399 ずっとそばにいたい I want to be with her always. いてほしい I want her to be with me. そんな人が私にもできた I was able to find someone I feel that way about. でもこの気持ちは And yet these feelings... 400 ふつうの「好き」にも Aren't the normal sort of "like." 「恋」にもなれない Or the normal sort of "love." 11話 「信じるもの」 Chapter 11 Belief 欠けた月とドーナッツ Crescent Moon and Doughnuts この気持ちを大切に、一歩ずつ。 Holding these feelings close to heart, taking one step at a time. 403 よく寝れなかった I didn't sleep well. 卵焼きも少し焦げちゃったし And I burnt the omelettes, too. 好きならキスしたいなとかあるでしょ If you're in love, you want to kiss and that sort of thing, right? ふつう Normally. その「ふつう」に対する 違和感 That "normally" Left me uneasy. 404 思えば ずっと感じてきたことで When I think about it It's something that I've always felt. それと同時に ずっと見ないふりをしてきたのかもしれない But at the same time I think I've always pretended not to notice. ぱくっ Munch ずるいよね It's cheating, isn't it? 友だちヅラでずっとそばにいるんだから Playing the part of her friend just so I can be with her. ごくんっ Swallow 405 あさひさんのこと風香さんのこと 私のこと About Asahi-san... Fuuka-san... Myself... もっと話してみたいな I want to talk more about all of it. どちゃ Smack カタカタカタカタタン Tak Tak Tak Takan 宇野さん 追加でこっちもお願いします Uno-san I'd like you to take care of this as well. はーい! Yes! カタタタタタンタンッ Taka Taka Tan Tan 今日…忙しい!! It's so... busy!! ひぃ ひーっ Eee Eeeee でも余計なこと考えてるヒマがなくて 逆にありがたいかも… But not having time to think too much Might actually be a good thing. カタッ Tak 406 同じネイル… The same nail polish... …よし!! ...Alright!! ぐっ Clench カタカタカタカタ Tak Tak Tak Tak カタカタカタカタカタ Tak Tak Tak Tak Tak ひな子気合入ってんね… You're sure into it today... ふう Phew すり… Slide 407 キーンコーンカーンコーン… Ding Dong Ding Dong フー Phew ひな子今日お弁当か Did you bring your lunch today, Hinako? うん! Yep! にく にくが食べたい~ Meat... I want to eat meat~ スッ Swoop ちらっ Flash ちらっ Flash 409 はーっ 今日忙しくないですか? 一瞬でお昼ですよ~ Haa Isn't it busy today? The morning flew by before I knew it. 休憩も忘れないでくださいね Please remember to take breaks. ゴクッ Swallow あさひさんと風香さんて 同級生なんですよね? So you and Fuuka-san Were in the same grade, right? 風香? ええ高校から一緒で 何かと私とすばるのこと気にかけてくれるんです Fuuka? Yes, we've been together since high school And she often looks in on Subaru and me. でも昔から人懐っこいというか強引というか 昨夜本当に大丈夫でしたか? I don't know if I'd call her friendly or overbearing, but she's always been like that. She really didn't bother you last night? 大丈夫です! それにもう少しお話してみたいです No, it was fine! Actually, I wanted to talk a bit more. 風香さんと With Fuuka-san. 410 風香にもそう伝えます I'll let her know. はいっ 結局あさひさんの学生時代の話聞けませんでしたし Thanks! I never did get to hear about your school days. それは聞かなくていい話です! That's not something you need to bother about! プイッ Turn え~っ 知りたいですどんな女の子だったか Eh~ But I want to know. What were you like as a girl? 今と大差ありません! Much the same as now! え~ Eh~ 411 …いつか 聞かせてくださいね ...I hope You'll tell me about it one day. それよりひな子さん食べないと! 午後も忙しいです Nevermind that, you need to eat! This afternoon will be busy as well. うっ そうでした あさひさんはいつも余裕があってすごいです Urgh That's right. You're always so cool and collected, Asahi-san. 私もういっぱいいっぱいです~ I can hardly handle it all~ 慣れているだけです それに I'm just used to it. Also... 