523 10話 名もなき心 Chapter 10 Nameless Heart ここでさよならですね I guess this is good bye. ですね I guess. 欠けた月とドーナッツ Crescent Moon and Doughnuts ・・・うちでご飯食べていきませんか ...Would you like to come over for dinner? いいんですか すばるちゃんに連絡もなしに Is that okay? We haven't told Subaru-chan. ひな子さんなら Hinako-san いつでも歓迎です You're always welcome. 524 え~と 誰だっけ!? Uhh Who are you again?? いやひどくない? 風香さんだよ Come on, that's cruel! It's Fuuka-san. そーだった 全然ウチ来ないから顔忘れてた Oh, that's who it is. You haven't been around in so long I forgot your face. 受験やら春期講習やらで ここ半年忙しかったの! Between entrance exams and spring courses I've been busy for the past half year! あーあー お勉強の話やめてくださーい Ohhh Please don't bring up studying! 525 ほら! いつものから揚げ買ってきたよすばる好きでしょ Look! I brought fried chicken like always. It's what you like, right? きょうのおかず!! Today's side dish!! ・・・うん ありがと ...Yeah. Thank you. あとねこやのお団子! おばあさまがよく食べてたやつ I also got dango from Nekoya! The ones your grandmother used to eat. 風香ちゃんよく覚えてんね Fuuka-chan, you remembered. 高校のときよくおやつに出してもらったから I got a lot of snacks here back in high school. ふーかさんだよー It's Fuuka-san! ふーかちゃんだっ Fuuka-chan! 昔はほんといつもいたよね I was here all the time back then. この家落ち着くんだよ ザ・おばあちゃんちって感じだからかな いつ来ても何も変わんないし This house is calm and relaxing. It has that grandma's house feel. Whenever I come over, everything's just the same. ・・・変わるよ アタシも ねーちゃんも ...Things change. I do Nee-chan does 526 風香ちゃんが変わって欲しくないって思ってるだけ It's just you who doesn't want anything to change. 確かに変わった!!冷たい~! お姉さん今日の三者面談で身も心もボロボロなのに! 優しくして! You really have changed!! So cold~ And after being worn ragged body and soul by all the parent and child meetings today! Be sweet to me! なら彼女のとこ行けば? If that's what you want, why don't you go see your girlfriend? ぎゅーっ Squeeeze どの子のこと? Which one? 最悪 そーいうとこだかんな You're awful. That's what's wrong with you. もー離れて ご飯作るから Now let me go So I can make dinner. ありがとー優しい Thank you! You're so sweet. ほんと 最悪 She's really The worst. 527 あんたが本当に優しくされたいのは ねーちゃんなくせに The one she really wants to be sweet to her Is Nee-chan. ・・・おっ 勉強してた?えらいえらい ...Ah! You've been studying? Impressive. うん ちょうどいーや後で教えて Yep. You should help me study later. いいですよもちろん Of course! I don't mind. すばるも来年受験でしょ? You're taking entrance exams next year, right? うちの塾興味あるならいつでも言ってよ Let me know if you're ever interested our cram school. ピッピッ Beep Beep あ~・・・ Yeah... ちゃんと考えてる? あさひもあんたを大学にってずっと頑張ってるんだからね Really think about it. Asahi has been working hard to send you to college. 528 風香ちゃんには関係なーい It's none of your business. タン! Thump! 関係なくはないだろ あたしからすればすばるは妹みたいなもんだし It is my business. You're like a little sister to me, Subaru. あ~ ビール飲みたい Ah~ I could use a beer. ビールは? Do you have any? なーい Nope! やっぱり? あさひに頼もうかな Guess not. Maybe I'll ask Asahi... ガラッ Rattle ・・・ただいま ...I'm home. 529 ウワセをすれば! Wouldn't you know! ばっ Whoosh おーす あさひ・・・ Hey! Asahi... おかえり・・・ Welcome back... ・・・誰? ...Who? 530 風香来てたの Fuuka is here. あ~うん 仕事やっと落ち着いてさ Ah~ yeah. Things finally settled down at work. 呼び捨て・・・ No "san"... んで? どちら様? So? Who might this be? えと 私は・・・っ Um I'm-- 風香こちら職場の同僚 宇野ひな子さん Fuuka, this is my co-worker Uno Hinako-san. はじめまして宇野です It's good to meet you. I'm Uno. ぺこっ Bow ひな子さん こちらは・・・ Hinako-san This is... 職場の同僚 Co-worker... ぎゅう・・・ Squeeze そうだよね・・・ Of course... 531 あさひの高校の同級生で唯一無二の友人! I'm Asahi's classmate from high school, and one and only friend! 