up and had to cancel. A group date? Whoa. —77 -1 Ah, what about you two? We need two people after all. Sorry, I have student council. And I can’t make Seina cry. -2 Mm… I’ll pass too. Wha? Why? Well, You see… -3 When I see girls getting all friendly with guys… It just makes me so jealous! -4 Wait, what do you mean by that? I mean… Everyone’s so cute! If I were taken, then everyone would be lonely. sfx- Th-thump ### repeat Sh-she’s right… hw- Sonokawa you smell nice… I see. She’s the type to attract people. —78 -1 Yeah, you’re so easy to read -2 So whooo is it? I’m telling you! I don’t have anyone like that! -3 Oh, come on. You’re pretty easy to read, Minami-sensei. You come off all cool, but you’re pretty cute. hw- What are you even saying? Getting called cute by someone younger than you is just annoying. -4 But, Nishiyama-sensei is actually right. I’m not used to doing and saying things like this. -5 But, I’ll be ok! I’ve noticed what going on, so I can be chill! -6 Whud Kyaa -7 Thud —79 -1 Oh, you… Such a bad girl… -2 Yeah, Sonokawa’s right. You should watch where you’re going. sfx- Quiver Nn… Are you two ok? -3 I’m not ok! Not! Ok! sfx- Waagh Seriously? Then let’s get you to the nurse’s office! Nishiyama-sensei, actually they’re… Or maybe she’s pretending not to notice? —80 -1 I don’t know which club to join. No matter which club you pick, it looks like you’d be a star, Ranko-chan. Really? -2 Ruffle -3 But… If I’m with you, then I’d be able to give it my all no matter where. -4 sfx- Rub Rub So you just follow your heart and pick what you like. -5 Ranko-cha… Wah! Ichijyou-saaan! sfx- Kya sfx- ThumpaThumpa sfx- Whud Kyaaa! —81 -1 Have you decide what club to join? sfx- Getting her harem on I wanna be in the same club as you! We need your talents in my club! -2 Kyaa Kyaa -3 Hmph -4 sfx- Yoink -5 Wha? Komachi…? sfx- ThumpaThumpa -6 Yeah, it’s better if we don’t join a club. What? What’s with the change of heart? —82 -1 I don’t want you to become “everyone’s Ranko-chan”! For me, you’re the most important thing ever! -2 sfx- Throb Well… -3 That’s not so bad… is it? —83 -1 Sakurano Komachi Born: June 18th. Gemini. Lives with her mom and dad. Likes: Ranko-chan. Erotic delusions. Sunbathing. Dislikes: Spicy food. Bitter foods. Having to put up with things. Ichijyou Ranko Born: April 28. Aries Lives with her mom, dad and little sister. Likes: Her dogs (Beth, Pochi). Shojo manga. Her little sister’s home cooking. Dislikes: All bugs. Scary people. Being home alone. —84 -1 Narumi Ai Born: January 21st. Aquarius. Lives with her mother and big sister. Likes: 8 bit drawing programs. Debate TV programs. Saving up bit by bit. Dislikes: Have no plans. People too full of themselves. High fives. Shirahara An Born: March 3rd. Pisces. Lives with her mom, dad, older brother. Likes: All things yuri. Age gap. Drawing manga late at night (because she can concentrate, it seems). Dislikes: All sports. Trolls. Male characters that interfere in yuri couplings. —85 -2 Shinjuku Interior Goods -3 Plip -4 Ame-chan. What’s this lock for? Ah, that? Yeah, that’s been blowing up recently. —86 -1 It a pretty popular love charm. -3 Is there someone on your mind? Someone like that, Sono? -4 Mmm, Yeah, there is. -5 Oh. Let me just see if they have anything new… We Have Beer ###sign —87 -1 Chapter 3 Their world —88 -1 Rankooo! -2 Can you write your name on this? What’s this? A lock? It’s the new thing going around. -3 They say if two people write their names on the lock and close it, then the two of you will be together forever. It seems like the roof above the special classroom is the spot at school for it. What? Why there? Well, that’s the highest spot on campus, right? And so it seems that the god of love can see it there. sfx- Scribble Scribble —89 -1 No, not that. I mean, this is a girl’s school, right? I