It's the Pieces of Feelings By Fujisawa Makoto From "Pieces of Secrets" Translation by Multiball [1/30 (07.png)] それは想いのカケラ It's the Pieces of Feelings [2/30 (08.png)] 秘密のカケラ Pieces of Secrets [3/30 (09.png)] ー…相手に ...When you tell someone 胸の内をを伝える方法は What's in your heart 直接伝えたり贈り物をしたり You can say it directly, or give a gift それぞれにあった方法がある Or use another of the sundry methods there are. そして私たちにとってもっとも有効な方法… But for us, there's a particularly effective method... [4/30 (10.png)] ユキ! Yuki! それは That being (upside-down letter text) よるより From Yoru 想いをのせた「手紙」 A Letter, brimming with feelings. (sfx) スッ foist 読んで! Read it! [5/30 (11.png)] あ… Ah... (sfx) スッ shp (sfx) じー… gaze (sfx) あーっ Aaaaaaaaaaah え?ちょっ… Huh? Wai— (sfx) プル プル tremble tremble なんで…? Why...? (sfx) もっ もっ nom nom いつも読む前に食べちゃうの? バカあ! Do you always eat before reading? BUTTHEAD! あまい… Sweet... (sfx) ぺろっ slurp [6/30 (12.png)] あと少しすっぱい ハチミツレモン系?ごちそうさま A little sour, too. Honey and lemon? Good eats. あー もう… Good grief... ねぇ さっきのなんて書いてあったの? Hey, what did you write in there? ねぇ よるってば! Hey, Yoru! (sfx) プル プル tremble tremble つ… ... だから!ちゃんと食べる前に読みなさいよ! Come on! Just read it before you chow down! (flt) うわあああんっ Waaaaaaaaaah でもおいしかったよ? But it tasted good. [7/30 (13.png)] (sfx) ビクッ twitch よるだって知ってるでしょ? You should know, Yoru. 私たしにとって… That for us... 想いのこもった手紙はとてもおいしいって Letters packed with feelings are really tasty. (sfx) ぺろっ slurp (sfx) ずっ… freeze そう… 言うけど… 知らないよ… That's... What they say, but... I wouldn't know... 私そういう風に食べたいって思ったことないもん… There's never been anything I felt like I wanted to eat like that... [8/30 (14.png)] だいたい読む前に食べないよ… Nothing I'd eat before reading, anyway...! (sfx) ポロ ポロ ポロ drip drop drip だって But Yoru 我慢できまいぐらいによるの手紙はおいしそうなんだもの Your letters seem so tasty that I just can't help myself. (sfx) ずいっ shoop それはね 手紙に残った想いのかけらがおいしいから And you know, that's because of how tasty the pieces of feelings left in the letters are. (sfx) ぺろ slurp ひゃっ! Hya! [9/30 (15.png)] ねぇ なんて書いたの? So... Whadja write? ね? よる教えて? How 'bout it? Will you tell me, Yoru? (sfx) ニコ beam 言わない… I won't say it... (sfx) ぎっ grit あともう読まないし手紙なんか書かないんだから! And if you're not gonna read my letters, I'm not gonna write 'em anymore! (sfx) ぐいーっ shove えー… Awwwwwwww... [10/30 (16.png)] ユキのバカあっ! Yuki, you butthead! (sfx) ダンッ stomp ひどいよ いつもいつも読む前にたべちゃうなんて So cruel... Eating them before reading them, every single time... (sfx) ぽた plip plop 見てくれもしないなんて… Not even sparing them a glance... (sfx) はっ はあっ pant pant (sfx) ぐん hic [11/30 (17.png)] よーるー ♫Yoooooruuuuu♫ (sfx) ぶすっ。。。 pout 今日は手紙ないのー? Is there no letter today? (sfx) ガサッ rustle ないよ! Nope! (sfx) フンッ hmph えー 今日は何あじか楽しみだったのにー Awwww... And I was looking forward to finding out what flavor it'd be today... ないったらないの! "Nope" means there isn't any! (sfx) ガサッ rustle ユキ…さん Yuki...san. はーい? Yes? あの… 受け取ってください… Um... Please accept this... [12/30 (18.png)] ー…あ 手紙だ… Oh... It's a letter... (sfx) トンッ tap ユキは手紙は読まないでたべちゃうのに… Even though Yuki eats letters without reading them... (sfx) すん すん snff snff 返事は必要? Do you need a reply? (sfx) がさっ rustle いえ… 読んでもらえるので… それで… 解ります… No... If you'll read it... Then... You'll understand... そう Okay. ありがとう Thanks. [13/30 (19.png)] …え?