1 今日仕事始めの方が多いのではないでしょうか There are a lot of people returning to work today, aren't there? 1月6日今日の占いカウントダウン! Here's the fortune countdown for January the sixth! 7位・・・ びみょーにアガんない順位だ Seventh place... It's hard to care one way or another about seventh. 7位のあなた! 気になる人に食事に誘われるかも!? For those in seventh! Someone you're interested in just might invite you to eat!? はあ Haa タタンタタンタタンタタン Clack Clack Clack Clack はあ Haa 2 おはようございまーす Good morning! あけましておめでとうございます Happy New Year! ハワイ!?まじ Hawaii!? Really? 仕事だる I don't wanna work. は Hah あ Ah あけましておめでとうございます 宇野さん Happy New Year Uno-san. 佐藤さんっ おはようございま Satou-san! Good morn-- あ お おめでとうございますっ Ah Uh Happy New Year! おめでとうございます Thank you. ぺこっ Bow 3 今年もよろしくお願いします Let's have another good year. はい・・・ Yes... よろしくお願いします Let's have a good year. ところでご相談なのですが By the way, there's something I'd like to ask you. はい! Yes? よろしければ今夜 ウチで夕飯でもいかがでしょう If you it's alright with you How would you like to come over for dinner tonight? 占い!! My fortune!! ご近所の田中さんに頂いた餅が減らなくて・・・ 無理にとは言いませんが Our neighbor Tanaka-san gave us more mochi than I know what to do with... But if you can't make it... ばっ Whoosh 行きます!! I'll be there!! それは助かります That's a big help. こちらこそ!! The pleasure's mine!! あたった~!! It was right~!!