Hello~ Thanks for editing and good job! but have some qc: general: >>DUST = needs improvement bubbles must be VERY CLEAN ; leave no dust reclean all the pages; remove all the unnecessary specks >>LEVELING - needs improvement check every page and adjust your leveling in some pages; some pages are underleveled while some are overleveled >>EDGES cleaning - needs improvement http://puu.sh/m3j8a/ef21e620a4.png > make sure to crop/clean the edges correctly to avoid having some black marks e.g. check the bottom left edge http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/comprehensive_tovarisch_ch01#9 and upper right edge http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/comprehensive_tovarisch_ch01#17 page 3 panels 1 and 2 >>use a different font the page is a bit dusty because your white is underleveled http://puu.sh/m3jak/e724bdaedc.png page 5 white underleveled page 7 >. white overleveled page 8 "Like I even..." and "I'm going to..." "That's enough" >>increase the font size "Like I even..." and "That's enough" -lower them a bit (centering) page 9 >>white overleveled page 10 sfx:lift >>redraw, you didn't fix the window page 11 "Show me..." >>increase the font size >>white - a bit overleveled credits: stroke the names?