倉田嘘 百合男子 Episode 2: 因果応報 Kurata Uso Yuri Danshi, Episode 2: Karmic Retribution ---[ 1 / 32 | CCF_0024.png ]--- これ今日のプリント Here's the handout for today. ありがとー! Thank you! 藤ヶ谷今日 日直なんだ Ah, were you on class-helper duty, Fujigaya? はい松岡さん今日のプリ... Here you are, Matsuoka-san, the hando-- あ Ah どんっ bump あっ! Ah! ばさ ばさ ばさっ flap flutter flutter ---[ 2 / 32 | CCF_0025.png ]--- こらあ!!沙織になにすんのー!! Yo---!! What are you people doing to Saori!! ご...ごめん! S- Sorry! ごめん藤ヶ谷さん大丈夫!? Sorry, Fujigaya-san! Are you all right!? 宮鳥-!!! Miyatori-!!! キューン squeeeal うん 平気 Yes, I'm fine. あの! Um! ごめんね I'm really sorry, 松岡さん Matsuoka-san. す... turn ---[ 3 / 32 | CCF_0026.png ]--- ---[ 4 / 32 | CCF_0027.png ]--- 沙織!ここ! Here it is, Saori! ここ!! Right here!! いーでしょ! Great, isn't it? わー... Wow... ---[ 5 / 32 | CCF_0028.png ]--- 学校の中にこんなところがあったんだね To think there was a place like this somewhere in the school... 2年間通ってるのに気付かなかった I've been coming here for two years and never noticed it へっへー Heh heh... 今朝軽く遅効しそーになってね Well, I happened to be running a little late this morning... [Note: The sentence as written made no sense to me, so I've read 遅効 as 遅刻.] [正門 Front Gate 教室 Classroom 現在地 You Are Here] さ Well, 食べよ食べよ Let's eat, let's eat! さすがは宮鳥 Just as I've come to expect from Miyatori. 転校早々見つけていたこというのか!! So soon after transferring, and she's already found it: 百合名場面名鑑収録「二人だけの秘密の場所」を!! "A Secret Place For Just Us Two"! As listed in the Directory of Famous Yuri Scenes!! あっ Ah! たまご焼きおいしそー That /tamagoyaki/ really looks delicious! [alt: That omelette looks really delicious!] 食べる? Want to try some? 違うよ /That's/ not it! もー... Geez... はい そう そこで持っててね Here--right, hold it just like that. ---[ 6 / 32 | CCF_0029.png ]--- ぱくんっ chomp キターー!! There it is--!! JKSクオリティー!! GSR* Quality!! *Girls' School Repatriate 同じく百合名場面名鑑収録 As listed in that same "Directory of Famous Yuri Scenes": 「あーんってしてくんなきゃヤだ」!! "You Have To Feed It To Me Yourself"!! あーんしってしてくれなきゃヤです! You have to feed it to me yourself! まったくしょうがない子ね My, my, what a handful you are! ---[ 7 / 32 | CCF_0030.png ]--- じゃ お返しに OK, coming your way next! ドキ ドキ ba-thump ba-thump わ 私は N- no, that's... だめ! Sorry, it's compulsory! はい Here! あーーん... Say "aaaaah"... ど... Wh... どうしたの?沙織 What's the matter, Saori? ...茜 ...Akane. 実は... The truth is... 茜に聞いて欲しいことがあって... I had something I wanted to ask you about... 聞いてくれる? Will you listen to it? ん Sure. も...もしかして二人は次のステップへ!? Don't tell me... these two are headed for "the next step"!? ---[ 8 / 32 | CCF_0031.png ]--- 最近なんだか Lately I've been feeling 視線を感じるの somebody's gaze on me constantly. あの教室の後ろのほうに座ってる松岡さん It's that girl who sits toward the back of the class--Matsuoka-san. そうなの? Really? うん...でも Yes... but, 私と目が合うと彼女すっと逸らすんだ any time our eyes meet, she immediately looks away. 2回目にして終了かと思ったぜ Thought I was done for sure that time 私 嫌われてるのかな...って I was wondering... maybe she hates me? そんなことないでしょ There's no way that's true. 沙織はなにもしてないじゃない 気にしなくていいと思うよ? You haven't done anything wrong. