[page].[panel] General: Missing the title page. I'm generally of the opinion that em dashes should be used for stuttering and interruptions, while hyphens are limited to names and other related usage. Up to you if you want to make these changes, it's fine either way. I've pointed them out in case. 1.2 "...to predict / why someone / falls in love." -> "...to / predict / why / someone / falls in / love." Optional, but I feel like it makes more sense to stick within the border of the artwork, like you did on the other side and in the raws. 2.3 ズー sfx unreplaced 4.4 "But but but but-" Should be in quotes maybe? e.g. ( "But but but but!" ) 4.5 Alwyas -> Always 4.8 "You're right, Kirari-chan!" move down slightly 6.1 "G-" hyphen to em dash 7.1 "Wha-?" hyphen to em dash 7.2 "Y-you two..." hyphen to em dash 7.3 "This... / is a stupid / plan." -> "This... / is a / stupid / plan." I feel like this will fit the bubble shape a little better, but your call. "Not so loud, ok?" Missing redraw behind text 7.5 "Nope." This is narrative text, not floating text. 8.4 "Huh?" move right sweat droplet down slightly 8.8 "She's my favourite too!" right and down slightly 16.1 "Unlike the / movies, it's cloudy, / and you can't[...]" -> "Unlike / the movies, it's cloudy, / and you can't[...]" 16.3 "Wishes..." "Have no chance to get through." lowercase H 21.5 "Why did I let my desires slip out?" move up a bit "I must have hurt her..." move down a bit 23.1 "S-sorry..." hyphen to emdash 23.4 ""Thank god"?" -> ""Thank / god"?" 24.6 "If you don't." "I'll..." -> "If you don't," "I'll..." 25.4 "Ki-" hyphen to emdash 25.6 "okay..." move down slightly 26.2 "Y-" hyphen to emdash 28.1 "hands are freezing" down and maybe right slightly 30.2 "Come to think of it[...]" move down and left slightly 32.3 "L-Like how!?" hyphen to em dash 33.1 "Look!" move down 33.3 2nd line "[...] Doki-doki... as a matter f of conveninece[...]" extra f, typo in convenience Please remove her email.