(part 6) A Bit After 3000 Days and 3 Seconds [1/9 (0044.png)] 3000日と3秒とあと少し A Bit After 3000 Days and 3 Seconds 新しい生活 新しい学校 I'll have a new rhythm, a new school 新しく出会う人達 People to meet for the first time でも However その中で私は Amongst all of this きっとお前の姿を探すよ I know I'll be keeping an eye out for you. [2/9 (0045.png)] (sheet) 麻雀部 新入部員 Mahjong Clu New Membe (sfx) トン。 chak …はぁ ...Sigh. 新入員、来るだろうか… Will we get any new members...? 大丈夫ですよ! Everything will be fine! 去年の先輩達の活躍を聞いた人は多いはずです A lot of students must have heard about the exploits of our senpai from last year. ーうーむ Hmmm... 先輩達の存在が大きすぎてプレッシャーが… Those senpai were larger-than-life. There's some pressure... また~ There is that... [3/9 (0046.png)] でも But 加治木先輩、凄い方でしたね Kajiki-senpai was an amazing person. 誰よりも一生懸命 She took it more seriously than anyone. 高校に入ってから麻雀を始めたなんて信じられないね It's hard to believe that she didn't start playing Mahjong until high school. たまにちょっと強情かなって思うことはありましたけど I did, at times, think she was perhaps a bit headstrong 勝ちたい、皆で全国に行きたいって気持ちが伝わってきたから But once we understood her desire to win and go to the nationals with everyone 私達も素直に先輩について行きたいって思えたなぁ I think we could say we honestly wanted to follow her there. [4/9 (0047.png)] でも部長ではないんだよな But she wasn't the club president. ずっと言われてましたね I was always being told so. (gray text) 失礼だぞー How rude! (gray text) ワハハ ワハハ wah hah hah wah hah hah でも、いざ部長になってみたら But, now that I've had a chance to be president 蒲原先輩の存在も大きかったんだなって思えたよ I think Kanbara-senpai was larger-than-life, too. あんなにのほほーんとしてるのに Even though she's so happy-go-lucky 妙に鋭いところがありますよね智実ちゃんは Satomi-chan has her oddly sharp moments. 合宿の時だったかな、桃子さんが言ってましたよ I think it was during training camp, Momoko-san was saying どこか納得の行かない気持ちだったことに部長さんが気づいててびっくりしたって She was surprised when the president realized she was having trouble accepting some of her emotions. ーうん ...Yeah. [5/9 (0048.png)] プレッシャーは感じるが I do feel the pressure 私は私に出来る事をやらねばな But I've got to do what I can. 私もまぐれじゃなく実力で勝てるようになりたいです And I'd like to be able to win with skill, not by chance. 桃子さんもやる気ですし Momoko-san is determined, too. 「先輩の夢は私が代わりに叶えるっす!」って You know, "Dude, I'll make Senpai's dreams come true in her place!" …やっぱり動機は加治木先輩なんだな ...Figures it's because of Kajiki-senpai. そんな仕方ないんじゃないかなぁ It couldn't be any other way, could it? そういえば 今日は桃子、遅いな Speaking of, Momoko is late today, eh? あ Oh! 私さっき廊下で見つけました I saw her in the hall a minute ago. 屋上寄ってからくるそうです She said she'll be along after stopping by the roof. [6/9 (0049.png)] 先輩お元気っすか How you doing, dude? 新しい生活はどうっすか You settling into your new rhythm? あの時言ってくれたように Like you told me that one time たまに私の姿を探してくれているんすか? Are you keeping an eye out for me here and there? むっちゃん先輩もかおりん先輩も Mucchan-senpai and Kaorin-senpai both 手探りながらも麻雀部の為に奔走してるっすよ Are sort of fumbling around, but putting in work for the Mahjong club. 私も、がんばるっす And dude, I'm doing my best, too. [7/9 (0050.png)] 先輩の姿のない学校はやっぱり寂しくて Like I thought, the school's lonesome without you around あと二年が遠くなる程長い時間に思える事もあるっすけど And sometimes I think two more years is long enough for us to grow distant 先輩が色んな場所に思い出を残してくれたから But you left memories in a lot of places for me, dude. 私やってけそうっすよ I think I'll pull through. よーし Alright! 部室に向こうっすかね Guess I should head to the clubroom. ー先輩 Senpai [8/9 (0051.png)] 私ずっとずっと I will always, always 先輩の事が大好きっす love you, dude. おわり End [9/9 (0043.png)] 3000日と3秒とあとすこし A Bit After 3000 Days and 3 Seconds ・「3000日と3秒」の続きっぽい漫画。 Sort of a continuation manga for "3000 Days and 3 Seconds;" かじゅ先輩と蒲原さんが卒業した後の話です。 a story from after Kaju-senpai and Kanbara-san have graduated. あの2人のあとを継ぐむっきーのプレッシャーは凄いだろうな…。 Taking the reins from the two of them, the pressure on Mukki must be intense...