655 止まってくれない私の気持ち My Feelings That Won't Stop 9話 離す手、繋ぐ手 Chapter 9 Letting Go and Holding On 欠けた月とドーナッツ Crescent Moon and Doughnuts 656 ねーちゃんおかえり~ Welcome back, Nee-chan~ どうだった? How'd it go? むくっ Flip ただいま I'm home. ケガは大したことないって 元気そうだった She said the injury wasn't serious. She seemed to be in good spirits. まじ? そいつはよかったよかった For real? That's just great, just great. 657 じゃ なくてぇ~ Now Not about that... 女の子んち遊びに行くなんて初めてっしょ? ねーちゃん友だちいないし Wasn't this your first time hanging out at a girl's house? It's not like you have any friends. ムムッ Grumble あるし います I do. I have one. は? Huh? あ~あいつのこと? 最近来ないから忘れてた Oh, you mean her? She hasn't been around in a while, so I forgot. そして遊びじゃなくてお見舞いだから And I wasn't hanging out, I was paying her a visit. ふ~ん じゃピザ食べって帰ってきただけか つまんな! Fmmh So you just had pizza and came home? Boring! 658 これ・・・ Look... 何? ネイル? What? Nail polish? ・・・っ ...Nh きれいでしょう? Don't they look pretty? 659 ひな子さんちに沢山あって やってみませんかって She had a lot of nail polish And asked me if I wanted to try it. 仕事が2割増で捗るからって・・・ She said I'd get through work 20% faster... それで・・・ And so... きゅ Squeeze きれいだよ They're pretty. すばるも来たら良かったのに You should have come, Subaru. いやいやいや Oh no no. 660 ぱっ Pwa ねーちゃん Nee-chan いつまでもアタシの手握ってなくていいからね You don't have to keep holding my hand forever. すばる 手握ってないとすぐどこか行くから When I don't You always wander off somewhere. 逆方向の電車乗ったり? 迷子アナウンスの常連だったもんね! You mean getting on the opposite train? I was a regular on the lost child announcements! 全く・・・ 心配した You know... I was really worried. ごめ~んて 楽しかったな~ I said I was sorry! Ah, that was fun~ 661 でももう 大丈夫だよ But you don't Need to worry anymore. すばるちゃんは賢く成長しましたので~ Subaru-chan has matured and smartened up. だからさ So ねーちゃんも行きたいとこに行ってみなよ You should go to the places you want to go, too. たぶん楽しいよ I bet it'll be fun. しーん Silent やばっ フリーズした!? Yikes! Did she crash? ・・・今日は 楽しかった I had... Fun today. 662 宇野さん Uno-san. はいっ Yes? 午後の会議の資料一緒にコピーお願いしていいですか? Can I ask you to copy this material for the afternoon meeting as well? いいですよ~何部ですか? No problem~ How many copies? 10部でお願いします Ten, please. 663 ぴとっ Touch ばっ Bwa すみません佐藤さんっ I'm sorry, Satou-san! 大丈夫ですよ It's fine. 何やってんだもう What's gotten into me? 佐藤さん 指が・・・ Satou-san Your finger... え? ああ Eh? Oh. 切れてますね I cut it. 664 ご心配なく 絆創膏を持ち歩いていますので Not to worry. I always carry bandaids with me. ピッ Fwip ・・すみません ...Sorry. ひな子さんの言う通りでした It's just like you said, Hinako-san. 665 業務が二割増で捗っています I'm getting through my workload 20% faster. ビッ Flip ほんとですか!よかった~ You are? That's great! きょろ Turn ええ そこで一つ提案のですが Yes So I have a proposal to make. きょろ Turn はい? Yes? 仕事を早めに終わらせるので Since I'll be able to get done with work early 今日も一緒にかえりませんか? Why don't we walk home together again? 666 かっ Blush うわ! っとと Uwah! Oh...Oh... ぐらっ Stagger はっ すめません足が・・・!! Ah! Sorry, your foot...! ご負担になられるようでしたら 今の話はなしに・・・ If you feel like it's too much Forget I mentioned it... しゃきっ Fwusha いいえっ! 元気です! Not at all! I'm fine! よかった That's great. 667 では 駅で待ち合わせしましょう So then Let's meet up at the station. スッ Swoosh 了解です! Understood! コピーもお願いしますね I'm counting on you for the copies. はいっ! Yes! これ以上あさひさんに近づきたいって思ってしまったら If I start trying to get any closer to Asahi-san いつか気持ち悪いって思われるかな I wonder if one day she'll feel sick of me. 