なんで? ...What? Why? それでは 私は これで… Now then... If you'll excuse me... ええ Of course. それ… 読むの? You're... reading it? そりゃ読むよ? Yeah, I'm reading it. 手紙は読むものでしょ? That's what you do with letters, right? [14/30 (20.png)] 私が書いても読まないで食べちゃうのに… But she always eats /my/ letters without reading them... 読んですらくれない… She doesn't even read them... よる? Yoru? なんで… Why...? (sfx) ぎゅううっ clench 想いが…こもっていればおいしそうなんでしょ? If it's packed with feelings... Doesn't it seem tasty? [15/30 (21.png)] うん そうね Uh-huh. It does. じゃぁなんで?それにだってこもっているんでしょ? So why? That one is packed with them, isn't it? そうね… とても… I guess so... A lot of 'em... (letter) ゆきさんへ To Yuki-san でもこれだとおいしそう通り越して胸焼けしそうで食べられない But this goes right past seeming tasty— more like it would give me heartburn. I can't eat this. (sfx) ポロ ポロ drip drop 何… それ… 解らない… 解らないよ… What... That's... I don't get it... I just don't get it... そうね よるは知らないもんしょうがない That's right. There's nothing for it if you don't know any better. [16/30 (22.png)] (sfx) ちゅっ smack ねぇよる明日まで待っててよ Hey, Yoru, wait until tomorrow. 明日になったらよるのなんで?が全部わかるはずだから…ね? When tomorrow comes, all your "why"s ought to make sense. Okay? え? Huh? [17/30 (23.png)] 私たちにとって想いのこもった手紙は They say that for us, letters packed with feelings すごく貴重でおいしい物だって言う Are extremely precious and tasty things. そう聞いたことがあっても私はそうだとおもったことがない And even though I've heard so, I've never once actually thought so. (letter) ユキへ Dear Yuki でもユキは私が書いた手紙をおいしいと食べてしまう But Yuki always devours the letters I write with such relish. (sfx) あー Aaaaaaah (letter) よる Yoru 想いをこめた手紙は I've packed many a letter with feelings (letter) ユキへ To Yuki (letter) よるより From Yoru 書いても書いても届かない But for all I write, they don't get delivered. [18/30 (24.png)] 便箋に何か秘密があるの? Is the secret in this stationary or something? (sfx) ビッ rip (sfx) もぐ もぐ もぐ もぐ munch munch munch munch いや 普通だ… No, it's ordinary... 明日…なんでか本当にわかるのかなぁ…? Tomorrow... Will I truly understand why...? [19/30 (25.png)] よる! Yoru! はい! 昨日いってたの Here! This is what I was talking about yesterday. あ… うん… Oh... Okay... ー…なんだ… ...So what... 別になんとも思わない… I don't think this is so special... (sfx) そろ reach ありがとう… Thanks... [20/30 (26.png)] うん Sure thing. (sfx) にこ grin (sfx) トンッ tap え? Huh? (sfx) びくっ twitch [21/30 (27.png)] (sfx) たぽっ dribble え? Huh? (sfx) パシッ shut なんだかすごくおいしそう? Does it seem extremely tasty for some reason? (sfx) コク コクッ nod nod ー…なんで? ...Why? (flt) はっ pant それは私がよるのために想いをこめて書いたから… That's because I packed it full of feelings while I wrote it for you... [22/30 (28.png)] だからただの手紙のはずなのにおいしそうだし不思議と我慢もできない So even though it ought to be just some letter, it seems tasty, and there's a mysterious reason you can't help yourself. (sfx) はっ pant (sfx) スッ shp 食べたい? You wanna eat it? (sfx) はぁ pant 食べ…たい…っ I wanna... eat it... じゃぁ Alrighty, then... (sfx) ちゅ smack [23/30 (29.png)] どうぞ召し上がれ Help yourself. あー Aaaaaah (sfx) スッ shp おいしい? Is it tasty? うん… Yeah... すごく… Incredibly... [24/30 (30.png)] よかった じゃぁ 想いの方向が一緒って証拠ね Great. Then that's proof our feelings are going the same direction. (sfx) スタ スタ step step 想いの…方向? The same... direction? そう 想いの方向 Uh-huh. The same direction. 