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. でも 気づかないうちに悪いことしてたら But, perhaps I offended her somehow without realizing it... それにさっきプリントを... And, there was that thing with the handouts... 沙織 Saori, そんなに松岡さんのこと気になるんだ is Matsuoka-san really that much on your mind? そ そういうのじゃなくて Th... that's not it... じゃ なに! Then, what /is/ it! ---[ 9 / 32 | CCF_0032.png ]--- いかん 折角手に入れた至福のランチタイムが... Great Scott!... the blissfully happy lunchtime I'd finally been granted after so long a wait is... あーあ Ah, ptoo. 二人でお弁当食べるの朝から楽しみにしてたのに And here I was looking forward all morning to lunch with just the two of us. それだけでなく 今後の俺の生活設計までもが崩れ去ってしまう! Not merely that--all the plans I'd made for the entirety of my remaining human lifespan are in danger of crumbling before my eyes! ご...ごめん S... sorry. これは2012年人類滅亡説に並ぶ いや それ以上の危機!! So this is the fulfillment of the 2012 Apocalypse predictions!... No! This is a far greater crisis than that! 見逃す訳にはいかん!! This cannot go unaddressed. 松岡... Matsuoka... 確かに藤ヶ谷を見ている...が Sure enough, she's looking right at Fujigaya... 彼女どこか尖ったイメージだったけど Still, though she's always given off rather a "sharp" image, 改めて見ると美人... examined in another light, she's a beautiful young woman... これが意外に松岡x藤ヶ谷ってのもアリ Really, this kind of Matsuoka/Fujigaya scenario might not be so bad after all. いや待て それでは初心者と変わらぬ軟弱百合フィルター! Very well then... in a beginner's spirit, what say we try applying a light Yuri Filter? ドキドキ thump thump ---[ 10 / 32 | CCF_0033.png ]--- 俺ならばここは一ひねりしてだな... If 'twere to my fancy, the yarn would be spun thus... クラスでも1・2を争う成績優秀者松岡と藤ヶ谷普段から二人は何となくお互いを意識することが多かった Matsuoka and Fujigaya, having long vied between the two of them for the highest GPA in the class, naturally both had occasion to come to the other's attention on a routine basis. [Board: 成績優秀者 Highest Achieving Students 1位 松岡 涼 #1 Matsuoka Ryou 2位 藤ヶ谷 沙織 #2 Fujigaya Saori etc.] しかしそこへ突如現れた幼馴染みJKS宮鳥松岡にだけ向けられていた藤ヶ谷の「特別」は彼女の存在によって薄れて行く However, with the sudden appearance of childhood friend and GSR Miyatori Akane, Matsuoka's existence as a "special presence" in Fujigaya's regard began to fade. その様子を見ているうちに松岡にこれまで感じたことのない感情が芽生えるのであった Watching this unfold, feelings that Matsuoka had never experienced before started to sprout within her heart. そして気がつけば藤ヶ谷を目で追っている松岡 Soon, Matsuoka came to the realization that her eyes, unbidden, had begun to follow Fujigaya's every step. しかしそれは藤ヶ谷の狙い通り However, this was all precisely to Fujigaya's plan. 見た目は穏やかな藤ヶ谷だがその心の奥底には限りない嫉妬の念を持って松岡を見ていた! Behind Fujigaya's gentle expression and calm eyes had long lurked a boundless reservoir of jealousy! She had always looked upon Matsuoka with burning envy! そんな藤ヶ谷だからこそ宮鳥が現れた瞬間の松岡自身も意識できなかった一瞬の表情の曇りと秘められた気持ちを見逃さなかったのだ! Therefore, the clouded expression that had unconsciously flitted across Matsuoka's face at the moment of Miyatori's appearance, and the hidden feelings it betrayed -- Fujigaya had missed none of it! 