mean, I can see doing out in the town, but here? hw- At co-ed schools, there will be couples there too Look, you are one of the leading reasons why. Ah, I get it. -2 What’s with you?! We’re high school girls too! We want to have the same experiences! What’s wrong with wanting all the cool things modern life has to offer?! Sorry! hw- You don’t have to cry about it -3 As for me, I do it a lot with all my friends. Here at school, the fence has so many lock that it’s becoming a problem. hw- It looks kind bad. Hmm. -4 Ok, thank you! Um… so I don’t have to go with you? hw- To the roof? -5 No, you don’t need to go that far. I guess they just want the experience. And you have to take care of your girl, after all. Wha? —90 -1 If you please… -2 I, uh… was meaning to bring it up earlier, but… I know it’s kinda weird to bring it up after all we’ve been through together… Uh, What do you mean, what we’ve been through…? -3 Oh, come on! A girl is pouring her heart out to you here! Ah, fine! I get it already! Geez… Komachi you’re the only one who’d do this seriously anyway. Library —91 -1 And… so… -2 Can I have you write your name on it? Minami-sensei? -3 That’s… Do you know about it? -4 I just saw it on TV yesterday. sfx- Really? So stupid. It’s just gonna get cut off next year. —92 -1 So you won’t? -2 So cute! Nyaah! Don’t look at me with those puppy dog eyes! No… Look, it’s just… -3 Listen, Sonokawa-san… -4 I told you before, right? I’m not going to get into… that kind of relationship with you. -5 This… is about all I can do. More than this… would just be cruel. To her and to me… —93 -1 It’s only a good luck charm. sfx- Click. This little ‘ol thing. -2 Wha? -3 Oh, come on, Minami-sensei. You don’t have to make your walls that thick ###bold and italicize “that” What was that? -4 That click sound? -5 And she seems totally different than a moment ago… This is just for my own amusement. Even I know that much. —94 -1 Look… I’m not as much of a child as you think I am. -2 You’re the one who took this so seriously, Minami-sensei. Maybe you’re the one who’s more childish. sfx- Blush -3 Or could it be… that you are thinking about me like that? sfx- Tap -4 She’s so cunning… —95 -1 I guess that means…. sfx- And that’s what makes her a woman! I can harbor expectations then? -2 It’s not Iike I can expect to win… Bursting out laughing over some love story on TV Ahahaha hw- No way that’s happening sfx- Whap Whap Whap Her underwear drawer is a disaster I’ll just wear this today hw- Just wears whatever My feminine side’s long been lost and forgotten somewhere. -3 No matter how I try to improve things, she’d see right through me. sfx- Giggle In the end this is just a childish request. Don’t worry about it. -4 I mean, you’re the adult here, Minami-sensei. Just think of it as kid’s play. So please? sfx- Beam There’s nothing I can do except get swept along at her pace. -5 I… —96 -1 Ok, I understand. -3 Wow, there’s a lot of locks. It sure looks different than it used to. It makes it like a whole different world. -3 Minami-sensei… Hurry up, over here. -4 Let me just say this… Can we put it in a place that’s not conspicuous? sfx- Giggle Sure. Got it. -5 Click —97 -1 sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump Ah… Crap… -2 This… Kinda gets me in the feels… sfx- Ba-dump Sakiko Haruka -3 Th-thump Th-thump -4 Anyway! Why do we even have to be doing something like this? Gaah! Don’t complain, now. sfx- Whish -5 But really…. Someone’s coming… sfx- Th-thump ###repeat But, that kinda saved me. I’m getting carried away again! -5 But… Isn’t getting seen like this even worse? -6 Sonokawa-san! Over here! sfx- Ka-cha Huh? —98 -1 Come on. The are tons of students with way more time that the student council! I think cleaning up the school is a wonderful thing to do. -2 Nijihara-san and Amemiya-san… -3 Wow, there’s