私には おまじないがありますから There's this Special charm I have. 412 あ Ah 私と同じ… The same as me... そのおまじない 私も知ってるかもしれません I think I might Know what that charm is. こんな Even though 413 こんな些細なことで Even though it's such a small thing 身体が震える My body was shaking. 甘く響く It sweetly reverberated. ふつうとかふつうじゃないとか I'm quick to get hung up worrying about another's words 私はすぐ誰かの言葉で迷ってしまうけど About what's normal and what's not, but... もっと信じてもいいかもしれない Maybe I should trust it more. 今この瞬間動いてる 自分の心を What's beating inside me right now. My heart. 414 聞いてよ大将~ Listen to me, chief~ あたしの人生なんでこう上手くいかないんだろ Why won't my life ever go right? さあ? Who knows? 人生楽しいJKだからわかんなーい 占いの店でも行けば? How should I know? I'm a high school girl always having fun. Why don't you go see a psychic? ブツブツ Mumble Mumble いや今日は ひな子ちゃんに会いたいというか I was Wanting to see Hinako-chan なんというか… Or something today... ピーンッ Piiing は~いはいはい 昨日 I got it, I got it. Yesterday ひな子ちゃんと 何かあったってワケね Something happened Between you and Hinako-chan, right? 415 可愛い子だから 会いたいだけだよ? I only want to see her Because she's cute, you see. イラッ Twitch ま風香ちゃんのことだし 大体想像つくけど Well, knowing you I have a good idea what happened. ほう 言ってみ? Oh? Let's hear it. ビビッて動揺してお喋りし過ぎた とかね You were so scared and shook up that you ran your mouth and said too much. Something like that. ギクッ Eek …すばるって占い師か何か? Subaru... are you psychic? わかるよ I know these things. ずっと見てたし I was always there watching you. 416 …あんたは 気づく子だよねぇ ...You really Notice everything, don't you. ビビるし動揺もするよ あんなん見せられたら I was scared, and I was shook up too After seeing them like that. うん! Yeah! 今のたのしそーなねーちゃん アタシもいいなって思う Nee-chan looks like she's really having fun now. Seeing her even makes me a little jealous. あーっ そういうこと言うんだ!あーあ Ahh! You went and said it! Ahhh! …だって一番の友だちで この歳まで何も変わらなくいられて It's just... If after all these years Nothing has changed and I'm still her best friend ならずっとこのままでいいやって あたしは… In that case I wouldn't mind if we stayed like this forever. I... 417 あれ? 泣く? 泣いちゃう?? What's this? Are you crying? Are you about to cry? わくわく Excited 泣かん! I'm not crying! 大人としてこれ以上情けない姿は見せられない!! As an adult I can't let myself look any more pathetic!! いーじゃん Why not? 今の風香ちゃんかわいーよ You're cute like this, Fuuka-chan. すばる あんたまさかあたしのことを…!? Subaru Don't tell me you're...!? ガタッ Shock すぐ調子乗るなこの人 Don't get ahead of yourself. ねーちゃん Nee-chan あ ねーちゃん残業だって Ah Nee-chan has overtime. ひな子ちゃん来ないよ はよ帰って Hinako-chan isn't coming. Hurry up and leave. 冷たい! You're so cold! 418 今から駅で待ってたら ひな子ちゃんに会えるかもね? If you go wait at the station now You might be able to meet Hinako-chan. でた占い 待ち人来たる? There it is, the fortune teller. The one I'm waiting for will come to me? 信じるか信じないかは あなた次第 Whether or not you believe it Is up to you. ぽんっ Pat ぽんっぽんっ Pat Pat ありがと すばる Thank you Subaru. ゴミを片付けてから行くと吉 It's good luck to clean up before you go. …はい Yes... 419 ひな子ちゃん~! Hinako-chan~! 駅(北口) Station (North) こっちこっちお疲れ様! Over hear! Good work! 風香さん! お仕事は…? Fuuka-san! What about work...? 今日はオフ! まじで会えたよすごいな I'm off today! I really did meet you! Crazy! ちょっとだけ 話さない? Do you mind Talking a little? 420 …昨日はごめんね ...Sorry about yesterday. 一方的にぐちぐち嫌なこと言って I kept blabbing on saying terrible things. いえ嫌とかは全く… No, not at all... むしろ自分を見直すいい機会になりました Actually it helped me take a better look at myself. え!? Eh?? 