宮鳥は松岡の嫉妬心を煽る為の囮でしかなかった! Miyatori was nothing more than a lure to stir up Matsuoka's envy! これは藤ヶ谷のどうしても追い抜けなかった松岡を支配したいという欲望 --So strong was Fujigaya's desire to exercise some kind of control over Matsuoka, whom she could never, no matter how hard she tried, overtake in the class rankings. やがて二人は松岡の告白によって付き合うようになるもはや松岡は藤ヶ谷の言いなりだ Before long, Matsuoka confessed her feelings to Fujigaya, and the two began dating. Matsuoka was now thoroughly under Fujigaya's thumb. しかし一度心を許した松岡はこれまでとはうって変わって愛らしいのであった However, Matsuoka, once she had let her guard down, seemed almost to transform. She showed a charm and loveliness quite removed from the demeanor Fujigaya had always known before. そしていつしか藤ヶ谷は駆け引きのない関係を望むようになり苦悩の果てに松岡に全てを告白する Before she knew it, Fujigaya found herself yearning for an honest relationship, purged of any selfish conniving. Overcome by distress, she ended up confessing the entire truth to Matsuoka. ---[ 11 / 32 | CCF_0034.png ]--- しかしショックを受けた松岡は次第に藤ヶ谷から離れてしまい 離れば離れるほど藤ヶ谷は松岡への想いが募るのだった But Matsuoka, in turn, shocked by the relevation, began drifting away from Fujigaya. The further she drifted, so much the stronger did Fujigaya's feelings for her become. いっそ松岡にすがり付けばいいのに! If only she and Matsuoka could cling tightly together as they had before! しかし藤ヶ谷は未だに残るプライドが邪魔をして素直になれない 勉強など手に付かなくなり藤ヶ谷の名前は成績上位者リストから消えてしまう But Fujigaya's remaining pride got in her way, and she couldn't admit her feelings honestly. No longer able to focus on her studies due to her internal agony, Fujigaya's name disappeared from the list of Highest Achieving Students. 成績優秀者 Highest Achieving Students 松岡 涼 Matsuoka Ryou それを見た松岡は藤ヶ谷の本当の気持ちを感じとり優しく手を差し伸べるのであった Seeing this, Matsuoka sensed where Fujigaya's feelings truly lay, and kindly extended her hand to her. お互いのぬくもりを感じ愛を確かめ合う二人 Basking in the proximate glow of each other's warmth, the two confirmed their love for one another. そして二人の絆は固く結ばれるのであった And so the bond between them became sealed invincibly, indestructibly. という 実は小悪魔藤ヶ谷による誘い受け&攻守逆転ストーリー!! And there you have it! The tale of "Secretly Devilish Fujigaya Seduced by the Submissive Party in an Offense/Defense Role-Reversal!" [Note: This and some of the following lines contain doujinshi/Boys' Love subculture terminology. My interpretations may well be wrong.] BLだとリバはまだ厳しい状況にあるが百合はリバこそが神髄だよな!! Such role-reversals are a highly doubtful proposition in Boys' Love stories, but for yuri they represent the true and purest essence! ...って思わずSSが一本出来ちまったぜ! ...wait, I accidentally went and wrote an entire short story! しかし実際は宮鳥x藤ヶ谷なのに Even though in reality I'm a staunch Miyatori/Fujigaya supporter... 宮鳥には何か悪いことした気もする... I sort of feel like I did something really bad to Miyatori... よし! Very well then! じゃ宮鳥のフォローストーリーも作るか! I'll simply have to write Miyatori's follow-up story! 大抵 そういうのは余りものカップル的になりがちだが Typically, in that situation, she'd have to choose from one of the characters left over... 安心しろ宮鳥そうはさせねぇ!! But worry not, Miyatori! No way are we settling for that!! ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ dun dun dun dun dun キマシタワーー!!! Here it comes--!!! [Note: This is a line from the anime "Strawberry Panic" which became a Japanese internet joke.] ---[ 12 / 32 | CCF_0035.png ]--- ピピーッ tweeeet はっ Ah! 藤ヶ谷さん交代ーー! Sub in, Fujigaya-san! ...! 