quite a few. -4 Can we even take these off? They’re just kid’s toys. It seems the key is all the same. -5 These things are supposed to be forever, so why are they made so we can take them down? People are just too naive. sfx- Ka-chick ###repeat Please don’t look at the names. I know, I know. But it’s a problem if we leave them, right? —99 -1 Why are people pledging their love over such cheap crap anyway? What a joke. I’ll get these over here. Do you always have to put things so bluntly? But it’s true, right? -2 Even without good luck charms… or promises… I always want to be with the one I love. -4 Looks like they went over there. We’ll just wait for an opportunity to… -5 Whunk Clank Clatter —100 -1 Hey! Mizuki! hw- Not here! You’re right, Seina. We don’t need promises. -3 I can feel every bit of you through my body. There’s no greater proof than that. —101 -1 Mmn… Mmn Nnn… -2 No way! Nn Hah… sfx- Creak Creak And there’s no way they should be doing that at school! -3 Sh-should I go scold them…? No, it might come off like I was spying on them… -4 Mm… sfx- Creak -6 Wah! sfx- Yank —102 -1 Whud -2 Sonokawa-san? sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump ### repeat -3 Wow… My heart’s pounding so hard… -4 Heh heh sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump -5 Nn…! —103 -1 Minami… sensei? sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump I’m can’t… I’m losing it… sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump -2 If she pushes any more, I’ll… lose my shit… sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump -3 sfx- Ba-dump I can’t…. -4 Just doing this is making heart so full I can’t do anything more… —105 -1 Shove -2 Dash Ah… -3 Slam sfx- Jolt -4 Who?! -5 I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to intrude. Sono… —106 -1 What are you doing? Who’s that? Do you know her? My friend, Sonokawa. I was just… you know. -2 I won’t tell anyone, so please don’t worry. You two look great together. hw- A student council couple! -3 Ka-chud -4 What do we do now?! It’s okay. She said she’d keep it a secret for us. sfx- Waaaaah I can’t trust her that much! —107 -1 It’s fine. I bet that she… has a secret love too. -2 Hm Hmm Hm-hm -3 I finally got her in my clutches. There’s no way I’m going to let her get away. -4 Prepare yourself Kiss Minami-sensei. -5 B-SIDE The Rooftop Tryst. 15 Minutes Before. —108 -1 An earnest request -2 Mornin’. sfx- Ka-cha -3 Ah, Ai-chan. Come on in. I’m not interrupting? You seemed busy with stuff yesterday, so I didn’t bother you. -4 Yeah. I managed to achieve my goal. Hmm. So then, what’s that you’re writing? -5 Th-that’s…? Whaaat? You’re got someone you’re interested in, An? No, no. Not that. It’s not for me. Wha? Then who is it for? —109 -1 A long time couple in Comic Yuri Yome. Ichigo-chan and Mai-chan from “Belize”. An’s favorite yuri magazine -2 Recently, the two of them haven’t been getting along… And this is about the best I can do to support the two of them. sfx- Sigh -3 That’s a crisis, right? hw- I’m worried, so let me read it later, ‘kay? Okay?! Narumi has leveled up! Her wisdom has been raised by three. —110 -1 Heaving Breaths -2 sfx- Wheeze Wheeze Wait up, Ranko-chan. -3 Come on, gimme a break. You’re the one that said you wanted to do this, Komachi. Wheeze But it’s haaard. Huff -4 Here. -5 Thanks. —111 -1 You ok? Huff Puff Yeah. But.. since you’re doing this for me, I’d like you to sync your breathing with me. …and why? -2 I heard that if you sync your breaths… Huff Puff Huff That’s it’s easier for two people to cum together. -3 ThumpaThumpaThumpa Ranko-chaaan? You’re pulling my arm offff! —112 -1 Jealousy. -2 Huh? hw- Wheeze Wheeze -3 Narumi? and… Shirahama-san? Oh, Ichijyou-san and Sakurada-san… -4 You two make a funny combination. hw- I can’t believe you’re actually saying that Sh-shaddup. -5 