離れていってしまうかな Will she end up going away? 668 今まで私がそうしてきたみたいに Just like I've done up until now. ご心配おかけしました~ Sorry for making you worry~ あっ! 今日は二人のおごりだよね? Oh yeah! You two are paying, right? 669 いやなんでよ No, why would we? ドリンク代はもとう Let's pay for the drinks. え!?いいの!? 美琴は優し~ Eh? Really?? You're so nice, Mikoto~ ちょっと Hey! でも 大したことなくてよかったね But It's a good thing it wasn't serious. ほんとだよ~ 反射神経でなんとかした! For sure! Somehow my reflexes saved me! 朝綾乃から聞いてビビったわ That morning when Ayano told me, I was shocked. あ ビビったと言えばなんだけど 佐藤さん! Ah Talking about being shocked Satou-san came by! ドキッ Throb 670 昨日急にあたしの席に来てさ 「宇野さんどうかしましたか?」って心配そうだったよ Out of no where, she came over to my desk And asked, "Did something happen to Uno-san?" She looked concerned. フーン Hmm 意外 他人に興味なさそうなのに Wow She doesn't seem very interested in other people. へ へえ~・・・ Ah Huh... でも佐藤さん 最近雰囲気?柔らかくなった気しない? But about Satou-san. Isn't there like a gentler air about her lately? そうそうもう一個ビビったんだけど! That's right, there's one more thing that shocked me! 佐藤さんが笑ったとこはじめて見たの! I saw Satou-san smile for the first time! ピクッ Twitch 671 教え方も丁寧でさ あたしちょっと好きになったかも And her explanations are polite, too. I think I've taken a bit of a liking to her. ま 仕事できる人だよね Well She is good at her work. ・・・は!? ...Huh?? 何それ最近までずっと悪く言ってたくせに What? Until now, they never had anything good to say about her. ぐぐぐ Grrrr 笑ったって・・・ She smiled... 何・・・ What... はっ Ah! 672 ひとり占めしてるみたいで It's like I want to keep her for myself. 違う No. そんなつもりで言ったんじゃ・・・ I didn't mean... あさひさんが良く思われるのは いいことでしょ Isn't it a good thing That they think well of her? 違う?本当に? Right? Is it really? ポン Pop うわ! またきたウザ! Uwah! It's another one! 例のヤツ? The guy you mentioned? えっ!?何? Eh?? What is it? 最近アプリでやりとりしてる人なんだけど そいつがウザさの極みまじでキモ There's a guy I met on this app. He's just so annoying it's creepy. びくっ Jolt こっちが全然返事しないのに 「おはよう」から「おやすみ」まで送り続けてくんの! I haven't replied at all But he's been messaging me from "good morning" to "good night"! 好きじゃないって察せよじゃない? Can't he get the hint that I'm not interested? 673 ブロックしなよ Block him. 実はちょっとおもしろい Actually it's kinda amusing. いや性格わるいな You're awful. 同じじゃん私もその男の人も We're the same, me and him. 一方的な気持ちを持て余して Both of us consumed by one-sided feelings. 好きになることはありません I won't fall in love. 気持ち悪い I feel sick. 674 怖くないのかな Doesn't that seem frightening? ん? Hm? ・・・どれだけ好きでも 相手を傷つけるかも自分も傷つくかもってこわくならないのかな ...To like someone so much But risk hurting them or being hurt. Isn't that frightening? なになに恋バナ? Is this about romance? あ まだあの失恋引きずってる? Ah Are you bringing back up that failed date? 恋・・・だけじゃないよ 友だちだって私は傷つけてばっかりで・・・ It's not just romance... I'm always hurting my friends as well... ひな子もしかして 前あたしが言ったこと気にしてる? Hinako, you aren't Bothered by what I said before, are you? そっか Oh. 675 あたしだってそうでしょ 言いたいことすぐいっちゃうから I'm the same, you know. I talk before I think 結果ひな子のこと傷つけた And in the end I hurt you. そんなこと・・・っ Don't say that... 