松岡に動きが!? ...! What's Matsuoka's move here!? ...これは ...this is... さっ whip そーれっ Readyyyy... バン whap 果たしてどう読む!? How to read her...? ズバンッ spike ピピーッ tweeeet わー わー Yes! Way to go! やった! 藤ヶ谷さん素敵だわ!! Oh, how splendid! Fujigaya-san, you are truly magnificent! [Note: When Keisuke is narrating Ryou's (imagined) thoughts, his speech is in a highly feminine form. This is much less obvious in English, so it's possible a font change or quotation marks may be necessary to distinguish these lines.] 思わず目で追っちゃう! My eyes seem to follow you on their own! ...つ でもあなたの心には宮鳥さんが... Ah, but of course... your heart already belongs to Miyatori-san... ---[ 13 / 32 | CCF_0036.png ]--- この調子でいこー!! Let's keep it going! Just like this! あっ...! Ah...! いけない!! Oh no!! そーれっ Readyyyy... バシャ whap ピッ tweet ふっ turn 私 変に思われなかったかしら... Oh my... I do hope she doesn't think I'm a weirdo... そっち行ったよ Coming right at you! 沙織! Saori! そうよね私が入り込める隙間なんて... Of course, it's hopeless. There's simply not enough of a gap between them for me to ever enter... でも諦めるなんて無理 私どうすれば... Yet still, I can't bring myself to give up! Oh, what should I do... ...って! ...wait! まさかの Don't tell me 松岡リアルヘタレ攻めなのか!? Matsuoka is /actually/ a real-life "Pathetic Aggressor"!? [Note: Doubtful. More fan jargon here.] カッ flash す... wshhh あれは!! That's!! さっき藤ヶ谷に触れた指先... The finger Fujigaya touched this morning... ---[ 14 / 32 | CCF_0037.png ]--- サァァァァ whiiiiishhhhh 決まりだ!!これは That settles any remaining doubt!! This is-- 「百合名場面名鑑」収録 as listed in the Directory of Famous Yuri Scenes-- 「あなたに触れた指先がいとおしい」 "The Finger You Touched Is Precious To Me"! 松岡がひそかに想いを寄せる藤ヶ谷には既に好きな女の子宮鳥がいて藤ヶ谷には宮鳥のような女の子らしい女の子がタイプだから凛と構えた松岡は意識すらして貰えない!! Matsuoka is secretly in love with Fujigaya. However, Fujigaya already loves Miyatori, who, as the very girlish sort of girl, is exactly her type. Therefore Matsuoka is left to maintain a dignified front, even as her beloved fails to pay her even the slightest notice! ---[ 15 / 32 | CCF_0038.png ]--- 現実は妄想よ百合なり...か...!!! So... truth is yurier than fiction, is it...!!! おまえ輝いてるぜ松岡!! 俺の妄想(フィルター)完敗だ!! I'm dazzled, Matsuoka! A light as of that from the sun blazes forth from you! Truly, what I saw through the filter of my delusions could not compare! ...ん?まてよ? ...hum? Hold on a second? 俺はこの状況を知っている? Have I encountered this situation before? 想い人が決してノンケではなく 女の子を好きになる女の子だからこそ Your beloved is a girl with no interest in boys, only falling in love with other girls-- 余計に感じる せつない百合トライアングル... yet precisely due to this, you yourself feel doubly unwanted! That kind of heartrendingly painful yuri triangle... そうか! これはまさに I see! This is none other than... 「ささめきこと」!! /Sasameki Koto/!! いけだたかし先生大ファンです!!コミックスはもちろんDVDもコンプリート!! I'm a huge fan of Ikeda Takashi-sensei!! Naturally I own every volume, as well as the complete anime series on DVD!! ウルトラマンのお面を見るたび未だに涙止まりません!! Even now, whenever I see an Ultraman mask, the tears just won't stop!! ささめきラジオも聞いてました! I also greatly enjoyed the radio adaptation! 