Um… Could it be that you two are… Stuff it! We’re not like you! sfx- Ba-dump Ba-dump —113 -1 Oh, I see. For your manga characters, huh? And you’re into in all the sudden, Narumi? Why not?! Can you just shut up?! -2 Come to think of it, didn’t something similar happen before in the Manga Research Club? -3 Before? Ah, Me and Shirahama went to the same junior high. But, it’s not like we talked to each other or anything. Who was your homeroom teacher in year three? Suzuki-sensei. She was a really good teacher. Ah, I had her for year one. —114 -1 The fragrance on the breeze. -2 ThumpaThumpaThumpa -3 Minami-sensei? Hyaa! Y-you guys… -4 What’s the matter? hw- You seem worked up Um… Um… -5 Ah! Right! I forgot something in the study hall.. Ah, I see. But, uh, it wasn’t there! —115 -1 Ok, later! sfx- Thud Thud Thud Oh? -2 Ah. -3 You’ve got a lock. Are you going up to the roof? -4 If so, you should give it a pass for the moment. The student council is cleaning up there. -5 You should be careful from here on out. Really? Thanks for the warning. —116 -1 sfx- Waft Bye bye -3 Just now… Minami-sensei had the same scent. Who was that? Probably an upperclassman. -4 Ok, Komach, let’s go. Ah, sure. Oh, since we’re here, wanna all go out somewhere? Whaa? You sure?! What’s with that? -4 Nishiyama-sensei, want to out for a drink after work? That sounds great! What happened? You don’t often invite me out. I want to erase my memory. Um, I’ll pass then. —117 -1 Minami Sakiko Born: September 24th. Libra. Lives alone. Likes: Slightly high class beer. Saunas. Walking around in new towns. Dislikes: Food manga. When emotional music comes on during a moving scene in a movie. Haughty women. Hanazono Haruka Born: August 31th. Virgo. Lives with her mom and dad. Likes: Minami-sensei. People who like her. Foreign horror movies. Dislikes: Coffee. People shit-talking. Being compared to others. —118 -1 Nishihara Seina Born: March 23rd. Aries. Lives with mom, dad and two older brothers. Likes: Ichigo Daifuku. Idols. Laying her head on Mizuki’s lap. Dislikes: People who don’t try. People who don’t walk their talk. Mizuki’s smug expression. Amemiya Mizuki Born: August 11th. Leo. Lives alone, but has her mom, dad and two younger brothers back at home. Likes: Whiling time away in her room on rainy days. Teasing Seina. Picking on Seina. Dislikes: Romance dramas. Movies. Crowed places. When Seina’s crying. —119 -1 First Sleepover —120 -1 The gap is important! Certain Victory ###headband -2 And… that’s how you do it. Mm-hm, mm-hm! -3 Huh? But the answers don’t match. What? That's funny, did I make some stupid mistake? -4 Mm? There’s where you made a mistake. Oh? -5 Narumi… Let me see it a second. —121 -1 Shwish -2 Ka-pop Ok! -3 sfx- Ba-bam -4 You’re the type to just memorize everything, right? If you just do that, you'll make mistakes. sfx- Scribble Scribble ###repeat -5 If you properly understand the formulas, Then it's really easy to understand where you might've made a mistake, right? I see. hw- Whoa, it's correct! -6 But something about this seems off. hw- I know there's people like that out there, but she doesn’t seem the type. Yeah, you’re right. Oh shut the fuck up. —122 -1 Making clear a previously unknown world. -2 So are you actually really good at studying? Mm? Well, I guess… -3 So then tutor me! It’s great to have a ton of tutors! Whaa? -4 Sounds good. How about a study group? You want to join, Shirahama-san? Wha… is that ok? -5 Yeaaah… I’m not sure how helpful that will be. I mean, if we were at the library or something and had two or three hours, maybe… —123 -1 Yeah! and then… The sleepover! sfx- Kyaaa hw- Unexpected events! hw- Sorry… hw- I can’t take it anymore… sfx- And then… hw- We can’t… everyone’s here… Hey. It’s. A. Study. Group. -2 So everyone come to school tomorrow ready for a sleepover! We’ll go