横山風香です あさひがいつもお世話になっております! Yokoyama Fuuka. Thank you for always taking good care of Asahi! 唯一無二とか自分で言う? Did you call yourself my one and only friend? そうだろだってあたし以外友だちいないじゃん It's true, isn't it? You don't have any others. あっははっ Ah haha! ほら~ See? あさひさんのお友だち・・・ Asahi-san's friend... ・・・じゃあ私 今日は帰りますね ...Then I guess I'll be going. スッ Glide えっ Eh? 532 待ってください Hold on. パン! Clap! ヨシ!! いいよいいよ皆でごはん食べようよ! Alright!! Let's all eat together. It'll be great! ほらひな子ちゃん上がって! あひな子ちゃんって呼んでいいよね? Now come on in, Hinako-chan! Ah, is "Hinako-chan" okay? え? はいっ Eh? Yes. 533 じっ Stare わ わかりました I-- I'll stay. まさかあさひがこんな可愛い子連れ込んでるなんてね To think Asahi would bring such a cutie home with her. スッ Slide 今宵は宴じゃ!! Tonight we celebrate!! 変な言い方しないで Don't talk like that. あたしに黙って・・・ You didn't tell me... 言う必要ない There was no reason to. 久々に会った友だちにその態度!かわいくなーい Is this how you act to a friend you haven't seen in a while? Not very becoming! 今更でしょう・・・いつぶり? You mean after all this time... How long has it been? 半年ぶり?時間経つの早くない? Half a year? Hasn't the time just flown? それ前来たときも言ってた You used to tell me when you were coming by. 534 で~? ひな子ちゃんはなんでこんな堅物と仲良くなったの? So, Hinako-chan How did you end up with this stick-in-the-mud over here? つんつん Nudge Nudge 風香行儀悪い You have no manners. ある朝パンをくわえて走ってたねーちゃん 2丁目の角でひな子ちゃんとぶつかって・・・ One morning Nee-chan was running with a slice of bread in her mouth When she ran into Hinako-chan coming around the corner... ん? Huh? なにそれマンガ? What's that, a manga? 同僚だって言ったでしょう Didn't I tell you we're co-workers? ちく Prick 535 ・・・あさひさんは ...When I was troubled 悩んでた私に優しくしてくれたんです Asahi-san was kind to me. ・・・ほ~? ひな子ちゃんの前ではかわいこブッてんのか ...Oh~? So you put on a cute act around Hinako-chan? ぶってない I'm not acting. あっ ちょっと風香ちゃん勝手にレモンかけんな! Ah! Don't just squeeze lemon on the chicken, Fuuka-chan! あれ? ごめんごめん Huh? Oh, sorry. 536 カチャ Clack ジャー Shaaa カチャ Clack カチャ Clack カチャ Clack ザー・・・ Shaaa ひな子さんすみません 私のわがままで引き留めたうえ後片付けまで Sorry, Hinako-san. I made you stay, and now you're even helping clean up. いえっ Don't 私のほうこそ ・・・お邪魔しちゃったんで I should apologize ...For butting in. ジャー Shaaa ジャー Shaaa スッ Fwoosh ひな子さん Hinako-san 537 ぱしっ Pass 私がいてほしいから ここにいてもらってるんです I wanted you here So you stayed for my sake. カーッ Blush ・・・すみませんまた甘えてしまいました ...Sorry, I made you spoil me again. お互い様です でも不安なときは私に聞いてくださると助かります That goes for both of us. But it's good that you talk to me when you're worried. 仕事と一緒ですね Like at work. はい・・・ Yes... 538 じゃあ ごちそう様でした ...Well Thanks for dinner. 送りますよ 足ケガされてますし I'll see you home Since your foot is hurt. 大丈夫ですよ I'm fine! はーい Heeey ならあたしと帰ろひな子ちゃん! 駅までだけど I'll take you home, Hinako-chan! To the station, at least. 学生時代のアレコレひな子ちゃんに吹き込んでやる I'll fill you in on everything from our school days. は!? 風香! Huh?? Fuuka! はい さよなら~ Alright Good bye, now! ・・・大丈夫かな ...I wonder if she'll be alright. どっちのこと? Who will? 539 ほうほう 家この辺なんだ近所とはね What do you know So you live around here. You're neighbors. はい それでよくごはんとか呼んでくれて Yes. That's why she invites me over a lot. びっくりしたよ It really surprised me. 今まであさひが職場の人と仲良く なんてなかったから Until now, Asahi has never Gotten along with anyone from work. 色々偶然が重なったというか I guess a lot of things just came together. よかったです仲良くなれて It's great that you've gotten close. とんっ Poke 540 ネイルきらいだよ Your nails are pretty. あさひのネイル ひな子ちゃんがやったんだ? Were you the one Who did Asahi's nails? ・・・はい この前 ...Yes The other day. 