06.png N-Not at all. You're imagining things. -> N—Not at all. You're imagining things. I thought she was buttering us up for something, but I'm wrong? -> She must be buttering us up for something. I wouldn't trust it completely. -> There's no way she's not after something. 10.png Book: ・About Switching Personalities -> On Swapping Bodies ・See if you can fully justify the columns. That will make it look more like a magazine or cookbook. ・Spaces after the bullets in the "Prepare the following" list ・Don't actually put tildes after "Step one;" the original just has scribbles, and even picking ろうそく out of the original is being liberal. Try rotating the scribbles 90 degrees to match the reading flow of English, or use some similar gobbledegook to match. You can always apply a filter like a blur to text to come up with something that looks like it might be legible, but isn't. Use at own discretion -> use black magic reponsibly (If you need this to be shorter in order to be legible at this resolution, try "Curse responsibly")