straight to someone’s house after school! sfx- Yay! Yay! Yay! No parents at my place, so how about there? Can we?! -3 A sleepover? Wha? What’s going on? I thought that shit only happened in manga… sfx- Th-thump ###repeat What do I even tell my parents? The possibility of suddenly deepening her friendships has Narumi shook. Where will her destiny take her? —124 -1 Her pride gets in the way -2 Ok, I should get going. sfx- Tap -3 I don’t take personal pride in it, but… The class I’m homeroom teacher for has really good grades. -4 And it’s not like I give them easy tests or anything. You tend to the details of the lesson, and deepen the student’s understanding. -5 And through use of quizzes at the right time, the student’s abilities increase. And when finals roll around, you can see everyone’s prepared. —125 -1 And in the rare event quizzes don’t raise a student’s grades, You have them take advantage of the study room and thoroughly help them prep. Test Preparation 2nd Grade -2 I take pride in that. Both as an adult, and as a teacher. sfx- Slide -3 Ah! Please help me out. -4 Craaaap! I had been thoroughly avoiding her after that day! sfx- Smirk Smirk Smirk Life is hard for adults! —126 -1 I slipped up -2 Sonokawa-san, normally you have good grades. So this is on purpose, right? You’re wrong. -3 Studies? I can’t focus on that. sfx- Whump -4 And whose fault do you think that is? After going and doing that to me… Kyaa! sfx- Lurch -5 That day… —127 -1 Since you’re an adult, you have other ways of taking responsibility, right? Hyaa… Whisper sfx- Shiver As adult…? Doing that…? -2 No. Th-thump Her hair’s so soft… Th-thump That’s the one thing I mustn’t do! Th-thump -3 But she’s opened her heart to me… I can’t stop anymore… If I get a good score on my next test… Let’s go out somewhere together, ok? -5 Uh, sure? What the… she’s satisfied with that? She hasn’t realized that she’s already accept Sonokawa. (She’ll come to her senses soon) —128 -1 Being honest with yourself -2 Hey, Mizuki! You’re the Vice President and it’s test time. All activities are cancelled, so why are you here? Student Council -3 Well, all the work from 1st semester hasn’t gotten done, right? I figured you’d do it all by yourself, so I’m helping out. Making sure it all gets done is my responsibility as President. -4 It’s ok. It’d be too much for you otherwise. …Nn. -5 But if your grades took a hit, I’d feel even worse! Why don’t you understand that? sfx- Nab What’s with you? I’m here to help because you matter to me! —129 -1 I can’t believe you’re saying that! You haven’t been sweet to me at all recently! -2 What?! That’s because you keep yourself so distant! -3 It would be ok for you to desire me more… -4 Shaak —130 -1 After school, the following day. Well, my parents aren’t home, so feel free to chill. Okay! -2 Nngh… Being in someone else’s house is making me nervous! -3 sfx- Bark Bark Are your parent’s working? sfb- Bark They are magazine editors. They’ll barely be home before school ends. -4 Aren’t you lonely? hw- Beth! Pochi! Not really? I’ve got these two sweeties. -5 And… I’m home! —131 -1 I’m home, Onee-san. hw- Welcome home This is my younger sister. She’s one year below me. -2 I’m Rinko! -3 Thank you for hanging out with my sister. sfx- Bow Bow You have a sister? But you two don’t look… -4 Boing -5 I get it now! You do look alike! ### bold and italicize “do” Just where the hell are you looking? hw- And she’s just in junior high… hw- But I figured you would say that —132 -1 Ok, Let’s get this study group going. Let’s do this, Narumi. Y-yeah. -4 I finished! -5 How do I put this? -6 At first I was feeling a bit lost… —133 -1 But now I can relax, somehow. -2 Chop ###repeat -3 Komachi, after you finish that, can you set the table? Sure! Ah, I’ll be done here soon. I’ll help out. —134 -1 Huh? Hamburgers? With