百合姫Sの倉田英之氏との対談も楽しく拝見しました!! As well as the dialogue between Ikeda-sensei and Kurata Hideyoshi printed in /Yuri Hime S/!! [Note: Kurata Hideyoshi is a novelist (R.O.D.) and screenwriter (Kamichu). He wrote the Sasameki Koto anime adaptation. The dialogue referred to appears at the end of Yuri Hime S Vol. 11.] しかしなぜ百合姫はいけだ先生に執筆をお願いしないんだ However, how is it that /Yuri Hime/ still has never asked him to draw any manga for them? 仕事しろよ編集部!!! Do your job, Editorial Department!!! 危ねえ花寺!! Heads up, Hanadera!! はっ... Ahh... ドムッ DOME PIECE! 松岡...わかるぞ 手に取るようにお前の哀しみが Matsuoka, I understand. Your sadness--I understand it all too perfectly. ならば百合を愛する者として That being the case, there's really only one thing 俺のすべきことはただ一つ!!! for a lover of yuri to do!!! ぐっ clench ---[ 16 / 32 | CCF_0039.png ]--- 松岡! Matsuoka! ドン dun ...よく頑張った ...you've fought bravely. 辛かったな... It was painful, I know... ざっ ざっ ざっ fwsh fwsh fwsh いや 実は You see, the truth is 先程から松岡の様子拝見させて貰ったんだが for a little while now, I've taken the liberty of observing your situation. 宮鳥はとても魅力的な女子だから Miyatori is a young woman of considerable charm. ざっ FWSH 藤ヶ谷が惹かれるのも仕方のないことだけど It's inevitable that Fujigaya would be much taken with her. 松岡にだって可能性があったからこそ余計に辛い恋だと思う Truly, I find your disappointed yearning all the more bitter for the possibility, the /feasibility/ in it. 彼女らの絆は親友のそれをはるかに超えてもはや However, there can be no doubt... the bond between those two has left common friendship far behind, has already become... ---[ 17 / 32 | CCF_0040.png ]--- 愛 Love. ヒュゥゥゥゥ whsshhhhh それを毎日のように目の当たりにしなければならない松岡の気持ち Forced to witness this every day, Matsuoka, the depth of your suffering... 言わずとも痛いほど伝わって来るさ though you speak of it not, I assure you, it is conveyed. だが However, 辛くても 性別を超えて誰かを愛するという その気持ちだけは捨てないで欲しい Bitterness though it ofttimes brings, I ask you not to throw it away: that feeling of a love which transcends petty gender boundaries. それはとても素晴らしいことだと思う... For I think that is, verily, a most glorious thi-- ち! H- ちょっと待て 松岡! Hold on a second, Matsuoka! 口外されることを心配しているのか? Might you be afraid I'll let your secret out? 安心しろ間違ってもそんなことはしない! Be assured, I would never do such a thing! そのあたりも含めて俺は全てわかっているから! The delicacy of these situations is something I understand perfectly as well! お前の力になりたいんだ! I want to help you! ---[ 18 / 32 | CCF_0041.png ]--- ...一番奥にしまって誰にも触れさせたくないもの ...the things we keep buried deepest, the things we won't permit anyone to touch-- それが本当に大切なもの Those are truly the most precious things. え?一番奥? Huh? Buried deepest? ワイルドローズ? Wildrose? 本命 Heart's Desire 最終防衛ライン Last Line of Defense ダミー Dummy 図解!!啓介のベッド下 Schematic!! Beneath Keisuke's Bed 妹 Lil Sis そ...それはどういう... Wh... what exactly do you... なんにも You really 分かってない don't understand a thing. ...そうか... ...I see... そうやって今まで全てを自分の中にしまい込み Exactly thus, you've so long had to keep it all tucked away inside yourself... 誰に気づいて貰えることもなく独り苦しんでいたんだな... Unnoticed by the rest of the world, silently, alone, facing your anguish... つー... rghhhh... ---[ 19 / 32 | CCF_0042.png ]--- だがもう大丈夫だ But it's all right now. これからは辛いなら俺に言えばいい From here on out, whatever may pain you, I'll gladly listen to it! 俺はおまえの見方だよ! I am your ally! さあ松岡!! Come now, Matsuoka!! 