一方的だと重くて胸焼けしそうでおいしそうじゃない If the feelings are one-way, then it seems heavy, like it'll give you heartburn, not tasty. だから食べない 食べられない So I don't eat those. I can't. [25/30 (31.png)] 味は手紙に残った想いのカケラ向き合ってるととてもおいしい If the pieces of feelings left in the letter go both ways, then it's really tasty. (sfx) ドキン b-dmp なんて書いてあったの? What did you write? それは よるが私にいつもくれる手紙と一緒! The same thing that's in the letters you always give to me! [26/30 (32.png)] ねぇよる いつもなんて書いてたの? So Yoru, what are you always writing? いつもいつでもおいしい手紙の中身はなぁに? What's in those letters that always and whenever taste so good ? 言わない… I won't say it... でも… But... (sfx) ぎゅっ clasp [27/30 (33.png)] 明日からまた…書く… I'll write more... Starting tomorrow... 私も書くよ I'll be writing, too! ユキは手紙を読まずに食べてしまう Yuki eats letters without reading them. (letter) よる 大好き I love you, Yoru. (letter) ユキより From Yuki [28/30 (34.png)] できた… Finished... それはなんでか私にもやっとわかった And I, too, understand at last. (letter)ユキのことが I am in love (letter) 大好きです。 with you, Yuki. (letter) よるより From Yoru 我慢できないぐらいその手紙がおいしいのは私とユキの想いが向き合っている証拠 The fact our letters are so tasty we can't help ourselves is proof that our feelings go both ways. (sfx) ふふ heh heh (letter) ユキへ To Yuki それは紙に残った想いのカケラ It's the pieces of feelings left on the paper. (sfx) ちゅ smack 早く明日になぁれ I can't wait for tomorrow! [29/30 (omake_1.jpg)] それは想いのカケラおまけマンガ It's the Pieces of Feelings bonus manga あーまた! Not again! ユキまた読まないでたべちゃったのー?もーなんでー? You ate my letter without reading it again? Why, for crying out loud? (sfx) もぐ もぐ munch munch ごちそうさまー 今日もおいしいよー Thanks for the snack! Tasty today as always. ユキっ! Yuki!! あーそうだ! よるー Oh, yeah! Yoru! これあげる You can have this. (sfx) ポス paff え? ありがとう… Huh? Thanks... コレ…リボン?なんで? It's... a ribbon? Why? かわいいと思って I thought it'd be cute. おそろい! And it matches! (sfx) じゃん ba-da-bing あ! Oh! [30/30 (omake_2.jpg)] はい! There you go! (sfx) きゅっ cinch ありがとう Thanks. いつもおいしい手紙のお礼です! My thanks for all the tasty letters! 読んでからいってよ… Say it once you've read one... (flt) きっぱり Not happening. 我慢できないから無理ー I can't help myself. There's just no way. ユキ! Yuki! おそろいのリボン渡したのはかわいいからと思ったのも本当 It's true that I gave her a matching ribbon because I thought it'd be cute あとは But also 「よるはわたしのだからダメよ」って印 It's a signal: "Yoru's mine, so hands off." 大事にしてくれたらうれしいなー I'd sure be tickled if you took good care of it... するよー.するにきまってるでしょー. I will. Of course I will! うん Yup! (sfx) ささっ shff そんなずるい私の気持ちも全部のなんで?がもう少し先の話 It'll still be a while before we get to all the "why"s of how tricky I can be. おわり It's over