大変だよ~? It's hard, isn't it? あさひみたいなの好きになると Being in love with someone like Asahi. 541 鈍感だし恋愛って概念すっぽ抜けてるし She's so thick headed, and the whole idea of romance goes right over her head. あと・・・ Also... えっ Eh? 恋愛ですか!? こ・・・恋!? Romance?? L-love?? え? Eh? 恋・・・ Love... あれ違う? ひな子ちゃんもあたしと同じだと思ったんだけど Am I wrong? I thought you were the same as me. 風香さんと The same? 同じって言うのは・・・? What do you mean...? 542 あ~そうそう Oh, that's right. あたし女が好きなの I like women. ごめんね 勝手に決めつけてそっかそっか Sorry I'm just jumping to conclusions. ほっ Phew ただの同僚なん・・・ So you're just co-work-- いえっ! No! ・・・でも私 こんな気持ちはじめてで ...But I've Never felt like this before. 恋なのかどうかまだ・・・ Whether it's love or something else, I don't know... 好きならキスしたいなーとかあるでしょ 普通に If you're in love, you want to, you know, kiss and that sort of thing, right? Normally speaking. 543 キ・・・キス K... Kiss? ぱっ Flush そうか・・・っ 恋するならそういうこともしなくちゃいけないんですよね・・・っ I see... Being in love means you have to do stuff like that, doesn't it... あー・・・ じゃあひな子ちゃんは Ah... So I guess あさひとキスしたくない? You don't want to kiss Asahi? 544 実際・・・あさひは大変だよ 自分が恋愛対象になるなんて考えないし The truth is... Asahi is a lot of trouble. She doesn't even think of herself as a target of love. 駆け引き通用しないし いつまでもすばるが一番 And there's no reasoning with her-- Subaru always comes first. 好きになっても辛いだけで・・・ Falling in love with her would only be painful... 風香さんは Fuuka-san あさひさんが好きなんですか Do you love Asahi-san? 545 ずるいよね 友だちヅラしてずっとそばにいるんだから It's cheating, isn't it? Playing the part of her friend just so I can be with her. ゴンッ Thump あ~っ Ahhhh! ガンッ Bang ガンッ Bang 何やってんだ 大人げない!! What am I doing! I'm being so immature!! 546 あさひとキス You don't want to したくない? Kiss Asahi? キス・・・ Kiss... あさひさんと・・・? Asahi-san...? 547 ・・・細い手首の骨 Her slender wrist... ちいさい唇 Small lips... ぞっ Shudder ばっ Whoosh うわあっ Uwahh! 548 ・・・できない ...I can't do it. 佐藤あさひ 拒否 応答 Satou Asahi Decline Accept ブーッ ブー Vrrrr Vrrrr ブーッ ブーッ Vrrrr Vrrrr ・・・はい ...Yes? 佐藤です すみません遅くに This is Satou. Sorry for calling you late. 549 もしかして寝ていましたか? Were you sleeping? いえ! 逆に寝付けなくてボーっとしてました No! Actually I couldn't sleep, so I was just staring off. 子守歌でもうたいますか Want me to sing you a lullaby? えーっ聴きたい! Ehh? I do! 有料ですよ It'll cost you. ・・・風香は ご迷惑おかけしませんでしたか? ...Fuuka didn't Bother you, did she? ・・・はい ぜんぜん・・・ ...No Not at all... そうですか良かった I see. That's good. それだけなんですが少しお話したくて That's all. I just wanted to talk to you a little. 550 おやすみなさい また明日 Good night. See you tomorrow. プッ Beep おやすみなさい Good night. また明日 See you tomorrow. たった一言で With just those words 目を閉じるのが怖くなくなる I was no longer scared to close my eyes. 照明のスイッチを押す前 Before turning out the lights 暗闇の一歩前 Before stepping into darkness 繋いだ手のぬくもりを思い出す I remembered the warmth of her hand in mine. そんなことが That's what has been 私の毎日を支えてくれている Supporting me everyday. 551 私の日常に I want her ずっといてほしい To always be a part of my life. 恋だといいと思った I wished it could be love ずっとそばにいていい理由になるから Since that way we could be together. 同僚友だち Co-workers, friends それじゃもう足りないのに Those things aren't enough. 好きならキスしたいとかあるでしょ If you're in love, you want to kiss and that sort of thing, right? 普通 Normally. 552 その普通が That sort of normal 私にはできない Is something I can't do. この気持ちにどんな名前がつけば Whatever these feelings are called あさひさんとずっといれるんだろう I could be with Asahi-san forever.