General suggestions: - When the pages have a lot of jpeg artifacts like this, I would strongly recommend running each page through waifu2x (I personally use, but there are many options) with "Noise reduction" set to medium, and Scale set to none. - So from I can tell, you're using CC Wild Words with -25 leading and kerning set to metrics. I'd personally recommend keeping the leading at 0, and switching the kerning to optical. - There are a lot of script changes made in this chapter. In this case, Boke seems happy with it so there's no issue, but in the future I'd recommend running it by the translator beforehand, or at least mentioning the changes you made when you share the edited pages. p122 panel 2 "No,that's pretty Interesting..." Need a space after "No,". Remove crossbar I from "Interesting...". p123 panel 2 "Th-that makes sense..." Hyphen to em dash (easiest way to do this is just to change the hyphen to 200% width), space after em dash panel 3 "ERK" Original SFX not cleaned. This redraw looks a bit tricky at a glance, so I totally understand not cleaning it. That said, I would recommend instead moving the ERK to the right of the original, shrinking it a bit, and placing the letters vertically. panel 4 "Uh... Experience with women... No, I don't..." Different dialogue font used in the original. Meant to convey a nervous or shaky inflection. Worth finding something that achieves a similar effect. panel 5 "Ah, perfect timing, saki-san" missing punctuation p124 panel 6 "Miya-chan" missing punctuation p125 panel 2 "Ah... Mmm. Thanks." Different JP font. Softer spoken since she's waking up. Probably best to pick a similar, but thinner font. panel 3 "it / was like / a montage / of past / events." -> "it was / like a / montage / of past / events." slight lining change. panel 4 "Ah... / brings / me back / ..." -> "Ah... / brings / me / back..." While this isn't ideal, it's generally bad form to put punctuation on its own line. p126 panel 3 "Ah! Right! I'm ok! I think..." Same nervous font from a few pages ago. panel 6 "Well... yeah..." No need for the gap line between words here. panel 7 "So just / play it by / ear. I think the / [...]" -> "So just / play it by ear. / I think the / [...]" slight lining change. p127 panel 2 "We don't just satisfy their physical needs." Move up slightly panel 4 "if you can satisfy their souls, sometimes they don't need to come." On the previous page, it's written as "cum", as opposed to "come" here. I think it's best to standardize this one way or the other. panel 6 "We find what they are yearning for." They are -> They're (unless intentional) "That keeps complains down," complains -> complaints (typo) p128 panel 1 "By the way," move down. panel 5 "Hello." make slightly larger. panel 6 "BAM" Same as before, I'd recommend just moving this on over a bit, above the right side of her head. p130 panel 2 "Well, I've done them before but today's is..." Maybe add a comma after "before"? panel 4 "She's married / but their / marrage is / rocky." -> She's married, but their / marriage / is rocky." "marriage" typo, move "is" down to the line below. p131 panel 3 "Hey, Miya-chan" move left a bit panel 4 "We're here. Room 503." move left slightly "Ah, gotcha." Move down and left slightly p132 panel 1 "wait, sorry," move down slightly panel 4 "was / that her / first or / last name?" -> "was that / her first / or last / name?" p133 panel 1 "nice / to meet you. / Miya-san." -> "nice to / meet you, / Miya-san." period to comma, move "to" up. panel 2 "it's been a while, Kanade." make larger to reflect original p134 panel 1 "DOKI" - I'm not in love with the translation here. I think doki doesn't fit especially well in serious scenarios. I'd lean towards THUMP or something of that nature. Additionally, I think it's best not to overlap the original SFX as mentioned before. My personal preference would be to write THUMP slightly smaller, maybe compress it a bit horizontally, and place it below the crossbar of the ド to the left of her head. panel 3 "We / can still / change / you / out, / ok?" -> "We / can still / change / you out / ok?" p135 panel 2 "Miya- / chan / ..." -> "Miya- / chan..." panel 4 "Can I kiss you?" Move left a bit, make it maybe 1-2 px larger. p136 panel 1 "CLENCH" This one is a bit harder to position, maybe to the right of the ッ, placed diagonally? panel 2 "You can kiss me." up and left slightly panel 4 "but..." maybe 1px larger? p137 "Thank / you / very / much..." -> "Thank / you very / much...." Also looks like you've got a phantom space after 'you'. p138 "Miya-san / ..." -> "Miya- / san..." "Wh- why this kind of work...?" hyphen to em dash p139 panel 1 "My / first / love was / a woman..." -> "My first / love was / a woman..." panel 2 "But I / think / that's / over as of / today." -> "But I / think that's / over as of / today." p142 panel 5 "No, that's ok." Needs white stroke to match the original. p143 panel 2 " "Miya"? / What / the / hell?" -> " "Miya"? / What the / hell?" panel 4 "And / you / want / ahead and / started / using / it?" -> "And / you went / ahead and / started / using / it?" p144 panel 1 "I might have been chasing her shadow". This line doesn't match the one she heard previously, "Probably was always chasing her shadow." This isn't a bad thing by itself, but I think it's worth mentioning. I also think adding quotation marks to this line would help give some clarity that she's thinking back on what Kanade/Miya said. panel 2 "Me too." make a bit larger.