俺ならばお前の哀しみを受け止めてやれる! That sorrow of yours--I can receive it all! 無理 Impossible. いや できるさ! It /is/ possible! なぜなら俺は!! How, you ask? Because /I AM/...!! ---[ 20 / 32 | CCF_0043.png ]--- 百合姫...いや From the first issue of /Yuri Hime/... no! ビシッ zish 百合姉妹創刊から!! From the very first issue of /Yuri Shimai/!! ザシャッ zash 百合雑誌の全てを!!! A person who has read, in entirety, 隅々まで欠かさず読んでいるから!!!! every single yuri magazine in existence!!!! ズバァァン Za-baaaaam! [Note: this sound effect spans the two pages.] ---[ 21 / 32 | CCF_0044.png ]--- ---[ 22 / 32 | CCF_0045.png ]--- ---[ 23 / 32 | CCF_0046.png ]--- ---[ 24 / 32 | CCF_0047.png ]--- ---[ 25 / 32 | CCF_0048.png ]--- ---[ 26 / 32 | CCF_0049.png ]--- ドギャァァァァン bu-dowwwwwww なっ W- なぜ... Wh- に...!!!! Why...!!!! ---[ 27 / 32 | CCF_0050.png ]--- ドシャッ wa-boosh 変なこと言わないで Please don't say such strange things. 藤ヶ谷さんとはただのクラスメイト Fujigaya-san is just a classmate. それ以上でもそれ以下でもない Nothing more or less. な...ならばなぜ目を逸ら... Th... then why always avert your eyes from her...? 目が悪いから凝視して目が合えばバツが悪くもなるそれだけ My eyes are bad, so I tend to stare. When I meet someone else's eyes, it's awkward. That's all. では Then... 物憂げに抱いていた指先は... That finger, that you were cradling so languorously... ...プリントで ...I got a paper cut. 切った手が痛い From the handout. It hurts. ---[ 28 / 32 | CCF_0051.png ]--- 俺としたことが! For me, of all people...! なんたる失態!!! What a monumental blunder!!! 百合とは男の思考では決して計りしれぬもの Yuri is something whose depths can never be fathomed by the male mental faculty. 男の身で理解したつもりになりこの手で触れようなどとは言語道断!! For a man to pretend to understanding and try to lay his uncouth hand upon it is an inexcusable outrage!! わかっていたはずなのに...!! Even though I knew that, I still...!! これは Is this その報いと the price I pay いうことか... for such hubris...!? ---[ 29 / 32 | CCF_0052.png ]--- 求めよ Desire it! されど与えられず Though even then, it will not be granted thee. 尋ねよ Seek it! されど見出せず Though even then, it will not be revealed to you. 門を叩け Knock upon the gate! されど開かれず It will not open for you. 否 門を叩く  Nay: for even to knock upon that gate それ自体が禁忌 is forbidden to you. 哀しい哉 A congress of sorrows, an assembly of heartbreaks--alas! それが 百合男子 That is... a /Yuri Danshi/!... ---[ 30 / 32 | CCF_0053.png ]--- キーンコーン ding dong がら slide 茜ごめんね Akane, I'm really sorry. 茜の言うとおり気にしても仕方ないし誤解なら松岡さんに悪いし You were exactly right... worrying about it won't do any good, and if it's just a misunderstanding, it's pretty rude to Matsuoka-san... えっ あー! Eh? Oh, that...! 沙織のスパイクがかっこ良過ぎて忘れちゃった! The truth is, Saori's spike was so cool I forgot all about it! [Note: i.e., her general spiking ability, not an individual spike] そ そんなこと O- Oh, come on, that's... あるある! 私惚れ直したもーん! I'm telling you! I fell for you all over again! ...よかった ...thank goodness. ---[ 31 / 32 | CCF_0054.png ]--- そうだよな Yes, of course. 俺がどうこうできることじゃないんだ This isn't a journey I can accompany them on. あれ? Oh? 花寺くん 眼鏡してないね Hanadera-kun, you're not wearing your glasses? めずらしい How rare い いや 今日はそういう気分で We- well, ha ha, somehow I just felt like it... ピリ rip ---[ 32 / 32 | CCF_0055.png ]---