Cotton Candy, Part 1 Hamano Ringo 41 Just watching her is enough. (beep) 42 (turn) On her way home, she always sits at the very back of the bus. She gets off one stop before me. Just one time, during summer, there was a boy with her. Every time since, she's been alone. Everybody calls her "Hinako." (Ding!) [sign:]Request Stop 43 That's all I know about Kashiwagi-san, from my class. Mei-an Temple. Last stop. Thank you for riding with us today. (fsshuuuu) [sign] [top:]Today's Lunch Specials [bottom:] We have cotton candy (ring ring) Hello, welcome... Mii. (Welcome back) Bun-chan. Mind if I do my knitting? 44 Sure, but... But? Mii, don't you have any friends at school? I'm worried. You're always here alone knitting like an old maid. I have friends! (Don't call me that!) Bun-chan is my cousin. She runs a cafe in my neighborhood. I'd feel better if I saw you bring a nice boy along one time. No, there aren't any boys I want to bring. (pull) (Keeps yarn in her bag so it doesn't roll) Mii. Cocoa for you? Yes, please. Cotton candy pleeeeeease! Ooh. (lift) Hello. Just a moment, please. One, right? Yeah! 45 (shake) (whirrrr) Here you are. 50 yen. Thank you. (Be careful with it) You're still selling cotton candy? Wasn't that for the summer festival? Yep. There's nowhere to get it in winter. It makes the kids happy. Want some, Mii? You used to love it. (I remember you got it all the time) No, thank you. 46 Just watching is enough. As long as I'm just watching the things I love... Hinako. Somebody wants you. What? Who's that? That's Tanaka from class 5. Again, Hinako? She's so popular. you can't say I'm /in/ love. (Wow, Kashiwagi-san...) 47 Bus to Mei-an Temple, Mei-an Temple. Here, please take my seat. Oh, you don't have to... (Thank you) It's fine! Kashiwagi-san!? She's right next to me. (ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump) This is the first time. Next stop is... All passengers for the Hamano Clinic... 48 (fwump) Oh... Oh. (click clack) Whoa. Ehhhhhh!? (zzzz) Wh... What do I do? (zz) Uh. Um... She's so warm. Now arriving at the Orchards. What!? This is her stop!! (tizz tizz) (Ding!) [sign:]Request Stop 49 Hey. Kashiwagi-san. (nudge nudge) It's at the Orchards... Mmm? We've arrived at the Orchards... anyone getting off? (jump) Ah! (jolt) (rush rush) (Ack!) I'm getting off, I'm getting off! (I'm sorryyy!) (turn) Thank you! 50 Wow... (pat) Good morning! Ah. Sorry about yesterday. I fell asleep right on you. (I must have been heavy) N- No, it's fine. Ichikawa-san, right? (From my class) What's your first name? Mii. "Mii-chan"!? So cute! 51 So few people ride our bus. I always wanted to try talking to you. But you never met my eyes. I thought maybe you hated me. Huh? N- No, I don't hate you! I always... I wanted to try talking to you, Kashiwagi-san... also... (giggle) Call me Hinako! Okay, Mii-chan? (Good to meet you!) What do I do... Mii-chan! (Let's go home together!) 52 I'm so happy. Mii. Did something good happen lately? N... No, nothing happened. (pull) Hmm. Inside the classroom, we're still far apart. But... Your scarf is so cute, Mii. (And soft) 53 Where'd you get it? Oh. Um... I made it. What!? You made this? Yourself!? Yeah. Amazing! You're so great with your hands. (I could never do this) But... your nails are always so cute, Hinako-chan. This is nothing. My brother's girlfriend likes to practice on me Oh, really? Yeah. Actually, I don't really like it very much. You don't? Yeah... It makes me seem really girly, right? (I mean, I do like cute stuff...) I'm actually pretty boyish. I'm different from what people expect. So I'm always dealing with their disappointment. 54 Who? Boys? That's right. It's a pain. But, well... At least my fingers look pretty. (Not a bad perk) Oogh. And you? You don't paint your nails? Ah, no, I don't. My skin is weak. (My nails too) Oh, geez, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it like that... Huh? Oh, it's fine. (Heh heh...) They crack so easily. They look ratty. 55 Such small hands. These hands made such a cute scarf. There's no way they could look ratty. Your hands are beautiful, Mii. 56 Th... Thank you... It won't work. 57 My love... will never work.