fish? The meat in fish heads contain a lot of DHA, which makes you smart. And it’s low calorie, so it’s two birds with one stone! -2 And using eggs as the binder gives you lots of lecithin, which feeds your brain. sfx- Sizzle -3 And we top the rice with whitefish and and tofu. This combo makes DHA uptake easier. hw- Hm hmmm Your sister’s got it going! She’s totally like a mom…p -4 Okay, Narumi, We’re done here, so can you carry that to the table? Ah, sure. Got it. —135 -1 Crash -2 Ah… -4 Shudder Crap -5 And after everything was going so smoothly… It’s all my fault. —136 -1 Are you ok, Narumi?! Are you hurt?! Broom! Dustpan! Wha? -2 I’m sorry… After you went and made dinner… hw- Huh? Don’t worry about that. Just don’t step on the shards. -4 Thanks for the meal! sfx- Chompf —137 -1 Mmmm! sfx- Bliss -2 Wow, this really feels fresh compared to meat. It’s soo good. And it goes with the season really well. hw- Yum! Yum! hw- Ha ha Food blogging? -3 No, really! This is really good! You’re still in middle school and already this amazing, Rinko. Thank you so much! —137 -1 Narumi-san, what do you think? —138 -1 It’s… so delicious. Okay… It’s about time to starting taking baths… -2 sfx- Sha-keeen sfx- Wriggle Wriggle Wriggle -3 Shirahara-san, can you watch Komachi? Y-yeah. Ah, but… in exchange, can I ask for one thing? Huh? -4 Give me a report afterwards! hw- Sisters? In the bath? Kya! Ufufu Narumi, You’re the only one I can count on. Wha? …yeah, ok. Well, I wanted to hear it too, but… —139 -1 Any itchy spots? No complaints. -2 I can’t believe Ranko-chan’s being so mean. Are you still going on about that? Come on, it’s just a bath. -3 No, no, naked time is important. The more you bare it all, the more your friendship deepens. -4 I get you, Sakurano-san! And then, we wait for… Love! sfx- Kyaaa! —140 -1 The moment you first lay eyes on how they were when they were born… “Huh, why is my heart pounding?” And the first time they touch each other’s naked skin, they’re all “Ahh! Ahh!” We’re done. Whoever’s next, go for it. -2 Squeek -3 Shaaaa To bare it all? -4 “Geez! What the heck are you doing?” -5 "Narumi, you are totally useless.” “If I’m not around, you can’t do a thing, can you?” —141 -1 Ehehe… I guess you’re right. -2 That really hurt. But I didn’t want them to hate me. All I could do was laugh along. -3 But… -4 “I’m… your friend, Narumi!” —142 -1 Bwoooo -2 Click Bwooo ###made the letters smaller as the sound fades out -3 Hm? -4 My hair… It’s really getting time… hw- My perm is… But, y’know… —143 -1 Recently it hasn’t been worrying me. Well, I guess it’s fine. -2 I don’t have to worry about all the hidden crap people think. -3 Sliiide -4 I’m making coffee. Want some? Yes, please. Me too! Lots of milk for me! -5 I’m finished. Next! —144 -1 So hurry up and finish with the baths, so we can get back to studying! Since I’ve met you all… -2 It’s been really great. -3 Who the hell? sfx- Stab —145 -1 Shyeah, just joking! sfx- Ahaha -2 But you look really different! C’mon, you two! It’s janky to laugh at her! I know she lays her makeup on a bit thick, but… -3 But even so, she’s soo good at her makeup! Show me how you do it, ok? -3 Clamp -4 sfx- Steaaam Oh, I’ll show you all right. I’ll show you how to study! sfx- Crik Crik Crik sfx- You’re scaring me! —146 -1 In any case, you’ll all have to solve the practice problems I’ve written up! Uh, so… time for me to hit the bath! Don’t be a fool! You can take a bath anytime, but the test waits for no one! Hyaaa! -2 Narumi, We can call it here, right? We’re not going to be able to focus any more. hw- Gotta get a good night’s sleep, right? -3 I’ve laid out futons in the Japanese style room, so feel free to crash there. I’m going to bed too. —147 -1 I don’t believe this. Bailing like that? Cowards. Oh, come on. -2 Here. It’s warm water. hw- It’ll help you sleep. Hm? -3 Thank for helping out today, Ai-chan. -4 It’s fine. Not a thing. —148 -1 But I need to thank you too. Huh? It’s nothing! -2 And so, They were able to clear the test. Ok, I’m going to pass out your grades. -3 Well, about what I expected. I thought I did better than this. hw- Average… hw- At least I didn’t fail anything Out of 83 people in her grade: 4th place. ###right box 12th place. 