何で!? What?? 何この子… 余計に罪悪感が増していくんだけど What's up with her... Now I'm feeling even more guilty than ever. ぐっ Gulp …風香さんに 好きならキスしたいでしょって言われて ...Hearing you say If you're in love with someone then you'd want to kiss them... ああ私 今までずっとそこに違和感があったんだって気づきました Ahh, well, I realized I've always felt uneasy about that. 421 好きの先にある触れ合いは みんな当たり前にすることかもしれないけど It may seem normal for everyone That when you like someone, touching comes next 私にとっては したいことではないのかもって But for me I'm not sure I want to. だからあさひさんとも…なんて And so the idea of... with Asahi-san... 今はとても考えられないです I can't even think about it. …そっか Oh... 友情にも恋にも 何にもなれないかもしれないけど Whether it's love or friendship Or nothing at all, I don't know, but... 422 私はあさひさんのそばにいたい それだけは確かなんです I want to be with Asahi-san. That's the only thing I'm certain of. …うん そうだよね ...Yeah I know. 422 ここまであたしが友だちでい続けたのも 同じ理由 I've continued being her friend all this time For the same reason. 友だちとして一番近くにいたのは あたしだったし Because being her friend meant I was the closest one to her. このままでいいやって I thought that was enough. …でも それも空しくてなんとなく彼女つくってなんとなくダメになって But... Then I'd blow it by getting a girlfriend, and then that wouldn't work out either. そんなのの繰り返しで ずっと今まで逃げ続けて来たんだよ I've been doing the same thing over and over Just running away this whole time. プス Stab で 奴はいつの間にかこんな可愛いことお近づきになって And then When I wasn't looking she snuggled up to this cutie. まあ! って感じ I'm just like My goodness! そっ Well-- それを言うなら私だって! Well it's the same for me too! 二人ともすごく仲良くてモヤモヤしたし ちょっと落ち込みました! Seeing you two so close, I don't know what to do! So now I feel a little better! おっ Oh! 424 だよね安心した Right? It's a relief. ぽすっぽす Fwp Fwp バチバチやる What do you say, want to go? ケンカだケンカ! Put em up! やりません No. ぱしっ Smack できれば 仲良くなりたい I'd like To be friends です If possible. あっはっはははっ Ah Ha Ha Haha! えっ Eh? ごめんごめん もちろんいいよ! Sorry, sorry! Of course that's fine with me! お友だち兼ライバルからはじめましょう! Let's be friends slash rivals! 425 …なんのライバルですか? ...What sort of rivals? そりゃ~もちろん 恋のライバルね That's easy. Love rivals, right? …恋で いいんでしょうか ...Is it Really okay to call it love? なんだよー ライバルがそう言うんだから信じなって! Oh come on! I'm your rival telling you this! Believe me! 426 恋… Love... んははっ Mhaha! 照れる~ You're blushing~ またねー See you around! 427 よかった Good. 話して言葉にして形にできた I was able to talk about my feelings and put them into words. 違和感も不安も嫉妬心も My uneasiness, my anxiety, my jealousy. 私が感じたことだから ちゃんと大事にしよう They're what I've felt And they're important. 月… The moon... 428 あさひさん まだ仕事中かな I wonder if Asahi-san is still at work. もう帰ってきたかな Or is she at home now? 会いたいな I want to see her. 話したいな I want to talk to her. その角を曲がったら いてくれないかな When I turn this corner Will she be there? あれ Oh? 429 ひな子さん? Hinako-san? え Eh えええ~!! Ehhhh!! わたわた Flap Flap そんなに驚かなくても No need to be so surprised. だって今… But I was just... いいかな 信じていいよね Is it really okay? I can believe it, right? 430 今あさひさんのこと考えてたんです I was just thinking about you. この人にだけ動く心を ...My heart which beats only for this person. 一歩ずつだ Step 話したいことがたくさんあって There's so much I want to talk about. じゃあ話しましょうか歩きながら Then let's talk as we walk. 一歩ずつ By step この心のまま進んでみよう I'll follow my heart, one step at a time.