# i-025.jpg 3秒間 Three Seconds # i-026.jpg # i-027.jpg 最近入ったバイトの子 The part-timer who started here recently 3コ年下喋るの遅い Is three years younger than me, and speaks slowly. (to left of box) スマホ操作は超速い But she's super fast with her phone. すぐ辞めそうとか思ったけど I thought she'd quit right away, ちゃんと来るし気利くしめっちゃいい子 But she actually shows up, and she's sensible. She's a good kid. # i-028.jpg まだちゃんと顔を見たここがない I still haven't gotten a proper look at her face. ねー 3秒でいいから顔みして Hey, even 3 seconds is fine, lemme see your face! ええ…… But..... (SFX)ドッ Thunk # i-029.jpg 3秒で… Why... なんですか Three seconds? えーだって1秒だとよく見えないじゃん流石に Huh? I mean, one second isn't enough to get a good look at all! えー… But... そんな… That... 恥ずかしい Sounds... ですよ… Embarrassing... 大丈夫 大丈夫 It'll be fine! Really! 何も言わない。 黙って 見とくから。 I won't say a word. I'll keep my mouth shut And just look. えっ なんか コワ… Huh? That sounds Kinda scary... 目カ強... You look intense... 感想も言わないから。ね? I won't share my thoughts about your face either. Okay? あっ じゃあ私も見せるから Oh, and I'll show you my face, too. お互い顔見たことないじゃん?セーので見せよ? So we'll show each other our faces? On the count of three? ね? Okay? (早口) (Talking fast) コワ!! Scary!! 必死じゃないですか… Aren't you kinda desperate... # i-030.jpg ダメか... So no, then... こわかったね ごめんね... I scared you, huh...Sorry... もー… Geez... 3秒だけですよ? Just three seconds, right? えっ やった〜 What? Alright!! え〜 What!? いやいやだけど許可くれた You didn't seem like you wanted to but you're still letting me! かわい〜 Cute!! じゃあセーのね! Then on the count of three! セーのっ One, two, three! # i-031.jpg # i-032.jpg わっ… Wow... 唇にもピアス開けてるんだ似合う!! Her lips are pierced too, it looks great on her!! わ〜わ〜(below text) Whoa... え〜てかせめて色白!!なんかエロ!! Oh, and, they're pale!! It's kinda sexy!! あ… Oh... マスクの下ちゃんとリップ縫ってるんだ… She made sure to put on lipstick under her mask... びじん... (to right of bubble) A beauty... 口元にホクロある… And she has a mole around her mouth... 目でか… (in between bubbles) Big eyes... …なんか…エッチだな… ...It's kinda...lewd... あれ…てゆか Wait...Come to think of it, この雰囲気なんか Doesn't this mood エロい事してるみたいでは……? Kinda feel like we're doing something pervy...? 見せ合いっこ二人きり... Two girls alone, showing each other their... # i-033.jpg (lots of ellipses) あ Oh あの… Um, くそ〜かわいいかわいいかわいいじゃねーか!! Dangit~Cute cute cute isn't she so cute!! …感想はなしですよ… ...No sharing thoughts, right... 私もリップくらいぬっておくんだった... I should've put on lipstick or something too... # i-034.jpg えーと Um, 落ち着いたらごはん行こー… Once we've settled back down, let's go get some food... (SFX, repeated)ドキ Ba-dump やばいななんか好きになっちゃったかも… This is bad, I think I might've fallen for her... どんなタイミングで誘ってんすかも〜… Geez, is this the time to be asking me out... 行きますけど… I'll go, though...