46th place. 77th place. —149 -1 But! Now that this is done, what I’m waiting for now is… -3 Do you remember our promise? -4 Siiigh… Prepping for tests is such a pain. How about we go out for a change of pace? —150 -1 What should we do now? It’s summer vacation! -2 And I guess it’s gotta be said - do your darn homework! ‘Cause I’m not helping you! Wah…! sfx- Vreeee Vreeee Vreeee ###or any other cicada sound Continued in volume 2 —151 -1 Hmm? So you’re all going to the beach? Yeah, seems that way. -2 Wanna come, Rinko? I’ve got stuff to do here. I’ll pass. Don’t worry about me. Go have fun. -3 But, hey, do you even have a swim suit, Onee-chan? Huh? I have the one I got last year, why? -4 Don’t you think it’ll be small? You’d better try it one. —152 -1 See? Seems alright, yeah? Mm… -2 Onee-san… Yeah, it doesn’t fit there. ###bold and italicize “there” -3 Really? -4 I noticed recently when we take a bath. And when I do the laundry and wash your bras… I see. hw- Mmm, this isn’t right -5 And you’re not really wearing that correctly. That’s no good. It’s hard on your body. Soz… -6 If you’ll allow me? I’ll fit it to you properly. sfx- Press —153 -1 Yeah… You really do need one size up. You think so? Stuff Shove -2 Ok, all done. How is it? sfx- Pat -3 So tight! Knew it. -4 Let’s go get you a new one tomorrow. I’ll help you pick something out. Thanks. Note: There is no punchline. —154 -1 Extra 2 Ok, we bring this emergency session into order! Right! -2 Next week… As you know, we are going to the beach! -3 True, that! -4 sfx- Yaaay! sfx- Wheee! And when you think of the beach… It’s soo scary! Everyone getting their party on?! A place where there’s nothing but people?! sfx- Iyaaaaa hw- It’ll be hell! And those two are going to try to drag us into that mess! -2 Right! Let’s find some photos and do image training! Sounds good! It’ll be a disaster if we don’t have the knowledge we need to escape! -3 Swipe -4 So looking forward to this… Word. —156 -1 Now that’s it’s summer vacation, I’ll be going to the pool with Sonokawa-san. How many years has it been since I bought a swim suit? -2 I don’t want her to be disappointed in me… No… she’s not the kind of girl to judge people like that. -3 But she’s a high school girl in her prime! I’ve got to steel myself just to walk beside her! Just what kind of swim suit will she be wearing? -4 Just chill. Your swim suit size hasn’t changed. -5 You’ve kept up your figure, and look younger than you are. sfx- Hnn —157 -1 ThumpaThumpaThumpa sfx- Toss Toss -2 Nab -3 Shaaa -4 Huff Huff Huff sfx- Shaaaa -5 Huh? -7 I still got it! Barely, but I still got it! sfx- siiiigh Thank god… —158 -1 Nnn… Time for a little break. Extra 4 -2 But really? Mizuki hasn’t contacted me once since summer vacation started. -3 Well, I could text her first, but… it does make me a bit pissed, tho… -4 I know she said she wouldn’t have time to hang out, but… -5 But still, she could still… sfx- Vmmmm -6 Mizuki -7 H-hello? I’m kinda busy now… Oh, really? Then I’ll keep it short. sfx- Hmph —159 -1 Wha? No, you don’t have to go that far! So about tomorrow… -2 Yeah? What about tomorrow? sfx- Beaaam I want you to help me check out the equipment at the pool. -3 It opens at noon, so I’ll see you then. Ok, until tomorrow… -4 You dumbass… sfx- Bzz Bzz -5 Well, I guess I gotta it it’s about work. I’m busy, but I guess I can do her a favor. -6 Ok, I’ll go ahead and get tomorrow’s homework done today. The End.