(stories) 格ゲー敬遠ゼロだけど、たった一度の練習で才能の片鱗をみせた揺篭みのる。プロゲーマーを目指してゲーマー の腕を磨く四条。二人の出会いは偶然だけど、みのるの才能にほれ込んだ四条は、彼女を格ゲーの世界へといざなうのだった。少女たちの挑戦がここからはじまる‼ 偶然入ったゲームセンターで始めて格ゲーをプレイしたみのる。同じ制服を着た四条という子と対戦するが、結果はぼろ負けだった。対戦後に四条から操作の手ほどきをうけたみのるは、ふたたび彼女と対戦。すると今度は四条が本気になるくらい見事なガードをみせる。みのるに才能を感じた四条は彼女を自分のチームの誘うけど、みのるは親の都合でラスベガスへの引越し直前で…。 Yurikago Minoru had zero experience with fighting games, but after one round of practice, showed a glimpse of her talent. Shijou is an aspiring pro gamer polishing her skillz. They met by chance, but after being captivated by Minoru's talent, Shijou invited her into the world of fighting games. Their challenge begins here!! Minoru entered the arcade by change and and started playing her first fighting game. She fought a girl wearing the same uniform called "Shijou," which resulted in utter defeat. After the match, Minoru learned the basic controlls from Shijou, and they played again. Then, Minoru showed off splendid blocking, a match for a Shijou playing for real. Shijou, feeling the talent in Minoru, invites her to join her team, but Minoru is about to move to Las Vegas due to family circumstances... (bubble) 私と一緒に格闘ゲームやって Play fighting games with me! (caption) 格闘ゲームの世界へ、一緒に! To the world of fighting games, together! いつかみのれば 格闘ゲームに青春をかける少女たち The girls spending their youth on fighting games 揺篭みのる Yurikago Minoru ゲーム未経験の素人 A novice with no experience in video games 勉強が苦手で目立った取柄もないと思っている高校生。ゲーム初心者だけど、反応速度や動体視力など格闘ゲームに重要の要素を兼ね備えていることが明らかに。格闘かの父親と母親と一緒にラスベガスへ引っ越す予定だったが…。 A high school student with an outstanding inability to study who thinks she has no thinks she has no redeeming features. A complete beginner at video games, her combination of reaction speed and hand-eye coordination, critical for fighting games, is obvious. She /did/ have plans to move to Las Vegas with her mother and martial artist father soon... 四条 Shijou プロゲーマーを目指す少女 A girl who aspires to be a pro gamer プロゲーマーになるべく日夜腕を磨いてる少女。たまたま対戦したみのりに格闘ゲームの操作法を教えるうち、彼女の才能に気づいて「一緒に格闘ゲームをやって」と勧誘する。「四条」はプレイヤーネームで本名は…。 A girl who polishes her skill as much as she can, night and day, to become a professional. While teaching Minoru, whom she fought by chance, how to play fighting games, she recognized her talent and beckoned her: "Play fighting games with me." "Shijou" is her gamertag, and her real name is... プロゲーマー? A pro gamer? 大会映像の中のゲーマー A gamer from a tournament being screened ゲームセンターに流れていた映像の中に登場する女性プロゲーマー。外国の大柄な男性プレイヤーを倒す姿に、みのるは「格好いい」と憧れを抱いたが、四条は別の感情を抱いているようで…。 A female gamer featured in a tournament being shown in the arcade. Minoru saw her defeating a buff male player from abroad and was impressed by how cool she looked. But it seems that Shijou was taken by a different emotion...