傷つかないとか人を傷つけないとか Being hurt... Hurting others... どんな仲良くても実際はムリじゃん? No matter how well you get along, you can't avoid it. アタシもよく綾乃にキズモノにされてる Ayano is always hurting me real good, too. いや言い方 Don't say it like that! 676 ・・・色々あるけど 相手は選べるから ...A lot may happen, but in the end You're with someone because you chose them. つらくても一緒にいたい人にぶつかってくしかないんだよ Even if it's painful, all you can do is struggle on with the person you want to be with. 怖くてもね Even if it's frightening. 綾乃・・・ Ayano... あ!! Ah! 言っとくけど ひな子も一緒にいたい人の一人だからね! Let me just say You're one of the people I want to be with! えっ・・・ Eh... てれっ Blush てれっ Blush 何・・・この雰囲気 ...What is this atmosphere? 677 ・・・それでも 一緒にいたい人かあ Someone you want to be with Despite it all that... 心に響いたありがと綾乃 Your words really hit home, Ayano. Thank you. 何・・・この空気 What's going on... ちなアプリには今のとこいない You won't find something like this on an app. ふっ Heh 結局 Ultimately とりあえずブロックするところから! At any rate, I'll just block him! そこに落ちつくの!? That's what you settled on? 678 誰も傷つけずになんて 生きてはいけないのかもしれない It might be impossible To live without hurting anyone. 点検 Under Inspection エレベーター点検中 The elevator is under inspection... 階段で行きましょう Let's take the stairs. ツイてないなぁ Just my luck... ぴと Touch ぱっ Pwa 679 じゃあ 行きましょうか Well Shall we go? ええ・・・ Yes... 手 握っちゃうところだった・・・ It was When I grasped her hand... そろ~・・・ Gingerly 680 すみません いつもご迷惑おかけして・・・ I'm sorry. I'm always such a nuisance... はーはー Haa Haa 誘ったのは私ですし 迷惑なんて思いませんよ I'm the one who suggested it. I don't think you're a nuisance. ぶつかってくしかないんだよ All you can do is struggle on. きゅっ Grip それに Not only that 今日はひな子さんとのんびり歩きたい気分なんです I wanted to have a leisurely walk with you today, Hinako-san. 681 怖い・・・ I'm scared... え!! Eh?? ばっ Whoosh 私ダメなんです あさひさんに優しくされるたびに I'm no good. Every time you're nice to me, Asahi-san どんどん欲張りになってて! I just keep getting greedy for more. ・・・・・・え!? ...Eh?? 私みたいな わがままで自分勝手な人間が For someone who's Spoiled and selfish like me あさひさんの優しさにつけ込んでもっともっとって To keep taking advantage of your kindness いつかあさひさんを傷つけてしまうかもしれない I feel like eventually I'm going to hurt you. 682 ひな子さんは 悪意で私を傷つけたりしないでしょう? You wouldn't Hurt me out of malice, would you? もちろんです!! Of course not!! ね? それを知ってるので大丈夫ですよ Right? So there's nothing to worry about. そうやって悩んでしまうひな子さんだから It may be because you start worrying like that 優しくてしまうのかもしれませんね That I end up wanting to be kind to you. じわ Tear そうっ そうやってまた私を甘やかす~ You're... Spoiling me again~ はあ もう・・・ Haa Oh boy... 683 ばっ Whoosh え? Eh? そこまで言うなら! If you feel that strongly about it 私のわがままも聞いて頂けますね? Then you must be willing to listen to my own selfish request, right? 手 つないでほしいです I'd like You to hold my hand. ぎゅぎゅーっ Squee Squeeze 痛いです That hurts. ああっ すみません! Ahh! I'm sorry! ぱっ Pwa 684 うそ 平気です I lied. I'm fine. 誰かを If I 傷つけずに誰かに傷つけられずに生きていけない Can't live without hurting someone or being hurt by someone それなら In that case その誰かは I want that someone あさひさんがいい To be Asahi-san. 685 恋ならいいのに I wish it were love. これが恋ならいいのに I wish this could be love. 686 ピピピ ピンポーン di-di-di ding-dong ピピピ ピンポーン di-di-di ding-dong ピピピ ピンポーン di-di-di ding-dong ササッ Brush ピピピ ピンポー・・・ di-di-di ding-dong... うるっさい!今開けるっての! Oh shut up! I'm coming! その変なピンポンやめ! Knock off that weird ringing! 変なほうがあたしが来たってわかるでしょ? You can tell it's me from the weird ringing, right? 久しぶりすばる It's been a while, Subaru. あさひまだ帰ってない? Is Asahi home yet?