pg23 >all text put a period at the end to each text pg24 >last panel, left bubble comma after "alien" change the period to a question mark pg25 >panel 1, bubble 3 comma after "God" >p2,aside(text under the bubble) comma after "Temple" pg26 >p1,b1 comma after "USA" pg28 >text in the black box the last memory -> the last memory of my family pg29 >p2,aside Have to get ready -> Have to get ready. >p5,b1 It -> It's pg32 >p3,b1 comma after "calm" >p3,b2 actually a hard worker. -> you're actually a hard worker. pg33 >p1,b1 Besides -> Besides, make text smaller if necessary >p3 make text smaller pg34 >p4,box capitalize the "p" and "b" add space after colon make text smaller >p4, right aside comma after "day-offs" pg35 >p5, both asides add period