Hakuchou by UKOZ 2 時間制限なし There will be no time limit. 白装束は制服そのものが星となりー Your uniform itself will function as your "star". その範囲内の攻撃判定によって星の奪取が決まります When it registers a valid strike, it will automatically signal your disqualification from the contest. お二人はよくご存じでしょうけれど今一度改めて説明しておきましょう I'm sure you're well versed in it by this point, but I'll run through it one final time. 勝者には同学園における全ての権利が与えられます The winners will assume full rights and control over this academy. また敗者は全ての星を失いますが The losers will forfeit all their stars and-- 前置きはもう結構だ That's enough talk. 3 この期に及んでまだ猫かぶってるつもりか This late in the day and still putting on your phony airs, ひつぎ Hitsugi? それとも Or maybe... あたし程度なら you think with an opponent of my level, お人形みたいに上品ぶった態度でも軽くあしらえるってのか you can just go through the motions and strut your way through this? いいかげん本性現しやがれ How about you show your real face already? ふ Heh... ふふっ Heh heh. 4 ふふふっ Eh heh heh... あっはっは Ah ha ha! 言うようになったじゃないか Finally came out and said it, didn't you! 玲 /Akira/. うちの裏の崖は上れるようになったかい Think you're ready to scale that cliff behind the house yet? 神門のお嬢ちゃん Little Mikado girl. ぐっ grip ついてきたやつ他にいないよ Nobody else ever followed me up here! 5 今更呼べっかよ 先輩なんて What, I'm supposed to start calling her "senpai" /now/? そうだったんだ...神門さんはー I see... so it was Mikado-san she was talking about. 外で遊ぼうよ ね、行こう C'mon, let's go play outside! う、うん あの S... sure, um... ああ、 Ah, ひつぎでいいよ just call me Hitsugi! 6 男系の神門家に生まれたあたし、 Me, born into a patriarchal family. 女系の天地家に生まれたお前。 You, born into a matriarchal one. いっそ天地の娘ほどの出来ならば認めようもあるものを "If she were more like the Tenchi daughter, maybe they might recognize her." そうした視線をどれだけ受けてきたか How many times did I read that in their glances? お前には分かるまい。 But you don't know anything about that. ここで何が手に入る? What am I hoping to gain here? 7 神門を手に入れられるのか? Can I take the Mikado family for myself? 否 No. 男になれるでも? Can I change myself to a man? 否 No. 紗枝を、救ってやれるのか? Can I save Sae? 否 ...No. それでも But, even so. 今更何も要るものか! Like I even want to! お前に勝つ! I'm going to beat you. それで十分だ That's enough. 8 さあいっらっしゃい Then come right ahead, 神門さん Mikado-san. いい名前だね You've got a pretty cool name, don't you? 9 「玲」ってキラキラしてるって "Akira." That's a name that means... 意味だよね "shining." 生を受けろと同時に与えられた光 A light that shined forth into the world from the moment she was born. す lift 続きまして、新入生代表宣誓 Moving on, now, to the oath from the incoming student representative. 新入生総代 Acting as representative, 神門 玲 Mikado Akira. 10 随分と長く待たせてくれたものだけれどー You've made me wait long enough for it, but... あなたの輝き見せて貰うわ Show me how you shine. 11 nope